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Child Porn On Sukhumvit Stirs Outrage

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How can people on this forum claim this to be such a terrible thing but claim to see it on a daily basis and do nothing about it. Please don't plead ignorant as if you don't know what to do. There are NUMEROUS things that can be done to stop this without worrying about yourself since a number of your claim such outrage but are willing to risk nothing to stop it.

Something sounds awful fishy. But if this story has truth and these posters are credible ... the reason this is happening is because of the people who pretend to be outraged but do nothing ... same folks we see posting here.

Don't believe it? go visit vendors on Sukhumvit between soi 7 and 11 and then between 11 and 19. Then go report it to police and report back to us if you are willing to risk it.

Been there more times than can count and have NEVER seen any child porn. I find it highly disturbing you see it so much and make no reasonable effort to stop it. There are countless upon countless agencies to call and report this that would put an immediate stop to it. Not only that, you would not even have to get involved but making a phone call or sending an email or letter ... no pictures needed.

And unlike you, I would have no problem approaching a police officer and asking what is going on with this guy selling DVDs of young kids being sexually abused. What world do you live in to believe the police would some how beat me or take me to prison?!?!? Yes, these stories are very common in Thailand of people reporting this to the Embassy. As is the Mafia killing a Farang who spoke up against selling Child Rape DVDs in broad daylight. Even those in the Mafia have kids and the vast majority would put this above profits. Do a little research and find out what kind of criminals are killed and beaten in Thai prisons ... hint they are those who abuse kids.

But above all please take some action beyond trying to convince people on ThaiVisa of this being sold openly. There are always going to be sick and twisted people in this world and it is up to the so claimed good people to protect society from them. If you look the other way then you only have yourself to blame for child porn being sold openly .... you also may find you are very incorrect about it being sold openly in BKK.


Ever been to Chinese Thai markets in Chinatown?That is where the biggest market for porn is on sale.To the Chinese Thais.There is a whole soi that sells porn and sex"toys". Most of the porn emanates from Japan. Does that not tell you something?

Where is the soi exactly? Not interested in the porn part, but the other stuff would be cool to peruse ...

Okay, you sound rational and I don't spend a great deal of time in Pattaya. BUT logic tells me what you are seeing is not child porn but simply very young looking girls.


You're wrong. What I saw was sex act porn with adult men and young girls (not art photos), openly shown on the street. XXX stuff out on the open for the passing families. I was shocked too, and it isn't easy to be shocked in Pattaya. The girls probably Eastern European or Scandanavian in origin. I am not talking young ladies, I am talking girls who looked under 10 years old. Is that explicit enough for you?

Again coming from a pure logic point of view, I have to ask .... What would be the point of this? What would they have to gain by selling so openly vs.what they have to lose?

Pattaya may be full of sex hungry men and women willing to trade sex for money but many of these people have kids are are STRONGLY against child porn. Maybe you can pay off 1 or 2 cops but what of all the others with kids who also STRONGLY are against child porn and would beat the hel_l out of anybody involved in it? What about the tourist police who would certainly drop a dime to a child protection group? What of the hundreds of thousands of tourists who are STRONGLY against child porn ... do they all just look the other way? There are too many people in society who would not hesitate to beat the hel_l out of somebody selling this stuff .. especially openly. Some of these people who would do the most violence to such a seller are criminals themselves ... just like in the rest of the world, you don't want to be in a Thai prison for child sex related crimes. You say they show this stuff to passing families but none have ever complained to a human rights or child group let alone the police?

There are many petite 18, 19 and 20 year old girls with no breasts to speak of who make a living in the porn industry by looking young. If your outside Thailand just do a search on the internet. These movies they are in are produced by large companies who keep all the actors info on file by law to prove their age.

If a guy is into child porn and in Pattaya then he likely has access to underage working girls and is going to be a bit careful about not being caught or being seen as a predator. The last thing this person is going to do is buy his illegal porn out in the open in front of families and police even if it was sold openly... they would know the rules are not the same for them as a farang and police would be keeping an eye on him.

