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BaanOz, indeed horrible story.

Five years ago girl had some kind of break down in the middle of Pantip Plaza, Bkk. Everybody enjoyed the show, none (!) helped for half hour. Somehow nice old man, ( btw, died from the stroke two years later at the parking lot of the very same Pantip Plaza) appeared and helped with basic CPR....

More horror stories ?

I presume this story is from personal experience ?

If so - what were you doing for the half hour where no-one helped ?

Enjoying the show ? :o:D:D

Well spotted Pedro. :D

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There go I but for the grace of god.

My dear children, love is compassionate. Compassion is the ability to have mercy for your fellow man. When you are compassionate, you are forbearing in your relationships with people. True compassion allows you to see the other person's pain without becoming caught up in the emotion of the situation. It allows you to be kind in your speaking, to be gentle in helping others, and respectful.

Use compassion daily as you go through routine. At work treat your fellow workers with kindness and compassion. Let your words be truthful and kind. Many people are truthful, but are not kind in stating the truth. Truthfulness is not ruthlessness. Use compassion to state the truth. Let your words bring joy and healing to inflamed situations. Let your thoughts and prayers rise in compassion and truth.

Have pity on the less fortunate. Lift them up in prayer. Let your prayers be filled with compassion and let the pity of your compassion seek ways to help your fellow man. My children, let your help be true help and a salve for your ego. Let the help you give people, help them to help themselves. If you treat the less fortunate as wayward children, that is what they become. They will return again and again, like a child for your help. Then what happens is you become oppressed and find fault with them for not taking care of themselves. When you help, let your help be in the form of teaching them to care for themselves.

Everyone has abilities. When you are compassionate, you see their abilities, you see their talents, you are aware of their capabilities. To be truly compassionate, walk first with them, either physically or mentally. Get to know them and their situation. Allow every person to work to the best of their abilities, realizing that every person on earth has their unique talents, abilities, and capabilities. In this way you see every person as teachable. You will see each one as capable and of value.

Let your compassion help you see people as capable, as having God-given talents, God-given abilities, and God-given rights. Through your compassion, you respect their individuality, the uniqueness that makes them who they are. When you see their individuality and uniqueness, you see their connection to God. For it is through each person's uniqueness and individuality that God connects to that person. In this way you honor God, by honoring every person's connection to Him. I encourage you to live today in love, allowing your compassion to fill your day with kindness.

Edited by Bizz
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My wife told me once to be aware of the "mentally" ill, they might be on ya bah, or other drugs.Or simply just destroyed their brains with that stuff.Many are just incalculable and dangerous and I´m simply afraid of mentally ill people,especially that I can´t speak Thai

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There go I but for the grace of god.

My dear children, love is compassionate. Compassion is the ability to have mercy for your fellow man. When you are compassionate, you are forbearing in your relationships with people. True compassion allows you to see the other person's pain without becoming caught up in the emotion of the situation. It allows you to be kind in your speaking, to be gentle in helping others, and respectful.

Use compassion daily as you go through routine. At work treat your fellow workers with kindness and compassion. Let your words be truthful and kind. Many people are truthful, but are not kind in stating the truth. Truthfulness is not ruthlessness. Use compassion to state the truth. Let your words bring joy and healing to inflamed situations. Let your thoughts and prayers rise in compassion and truth.

Have pity on the less fortunate. Lift them up in prayer. Let your prayers be filled with compassion and let the pity of your compassion seek ways to help your fellow man. My children, let your help be true help and a salve for your ego. Let the help you give people, help them to help themselves. If you treat the less fortunate as wayward children, that is what they become. They will return again and again, like a child for your help. Then what happens is you become oppressed and find fault with them for not taking care of themselves. When you help, let your help be in the form of teaching them to care for themselves.

Everyone has abilities. When you are compassionate, you see their abilities, you see their talents, you are aware of their capabilities. To be truly compassionate, walk first with them, either physically or mentally. Get to know them and their situation. Allow every person to work to the best of their abilities, realizing that every person on earth has their unique talents, abilities, and capabilities. In this way you see every person as teachable. You will see each one as capable and of value.

