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Brit Poses As A Millionaire To Steal Back His Son From The Thai Lady He Once Called His Wife


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Thai lady woman. Let's have a bit of equality here.

The only foreigners( those whose first language is English) who I hear refer to Thai girls/women as "Ladies' are those who have normally just arrived in Thailand and for some reason (normally frequenting girlie bars too often and taking on board the staff's view of themselves and their pseudo inflated status ) forget themselves and call Thai females 'ladies'.

Funnily, men that refer to females that they have met outside of a bar environment, more often than not, refer to young females as' girls' and those older as 'women'. More apt, I'd say.

Those that continue to call Thai females 'ladies' are usually males who like to defend 'poor hard done by working girls', in the hope that it will distance them from the rest of the males who come to take advantage of these innocents, who then, more often than not, fleece their champion.

Lady Di was a Lady and I'm sure that Thai society has their equivalents.



What utter drivel and rubbish!

Nearly ALL of the cases I use the word "lady" in, I am really saying "female person." I am not saying "female aristocrat with airs and graces, and a penchant for running through fields and fanwing over Mr. Darcy". This is purely both of your wrong assumptions that this is what other people mean.

The fact you sit there, looking down at other people with disdain, be they tourists or ex-pats - new to or familiar with Thailand, for using a common and normal word for identifying a member of the female sex, says MUCH more about you two and tells me all I'll ever need to know about you. I know nothing I say will stop you in your crusades to commandeer the English language so you can fulfill your own little silly agendas, but I'm going to try and articulate this anyway.

I consider myself resonably articulate, with a good understanding of the English language. Where I grew up in London, the female toilet is called "the ladies'", as are changing rooms, and if a friend was recounting a story to me and uses the phrase "and there was this lady there" - I would not suddenly start imagining billowing ball gowns, courtseys and pearls. What you say is purely the connotations you have attached to the word based on how you learned to use it - which by the sounds of it was circa 1850's in a Dickens novel. Words evolve. Live. With. It.

Not only that, a word like "lady" and its intended meaning by the user are made much more obvious by context. "Lady Diana attended the state banquet" being a perfect example of that for the image you are trying to promote for the word, "ladylike" being another. Now use the word in the following context - ladies perfume, ladies toilet, ladies night, hel_l even the song "Lay Lady Lay", I'm pretty sure Bob Dylan was not talking about some British aristocrat laying across his big brass bed. It's all context and what it means to the person using it and how THEY mean it and us as native English speakers should try and make ourself aware of the evolution and modern day meaning of words in our own language, so we don't end up making stupid assumptions and end up sounding like we've wandered out of George Orwell's time machine.

If you see the context that the people in this thread were using lady in, which you were so quick to criticize, you will see they mean "female person".

Americans use the words woman, girl, chick, whatever in very many varying ways to the British, but I can understand what they are saying, because of context! It's actually very easy.

Accept the fact that words can mean different things to different people. Not everyone, thankfully, has to think and talk like you do and you should stop mentally or openly criticising people for using words in ways that aren't necessarily intended in the way YOU think they are. If you'd singled me out for criticism in a bar for something like that, you would not have had a friendly response. Try doing that the next time you're in some dive and not protected by the anonimity of an online forum! I bet you don't and never will.

For you to suggest that visiting English-speaking tourists to Thailand try to distance themself from the stigmas attached to the women they associate with in bars by referring to them as "ladies" is probably one of the more ludicrous statements I've heard in a while. This is TV, I have heard a LOT.

Something tells me you watch far too much Little Britain.

Anyway, back on topic.

I completely agree with all the bribery assumptions. This has to be a case where the BiB were motivated to act purely by some financial persuasion. Even with a court-ordered writ from the UK/The Hague in your hand at the local Thai copshop, I don't imagine the BiB rushing to help you, especially as you're trying to take away a child from a Thai mother, who has not broken any law in Thailand. However, this is just an assumption and conjecture on my part, not all the exact facts are available to us and we weren't there. There's no way to know for sure, other than by speaking to the man involved in the case.

If what the article says - about the mother willing to part with her son on the proviso they can have a jolly in a 5* resort - is true, she seems like a really nasty piece of work. I have children and the unconditional love I feel for them would make me fight to the very end in a scenario such as this.

If this allegation in the article is true, I think we can safely say the boy is better off with his father.

Anyway, I'm off to take a photo of myself with a friend's Porsche to see if I can irritate some Thai golddiggers I randomly get unsolicited Skype messages from!

Edited by ManInSurat
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One wonders what the police was doing. Since Thailand is not a signatory party to the treaty on parental abduction, the child was staying legally with the mother in Thailand. Thailand doesn't recognised a court order from a foreign judge. Why was the police involved?

Not too hard to figure out. Bribe! Clever man, way to go!

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Very wise move. I'll guess the boy will have a lot better childhood together with his father in UK, than he ever would in the Thai village. Most Thais don't have a clue on how to raise kids to be a healthy minded adult. The highest priority seems to learn the "sawasdee" word and gesture. Call my cynical, but personally I'm glad I still don't have any children here.

What's most important for the child is to have consistency, love and support. That can and does occur in Thailand. There is good and bad everywhere. Certainly there is more opportunity in Western countries, but what a child requires is what will cause him/her to develop self-confidence.

Very true. But, as I wrote earlier. Most Thais doesn't have a clue on how to raise, nor to show consistency, love and support. I have seen way to many neglected and psychologically disturbed young kids (and teenagers) here. The girls are taught to merry someone rich and bring money home to mom and and dad, in order to be "loved" back. It is even common to treat all the kids different from the parents side. On a group with 4 children, 1 or 2 are are getting all the love and attention from the parents. The rest doesn't receive the same love and respect from the parents, which then will suffer from psychological problems and try to do whatever then can in order to try to make their parents love them. They are becoming the family slaves, which probably is good for the survival of the others.