The only thing that would make sense for a vendor to sell child porn openly is if he was working with the police to nab stupid and sick Farangs. Why would a vendor want to turn off 90% of his customers by standard porn stuff??? Who would buy a standard porn title from him when he is holding up child porn to everyone walking by??? OK, maybe he limits himself to only selling child porn to the very few people who buy it and the even fewer who buy it out in the open for the police and everyone to see ... again makes absolutely no sense ... especially when I've heard many of these people selling standard porn titles also sell child porn but you have to ask and they don't keep it right there at their stand. In fact this is often how they sell fake copies of Windows and other software now so they don't get busted with the stuff in their possession.

Sorry, I just don't buy this ... there is not one motivating reason a vendor would openly display this stuff to passing families as you state.

There was a case brought against a couple in the UK for having sex with a baby. Really, some people do this. In fact there's a famous lawyer/author in the US who's mission in life is to bring these people to jail.

When asked why they did it (engaged a BABY in their sex acts) they simply replied "Well, we'd tried everything else". And this is the problem with pornography. Some might content and limit themselves to 'The Pizza Delivery Boy', but for others, it gets a bit old. 'Animal Farm' anyone?

Probably should ban National Geographic magazines too since numerous kids have used them to masturbate to. Better yet, make all women dress like Muslims so these perverts can not go home and think about the hot chick they saw on the subway while they pleasure themselves because it will likely lead to more. Porn doesn't make people be sick ... they are going to be sick regardless. There will always be things to use to take the steps to what they really want to do. However, I do believe any porn should be displayed openly because there is a good deal of the population who don't want to see it. Have a sign saying Adult DVDs and having to walk behind a curtain in my humble opinion is fine but no reason to assault the senses of those who are offended by seeing porn pictures on DVDs show openly.

And do you really believe "Well, we tried everything else" has anything to do with why they really did this? (if this is not some urban legend) Trust me their problems ran much much much deeper going all the way back to their child and likely being a victim themselves.


A friend of mine who sometimes buys videos from this strip told me that the images on the outside cover of these vidos depicts the models in ways to make them look younger, retouched, baby expressions etc, this sells more. But the videos themselves reveal the models are for sure all over 18. Aparently the venders dont mind the lie because who is the customer going to complain to?

Coul be the post is trying to get better sales of its rag as sales dropped off after the Red episode. gutter press always sells.

Now, this sounds like something more realistic as to where these stories are coming from.


This isn't Russvisa, it's Thaivisa, so...

So you're saying this is a forum exclusively for bashing Thailand and Thai people?

It certainly appears to be.

No I'm saying your post is bonkers. Try again.


A friend of mine who sometimes buys videos from this strip told me that the images on the outside cover of these vidos depicts the models in ways to make them look younger, retouched, baby expressions etc, this sells more. But the videos themselves reveal the models are for sure all over 18. Aparently the venders dont mind the lie because who is the customer going to complain to?

Coul be the post is trying to get better sales of its rag as sales dropped off after the Red episode. gutter press always sells.

Now, this sounds like something more realistic as to where these stories are coming from.

I don't believe it. The pics I saw were 100 percent not ambiguous! They were very young looking like 10 years old and younger, not barely legal types who look younger. Anyone would know the difference. However, I certainly am not going to test this by purchasing that crap, so people can believe anything they want.


I am amazed that people are doubting this. Why would we make this stuff up?

It is denial. People don't want to believe this exists where they live.

Not too long ago Thailand was one of the top destinations in the world for child prostitution. Regardless of what the media may say these days, one look through the Pattaya news will show that pedophiles are STILL alive and kicking there, getting arrested weekly. So considering this, it should not be a surprise of any kind to find out child porn is being openly sold here. It is a simple measure of supply and demand.

