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Thai Woman Trashes Husband's Member


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It is a Thai thing. My wife has always told me that if she "SUSPECTED" that I had even socialised with another woman (No sex) she would cut my little fella off. Thai women can be irrational and knives are the prefered language in a dispute. Upset a Thai lady then it is run for your life.

That's not too bad a threat (if you don't keep ducks). Mine said she'll boil it first and then put it in the mincer....so i've made sure we don't have a mincer at home...

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Mutilation like this always brings out the jokes, but i wonder if the same sort of jokes would be made were a man to disfigure a woman in a similar fashion - slicing off her parts of her breasts or sexual organs? I think the tone might be more outrage than humour.

Agree with your comments, it is a serious crime and not a matter for joking about.

Same kind of thing happens with cancer. If a man gets testicular cancer that results in the removal of one of his testes it's all about who can think of the best "man with one nut" joke. How many jokes however do you hear about the woman cancer sufferer with one breast? Thankfully none.

Apples and oranges. Lose a testicle, the other ones takes up the slack and produces and performs for the 2. Its by no means a comparison to losing 1 or 2 breasts, or losing a penis. End of this story.,

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It is natural to make jokes about such things, as humor is useful to deal with uncomfortable fears.

And when was the last time you cracked a breast cancer joke?

I sincerely think they are very different kinds of fear and the fact that you ALWAYS get lots of jokes when the subject of dick attacks comes up, rather proves my point.

How do these fears differ? Both concern possible death and both would have profound psychological effects that would change and most likely damage a person for life. Only difference is one involves male genitalia and the other doesn't.

Edited by rixalex
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It is natural to make jokes about such things, as humor is useful to deal with uncomfortable fears.

And when was the last time you cracked a breast cancer joke?

I sincerely think they are very different kinds of fear and the fact that you ALWAYS get lots of jokes when the subject of dick attacks comes up, rather proves my point.

How do these fears differ? Both concern possible death and both would have profound psychological effects that would change and most likely damage a person for life. Only difference is one involves male genitalia and the other doesn't.

Most all men know the answer to that. The dick is everything. Read some FREUD and get back to me. I think your line of discussion is just silly, much sillier than the jokes.

Next ...

Edited by Jingthing
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I wonder if it's the same thing as when someone loses a hand or foot, and on occasion feels like it's still there.

I also didn't realize there were specialists in dick reattachments.

He should cut her vagina off.

Oh yes and the Urologist can even do a penile prosthesis implant too if the "member" was found to be in bad condition.

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Mutilation like this always brings out the jokes, but i wonder if the same sort of jokes would be made were a man to disfigure a woman in a similar fashion - slicing off her parts of her breasts or sexual organs? I think the tone might be more outrage than humour.

Agree with your comments, it is a serious crime and not a matter for joking about.

Same kind of thing happens with cancer. If a man gets testicular cancer that results in the removal of one of his testes it's all about who can think of the best "man with one nut" joke. How many jokes however do you hear about the woman cancer sufferer with one breast? Thankfully none.

Apples and oranges. Lose a testicle, the other ones takes up the slack and produces and performs for the 2. Its by no means a comparison to losing 1 or 2 breasts, or losing a penis. End of this story.,

A friend died of testicular cancer. Forgive me if i fail to see its funny side.

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A straight case of attempted Murder,

resulting in GBH,poor guy was lucky to have woken up before he bled to death.

Happens too often in Thailand,but I only recall 1 case in America,guy called Bobby Lovett? or something like that.

"hel_l hath no Fury like a woman scorned" certainly takes on a new meaning with some Thai females.

Funny. The name was Bobbit but I forget the first name. Do remember the story and follow ups after. His wife was a national heroin in her home country, in South America, dont recall at the moment which country though. Itll come to me later

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A friend died of testicular cancer. Forgive me if i fail to see its funny side.

Good example. People don't joke about penis cancer, but they do joke about chop offs. The very idea of chop offs touches a deep psychological stress nerve in most men, and like I said, humor is used to diffuse that. I truly feel we are hard wired to feel that way. Edited by Jingthing
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Throw her in jail!

Walking Man,

This seems to have touched a nerve there (pun not really intended) but don't you think there was something more to this?

Anyone with an avatar entitled 'errant member' should be very careful

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It is a Thai thing. My wife has always told me that if she "SUSPECTED" that I had even socialised with another woman (No sex) she would cut my little fella off. Thai women can be irrational and knives are the prefered language in a dispute. Upset a Thai lady then it is run for your life.

I got the same preaching from an American wife. I divorced her before the event happened, thank God and Buddha. A clear case of insanity for anyone to consider that option. My sincere advise to you, stranger, is pack now, get the hel_l out, and burn all bridges behind you leaving no traces where she can find you. No phone calls, no emails, no i.m. nothing. Stay with her, roll the dice each day, and take your chances. Your jewels are on the crap table. For the record, years later, I learned mine had 7 husbands, all had major battle scars on their faces. From what I have been told of others that know/knew me, I being husband #2, I am the only one with no scars from her insane, agressive, behavior No fear mongering intended to you, its here nor there to me, but I give fair advice based on experience. Take, discount it, or leave it.Up to you.

