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Moo Ban Wan Tan


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A good choice, Thaihog. We rented in Wang Tan some six years ago, liked it so much

that we purchased the very home we leased and just paid it off last month.

I don't know that many people offering rentals here will be on Thai Visa. Have you chatted with the office staff?

Do you have a Thai who can accompany you on a search of the village to watch for rental signs?

There seem to be plenty of them around and your budget seems reasonable for this moo ban.

My wife has a mass of friends here now - I will have her keep an ear out and let you know if she finds something within your range.

Good Luck! You will like it here...


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A good choice, Thaihog. We rented in Wang Tan some six years ago, liked it so much

that we purchased the very home we leased and just paid it off last month.

I don't know that many people offering rentals here will be on Thai Visa. Have you chatted with the office staff?

Do you have a Thai who can accompany you on a search of the village to watch for rental signs?

There seem to be plenty of them around and your budget seems reasonable for this moo ban.

My wife has a mass of friends here now - I will have her keep an ear out and let you know if she finds something within your range.

Good Luck! You will like it here...


..where the big jet engines roar..

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A good choice, Thaihog. We rented in Wang Tan some six years ago, liked it so much

that we purchased the very home we leased and just paid it off last month.

I don't know that many people offering rentals here will be on Thai Visa. Have you chatted with the office staff?

Do you have a Thai who can accompany you on a search of the village to watch for rental signs?

There seem to be plenty of them around and your budget seems reasonable for this moo ban.

My wife has a mass of friends here now - I will have her keep an ear out and let you know if she finds something within your range.

Good Luck! You will like it here...


..where the big jet engines roar..

Not really , its a massive Moo Baan, one I regularly get lost in, if you are gonna live there just see what happens when a plane comes into land before you rent

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A good choice, Thaihog. We rented in Wang Tan some six years ago, liked it so much

that we purchased the very home we leased and just paid it off last month.

I don't know that many people offering rentals here will be on Thai Visa. Have you chatted with the office staff?

Do you have a Thai who can accompany you on a search of the village to watch for rental signs?

There seem to be plenty of them around and your budget seems reasonable for this moo ban.

My wife has a mass of friends here now - I will have her keep an ear out and let you know if she finds something within your range.

Good Luck! You will like it here...


..where the big jet engines roar..

Good restaurant in the clubhouse with Thai and Western food

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..where the big jet engines roar..

Only when the winds are out of the South which is a low percentage of the time and, as written above, the village is large enough so you don't have to be right under the takeoff path.

Besides, if we go through life avoiding airports, train tracks, bus routes, barking dogs, loudspeaker trucks, raucus neighbors, on and on, we would never find a suitable place to live anywhere near a city.

In this LOUDEST country I have ever lived in, Wang Tan is one very quiet and respectful moo ban. The loudspeaker trucks are severly restricted, we are not plagued with street dogs, traffic is minimal, the very rare loud parties shut down at a reasonable hour.. The loudest noises we hear the great majority of the time are birdsongs and peepfrogs.

Decent restaurant and pool, tennis courts, very efficient security, reasonable community fees, easy commuting distance to shopping centers and quality schools, friendly people like your's truely.. What's not to like, eh? B)


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There are several houses for rent in this Mooban.6 at least I can think of and all with signs on the front gate. Suggest the easiest way to check availability is to drive around with your mobile phone and simply park outside and phone them. Wouldnt go through a third party, mighty cost you more !

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I've known people to pay as little as 6K to rent there. I owned in Section Five. It's too far off the main road. The soi dog problem isn't too bad, except for two households that feed them, then let them roam in packs at night. Horrible place to excercise, unless you don't mind carrying a large piece of rebar. The developers house has been on the market for at least four years. There are others, who can't sell because they would take a huge loss. The homes starting at 1,040,000 sign on Hang Dong has been there so long that it is beginning to fall apart.

It is a beautifully planned community, considering it has no sidewalks. Motorcycle cab to the main road is 25 thb, and yellow songteaw into the city is great from 5am to 8 pm. The lower priced homes are the ones under the planes. That didn't bother me. People breeding large viscous dogs in nearby homes and leaving them caged up for days at a time certainly did. If you need the bedrooms; it may be a good option--better than a lot of the Koolapunts.

I would have rented my house ourt for 10,000, mostly furnished, and not to "locals." I definitely had some quality farangs asking me if they could rent. If you are like the missionary families that never leave their property (except in their SUV) you won't have any troubles.

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I've known people to pay as little as 6K to rent there. .... People breeding large viscous dogs in nearby homes and leaving them caged up for days at a time certainly did. .....


I'm not the anal kind who likes to pick people up on their misspellings, but I just had to highlight the wonderful unwitting malapropism - 'large viscous dog'. Presumably defined as a oversized canine full to bloating with sticky rice. I must find a use for that phrase sometime in my future scratchings.

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  • 2 months later...


I just came back from there after looking at a place to buy but when I called the agent it appears the owner has taken it off the market. Any ideas of 3 bed homes for sale there between 1.5 and 2 million can PM me. Thanks.

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