Those who have lived in Bangkok for a while should remember the poor beggars who would have parts of their body cut off and tossed out on the streets in front of tourists to collect money. Their pimps would put them out every morning and pick them up every night. Poor buggers were jacked up on drugs and would have body parts amputated so the wounds were always fresh for the tourists to see. Remember those poor wretched people? Of course you do. If the locals can do that to another human being, they won't blink an eye at selling a porno with kids in it.

" It is denial. People don't want to believe this exists where they live. "

Or folks want to believe the worst in their fellow man or in this case Thais as opposed to believing the vast majority of people are good hearted and there will always be some people with serious issues. Nobody is denying child porn is sold in all parts of the world .. the question is if it is sold in plain view in BKK or other parts of Thailand.


So pictures of children on covers having sex with adults (that's what I saw, I am 100 percent certain) are legal in Thailand if the actual videos do not contain underage models? What are you guys smoking?

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Im sure many of us have bought the latest hollywood from these stalls, but i for would would be happy to have to pay for originals movie releases to get this god awful stuff of the streets for good, in fact i will no longer buy movies from these vendors from now on!

Once upon a time maybe, but now it's just as easy to find a .torrent and download the latests movies, or anything else you like :)

very true, but sometimes, when your into a box set and the season 2 just wont download fast enough .....i head to the nearest dvd stall, but that was with 24 nothing else has compelled me to rush out as fast!

The motion picture industry is moving ahead quickly to track the torrent sites and its users. Depending on ones location, it could mean a notice in the mail of a request to appear in court.


So pictures of children on covers having sex with adults (that's what I saw, I am 100 percent certain) are legal in Thailand if the actual videos do not contain underage models? What are you guys smoking?

Usually covers don't show explicit sex (only suggestive) even in main stream porn. One would also think that child porn wouldn't even have a cover showing the contents. Kind of like having drugs in a suitcase and putting a sign on the outside you are carrying drugs.

And the post clearly said these were girls made to look underage and not underage.

Also, it is not illegal to possess child porn in Thailand (good subject for another topic). It is only illegal to distribute and buy. Another reason why a vendor would not do good business selling child porn openly since most people would be scared to death of their secret getting out or having the cops bust them ... a number of folks here have said it is sold right next to where the cops sit giving out tickets.

Again, all I can say is you can only look in the mirror to those claiming to see this sold openly. Too many safe avenues to take to put an end to such things and one of them is not coming onto Thai Visa and saying it is an every day occurrence witnessed and have done nothing to stop it.

Please make me a believer and send me pictures and locations of this being sold openly and I GUARANTEE it will not be done in those locations anymore. There are way too many groups not scared to take action and put an end to this. And at the current moment I am out of the country but can assure you I can get it stopped within a week.


A friend of mine who sometimes buys videos from this strip told me that the images on the outside cover of these vidos depicts the models in ways to make them look younger, retouched, baby expressions etc, this sells more. But the videos themselves reveal the models are for sure all over 18. Aparently the venders dont mind the lie because who is the customer going to complain to?

Coul be the post is trying to get better sales of its rag as sales dropped off after the Red episode. gutter press always sells.

Now, this sounds like something more realistic as to where these stories are coming from.

I don't believe it. The pics I saw were 100 percent not ambiguous! They were very young looking like 10 years old and younger, not barely legal types who look younger. Anyone would know the difference. However, I certainly am not going to test this by purchasing that crap, so people can believe anything they want.

WHY DO YOU NOT TAKE ANY ACTION TO STOP THIS???????????????????????????


A friend of mine who sometimes buys videos from this strip told me that the images on the outside cover of these vidos depicts the models in ways to make them look younger, retouched, baby expressions etc, this sells more. But the videos themselves reveal the models are for sure all over 18. Aparently the venders dont mind the lie because who is the customer going to complain to?

Coul be the post is trying to get better sales of its rag as sales dropped off after the Red episode. gutter press always sells.

Now, this sounds like something more realistic as to where these stories are coming from.

I don't believe it. The pics I saw were 100 percent not ambiguous! They were very young looking like 10 years old and younger, not barely legal types who look younger. Anyone would know the difference. However, I certainly am not going to test this by purchasing that crap, so people can believe anything they want.

