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American Ranch

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A man has a dream of running and owning his own ranch, although his wife is not keen on the idea, she happily goes along with it as she knows how much it means to her husband. The couple finally save enough to buy their own ranch and for a week or so every thing runs so well, until her husband suddenly passed away. As the now widow does not know anything about maintaining her own ranch she decided to hire a worker who can help her with the running of the place as she is determined to live out her husband's dream as this is what he would want. The wife advertises the job for a month but only two people apply... a drunken alcoholic with no experience and a gay man with an abundance of experience, this brings a dilemma as she is very religious and does not believe in homosexuality. After much deliberation the women goes against her beliefs and hires the gay man as she believes he will be better equiped to manage the ranch than the alcoholic. Weeks go by and everything is running perfectly, the man is working so hard and the results are amazing. The women decides to reward the gay man for his efforts and the coming weekend decided to give him the saturday off so he can go out on the town, all expenses paid. The man is thrilled with this kind gesture as he has never had time to go out and enjoy himself. Saturday comes and the wife explains she would like him back before 1.00 a.m, the gay man agree and begins to get ready.

time goes by as the women waits by the fire to greet the man from his night out, 1.00 a.m is closing in and there is no sign of him... the clock ticks by and still no show from the man, 2.00 a.m, 2:30 a.m ...finally just before 3:00 a.m the man stumbles through the door, the women turns to him and seductively calls him over and whispers in his ear "take my top off" - the man looks nervous, almost frightened, but he does as she requests. "undo my pants and take them off" looking a bit bewildered the man again does as she requests "okay, Bra and pants off now" the man is almost in tears, as he again does as the woman requests and then... slap! never wear my <deleted> clothes again!

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