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Violent Media Make Violent Kids: Thai Mental Health Dept


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Mental Health Dept: violent media make violent kids

BANGKOK, 6 October 2010 (NNT) -- The Department of Mental Health, Ministry of Public Health, expresses its concerns over the imitation of aggressive behaviors among teenagers, after a study reveals that Thai adolescents consume too much media.

Director of the Bureau of Technical Development, Department of Mental Health, Amporn Benjaponpitak, said during a radio talk show that people, particularly youngsters, who view violent acts are more likely to show aggressive behaviors. Violent on media, such as news, movies and games at times lead to imitation.

Dr Amporn further noted that teenagers tend to adopt the aggressive behavior of the characters they like and imitate. During the talk show, the case of Thailand superstar ‘Film’ Rattapoom Tokongsap and Annie Brook were brought up to examine how the society has affected from the media.

According to the research, Thai adolescents spend an average of 12.5 hours watching or reading media per day, which is considered too much. Without finding a solution to this, Dr Amporn believes it will cause serious consequences on Thai youth.


-- NNT 2010-10-06 footer_n.gif

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Bad ass kids are the direct result of inept parents. Asswhoopins are in order as soon as the kid starts getting out of line.

GMAFB, the media made me do it *sob*

Just a excuse weak parents can use when their ill mannered bastards get caught messing up.

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It's always blame the kids...they're not the ones that are causing all the problems..but it's an emotive topic, it sells papers and it gets people's attention. Just more tropes and soundbites from another condescending govt department that does f*@K all but feather its own nest.

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It's always blame the kids...they're not the ones that are causing all the problems..but it's an emotive topic, it sells papers and it gets people's attention. Just more tropes and soundbites from another condescending govt department that does f*@K all but feather its own nest.

True, true and true, but so also is monkey see monkey do . . . .and copy cat crime . . . .and copy cat suicide . . . .we learn language and social skills through copying . . .it's how we evolve, or don't . . . . . .drug use and crime is copycat too.

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Yes, the constant stream of needless violent dribble and horrendous screeching on Thai TV certainly has a bearing on kids, but lets not forget the other influences - real, ongoing violent acts perpetrated by a certain sickly coloured group, daily slaughterings down south, burgeoning gun crime and cops getting away with murder, lack of punishments for real crimes, excessive graft and accepted corruption that is the norm... ad nauseum. Sort of checks the Amazing Thailand moniker somewhat.

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So far every post on this thread is spot on.

But, what about the morons who censor all tv and movies with the BLUR!

They really dont realize that they are drawing attention to what ever is being blurred.

Spank your punk ass kids butttts and teach them right from wrong! Stop the blurring.

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When you have a country that claims to be Buddhist, which is a philosophy that teaches respect for all living things, but yet filled with people who have ZERO respect for human life, where laws are ignored and abused by those with power and influence, where the son of one rich man can execute, in cold blood, a police officer while two of his friends hold the victim's arms, and never spend a day in jail for it, where the son of another rich man drives his Mercedes into a crowded bus stop, killing people because he was "frustrated", but has yet to serve a day of his sentence, where "justice" is bought and sold to the highest bidder, where television censors digitally block cigarettes and alcohol, but have no problems showing beatings and rapes of women AND minor children, where your social status is based on the color of your skin and the size of your bank account, and where mothers sell their minor daughters as prostitutes, what do you expect?

LOS - Land of Smiles? More like Land of Shame.

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When you have a country that claims to be Buddhist, which is a philosophy that teaches respect for all living things, but yet filled with people who have ZERO respect for human life, where laws are ignored and abused by those with power and influence, where the son of one rich man can execute, in cold blood, a police officer while two of his friends hold the victim's arms, and never spend a day in jail for it, where the son of another rich man drives his Mercedes into a crowded bus stop, killing people because he was "frustrated", but has yet to serve a day of his sentence, where "justice" is bought and sold to the highest bidder, where television censors digitally block cigarettes and alcohol, but have no problems showing beatings and rapes of women AND minor children, where your social status is based on the color of your skin and the size of your bank account, and where mothers sell their minor daughters as prostitutes, what do you expect?

LOS - Land of Smiles? More like Land of Shame.

Well that just about covers it, wouldn't you say? Anyone think of something he missed out?

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When you have a country that claims to be Buddhist, which is a philosophy that teaches respect for all living things, but yet filled with people who have ZERO respect for human life, where laws are ignored and abused by those with power and influence, where the son of one rich man can execute, in cold blood, a police officer while two of his friends hold the victim's arms, and never spend a day in jail for it, where the son of another rich man drives his Mercedes into a crowded bus stop, killing people because he was "frustrated", but has yet to serve a day of his sentence, where "justice" is bought and sold to the highest bidder, where television censors digitally block cigarettes and alcohol, but have no problems showing beatings and rapes of women AND minor children, where your social status is based on the color of your skin and the size of your bank account, and where mothers sell their minor daughters as prostitutes, what do you expect?