WHY DO YOU NOT TAKE ANY ACTION TO STOP THIS???????????????????????????

I tried at the time to make it a public issue here on the forum and was told NOT to start a thread on the topic. Confronting the vendors invites violence and calling the police would have been ridiculous, the police KNOW about this! They were operating very close to the main Pattaya police station.

Is this sort of filth also available in non-tourist areas?

no way....only the nasty farang does this stuff....

porno is sold everywhere in thailand. even ban nok.

all kinds.

you're naive to think otherwise

Ever been to Chinese Thai markets in Chinatown?That is where the biggest market for porn is on sale.To the Chinese Thais.There is a whole soi that sells porn and sex"toys". Most of the porn emanates from Japan. Does that not tell you something?

Tells me they are catching up with the West. I believe the Adult Industry is a $14 Billion industry in the US alone.


^ones from between Mike's and Soi Pattayaland is where Jing is referring to. One's there do sell porn for that matter, but be honest never really looked that closely to notice any children.

Must admit never seen any dvd stands near Soi8 police station, however if Jing said he saw it I do not have any doubts he did see it.

And to be honest I don't think it's such a good idea to even deal with the local BIB, prob better off contacting crime suppression units in Bangkok.


I don't believe it. The pics I saw were 100 percent not ambiguous! They were very young looking like 10 years old and younger, not barely legal types who look younger. Anyone would know the difference. However, I certainly am not going to test this by purchasing that crap, so people can believe anything they want.

WHY DO YOU NOT TAKE ANY ACTION TO STOP THIS???????????????????????????

I tried at the time to make it a public issue here on the forum and was told NOT to start a thread on the topic. Confronting the vendors invites violence and calling the police would have been ridiculous, the police KNOW about this! They were operating very close to the main Pattaya police station.

You think ThaiVisa is the place to come to put an end to child porn being sold openly in the street? You didn't think a call to a Child Advocacy group would actually have an effect? There are countless numbers of them both operating in Thailand and Internationally.


I don't believe it. The pics I saw were 100 percent not ambiguous! They were very young looking like 10 years old and younger, not barely legal types who look younger. Anyone would know the difference. However, I certainly am not going to test this by purchasing that crap, so people can believe anything they want.

WHY DO YOU NOT TAKE ANY ACTION TO STOP THIS???????????????????????????

I tried at the time to make it a public issue here on the forum and was told NOT to start a thread on the topic. Confronting the vendors invites violence and calling the police would have been ridiculous, the police KNOW about this! They were operating very close to the main Pattaya police station.

You think ThaiVisa is the place to come to put an end to child porn being sold openly in the street? You didn't think a call to a Child Advocacy group would actually have an effect? There are countless numbers of them both operating in Thailand and Internationally.

If they are in town and they don't know that was going on, on the main street in town with thousands of tourists walking by every night, and that is their so called purpose, I think they must be blind or corrupt. I don't appreciate your insinuating lecture like I have any culpability in something that is obviously sanctioned by the power structure here. Now I think I understand why a mod here told me not to post this info, responses like yours, pure redbaiting.

In any case, thanks to this Bangkok news item, it is FINALLY in the public eye. Now we will see whether it gets cleaned up for good in both Bangkok and Pattaya. I'm not optimistic.


Sorry, I am not trying to single anyone out or say you are bad BUT I don't buy child porn is being sold openly and displayed on the sidewalks on Sukimvit or pretty much in any other metropolis in Thailand. That is the point I am making and I believe in my heart of heart if you really saw it and are against it as you say then you would have done more than try very weakly to start a topic about it on ThaiVisa.

I am not saying you are a liar about what you believe you saw but everyone has a tendency to see what they want to when it comes to issues they are passionate about.

