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Pigs 101 (A Start)


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fmd, that is due in the coming months according to my paper work, just had sfv in last few weeks......... just because im noseyyyyyyy how much does a dose per pig cost? i dont have a clue on running costs..........

Sorry for taking a while to get back to you TF. Was flat out the last few days supervising excavation of new dam and building pad for new barn next year. Then on the plane back to Australia. I am not sure of the price per pig. I just got the closest thing to a vet near me to go and purchase the vaccine and a few other medications in Udon and inoculate the herd while I was away. All up she charged me 2500 baht and that included her time. We had sold a lot of our herd down in the last month so only had to do about 40 pigs to do. Mainly piglets and sows. So not an expensive exercise given it included her time and we restocked on Amoxy and Pendrest as well.

Good luck mate. I will be back permanently late December so hope to be able to pop over to Ban Dung and catch up with you... maybe bring some Christmas cheer with me.... 555


can not moan about that then (vaccine cost) skilled person to do the work too....... its always the dose amount- time elapsed between vaccines that i have been told is the tricky one with pregnant sows. it has to be at least 45 day between vaccines for the farm, 60 days is better in my mind. the guy that handles this always checks before he sends the boys out to do the work now because i have made them go away before, came to soon before.

good luck back home then, only a short time then you are back. can always do with some Christmas cheer, xmas shopping end of the month for the children..............

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right my feed prices,

No 1) 555bht a bag,

No 2) 463bht a bag

No 3) 405bht a bag

No 4) 386bht a bag

No 5) 364bht a bag

i can get piglets at 800bht to a 1000bht, but i have a new supplier and they are 1400bht deliverd and are a little better quality and it save me driving to collect,

so piglet at 1400

+feed at 2923

is 4323 pig 90 kilo of meat 11,950bht, less piglet and feed at 4323,

is 6927bht + a little bit for the insides of the pig, also my wife has started doing a little bit of pork in a banana leaf at 10bht and this is working out at 200bht a kilo,

so there you are,

7000bht profit,, per pig !

Can I ask what pig feed your using? From the mill?

Sent from my Lenovo P780 using Tapatalk

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right my feed prices,

No 1) 555bht a bag,

No 2) 463bht a bag

No 3) 405bht a bag

No 4) 386bht a bag

No 5) 364bht a bag

i can get piglets at 800bht to a 1000bht, but i have a new supplier and they are 1400bht deliverd and are a little better quality and it save me driving to collect,

so piglet at 1400

+feed at 2923

is 4323 pig 90 kilo of meat 11,950bht, less piglet and feed at 4323,

is 6927bht + a little bit for the insides of the pig, also my wife has started doing a little bit of pork in a banana leaf at 10bht and this is working out at 200bht a kilo,

so there you are,

7000bht profit,, per pig !

Where are you located?

Sent from my Lenovo P780 using Tapatalk

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for sure its not easy to make money (what is?) in pigs...... contacts and time frames are very important....

Robert how are you doing with those piglets that you bought from cp? how long do you it will take to get them to the magic 100kg?

was speaking with a guy that has his first lot of piglets into his contract finishing farm the other day.....(some of the wifes piglets are in their.....) he was not that happy, lost too many due to sickness bad legs or just poor growth, the pigs are all about 60 ish kg now and he said they are all good, does not expect any more problems now, but he has already lost 6 ish percent of his start of 700...... not good me thinks, from what I can gather from people a "good" farm will run at under 3 percent loss, that's 700 starting at 5 ish kg. sounds like hard work to me. said man expects to have pigs ready to go at 110 day mark, pigs were 19 days old into his farm, that make 129 day total. he thinks it will take a couple of cycles to get things running right, before he ran a gilt farm but he said the money was not very good.

So the piglets I bought should take 4 months to grow to 100kg, standard program. The aim is really after 4 months to sell them, I can tell you then what average weight they are. As said I can sell them to CP at the published CP price at the time of Sale or can also keep them and use them for my shop, I will decide that later. However if I sell to CP, I will have to sell them after 4 months. CP doesn't want the pigs to grow much above 100kg because they say their species will gain too much fat after 100kg. So I can sell all to CP, part of them to CP or none, up to me. The minimum you need to have for CP is 50.

