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Child Porn On Sukhumvit Stirs Outrage

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THis is commonplace throughout Thailand.

THe problem is that piracy of DVDs etc is not just restricted to the streets.

The major retail outlets virtually ALL offer computers with pirate OS - that means this is done with the connivance of those business people at the very top of Thailand's elite.

This then inhibits the police's ability to raid and /or enforce.

In this climate of "laissez-faire" it is hardly surprising then that those wishing to deal in Child pornography and the like can do so with impunity.

Don't blame tourists or even the vendors - it is the few who run this country that are really to blame


THis is commonplace throughout Thailand.

THe problem is that piracy of DVDs etc is not just restricted to the streets.

The major retail outlets virtually ALL offer computers with pirate OS - that means this is done with the connivance of those business people at the very top of Thailand's elite.

This then inhibits the police's ability to raid and /or enforce.

In this climate of "laissez-faire" it is hardly surprising then that those wishing to deal in Child pornography and the like can do so with impunity.

Don't blame tourists or even the vendors - they are most stupid and uneducated opportunists; it is "the few" who run this country that are really to blame


As far as this stuff in the tourist areas, yes Thais could stop this for good, and probably won't, so maybe international pressure and shaming is the ONLY way to stop them. A few embarrassing stories in the international press and the Thai people that CAN get anything done here with their famous "crackdowns" may feel the heat to act.


There is another, more sinister, side to this. These vendors are trying to make a living selling what people want to buy. If people weren't buying the vendors wouldn't be selling. The people making these movies would still be making them even if people weren't selling and buying them.

It is the nastier side of the human condition.

I have just noticed that there are 172 people viewing this topic and wonder why.

However distasteful some people here it seems dont like to see the truth hence the negative rep they gave you.. Ive said it before and probably see the ban coming this starts at the "TOP" of Thai society and we all know where that is.

Its all about money, many people simply dont care about anything else, money is like a drug to them, it does not matter how they get it or who its hurts/kills.

The same type of people will empty your pockets after youve been run over in a car accident etc etc etc


Both are illegal. To be fair, I don't think all DVD vendors deal in the kiddie porn material, and certainly not all are displaying it openly.

You are correct. They don't all sell it. Just the same as when the police do their random busts for selling bootleg DVDs, they never hit the stalls with child porn.

So a lot of posters have seen kiddie porn openly on display in the past. It has disturbed then greatly, yet they haven't felt troubled by it enough to go to the police or tip off a newspaper.

Go to the police... and then what? Demand it gets removed? So maybe they remove it for the day, then another day as you walk by, the vendor remembers that you are the trouble maker. 10 Thai guys jump you (probably moto-bike drivers, some of which are undercover cops) with bottles and rocks and beat you senseless right there in front of everyone. The CCTV cams will not have captured a thing and no one saw anything. And there you go, back to the police station to file another useless report, that is if you are lucky enough to have survived the attack and didn't end up in the hospital.

Or you can tip off the press, as you suggested. Surly they would be interested in it, right? :lol: They know where it is already. Been there for years, never made a fuss about it. Why not? Probably because they don't want problems from the police or whatever gang in town pushes the sale of the movies. The local media does not make waves or report on anything that could jeopardize their operation.

I don't think some of you get it. How do you think this crap exists, sitting on open tables in front of tourists walking by, right in front of police? Shouldn't take you long to conclude that the police have their hands in it. As disgusting as that may be, it is a fact of life here.

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This might indicate different police districts,'' said the officer. ''Silom Road is under the jurisdiction of Bangrak police station and has a different set of rules from the Lumpini station, which has jurisdiction over Sukhumvit Road.''

But surely there is just One Law

"To distribute or exhibit obscene materials is a criminal offence under Section 287 of the penal code of Thailand with the punishment not exceeding three years' imprisonment or fine not exceeding 6,000baht

The fine does not fit the crime...

I too have seen and purchased off the beach rd in Pattaya, there is only a hand full of vendors and yes there are straight and gay porn on display but i have never seen or been offered child porn or anything that resembles anything illegal (apart from the copyright crime, which no one is really apposed to)

I do not see Thai Porn as that is not a fine but a jail sentence which is stiffer than the Section 287.

If child porn is displayed in BKK i am sure the authorities will take action

YES its one law the law of MONEY


The same type of people will empty your pockets after youve been run over in a car accident etc etc etc

Funny you should say that. A few weeks ago I saw a pick-up truck flip upside down in the water drainage system on Suk (Pattaya) in the am. Truck was totally upside down and there was about 6 inches of water. While the paramedics helped the driver out, there was no less than 15 locals who ran over, scouring through the water looking for anything that may have fallen out of the truck. They were like vultures. :(


allowing this kind of stuff to be openly sold is pretty vile.

What do you expect. Thailand is the sleaze, and prostitution capital of the world. Where in many universtiesthe majority of female students are prostitutes.

Where lying and dishonesty are the name of the game.

In the eyes of the world the country is nothing short of a joke.

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First crack down on tourists engaging in sex acts with minors, then deal with the child porn. PRIORITIES!

Why only the tourists ?

is it ok for locals to do it ?