Thailand may often not be the most logical place but there is NO logic to vendors selling this in the open. They would lose money, sell less and risk prison. And I just don't believe the 100's of thousands of people passing the stalls all take no action. Forget alerting authorities or child groups ... out of 100,000 people, I can guarantee you there is a large percentage that would take matter in their own hands if this stuff was put in front of their wives face as they walk the street as has been claimed in this thread.


My report stands, and anyone who reads the thread will read CONFIRMATION of my report. I have no motivation whatsoever to make this report falsely. The difference here is I know what I saw, those who doubt it are just keyboard SPECULATORS.

If they are in town and they don't know that was going on, on the main street in town with thousands of tourists walking by every night, and that is their so called purpose, I think they must be blind or corrupt. I don't appreciate your insinuating lecture like I have any culpability in something that is obviously sanctioned by the power structure here. Now I think I understand why a mod here told me not to post this info, responses like yours, pure redbaiting.

In any case, thanks to this Bangkok news item, it is FINALLY in the public eye. Now we will see whether it gets cleaned up for good in both Bangkok and Pattaya. I'm not optimistic.

If you see this stuff and do nothing (beyond talking to a mod on ThaiVisa) then you do have culpability. I'm sure any reasonable person would agree. But again, my point is you are not actually seeing child porn but seeing something you find very distasteful and your mind is playing tricks on you. I truly don't mean this as an insult ... this happens to all of us when we are passionate about an issue. Just look at the way we all talk about politics ..... all sides are almost always bad but we largely tend to hold up our candidates as actually being trustworthy and good when in fact regardless of who gets elected little changes.


I don't understand how this sort of thing is allow to exsist, anybody messing with kids in this way believe me ! point me in there direction and l would gladly do time.


If you see this stuff and do nothing (beyond talking to a mod on ThaiVisa) then you do have culpability. I'm sure any reasonable person would agree. But again, my point is you are not actually seeing child porn but seeing something you find very distasteful and your mind is playing tricks on you. I truly don't mean this as an insult ... this happens to all of us when we are passionate about an issue. Just look at the way we all talk about politics ..... all sides are almost always bad but we largely tend to hold up our candidates as actually being trustworthy and good when in fact regardless of who gets elected little changes.

Anyone who understands the power structure in Pattaya would most likely agree that nothing could be done from a private foreign person, unless they wanted to risk being murdered. What about the fact that the police absolutely knew about this ALREADY don't you understand? Where are you writing from, Switzerland? Even the local press, who I am quite certain knew about this, never published word one about it. Now if you are talking about people with actual knowledge of real life child victims, I would agree we do need to call the police and the police will usually react. How did this become about me anyway? BTW, your stuff about my mind playing tricks on me is a total crock. Again, read the thread, there is CONFIRMATION of my report.

BTW, we are talking in circles now, repeating ourselves two or three times. You think I am culpable. I think you are naive and obnoxious. Why do we continue talking? To what purpose? I think enough is enough. As far as I'm concerned, our little dialog on this topic is finished.


If you see this stuff and do nothing (beyond talking to a mod on ThaiVisa) then you do have culpability. I'm sure any reasonable person would agree. But again, my point is you are not actually seeing child porn but seeing something you find very distasteful and your mind is playing tricks on you. I truly don't mean this as an insult ... this happens to all of us when we are passionate about an issue. Just look at the way we all talk about politics ..... all sides are almost always bad but we largely tend to hold up our candidates as actually being trustworthy and good when in fact regardless of who gets elected little changes.

Anyone who understands the power structure in Pattaya would most likely agree that nothing could be done from a private foreign person, unless they wanted to risk being murdered. What about the fact that the police absolutely knew about this ALREADY don't you understand? Where are you writing from, Switzerland? Even the local press, who I am quite certain knew about this, never published word one about it. Now if you are talking about people with actual knowledge of real life child victims, I would agree we do need to call the police and the police will usually react. How did this become about me anyway? BTW, your stuff about my mind playing tricks on me -- CAN IT. Again, read the thread, there is CONFIRMATION of my report.

The kids in the DVD's are not real?