So far only 2 piglets died, so hopefully that was it. I bought the piglets from a farm in RoiEt that contracts with CP and has their species. This farm has quite a good reputation, we spoke to a number of farmers who regularly buy from them and so far only had good experience. So far so good, I can tell you more once I finish this batch.

I lost a lot piglets in my last batch, not 100% sure why but here are some of the mistakes I think we made:

1) no proper due dilligence on farm we bought the piglets from. I think this is very important, understand what kind of farm it is, what vaccine program they use, what experiences other buyers had from them, how long have they been operating etc..

2) hygiene: our own hygiene standards weren't good enough. Some examples: No cleaning of boots before entering the farm, no limitations of who can enter the farm (we allowed visitors before), sometimes we even had chicken in our pig farm.

so steep learning curve for us...

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for sure its not easy to make money (what is?) in pigs...... contacts and time frames are very important....

Robert how are you doing with those piglets that you bought from cp? how long do you it will take to get them to the magic 100kg?

was speaking with a guy that has his first lot of piglets into his contract finishing farm the other day.....(some of the wifes piglets are in their.....) he was not that happy, lost too many due to sickness bad legs or just poor growth, the pigs are all about 60 ish kg now and he said they are all good, does not expect any more problems now, but he has already lost 6 ish percent of his start of 700...... not good me thinks, from what I can gather from people a "good" farm will run at under 3 percent loss, that's 700 starting at 5 ish kg. sounds like hard work to me. said man expects to have pigs ready to go at 110 day mark, pigs were 19 days old into his farm, that make 129 day total. he thinks it will take a couple of cycles to get things running right, before he ran a gilt farm but he said the money was not very good.

So the piglets I bought should take 4 months to grow to 100kg, standard program. The aim is really after 4 months to sell them, I can tell you then what average weight they are. As said I can sell them to CP at the published CP price at the time of Sale or can also keep them and use them for my shop, I will decide that later. However if I sell to CP, I will have to sell them after 4 months. CP doesn't want the pigs to grow much above 100kg because they say their species will gain too much fat after 100kg. So I can sell all to CP, part of them to CP or none, up to me. The minimum you need to have for CP is 50.

So far only 2 piglets died, so hopefully that was it. I bought the piglets from a farm in RoiEt that contracts with CP and has their species. This farm has quite a good reputation, we spoke to a number of farmers who regularly buy from them and so far only had good experience. So far so good, I can tell you more once I finish this batch.

I lost a lot piglets in my last batch, not 100% sure why but here are some of the mistakes I think we made:

1) no proper due dilligence on farm we bought the piglets from. I think this is very important, understand what kind of farm it is, what vaccine program they use, what experiences other buyers had from them, how long have they been operating etc..

2) hygiene: our own hygiene standards weren't good enough. Some examples: No cleaning of boots before entering the farm, no limitations of who can enter the farm (we allowed visitors before), sometimes we even had chicken in our pig farm.

so steep learning curve for us...

said before, sounds like a good business model from CP.

I think the starting weight 8kg plus is a very good place to start from with the piglets, I bet that with time if you start at this average weight (piglet) you will be able to bring the days down from 120 to 100kg.

with regard to people visiting farm uninvited, I even get funny with people coming through the front gate of the land...........

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2) hygiene: our own hygiene standards weren't good enough. Some examples: No cleaning of boots before entering the farm, no limitations of who can enter the farm (we allowed visitors before), sometimes we even had chicken in our pig farm.

Or to breed and rise pig who are more resistent against dirty boots.

Where is this Farm in Roi Et? And i am surprised there selling the piglet with 8 kg. Because the bigger Farm's selling then normaly (or not) with 16 kg and 2000 Bath and more.

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2) hygiene: our own hygiene standards weren't good enough. Some examples: No cleaning of boots before entering the farm, no limitations of who can enter the farm (we allowed visitors before), sometimes we even had chicken in our pig farm.

