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Bangkok-Nonthaburi Bomb Went Off Accidentally

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"The New Thai State" where can I buy this?

We aresure the Police will have a stand outside the station, Baht 250 each:ph34r:


I find it odd, that the "bomb" has been described so quickly and a cute little illustration has even been provided. The Thai police must certainly have some cutting edge technology and great expertise since they have delivered a decisive conclusion in a shorter time period than other more experienced agencies do. Yes, the damage may be consistent with a bomb. However, a complete reliable conclusion takes weeks even where there is a lot of evidence. Samples have to be taken and analyzed and that takes time. It doesn't matter who it is, the determining factor is time.

This is quite an impressive feat. looks like Thailand is now the only country in the world that can analyze data from an incident like this in near real time. Quite an accomplishment.

yes i am very impressed that they have managed to re-create (better than CSI) the events immediately before the "bomb" exploded. i want to know who their phorensic officer is and buy him/her a sandwich


I find it odd that we now have closet red shirt posters that can rubbish anything the Government or security forces do and form a reliable conclusion that the red shirt movement are whiter than white and not really terrorist murderers. Bring back Thaksin quickly so that we can all benefit from his all seeing benevolence!!!! Thats the one thing that would make me head for Vietnam and leave behind the family if necessary. Its a good job Thailand has security forces that can spot a bomb when they see one - to me thats the only thing that can make the devastation - or maybe you think someone set light to a fart!!

I find it odd, that the "bomb" has been described so quickly and a cute little illustration has even been provided. The Thai police must certainly have some cutting edge technology and great expertise since they have delivered a decisive conclusion in a shorter time period than other more experienced agencies do. Yes, the damage may be consistent with a bomb. However, a complete reliable conclusion takes weeks even where there is a lot of evidence. Samples have to be taken and analyzed and that takes time. It doesn't matter who it is, the determining factor is time.

This is quite an impressive feat. looks like Thailand is now the only country in the world that can analyze data from an incident like this in near real time. Quite an accomplishment.

I find it odd that we now have closet red shirt posters that can rubbish anything the Government or security forces do and form a reliable conclusion that the red shirt movement are whiter than white and not really terrorist murderers. Bring back Thaksin quickly so that we can all benefit from his all seeing benevolence!!!! Thats the one thing that would make me head for Vietnam and leave behind the family if necessary. Its a good job Thailand has security forces that can spot a bomb when they see one - to me thats the only thing that can make the devastation - or maybe you think someone set light to a fart!!

Think it's going a bit far to call the poster a "closet red shirt". We're all allowed to question what the State states, doesn't make you a synpathiser. In this case though it does indeed look like tthey've been caught red handed. Ooooops.


Very sad that anyone believes, bombing a school or a shopping-mall or the Ministry building, will somehow bring peace or justice to the country, and having stirred-up so much hatred & misunderstanding, the Red-Shirt leaders ought at least to now be condemning this sort of thing and explaining to their followers that this is not what they want them to be doing ?

Perhaps an example might be set, by the leader overseas, so that he doesn't by continuing-inaction give the false-impression, that he actually might approve of bombing-campaigns ? B)

They, the red shirts, UDD, whatever other names they use, do not want peace or justice or understanding or democracy. They want a failed state so that their beloved leader can walk back in and turn the country back into his own private company.

That is indeed the logical conclusion to be drawn. It is not enough for Jatuporn to try to claim the bomber wasn't a Red-Shirt, when he clearly was one. Jatuporn & all the other mis-leaders should have the decency to condemn the act, or they are accepting that a terrorist bombing-campaign is fine with them, as long as they achieve their political-ends. B)


I wonder if some of the Red supporters will reconsider supporting the Reds now that they know it is a terrorist group? I'm sure they didn't believe it before but now it seams hard to deny. Well at least I hope some of them come to their senses.

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