How would calling a child advocacy group put your life in jeopardy? Are you not worried the Pattaya mob will track you down because of your statements here on Thai Visa? They certainly seem more public than an anonymous phone call to a number of the MANY MANY groups operating in Thailand and Internationally whose sole mission is to stop the exploitation of children and see children being recorded on DVD as real children.

Obviously you are going to continue to jump from topic and location to other so there really is no point in continuing the debate because one thing you have not done is said you are going to contact any of these child protection groups or have asked anything related to how to go about doing so if you are incapable of doing it on your own. (Edit) Yet you claim to see child porn being displayed and sold openly in numerous places.


allowing this kind of stuff to be openly sold is pretty vile.

Allowing it to be sold at all is vile, producing it is vile, being associated in any way is vile.


So pictures of children on covers having sex with adults (that's what I saw, I am 100 percent certain) are legal in Thailand if the actual videos do not contain underage models? What are you guys smoking?

Usually covers don't show explicit sex (only suggestive) even in main stream porn. One would also think that child porn wouldn't even have a cover showing the contents. Kind of like having drugs in a suitcase and putting a sign on the outside you are carrying drugs.

And the post clearly said these were girls made to look underage and not underage.

Also, it is not illegal to possess child porn in Thailand (good subject for another topic). It is only illegal to distribute and buy. Another reason why a vendor would not do good business selling child porn openly since most people would be scared to death of their secret getting out or having the cops bust them ... a number of folks here have said it is sold right next to where the cops sit giving out tickets.

Again, all I can say is you can only look in the mirror to those claiming to see this sold openly. Too many safe avenues to take to put an end to such things and one of them is not coming onto Thai Visa and saying it is an every day occurrence witnessed and have done nothing to stop it.

Please make me a believer and send me pictures and locations of this being sold openly and I GUARANTEE it will not be done in those locations anymore. There are way too many groups not scared to take action and put an end to this. And at the current moment I am out of the country but can assure you I can get it stopped within a week.

Covers have been showing explicit oral and anal sex of straight and gay types on Sukhumvit near soi 11. I've seen them and now can't take my kids shopping there now because of that and the sex toys on display.

But today after all the fuss I had a look at the stalls between Sukhumvit Sois 7 – 15 at 3pm. I saw the usual porn, sex toys and sexual enhancement drugs being openly displayed and I found the stall pictured in the article between 13 - 15 but didn't see any childporn either.

The explicit covers had toned down, no gay or straight anal or penetrative sex anymore just naked girls etc. I was offered to see more out the back but declined.

Was this article hyped up regarding child porn or had they been tipped off? I don't know. But as long as there is no child porn and it gets toned down and back to no explicit covers, just the usual cardboard saying porn xxx then I think that's a good thing.

Even if it was hyped up then if it becomes safe to walk down Sukhumvit streets or anywhere in Thailand knowing there's no child porn there and without having to see explicit sex acts pictured or sex toys openly displayed then that will be as "good as its gonna get".

Let's get realistic; porn is never going away in Thailand.

But jcbangkok your claim "assure you I can get it stopped within a week" is a bit far fetched and even comical? Pray tell how?


As to your scenario of abuse against one of my family members; nice try to bait and hook, but not my cup of tea to waste time on such an adolescent remark.

So basically you haven't got an answer to that then. :)

You touched a nerve there. The answer is a lot more complex than simply calling for mutilation and killing. Sorry to disappoint your visceral sense of being.

Whether I have the answer or not is for me to decide, and not something I feel I should cast out like a pearl for the pigs, to gain acceptance and approval from strangers who do not give a hoot about me, and the same to them. That is something that each man and woman must deal with on a personal level, and does not let out until that moment comes, because once the answer is realized, there is no turning back, and then you have to live with both consequences forever; the victim you love, and the life you mutilated or snuffed out. Can you accept that? Have you ever taken a life or mutilated someone? It is easy to be brave on a forum and talk about it. It wins a lot of votes and gets you a spot in the back of the rusty old pickup truck, and a shot of moonshine.