LOS - Land of Smiles? More like Land of Shame.

Well that just about covers it, wouldn't you say? Anyone think of something he missed out?

Nope, I think he pretty well hit the nail on the head with that one, I couldn't have said it better myself. :thumbsup:

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Well aren't WE behind the times.

So which media? Movies, video games or stupid Thai dramas with horrible musical scores? Or maybe watching our parents partake in red/yellow protests and lockdowns? Or our leaders stealing from us and screwing each other? Easy answer: All the above.

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When you have a country that claims to be Buddhist, which is a philosophy that teaches respect for all living things, but yet filled with people who have ZERO respect for human life, where laws are ignored and abused by those with power and influence, where the son of one rich man can execute, in cold blood, a police officer while two of his friends hold the victim's arms, and never spend a day in jail for it, where the son of another rich man drives his Mercedes into a crowded bus stop, killing people because he was "frustrated", but has yet to serve a day of his sentence, where "justice" is bought and sold to the highest bidder, where television censors digitally block cigarettes and alcohol, but have no problems showing beatings and rapes of women AND minor children, where your social status is based on the color of your skin and the size of your bank account, and where mothers sell their minor daughters as prostitutes, what do you expect?

LOS - Land of Smiles? More like Land of Shame.

Well that just about covers it, wouldn't you say? Anyone think of something he missed out?

Nope, I think he pretty well hit the nail on the head with that one, I couldn't have said it better myself. :thumbsup:

Is there room in there for dishonest monks?

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When you have a country that claims to be Buddhist, which is a philosophy that teaches respect for all living things, but yet filled with people who have ZERO respect for human life, where laws are ignored and abused by those with power and influence, where the son of one rich man can execute, in cold blood, a police officer while two of his friends hold the victim's arms, and never spend a day in jail for it, where the son of another rich man drives his Mercedes into a crowded bus stop, killing people because he was "frustrated", but has yet to serve a day of his sentence, where "justice" is bought and sold to the highest bidder, where television censors digitally block cigarettes and alcohol, but have no problems showing beatings and rapes of women AND minor children, where your social status is based on the color of your skin and the size of your bank account, and where mothers sell their minor daughters as prostitutes, what do you expect?

LOS - Land of Smiles? More like Land of Shame.

I was considering responding to all of the above, and then saw your response, which completely negated the need for me to do so.

I do wish that those in authority would read some of the comments on TV, particularly this one, as, in my opinion, your response hits the nail squarely on the head!

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Well aren't WE behind the times.

So which media? Movies, video games or stupid Thai dramas with horrible musical scores? Or maybe watching our parents partake in red/yellow protests and lockdowns? Or our leaders stealing from us and screwing each other? Easy answer: All the above.

Try playing Grand Theft Auto. It is the most violent game I have ever seen (and I have not seen that many!). I don't think it is appropriate for children to play that game. Try it for yourself sometime...unreal. :blink:

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I could refer this to the Rascals in New Guinea. When television was introduced (around 1994) within a month there were shootouts in the street after watching US TV series, because they thought that was normal in the west!

The pathetic excuse for Thai television and constant displays of screaming and violence, rapes, bashings, shootings and deviant activities sets a great example to children and as this is watched so intently by the adults who should have more sense, then what would you expect. Hang on - the Muay Thai gym is calling. Have to go practice more moves.... blink.gif

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It's always blame the kids...they're not the ones that are causing all the problems..but it's an emotive topic, it sells papers and it gets people's attention. Just more tropes and soundbites from another condescending govt department that does f*@K all but feather its own nest.

True, true and true, but so also is monkey see monkey do . . . .and copy cat crime . . . .and copy cat suicide . . . .we learn language and social skills through copying . . .it's how we evolve, or don't . . . . . .drug use and crime is copycat too.

AND.... the kids in the schools are basically taught to copy and not think for themselves.......

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I could refer this to the Rascals in New Guinea. When television was introduced (around 1994) within a month there were shootouts in the street after watching US TV series, because they thought that was normal in the west!

The pathetic excuse for Thai television and constant displays of screaming and violence, rapes, bashings, shootings and deviant activities sets a great example to children and as this is watched so intently by the adults who should have more sense, then what would you expect. Hang on - the Muay Thai gym is calling. Have to go practice more moves.... blink.gif

The funny thing is that there is a censorship system for TV. I work doing TV commercials and we have to submit the material to a censor to get it approved; just today I found out that a shot in one of my current projects (I can't give details but it's just a bit over the violence level of "guy slips on a banana peel") was deemed to violent to broadcast. :blink:

Round-house kicking the wife/GF/gik, OK.

Showing uncensored mutilate/burnt/bloodied bodies on the evening news, OK.

Pratfall, won't someone think of the children!!!

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Has anyone blamed the Thai education system yet?

Just 1 voice has said it all. But bangon, changing the education system is the key. But isn't there a political movement in Thailand that is trying to shift the wealth, power and influence away from the corrupt few ?

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