Edited by featography
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There must be an extreme level of rage in a woman to want to cut off the penis of her husband. And then to plan it by walking into a pharmacy to pick up sleeping tabs .... The reporter's contention that Thai doctors enjoy worldwide fame for their expertise in re-attaching a severed penis raises the question, how did they acquire such expertise ? Is penis chopping so widespread through Thailand that doctors have developed expertise to meet a growing requirement ? Aaaarghh, my apologies for that gauche oxymoron.

I wonder what sort of future awaits the victim in his post-penis life. At the start of the surgery would the famed Thai doctors provide options to the victim? Should it be too late to restore your own penis, would an artificial one be acceptable ? Or would you like to use the opportunity to fundamentally revamp your life and start a new life as a post-op lady boy ?

Incidentally the report does not mention how the cops wised up to the woman's crime and stopped her. Is this another apocryphal tale after all ?

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Wow. I'm getting a divorce soon too, I hope that is not my fate. But I bet she is mad.

Make sure you protect your asset pal. Take some of the advices posted here like sleeping on your tummy and make sure you make your own drinks etc. :lol:

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Thai men should learn to teat us with more respect. Else ... you know what may happen.

Would have to agree with you despite the unveiled threat. Thai guys do not treat their women with much respect that I have seen. Seems the Farang have a head start here as most are at least polite and look after their Thai women/girl friends. Of course there are exceptions to the rule but if you stay away from bars and their 'fare', easy to find a nice lady who will reciprocate the respect. ... But the craziness is still there - just ask my wife! wink.gif

Absolute nonsense. Why is this myth, that Thai men disrespect their women, seemingly accepted without challenge?

From my experience of Thai family life/ friends I have not seen any evidence of Thai men mistreating their partners, in fact quite the opposite, I can only think of examples from the other side of the scale. My wife's step father adores my mother in law and treats her very well. My brother in law accepts beatings from his wife even though he works really hard (offshore) so that she doesn't have to work, in fact she doesn't even look after their child (that is done by my mother in law and wife's stepfather).

All the females in my wife's family are happy with their partners with the exception of two, my wife, unfortunately, and her sister, who was also in a relationship with an english man.

I personally find it difficult to live up to the expectations of my wife, and that has been the root cause of all our problems.

My Thai friend in the UK is also very respectful of his partner.

Yes, I have seen one incident of a man shouting and abusing his partner on the street in Ban Pong, but pratts are everywhere and I have seen a lot more here in the UK.

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Apples and oranges. Lose a testicle, the other ones takes up the slack and produces and performs for the 2. Its by no means a comparison to losing 1 or 2 breasts, or losing a penis. End of this story.,

Apples and oranges ?

From a scientific study:


Not only was this comparison easy to make, but it is apparent from the figure that apples and oranges are very similar. Thus, it would appear that the comparing apples and oranges defense should no longer be considered valid. This is a somewhat startling revelation. It can be anticipated to have a dramatic effect on the strategies used in arguments and discussions in the future."

( http://improbable.com/airchives/paperair/volume1/v1i3/air-1-3-apples.html )

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Thai men should learn to teat us with more respect. Else ... you know what may happen.

Yeah, so with your same logic when a thai woman has a lover her husband

is free to cut her a boob or her clitoris in revenge ?

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The very idea of chop offs touches a deep psychological stress nerve in most men, and like I said, humor is used to diffuse that. I truly feel we are hard wired to feel that way.

I tend to agree here. It is just so damned disturbing that only a nervous chuckle or a joke (admittedly in poor taste) can help to diffuse the sheer horror of it.

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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Does anyone have any stats on women being mutilated because of suspected infidelity?

I guess the discomfort level of this story is better processed by humor, but the fact is that men are just SO much more obsessed with their 'member' - you don't often see women fondling (you know, that quick check to make sure it's still there) their breasts or genitals in public do you?

Either way, glad to hear the guy didn't die, it could have been a lot more serious.

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She must have had a very sharp knife. Or did she have to hack at it?

According to common perception the surgeon would not have had too much to hack at.

lol one time a bargirl wanted me to use a condom, so she gave me one. A Thai one. Couldn't even fit it over my bell end! So rode bareback as usual.

I hope you all use protection though, so you don't transmit to them so they don't transmit to me.

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lol one time a bargirl wanted me to use a condom, so she gave me one. A Thai one. Couldn't even fit it over my bell end! So rode bareback as usual.

I hope you all use protection though, so you don't transmit to them so they don't transmit to me.

Sometimes the stupidity revealed on here is truly amazing.

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lol one time a bargirl wanted me to use a condom, so she gave me one. A Thai one. Couldn't even fit it over my bell end! So rode bareback as usual.

I hope you all use protection though, so you don't transmit to them so they don't transmit to me.

Sometimes the stupidity revealed on here is truly amazing.

For once I have to totally agree with you, J1V. As if k. Meechai did all that work with his PDA for nothing. I'm almost in favour of a snipe penalty for people with that mentality. :blink:

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