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Riding The Skytrain With Wife'S Undies...


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Reading a couple of posts here re undies I thought I would share with you my experience last month. Rushing out the door as usual, slung my bag upon my back, headed of to Skytrain, phone in one hand, ice coffee in the other. Jumped on the train at Ari, stood all the way to On Nut, popped into Tesco's for something, jumped a taxi put bag on seat beside me and then noticed to my horror that the wife's bra had traveled with me, the hook having got caught up in the mesh as I swung the bag on my back.

I'd actually checked on more than one occasion whilst standing that I was zipped up below as I'd noticed what I thought were a few sniggers that I eventually dismissed as paranoia.

Be honest would anyone of you have told me ?

post-7438-054798900 1286548350_thumb.jpg

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even if you made this up, the picture is to be commended.

had i been there i would have happily pointed it out.

very happily.

Thanks but this was exactly how it happened. I have got similar previous for this where trains are concerned. Some years earlier in London I'd bought some hi-fi speakers in a closing down sale, they no longer had the original packing but found a box for me. Once again on the train, and again the sidelong looks and nudges and smiles, this time I'm convinced that my flies must be gaping open but nothing I can do as I'm holding this box in front of me with both arms. Get off as soon as possible, put box down check flies, all is zipped, tell myself I must be imagining it get back on another train....it happens again and no way am I imagining it. Get off again convinced by now that something is wrong and go and hunt down a mirror...maybe the girlfriend had left lipstick on my face etc, but no, examine myself head to toe and all is normal...or as close as I get to normal. Despite this it happened again on the next train, this time I just ignored it got home dumped the box, checked myself again to no avail, got changed and went out, despite my heightened sensitivity no one appeared to be sniggering anymore.

On my return home thought I would check out the speakers, that is when I noticed the box, the box that had declared to my fellow passengers that I was traveling home with several dozen cartons of Tampax... :(

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even if you made this up, the picture is to be commended.

had i been there i would have happily pointed it out.

very happily.

Thanks but this was exactly how it happened. I have got similar previous for this where trains are concerned. Some years earlier in London I'd bought some hi-fi speakers in a closing down sale, they no longer had the original packing but found a box for me. Once again on the train, and again the sidelong looks and nudges and smiles, this time I'm convinced that my flies must be gaping open but nothing I can do as I'm holding this box in front of me with both arms. Get off as soon as possible, put box down check flies, all is zipped, tell myself I must be imagining it get back on another train....it happens again and no way am I imagining it. Get off again convinced by now that something is wrong and go and hunt down a mirror...maybe the girlfriend had left lipstick on my face etc, but no, examine myself head to toe and all is normal...or as close as I get to normal. Despite this it happened again on the next train, this time I just ignored it got home dumped the box, checked myself again to no avail, got changed and went out, despite my heightened sensitivity no one appeared to be sniggering anymore.

On my return home thought I would check out the speakers, that is when I noticed the box, the box that had declared to my fellow passengers that I was traveling home with several dozen cartons of Tampax... :(

you crack me up :bah:

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Most Thai are shy I am sure they would not have pointed this out to you, but I would have happily pointed out to you anyway by asking you if this is a new fashion type of bag you are carrying. You went to Lotus to grab some stuff and the staff did not stop you for not paying for the undies attached to your bag when you left?

Anyway, true or not, the story is great and gave me a good laugh. :lol:

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Come on guys,admittedly this was extreme even by my standards of morning non-awareness but I'm sure some of you have been caught out as well. Never been walking to work and wondered why you kind of limping, and then you look down and and realise one foot has a loafer or deck shoe on it and the other a trainer ? Can't only be me..... can it ? :ermm:

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Come on guys,admittedly this was extreme even by my standards of morning non-awareness but I'm sure some of you have been caught out as well. Never been walking to work and wondered why you kind of limping, and then you look down and and realise one foot has a loafer or deck shoe on it and the other a trainer ? Can't only be me..... can it ? :ermm:

Very true pal, but not many guys keen to share those funny moments. Glad you did and shared your funny moments that made most of us laughing to the loo. :lol::D

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then noticed to my horror that the wife's bra had traveled with me, the hook having got caught up in the mesh as I swung the bag on my back.

It could have been worse - There could have been a clothes peg still attached.

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Come on guys,admittedly this was extreme even by my standards of morning non-awareness but I'm sure some of you have been caught out as well. Never been walking to work and wondered why you kind of limping, and then you look down and and realise one foot has a loafer or deck shoe on it and the other a trainer ? Can't only be me..... can it ? :ermm:

Very true pal, but not many guys keen to share those funny moments. Glad you did and shared your funny moments that made most of us laughing to the loo. :lol::D

One of my colleagues said to me in the office early in the morning...

"Sorry, I'm going to have to nip home again; I've come in without my trousers".

I suppose that's more likely if you cycle to work rather than taking the train...


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And then I once met this guy who wore one black and one brown shoe.

I pointed it out to him and he said: I know, and you know what? I have another pair of shoes like this.


I used to do the same with socks, purposely wearing one red and one blue. People would point out that I was wearing odd socks, to which I would reply 'There's nothing odd about them at all, I have aother pair at home exactly the same!

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Our family was walking through a garden center in the UK, father leading the way when i noticed something hanging out of his trouser leg, i was maybe 10 years old, so innocently i shouted to him that he had something poking out his leg, he then proceeded to pull yesterdays underwear out of the trouser leg and stuff them in his pocket as if nothing had happened, 20 years later and i still laugh when i think about it, even sometimes re-enacting it for the family in the house.

A friend of mine fell asleep at a party so we dotted his face with that shoe polish in a bottle, the one with a sponge on the end, he looked like a leopard, woke up in the morning and walked the mile home via the papershop and the bakers, nobody told him anything and only noticed when he looked in the mirror at home.

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And then I once met this guy who wore one black and one brown shoe.

I pointed it out to him and he said: I know, and you know what? I have another pair of shoes like this.


I used to do the same with socks, purposely wearing one red and one blue. People would point out that I was wearing odd socks, to which I would reply 'There's nothing odd about them at all, I have aother pair at home exactly the same!

I went into this bar and sat down next to a pretty girl. She looked at me and

said, "Hey, you have two different colored socks on." I said, "Yeah, I know,

but to me they're the same because I go by thickness." -- Steven Wright

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