Or to breed and rise pig who are more resistent against dirty boots.

Where is this Farm in Roi Et? And i am surprised there selling the piglet with 8 kg. Because the bigger Farm's selling then normaly (or not) with 16 kg and 2000 Bath and more.

Suwannaphum district. Can give more details if interested.

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Suwannaphum district. Can give more details if interested.

Yes, i am interested on more details. Suwannaphum is not so far from At Samat. And it's also good to see how another people farming.

Or there have a facebooksite? On Facebook so many pigfarm, but many far a away.

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Question for those butchering and selling your pig from a stand at market or knows someone who does? do you sell the head cook it , how is it used and what is it worth.

The reason I ask I got a note from family that they had to pay 15. dollar us for hog head in supermarket., ears, tomgue included. They make

hog head cheese so buy 2 or 3 at a time and make enough to give to friends, freeze some. etc.

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IPiglets are ready to kill in 4 till 5 months and costs are down with 35%. Local farmers start to ask were they can buy the food, lol

What you do by yourself, you do better !

have fun with your pigs.


One time i called a company in Bangkok to ask for the price of Porkmeal, 55% Protein. There told me 17 bath/kg if i buy a truck witch 15 to.

But this is a little to mutch for me. When i buy bag by bag i make only the trader richer. For me it's more importend who will buy after the pig. And if the feedtraider buy after the pig i will be happy.

And if i like to kill a pig and sell on the market i can do this also. But the Mainpressure is gone.

pigeonjake said befor:

we rang the buyers and they were saying they have a waiting list to many pigs, the price will be low ect ect,

But how to get 7000 Bath Profit from a pig if you buy the piglet? The feed is so cheap from the feedmill? Because when you sell the pork for 125 Bath and you let a lot of pork on the bone there is not so mutch profit to get 7000 Bath?

This is what i asking me: From where are this 7000 bath Profit coming?

- piglet

- feed

- selling on the market

To answer you, I breed my own piglets, grown them and then I sell or kill them myself to sell the meat.

I buy my material in several mills in the neighbor here and check continue the market prices.


re total profit per pig: let me give you a brief calculations how profits can look like:

Say you sell the pig meat yourself and get 8500 baht revenue from that. Costs to deduct are: 300 baht to kill the pig, say 3700 baht pig food (baby pig to 100kg), 1250 baht for other items (vaccine, utilities, salaries, transport costs, sperm, food for mom pig, maintenance cost of your farm etc).

so that probably gives you a net income of roughly 3250. But you can easily end up with higher costs than that depending on circumstances, size of your farm etc. Just saying these are more realistic numbers of what you can achieve.

Strange that you can calculate my costs while you don't know me or my farm.

If you kill the pig by yourself you have already a saving.

My feedcost is not the 3700 you say but only 2577 bath/piglet

other costs 750 bath

food mother = average 30 bath/day

meat be sold at 135 bath/kg

not the size of your farm do it, but the size of the litter.

Everyone must make is own calculation, and when you are happy with it, it's fine. Every farm is different !


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Question for those butchering and selling your pig from a stand at market or knows someone who does? do you sell the head cook it , how is it used and what is it worth.

The reason I ask I got a note from family that they had to pay 15. dollar us for hog head in supermarket., ears, tomgue included. They make

hog head cheese so buy 2 or 3 at a time and make enough to give to friends, freeze some. etc.

I see pig heads made as offering to budda along with fruit, etc. The latter is usually eaten by family or someone after a couple hours, but what about the head, do they eat /use it? Do you sell, prepare it etc?

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Question for those butchering and selling your pig from a stand at market or knows someone who does? do you sell the head cook it , how is it used and what is it worth.

The reason I ask I got a note from family that they had to pay 15. dollar us for hog head in supermarket., ears, tomgue included. They make

hog head cheese so buy 2 or 3 at a time and make enough to give to friends, freeze some. etc.