The real question is if these self-appointed vigilantes really would do the things they say they would do were the moment presented to them.

You never know until you are faced with it, because again, you have to live with it for the rest of your life. A soldier who shoots another human and kills, and does not have some sort of scarring is not human. People here are outright talking about mutilating people whom they do not know, or snuffing their lives out like it's some sort of video game. These are people we have created in our minds, or who have been created and put there by the media. These are people, whose personal life stories we know nothing about. Are you all really ready to mutilate and take the lives of these people if they are all lined up in front of you? Many of these people, more than likely, were at one time or another molested themselves, and got promoted up the ladder of succession. I am describing the humans in the industry, as well as the humans for sale. It is easy to worship human life, but the reality is that life is cheap, and no one really cares, and the collateral damage continues to increase.

I am certainly aware enough to know that something I have never faced cannot produce an answer until it happens. Killing and mutilating is a very serious thing that one can not erase from their memory. Whatever you think of me for saying that is none of my business. How you demonstrate that to me makes it my business. I have never mutilated or taken another life, and I can honestly say I do not have an answer. Taking the adolescent jibe in consideration, I feel that something like this would definitely test my limitations, but that is a personal issue I do not care to broadcast on a forum where it only serves to exacerbate logical and rational discussion.

How many of these children today are you intent on saving, whereas tomorrow, when they are all grown up and doing the things you hate, you will be ready to mutilate and end their lives?

It is almost ironic, but I think about the comments of people who buy the other DVDs; the ones that promote violence, racism, hatred, murder, rape, war, corruption, adultery, promiscuity, and the lot of the worst kind of human behavior. It seems to me that these movies are getting through to human beings, and most of what I read reflects the gospels these mindless pap movies promote. So where is the real damage, and is this some magician's slight of hand; i.e. focus on the child porn movies (a futile endeavor), and buy a stack of trash to pump into your mind and your children's minds.

Your well constructed opinion is appreciated. Apart from one small thing. Not a single one of my posts in this thread has mentioned taking a life, mutilation or any of the other things you've posted. Seeing as you seem fairly intelligent I'm sure you're au fait with the Strawman argument.


As to your scenario of abuse against one of my family members; nice try to bait and hook, but not my cup of tea to waste time on such an adolescent remark.

So basically you haven't got an answer to that then. :)

You touched a nerve there. The answer is a lot more complex than simply calling for mutilation and killing. Sorry to disappoint your visceral sense of being.

Whether I have the answer or not is for me to decide, and not something I feel I should cast out like a pearl for the pigs, to gain acceptance and approval from strangers who do not give a hoot about me, and the same to them. That is something that each man and woman must deal with on a personal level, and does not let out until that moment comes, because once the answer is realized, there is no turning back, and then you have to live with both consequences forever; the victim you love, and the life you mutilated or snuffed out. Can you accept that? Have you ever taken a life or mutilated someone? It is easy to be brave on a forum and talk about it. It wins a lot of votes and gets you a spot in the back of the rusty old pickup truck, and a shot of moonshine.

The real question is if these self-appointed vigilantes really would do the things they say they would do were the moment presented to them.

You never know until you are faced with it, because again, you have to live with it for the rest of your life. A soldier who shoots another human and kills, and does not have some sort of scarring is not human. People here are outright talking about mutilating people whom they do not know, or snuffing their lives out like it's some sort of video game. These are people we have created in our minds, or who have been created and put there by the media. These are people, whose personal life stories we know nothing about. Are you all really ready to mutilate and take the lives of these people if they are all lined up in front of you? Many of these people, more than likely, were at one time or another molested themselves, and got promoted up the ladder of succession. I am describing the humans in the industry, as well as the humans for sale. It is easy to worship human life, but the reality is that life is cheap, and no one really cares, and the collateral damage continues to increase.