First crack down on tourists engaging in sex acts with minors, then deal with the child porn. PRIORITIES!

Why only the tourists ?

is it ok for locals to do it ?

This is really getting off topic. Finally, the issue of kiddie porn being openly sold in tourist areas is seeing the light of day. It deserves it's OWN topic for now.


Why only the tourists ?

is it ok for locals to do it ?

Considering the local karaoke bars are usually filled with minors, I doubt any problems will ever come to the locals.


We are talking about the vendors here but nobody seems to mention about the movie maker? Those are real criminal! Not that CD vendors are not guilty but the worst are the child porn productions.


First crack down on tourists engaging in sex acts with minors, then deal with the child porn. PRIORITIES!

Why only the tourists ?

is it ok for locals to do it ?

YES IT IS _ it is part of the culture.

if you no like - you go home;

same same me.

see you in europe!

Im going to assume your joking and being sarcastic, in which case you are a genius.


There is another, more sinister, side to this. These vendors are trying to make a living selling what people want to buy. If people weren't buying the vendors wouldn't be selling. The people making these movies would still be making them even if people weren't selling and buying them.

It is the nastier side of the human condition.

I have just noticed that there are 172 people viewing this topic and wonder why.

Yes there are people reading this who are disgusted that this filth is allowed to go on - I agree there must be a market for this or they would not sell it - perhaps the Police should be following and arresting the buyers of this filth and then taking down the stall holders, but here in LOS money and influence trump decency.


We are talking about the vendors here but nobody seems to mention about the movie maker? Those are real criminal! Not that CD vendors are not guilty but the worst are the child porn productions.

True but if they are selling porn made in Eastern Europe or Scandanavia, what can THAI police do about that? Answer, nothing. But they CAN stop the sales here, if they wanted to, so we have to conclude overall, for whatever reason, up till now, they have not wanted to.


I have just noticed that there are 172 people viewing this topic and wonder why.

Probably the same reason that you are viewing the topic

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I have just noticed that there are 172 people viewing this topic and wonder why.

One can read into what you are saying here, yet one has to wonder why one would be thinking like that ? perhaps one has a problem himself ?


Is this sort of filth also available in non-tourist areas?

%% nope, Thaïs have real babies for fun everywhere for less than the price of the DVDs

. I saw Japanese 12-13 porn on the magasine stalls in CM in the 80 's . in the middle of motorcycle, women's mags. In bookshops, not stalls .

This is mind-polluting material . Vendors must get more than a tap on the wrist.

I'm so disappointed at the way T is sinking and sinking, it was not set for this downward drift when I left it ; just I'm away a few years, and see the result .


How can people on this forum claim this to be such a terrible thing but claim to see it on a daily basis and do nothing about it. Please don't plead ignorant as if you don't know what to do. There are NUMEROUS things that can be done to stop this without worrying about yourself since a number of your claim such outrage but are willing to risk nothing to stop it.

Something sounds awful fishy. But if this story has truth and these posters are credible ... the reason this is happening is because of the people who pretend to be outraged but do nothing ... same folks we see posting here.

So what are the "numerous" things one can do?

The most obvious is to report to the police but the Thai cops just turn a blind eye. I can't understand why, when the International police forces all work together to stamp out child porn. Someone very big must be behind the scenes here.

Maybe the International press should be informed.

Some Thai people don't seem to have any feelings regarding child porno and only care about money.

I was in Pantip once looking to buy hardware when some Thai man approached me and asked if i wanted a young girl and showed me a picture of a little girl of about 10 years. I just told him no and walked away. He followed me and grabbed my arm showing me a photo of a young boy and asked if I wanted a boy instead. I think I was more annoyed than shocked and i just shrugged it off. I didn't bother to report him or anything because i am pretty sure nothing would have happened to him.

International media is already informed.

That's the point, here in pattaya we have..mmma lot of so called" international police" DEA, Interpol, they spend last month milions of bath for high tech computers, hahahahahaha, for find bad people, i think if some see this things can report to them, www.dea-rewards.com, is on the street everywere here or to the association that protect child or to the interpol section work in this case.

If all of us report whit e-mail this kind of things( can use internet point) they start to file a case.

I do it in my small whit Italian branch of all this organization.


"Vile, disgusting, dirty ^%%#$@!, reaching for the sick bag, cancerous cockroaches, another level of depravity, another, more sinister, side to this, the nastier side of the human condition, severe and scary, filth, sh1t, Disgusted, twisted logic, warped, little, if any morality, this sort of filth, the nasty farang, personality disorder, this sort of shit, god awful stuff, Flabbergasted, these scum buckets, castration against these low-lifes, stretch them low and cut them (off)!, "Sickos", sickening, criminal enterprises, Pretty vile stuff, shyt, sickening, shocked, sad commentary on the morals, greed and corruption of the police and all those involved, Disgraceful, mortifies me, abhorrent, lewd, disgusting and disturbing, pathetically cultural, sickening, crosses a line of corruption and depravity that is beyond the pale, sick desires, the lowest of the low, very disturbing,..."

OK, OK, I get it already! Get a grip!