I see pig heads made as offering to budda along with fruit, etc. The latter is usually eaten by family or someone after a couple hours, but what about the head, do they eat /use it? Do you sell, prepare it etc?

when the wife has a pig for slaughter she usually gives the head as a "bonus" to some luck person, say the owner of the vehicle that picked said animal up from the farm to take a kill. people love to get the head for free............. makes me laugh. yes it would be eaten, maybe steamed.....

at one of the very early morning markets in udon thani I see stalls that only sell the head, cleaned and "dressed" if this is the term,no idea of the cost though......

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Question for those butchering and selling your pig from a stand at market or knows someone who does? do you sell the head cook it , how is it used and what is it worth.

The reason I ask I got a note from family that they had to pay 15. dollar us for hog head in supermarket., ears, tomgue included. They make

hog head cheese so buy 2 or 3 at a time and make enough to give to friends, freeze some. etc.

I see pig heads made as offering to budda along with fruit, etc. The latter is usually eaten by family or someone after a couple hours, but what about the head, do they eat /use it? Do you sell, prepare it etc?

when the wife has a pig for slaughter she usually gives the head as a "bonus" to some luck person, say the owner of the vehicle that picked said animal up from the farm to take a kill. people love to get the head for free............. makes me laugh. yes it would be eaten, maybe steamed.....

at one of the very early morning markets in udon thani I see stalls that only sell the head, cleaned and "dressed" if this is the term,no idea of the cost though......

The pig head cost about 60 Bath /kg. And i count about 5 kg. Its depense how the butcher cut the head from the body.

if i get somethink for 300 Bath, sure i will be also happy. But i asking after: Where is the profit when i give the thinks free away?

I would give only thinks free away who i cant sell. If i can sell the pighead , sure i will not give it free away

Hello CPPFarm:

How you feed your sow to get a average from 30 Bath/day?

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14 dogs works wonders on keeping unwanted visitors out.

that's a lot of dogs......... we are short on dogs at the mo at the farm, we breed bengale (spelling) dogs usually keep 4 or 5 at the farm but after awhile they tend to go about killing chicken and ducks......... so now only keep a couple here in the dog kennels -runs. want to get some village dogs from puppies to live here. the other house has good few bengale dogs running about the land, have been breeding them for longer then we have the pigs. 3 mums "in dog" at the mo. can earn ok money from this little side line.

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Question for those butchering and selling your pig from a stand at market or knows someone who does? do you sell the head cook it , how is it used and what is it worth.

The reason I ask I got a note from family that they had to pay 15. dollar us for hog head in supermarket., ears, tomgue included. They make

hog head cheese so buy 2 or 3 at a time and make enough to give to friends, freeze some. etc.

I see pig heads made as offering to budda along with fruit, etc. The latter is usually eaten by family or someone after a couple hours, but what about the head, do they eat /use it? Do you sell, prepare it etc?

when the wife has a pig for slaughter she usually gives the head as a "bonus" to some luck person, say the owner of the vehicle that picked said animal up from the farm to take a kill. people love to get the head for free............. makes me laugh. yes it would be eaten, maybe steamed.....

at one of the very early morning markets in udon thani I see stalls that only sell the head, cleaned and "dressed" if this is the term,no idea of the cost though......

The pig head cost about 60 Bath /kg. And i count about 5 kg. Its depense how the butcher cut the head from the body.

if i get somethink for 300 Bath, sure i will be also happy. But i asking after: Where is the profit when i give the thinks free away?

I would give only thinks free away who i cant sell. If i can sell the pighead , sure i will not give it free away

Hello CPPFarm:

How you feed your sow to get a average from 30 Bath/day?

when the wife kills a pig she would get it a very good price, sell the meat in lumps say 500 or 1000 baht bits, always a people wanting to buy from her, its very good value, she just passes on her saving to others, the head is neither here nor there in monitory terms to her, its just a bonus for someone else. we do not want the head........