I am certainly aware enough to know that something I have never faced cannot produce an answer until it happens. Killing and mutilating is a very serious thing that one can not erase from their memory. Whatever you think of me for saying that is none of my business. How you demonstrate that to me makes it my business. I have never mutilated or taken another life, and I can honestly say I do not have an answer. Taking the adolescent jibe in consideration, I feel that something like this would definitely test my limitations, but that is a personal issue I do not care to broadcast on a forum where it only serves to exacerbate logical and rational discussion.

How many of these children today are you intent on saving, whereas tomorrow, when they are all grown up and doing the things you hate, you will be ready to mutilate and end their lives?

It is almost ironic, but I think about the comments of people who buy the other DVDs; the ones that promote violence, racism, hatred, murder, rape, war, corruption, adultery, promiscuity, and the lot of the worst kind of human behavior. It seems to me that these movies are getting through to human beings, and most of what I read reflects the gospels these mindless pap movies promote. So where is the real damage, and is this some magician's slight of hand; i.e. focus on the child porn movies (a futile endeavor), and buy a stack of trash to pump into your mind and your children's minds.

Your well constructed opinion is appreciated. Apart from one small thing. Not a single one of my posts in this thread has suggested taking a life, mutilation or any of the other things you've mentioned. Seeing as you seem fairly intelligent I'm sure you're au fait with the Strawman argument.


Interesting that the article titled about Child Porn spends most of its time talking about pirated video, general porn and related items. In fact they did a count saying they found 17 stalls selling pirated, 9 selling porn and another 18 selling sex aids type material with 8 offering sex toys.

One has to wonder why they did not tally the number of of vendors selling child porn since this is supposedly the focus of the article.

In fact, if you look closely at the picture they used for the article, the vast majority of what the vendor on display is selling is regular movies and only the bottom row appears to possibly be porn and of those there is only one cover where it appears a women's breast MAY be visible. All the others appear to be single individuals alone in varies poses covering their genitals (similar to a Playboy cover). If there was child porn there and this was what the story was about ... why not take pictures of that and black out the indecent parts???

There is no doubt child porn being sold by some vendors behind the scenes and action should be taken but this story is a load of poop trying to get people in an uproar either for publicity or to eliminate standard porn titles from being displayed openly on the street. It could also be a personal beef with that district's police since they claim porn is not sold openly in Silom and we all know that is a lie. Another underhand comment was how this would never have been permitted years ago ... could it be the paper or reporter has an issue with those currently running the district? Nothing lower, even in Thailand, than being accused of being involved in child sex abuse.

Also interesting is how they did not ask one police office to come look at the vendors selling child porn. Now that would have been a story either a bust or a cop refusing to do anything about child porn.

Then again they can now also claim their story caused the elimination of all the child porn being sold openly on Sukimivit because surely you will not see this being done now ... same as I never saw it done before.

If they are in town and they don't know that was going on, on the main street in town with thousands of tourists walking by every night, and that is their so called purpose, I think they must be blind or corrupt. I don't appreciate your insinuating lecture like I have any culpability in something that is obviously sanctioned by the power structure here. Now I think I understand why a mod here told me not to post this info, responses like yours, pure redbaiting.

In any case, thanks to this Bangkok news item, it is FINALLY in the public eye. Now we will see whether it gets cleaned up for good in both Bangkok and Pattaya. I'm not optimistic.

If you see this stuff and do nothing (beyond talking to a mod on ThaiVisa) then you do have culpability. I'm sure any reasonable person would agree. But again, my point is you are not actually seeing child porn but seeing something you find very distasteful and your mind is playing tricks on you. I truly don't mean this as an insult ... this happens to all of us when we are passionate about an issue. Just look at the way we all talk about politics ..... all sides are almost always bad but we largely tend to hold up our candidates as actually being trustworthy and good when in fact regardless of who gets elected little changes.

Perhaps this is why you are denying it exists because in your heart you know that if its there you also are culpable. Maybe this head in the sand thing works for you but discussing it on TV is a start to stopping it. Making people aware of it cant hurt.

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