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Child Porn On Sukhumvit Stirs Outrage

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If you think the BK Post article was proof of any action having an effect, then you were reading a different one than us.


The Op is talking about Sukhumvit Rd.

From Nana to Asoke on the Ambassador Hotel side, it's a complete and utter sh*t hole. An absolute disgrace. I'm an not suprised child porn is on sale.

Loads of prostitutes openly working outside Tony Roma's at 9am in the morning!! A few of them from Africa!! Right by the bus stop. Wouldn't like my mum or sister catching a bus there.

Ladyboys plying their trade, Stalls selling everything from weapons to viagra, sex aids, graphic displays of sex DVDs

Practically everything sold is knock-offs. Clothes are not even cheap anymore. It's getting impossible to walk down the street. Every bit of available space taken over by people selling all kinds of sh*t.

At night the street turns into a zoo and the largest bar in the world, open till it gets light. Licensed bar/pub owners have to shut by 2am.

Something serious needs doing down there.

I don't see many of the things you mention changing anytime soon since this is the reason many adult tourists come to Thailand. However, stopping the display and open selling of Child Porn, if this exists in this location, would not be difficult if people showed similar outrage they would in their own country. Of course steps to curb this sickness from being Openly traded as if it is normal, are going to be different here than at home. Same as folks may need to adapt to driving on a different side of the road here. Bottom line, if visitors and expats wanted to take action they could do so easily within the law and make a difference when it comes to Child Porn being sold openly as a regular commodity.


If you think the BK Post article was proof of any action having an effect, then you were reading a different one than us.

Camera crew already has been out on Sukimvit since and couldn't find any Child Porn being openly displayed. Same reporting as has been given by a number of posters here who have since gone out to look.

If these vendors publicly displaying child porn existed prior ... Will they come back if the heat dies down? Yes, that is why people need to step up and let them know it is not an acceptable practice to display Child Porn openly. They can do this by contacting (email or phone) large business owners in the area (international hotels), child advocacy groups, their embassy, higher ranking police, talking to their local friends, contact local and international media, contact the Thai government agencies including the Tourist Dept. and so on and so fourth.

Of course it is not okay to do it under the table or down a side alley either but that is a whole other problem to tackle that involves undercover investigations and is not ever going to be so easily stopped .. only slowed. Drugs and child porn is always going to be available here as with any country .. my issue right now, as has been this entire thread, is it openly being displayed and treated as some commodity people should accept seeing being sold and purchased as they walk the streets.

The more outrage that is shown for this issue will have an effect on over all sales of child porn which in turn will slow the making of such trash and reduce the number of children being abused for such purposes.


^again reporting it has been done and nowt has happened. Like I said you can report all day long and nothing much changes. I think this is what most people are saying.


^again reporting it has been done and nowt has happened. Like I said you can report all day long and nothing much changes. I think this is what most people are saying.

But according to all reports, it is not being openly displayed on Sukimvit since it has been reported in the post.

I truly believe the attitude of doing nothing about something so vile as abuse of children because you think nothing can be done is insane. The history of every country and the world shows things are constantly changed when people show their outrage for such things. All across the globe and including Thailand, the trend is to protect children more, not less. This is done largely in part by people expressing their outrage to appropriate sources (as have been named here many times) that can make a difference. The more these sources can show they have the people on their side, the more power they have to change such things.

I would believe that in the history of most countries in the world, child abuse at one time was widely accepted but that attitude changed.


Dunno someone walked down there a few days ago and said it was still there. So if it was not displayed it was only a short time. :rolleyes:

Not sure who the "someone" was but a video crew went out (i believe Thursday) and couldn't find it openly sold as has also been reported by a number of folks here. But a short time is better than nothing and continued pressure would only make for longer absence until it became the norm for it not to be displayed.

But if the excuse that it only helps a little ... helps you to be convinced you should do nothing, doesn't look like I am going to change your mind.

EDIT: Your smiley face at the end of your statement makes me wonder where your priorities lay with this issue.


Well, I am done with this thread and will leave it for you guys to talk more about all the excuses you have to not lift a finger to do anything about such child porn, being OPENLY displayed and sold on the main tourist walkways, to even attempt to help protect children from such abuse.

Maybe you can continue to share with each other exactly what vendors are doing it and where they are located ... this should certainly be a helpful thing for those not willing to take any action such as even shooting off an email or picking up the phone to contact large business owners in the area (international hotels), the many local and international child protection groups, your embassy & state dept, higher ranking police, talking to your local friends about how they can help, contacting local and international media, contacting the Thai government agencies including the Tourist Dept. and so on and so fourth.

But no matter what excuse you have, in my opinion ... if you're not part of the solution you're part of the problem


Then DO NOT REPORT IT TO THE TOURIST POLICE (for the third time!). Report it to people who care, and who can and will do something. This means the public prosecutor, which needs a documented statement to police before they are mandated to kick up a problem. And they most definitely will.

That's interesting. BTW, what is your authority to have so much confidence about that? In Pattaya? Why didn't the tourist police SUGGEST that if it would really do something? Do you think the tourist police here are simply ignorant?

IF, and I do mean IF what you say is actually true, then you have added something perhaps of value to this discussion and I applaud you. I don't put you in the same bin at all as the troll baiting tossers of worthless piece of trash accusations. You sound very sincere.

I agree a very good idea. Perhaps it might work


It appears people are taking this story too personally and the personal attacks have gone on despite a prior warning. It's over.

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