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talking about the heads of the pigs,

we had another one slaughterd last night, the father in law picks them up at 5,50 to take them to wangnamyen slaughter house, like to be there first, they start at 6pm,

the pig is killed and boned out and ready at 7pm,

they brought it home and at 8 a lady came with mama to buy the head,feet and tail, 300bht,

then this morning its cutting up time for me, up at 5,50 so the wife can take some to the shop,

because we was let down by buyers our pigs are to big to go in a standerd crate so i had to make one as in the picture the one on the left is a baught one the right is what i made 4 inch higher, gate back and front, took me just over a day, i was a welder by trade before i became a welding inspector,



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yep the wife had the wilders guys make us a crate a while back (not as nice as your one) out of all the left over metal bars ect.... it has a wooden floor that needs up grading to like the ones in your photos. some of the older sows in the farm are nearing the 300kg mark.......... said crate is massive ,could get a couple of the new gilts 140 ish kg and still have room. seen smaller rooms for rent back home.lol..

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Hello CPPFarm:

What you do with the rest from the slaughter the pig ? For exemple the fat. Or you can sell the whole pig at one day?

The fat been used too cook. Or straight in the pan or first melting en keep as oil

Also selling too restaurants.

I use it also too put in my sliced meat.

Even the skin is sold when we slaughter.

Almost 65% is sold before the pig is slaughtered. We have always orders.


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Question for those butchering and selling your pig from a stand at market or knows someone who does? do you sell the head cook it , how is it used and what is it worth.

The reason I ask I got a note from family that they had to pay 15. dollar us for hog head in supermarket., ears, tomgue included. They make

hog head cheese so buy 2 or 3 at a time and make enough to give to friends, freeze some. etc.

I see pig heads made as offering to budda along with fruit, etc. The latter is usually eaten by family or someone after a couple hours, but what about the head, do they eat /use it? Do you sell, prepare it etc?

when the wife has a pig for slaughter she usually gives the head as a "bonus" to some luck person, say the owner of the vehicle that picked said animal up from the farm to take a kill. people love to get the head for free............. makes me laugh. yes it would be eaten, maybe steamed.....

at one of the very early morning markets in udon thani I see stalls that only sell the head, cleaned and "dressed" if this is the term,no idea of the cost though......

The pig head cost about 60 Bath /kg. And i count about 5 kg. Its depense how the butcher cut the head from the body.

if i get somethink for 300 Bath, sure i will be also happy. But i asking after: Where is the profit when i give the thinks free away?

I would give only thinks free away who i cant sell. If i can sell the pighead , sure i will not give it free away

Hello CPPFarm:

How you feed your sow to get a average from 30 Bath/day?

Normally a sow or boar needs about 2 to 2,5 kg food a day. I feed all my animals 2,5 kg a day.

When the sow is pregnant, after a certain period she needs more food, than just before the piglets being born, the food must be reduced.

After born she needs other food with more protein and also from 2,5 kg a day up to 6 or even 8 kg a day dispense how much piglets she has.

From all the calculation I have the average cost per day


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cppfarm. just an idea. during lacation if you increase your feed amounts im sure that you can improve your wean weight. eg.wifes farm. full feed from day 7 during lacation, gilts will eat around 10kg day, older parities will and can eat up to 16 kg even when its very hot weather. feed till they are full, small hits of 2 kg a time to judge how much they can eat, split times of the day. this way you will max the milk flow and get good body condition. not saying "i know it all" just what i have seen over the years. your feed costs are low, so maybe worth a try..............

today the mums are averaging 14kg a day, this is on gilts through to older parities. 16 on full feed today. now the cold weather is coming the sows will and can eat more...... just my thoughts........................

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2 pigs went to slaughter tonite,

they do a very good job at the slaughter house they come back all boned out, so its easy for me,

just finnished cutting them up and we got 136.7 of meat, then you have the head,feet,insides,ribs and bones,

we have also put our price up to 135 a kilo, people were telling my wife we were to cheap, thailand,,lol, so its up to 135,

they were 2 good pigs one was a smaller one as he had been on his own because he hurt a leg as a baby, so it was sad to see billy go, he was a good pig to do,

happy piging




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Nobody call you a lier. But when you get 90 kg of meat from a 140 kg pig. Sure, there will some question.

But we have here some CP farmers. Why CP not feed the pig to 140 kg when there get after 90 kg of meat?