I've seen it so much during my years here.

I have to agree. I've seen it too. But they are not all that way. Especially the educated. That was my point. What you describe more often occurs in the poorer farming villages.

Actually No...

I've seen it through various levels of Thais. From poor families in the outskirts to better Chinese families in Bangkok. It usually happens when the family got more than 1-2 kids. Maybe it's the nature's law of bringing the fittest for survival and let the rest do the ground support for the others. Where I come from, it is very odd to not give all the kids the same love and attention. No matter of their personality. But maybe that's just a luxury in a controlled environment, which Thailand still doesn't is for the majority. I believe it's a combination of society time, development, cultural habits. But that doesn't mean it should be accepted in any means.

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Actually No...

I've seen it through various levels of Thais. From poor families in the outskirts to better Chinese families in Bangkok. It usually happens when the family got more than 1-2 kids. Maybe it's the nature's law of bringing the fittest for survival and let the rest do the ground support for the others. Where I come from, it is very odd to not give all the kids the same love and attention. No matter of their personality. But maybe that's just a luxury in a controlled environment, which Thailand still doesn't is for the majority. I believe it's a combination of society time, development, cultural habits. But that doesn't mean it should be accepted in any means.

I agree with you completely that favoritism is unacceptable. Western society also practices favoritism, but perhaps we do see more of it in poorer countries. I have not witnessed it at all levels of Thai society as you have. But, given what I have observed, I do not doubt your contentions. Admittedly, I tend to look at Thailand through rose-colored glasses. It's the place where I have finally found peace.

Edited by venturalaw
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You are wrong sir. Under Thai law the woman has the sole rights to her son! The father must apply to the courts for joint custody even if he is on the birth certificate.

Wrong, wrong, wrong, when married the parents have joint custody.

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Very common occurrence when you marry a bar girl.  Especially if you take her to live in some dreary English town. They miss the action.

And precisely what sort of action will she get in a dreary Thai village where all respectable folk are in bed by 2100?    :blink:

Norton Canes is a pleasant little community just off the A5 and surrounded by green fields as I remember.  I would prefer to live there rather than amid the bright lights of say, nearby Wolverhampton or the Black Country.

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Very clever and cunning!

good luck to both of them. greed is a great way to go after people.

and the kid has chipped teath, probably head first over handle bars of a push bike or similar as most kids do at one time or another, and the mother not being able to afford treatment or maybe she is just a bitch, who knows! :angry:

anyway, at least the young lad is in good hands now.

How do you know that he is in good hands?The post said that the father is divorcing the mother. Who knows why?

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Very clever and cunning!

good luck to both of them. greed is a great way to go after people.

and the kid has chipped teath, probably head first over handle bars of a push bike or similar as most kids do at one time or another, and the mother not being able to afford treatment or maybe she is just a bitch, who knows! :angry:

anyway, at least the young lad is in good hands now.

How do you know that he is in good hands?The post said that the father is divorcing the mother. Who knows why?

Perhaps because she is the type who will flee with the child and not take proper care of him. Just a guess. :whistling:

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Come to Thailand, forget feminism, enjoy femininity.

Lovely one!

What a ridiculous thing to read. You guys have some mental problem if you cannot handle equality between men and women. Enjoy your Thai slaves with their hidden agendas.

What is 'ridiculous' is you equating femininity to slavery. You believe that men have a mental problem if we are attracted to women who appreciate us as oppose to women who wish to dominate.

You will never understand, and that's ok. You don't have to.

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Very clever and cunning!

good luck to both of them. greed is a great way to go after people.

and the kid has chipped teath, probably head first over handle bars of a push bike or similar as most kids do at one time or another, and the mother not being able to afford treatment or maybe she is just a bitch, who knows! :angry:

anyway, at least the young lad is in good hands now.

How do you know the young boy is in good hands?

Good question.

And that the mother accepted some random facebook requests proves actually nothing. Ferrari or not, handsome or not, some people accept everyone.

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I agree this story is VERY SUSS- Daily Mirror is obviously Pro-UK and Anti-Thai... NO WAY did he get the cooperation of the local VILLAGE POLICE to steal the boy back from the mother. Trust me I been in the situation and if the Mum does not wish you to see the child u have no HOPE.


Looking through Facebook I think I can see girl mentioned- as who has not done this easy task to an X if they born in the last half a century. Thanks for the details of your X- no privacy for Thais. Maybe she can get a few more dozen dates now- Lol. :lol: Lets get her view is what I say- interview her!!!

I get 132 results on the name Saowapak. How did you narrow the field?

Surprised that nobody did a search on the daddy. He is on facebook, his decorating firm from can be found and an street address for that company. Now you can get satellite photos of the houses there. Looks like a residential area. So company adress seems to be also living adress; and its on google street view, a van with the company name can be seen parked in front of a house.

Anyway, pretty simpleton of a father who sell his "big story" for a trashy newspaper story. Daddy probably keep cut out from the newspaper and framed them and put them at the wall. The biggest achievement daddy ever got. Posing as a young and handsome Ferrari owner on facebook to contact his ex-wife.

Imagine to grow up in this circumstances. I feel sorry for the young boy. What will daddy tell his son where his mother is and why they break up. How long the internet will kept these story archived? What what will happen when one of his future classmates will find this?

That it has become such a newspaper story says more about the British father than the Thai mother and it proves that daddy is an idiot.

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