The point being; there is no point.

Nothing new here, except what Westerners think about something that is the norm for these people.

Much ado about nothing.

I really couldn't give a shit what is the "norm" for these people. I've got a 7 year old daughter. If it's all much ado about nothing would it be alright if I came and filmed somebody shagging a pre-pubscent member of your family and then flogged the tapes on the streets? Would you be so blase about it then?

All I am saying is that I believe that the Thais "really couldn't give a shit what is the 'norm' for" you! That is my opinionated viewpoint, and it went over your head perhaps? You do not seem to get it, and turn on me instead; and the culture goes on, unimpeded. That is non-productive to your beliefs, as well as futile to my beliefs. I respectfully submit that your set of morals and values, that compelled you to single me out, will not protect you against living in a culture that nurtures a behavior that is anti-you. Perhaps you should consider going somewhere else, where your morals meet the standards of the culture (or the other way around), and you can live a happier life without the distraction of the reality that exists around you? Just a thought. Otherwise, you get tired of banging your head against issues that never seem to end, and have their own cultural reason/s not to - regardless of whether or not you "give a shit".

As to your scenario of abuse against one of my family members; nice try to bait and hook, but not my cup of tea to waste time on such an adolescent remark.

No harm, no foul.

Also sprach ein confused intellectual......

Your name wouldn't be Nietsche ?

Read some Kropotkin - a touch of Bakunine perhaps, & perhaps see the light. I think you have the potential!

Long story short: there are universal values - and yes of course be carefull with stating them.

Thanks for the references. I will do some research on those names. Incidentally, would it really matter to you whether or not my name was Nietche or Smith? I didn't think so. But thanks just the same for the other guy's names.


There is another, more sinister, side to this. These vendors are trying to make a living selling what people want to buy. If people weren't buying the vendors wouldn't be selling. The people making these movies would still be making them even if people weren't selling and buying them.

It is the nastier side of the human condition.

I have just noticed that there are 172 people viewing this topic and wonder why.

Don't make such stupid assumptions. People are reading this because it's appalling and many readers such as myself have kids so these sick f@ckers making and selling this disgusting material is particularly disturbing to us. Use your brain!

<br />
<br />We are talking about the vendors here but nobody seems to mention about the movie maker? Those are real criminal! Not that CD vendors are not guilty but the worst are the child porn productions.<br />
<br />True but if they are selling porn made in Eastern Europe or Scandanavia, what can THAI police do about that? Answer, nothing. But they CAN stop the sales here, if they wanted to, so we have to conclude overall, for whatever reason, up till now, they have not wanted to.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

In THEORY there is a great deal the RTP could do, even if this porn is coming from overseas. Bust the street level trader, cut a deal, as distasteful as that is, to get info on his supplier, all the way up the chain to the importer. Same deal for importer, to get the overseas producer/exporter, then pass on all intelligence to the foreign police force. International police cooperation to catch the big fish is not unusual.

Unfortunately, I believe your post to be the REALITY, as there seems to be little desire on the part of law enforcement to clean the streets of this filth.

<br />
<br />We are talking about the vendors here but nobody seems to mention about the movie maker? Those are real criminal! Not that CD vendors are not guilty but the worst are the child porn productions.<br />
<br />True but if they are selling porn made in Eastern Europe or Scandanavia, what can THAI police do about that? Answer, nothing. But they CAN stop the sales here, if they wanted to, so we have to conclude overall, for whatever reason, up till now, they have not wanted to.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

In THEORY there is a great deal the RTP could do, even if this porn is coming from overseas. Bust the street level trader, cut a deal, as distasteful as that is, to get info on his supplier, all the way up the chain to the importer. Same deal for importer, to get the overseas producer/exporter, then pass on all intelligence to the foreign police force. International police cooperation to catch the big fish is not unusual.

Unfortunately, I believe your post to be the REALITY, as there seems to be little desire on the part of law enforcement to clean the streets of this filth.

Yes of course, but what I clearly meant was that for products produced outside of Thailand, they can't do anything about the crimes at the production level. Obviously, they can do something at the distribution level if it is in Thailand.


"Several diplomats who live in the area expressed dismay when told of the open sales and after being shown the explicit covers of the VCDs."

Lol ! The reporter actually went around showing it off ? And why only to diplomats ?

Seriously ...

And what's with 170 -odd people reading this post ? The poster making that insinuating post also was one of those 170-odd. How about, "I just noticed that there are 1 million people, including married men , women and even little children, walking up and down that side of Sukhumvit everyday ?"


There is another, more sinister, side to this. These vendors are trying to make a living selling what people want to buy. If people weren't buying the vendors wouldn't be selling. The people making these movies would still be making them even if people weren't selling and buying them.

It is the nastier side of the human condition.

I have just noticed that there are 172 people viewing this topic and wonder why.

Perhaps we are reading it for the same reason you were, come to think of it why were you reading it ?


Theres a pretty noticeable historical trend of elite members of a society and child molestation/ pornography

The dark occult also uses child molestation/ pornography as a major tenent in their practice

People get 'outraged" when they see dvds on the street but do nothing when churches are accused of cover-ups

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