Because after 120 kg the pig grow slow on meat and grow fast on fat. And nobody like to have the fat.

What i learn from this? The feeding is not so importend. The importends think is to have buyer, who buy for sure.

you won't get 90 kg of red meat. More realistic is about 45 kg red meat per pig.

as you will see from the post above we have just has 2 pigs to slaughter,

they were 2 of our smaller pigs,

ive just cut them up and we got

136.7 of MEAT,

ive just sat here and done a quick costing for you.

that 136.7 of meat will be,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18.450bht,

my wife sells the ribs at 100bht a kilo, the insides the same 100bht a kilo,

the head and 4 feet go for 300,

so she says there is another 3000 in other things, so the total would be 21.450bht thats for 2 pigs

now there is an old saying that me and a lot of the older pig farmers on here who have been around a long time say, and its 1,2,3 that 1 bag of starter feed, 2 bags of number 2 and 3 bags of number 3 to bring a pig to wieght,, 1,2,3,

so my feed cost for a pig is,,,,,,,,,,2,686bht per pig = 5.372bht,,

cost of piglet ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1.400bhtx2 = 2.800bht

add together,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8.172bht take this away from the 21.450bht




i said in another post that we made 7k profit on a pig,, we arnt far away,

we dont pay rent on the shop i made it and it sits on mamas front on the road side,

my wife runs the shop, at the moment she isnt taking a wage till we get up to selling one a day,

when you look at wages, this farm keeps us and has done for a long time, yes i still do the odd trip abroad to another county or offshore to work but that money just goes into the bank and stays there,

this pig job here in thailand is all about your costs,

your feed costs are going to be your highest money burner,

buying your piglets,(if you buy them in as i do)

or if you breed your own, the cost of keeping the sow and the costs that come with that,

you have to find contacts, i can get piglets at 800 to a 1000bht but they arent as good as the ones im getting at 1400bht, this is a new contact, we have had pigs twice from him at the moment, 20 coming on the 11th, and ive been very pleased with them, so this week when he comes on the 11th ill order another 30 for next month, and not bother with the cheap ones,

as the other pig farmer is doing, he is making his own feed and well done to him on that, i looked into it before i found the mill who sells to me,

its all about your feed, the cost of it, ive just been told the farm gate price for a pig round here is down to 59bht a kilo, they are making the money,

all we have done is cut out the middle man, i think in the next month maybe 2 we will be selling a pig a day easy, we havent put any flyers round the villages its all about word of mouth, and people are starting to come from other villages to my wifes little shop and it will only get better,

happy pigging all

jake, very tired and going to bed,,lol

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Meat is the part of the pig that Jake sells for 135 baht a kg, simple.

Perhaps someone could tell me how to price bacon per kg? It has muscle meat, fat and rind (skin).

For anyone who wants to get a bit more detail, go to Macro and have a look at their price structure for loin etc....

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Meat is the part of the pig that Jake sells for 135 baht a kg, simple.

Perhaps someone could tell me how to price bacon per kg? It has muscle meat, fat and rind (skin).

For anyone who wants to get a bit more detail, go to Macro and have a look at their price structure for loin etc....

at last someone with some sence, this is like knocking on a wall,

some like the meat with fat on some like the lean meat, its all the same price,

its 100bht for the insides, 100bht for the ribs,

i cant make it any clearer,


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Meat is the part of the pig that Jake sells for 135 baht a kg, simple.

Maybe for you it is simple. But it is a big differant if jake ( the wife) sell the shoulder with skin and fat or not. Same with the loin. When you have fat pig's and you can sell the loin with the fat and the skin its make a big differant.

But normaly its sell without fat and skin.

When jake call everythink "meat", than he should write also "with fat and skin" or without.

Then this 3000 Bath for another thinks. Somethink left from yesterday maybe.

From jake the feedingrate is 180 kg of feed to 100 or 140 kg of pig. Nearly 1 : 1.5 And after the pig have how many kg? 100 or not?

It's will help also when jake write how many kg the pig have alive.

Sure jake can sell the meat easy, because he is 10 Bath under the marketprice.

Edited by Allgeier
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