Let your compassion help you see people as capable, as having God-given talents, God-given abilities, and God-given rights. Through your compassion, you respect their individuality, the uniqueness that makes them who they are. When you see their individuality and uniqueness, you see their connection to God. For it is through each person's uniqueness and individuality that God connects to that person. In this way you honor God, by honoring every person's connection to Him. I encourage you to live today in love, allowing your compassion to fill your day with kindness.

U forgot to say 'Amen"........

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Are Christians the only who will help in these situations?

Regards BaanOz

Man, I don't want to turn this into a holy war, but that's not fair. I have known plenty of christians who wouldn't have lifted a finger, because she not one her self, or they didn't want to get their hands dirty. So please, be careful what you say.

And as for the OP. I was wondering why he would post here for something like that, but if he can't speak Thai, is new to the country, and the woman isn't going to drop dead in the next few minutes, than he has plenty of time to talk to people who speak his language and know the country better then he, and therefore get good advice. I am thankful he took the time to type out his questions. He wanted to help and tried to find a way to help, so to the OP good on ya! Here in America your lucky someone spits on ya if you're dying on the street. No one should ever be abused over trying to help! :o

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Are Christians the only who will help in these situations?

Regards BaanOz

Man, I don't want to turn this into a holy war, but that's not fair. I have known plenty of christians who wouldn't have lifted a finger, because she not one her self, or they didn't want to get their hands dirty. So please, be careful what you say.

Did you see the bit I quoted in my message?

Is there any organisation in Thailand religous or not-for-profit, whatever - who can help mentally ill, destitute etc etc people?

Regards, BaanOz

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Are Christians the only who will help in these situations?

Regards BaanOz

Man, I don't want to turn this into a holy war, but that's not fair. I have known plenty of christians who wouldn't have lifted a finger, because she not one her self, or they didn't want to get their hands dirty. So please, be careful what you say.

Did you see the bit I quoted in my message?

Is there any organisation in Thailand religous or not-for-profit, whatever - who can help mentally ill, destitute etc etc people?

Regards, BaanOz

Oh I saw it. But you asked if christians are the only ones to help, I would have helped, and I am not a christian. I really don't wanna start a fight, I just thought the question was the wrong question to ask. You are saying, by asking such a question, that only christian would help, and I'm telling you that's not fair. That's all.

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Oh I saw it. But you asked if christians are the only ones to help, I would have helped, and I am not a christian. I really don't wanna start a fight, I just thought the question was the wrong question to ask. You are saying, by asking such a question, that only christian would help, and I'm telling you that's not fair. That's all.

You have taken my message the wrong way, Penelope said "contact one of the Christian Churches or Missions in BKK". I said: seeing Buddhist is by far the majority, surely there are places of help by Buddhists INSTEAD. :o

you asked if christians are the only ones to help

I was being fcuknig sarcastic.

BTW I take it you don't know? :D

Regards BaanOz

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Oh I saw it. But you asked if christians are the only ones to help, I would have helped, and I am not a christian. I really don't wanna start a fight, I just thought the question was the wrong question to ask. You are saying, by asking such a question, that only christian would help, and I'm telling you that's not fair. That's all.

You have taken my message the wrong way, Penelope said "contact one of the Christian Churches or Missions in BKK". I said: seeing Buddhist is by far the majority, surely there are places of help by Buddhists INSTEAD. :D

you asked if christians are the only ones to help
I was being fcuknig sarcastic.

BTW I take it you don't know? :D

Regards BaanOz

What?! :D

OOOPS! :D I just picked up on that, guess I'm the idiot today. Sorry. :o

Edited by thaibebop
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OOOPS!  :D  I just picked up on that, guess I'm the idiot today. Sorry. :o

No worries thaibebop :D it's sometimes hard to pick in messages what the writer really means.

BTW on topic I was chatting to my wife about what happens to the homeless/mentally ill in Thailand and she mentioned (I didn't know) that her sister sometimes helps out at a local area (Nonthaburi) at a Temple where they help and give meals to these people. Apparently it is the norm.

Also, asked about mentally ill receiving treatment and as far as she knows they unfortunately do not get any at the Temple - but might be wrong.

Regards, BaanOz

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