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Argentina calls on Britain to refrain from holding military exercises in the Falklands


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there is no objective truth.

Yes, the facts can be found on the internet, would it not be redundant otherwise? You've had the objective truth spelt out to you repeatedly but you choose to ignore it, either that or your are so blinkered that you can't see it.

Whatever you and x amount of other people think, the Falklands are British and are set to remain British. The French might have a say in the matter but until that happens, it's just the way it is. Had the Argentines inhabited and claimed the Falklands before anybody else then this discussion would be different. But they didn't, did they?

The Argentinians were too late to Baggsy the Islands and therefore, they missed out. It really is as simple as that.

Do you seriously think who claimed land first always equals who ends up with the land? OMG!

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If the situation were reversed and the Argentineans occupied the Channel Islands or Isles of Scilly for example, we as Brits would all be screaming blue murder.

Geographically I can't see how the British have any right to lay a claim to the Falkland Islands.

Geography has nothing to do with it.

It certainly has a lot to do with it from the Argie point of view. Every time they look at a map of their country, they are reminded of the dastardly British colonialists.

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there is no objective truth.

Yes, the facts can be found on the internet, would it not be redundant otherwise? You've had the objective truth spelt out to you repeatedly but you choose to ignore it, either that or your are so blinkered that you can't see it.

Whatever you and x amount of other people think, the Falklands are British and are set to remain British. The French might have a say in the matter but until that happens, it's just the way it is. Had the Argentines inhabited and claimed the Falklands before anybody else then this discussion would be different. But they didn't, did they?

The Argentinians were too late to Baggsy the Islands and therefore, they missed out. It really is as simple as that.

Do you seriously think who claimed land first always equals who ends up with the land? OMG!

Clearly not because the French claimed it before the British. OMG!

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If the situation were reversed and the Argentineans occupied the Channel Islands or Isles of Scilly for example, we as Brits would all be screaming blue murder.

Geographically I can't see how the British have any right to lay a claim to the Falkland Islands.

Geography has nothing to do with it.

It certainly has a lot to do with it from the Argie point of view.

Which, again, means exactly squat.

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Argies? They aren't even an ethnicity! That's very funny.

Ethnic is defined as connected with or belonging to a nation, race or people that shares a cultural tradition.

An ethnic slur is defined as a term or word used to insult on the basis of race, ethnicity, or nationality.

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Argies? They aren't even an ethnicity! That's very funny.

An ethnic slur is defined as a term or word used to insult on the basis of race, ethnicity, or nationality.

Even if it was a slur, it depends on context, and the Argentine NATIONALITY is not a race, and you called me a racist. Now I ask you to be a man and apologize for that, and don't do it again.

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Argies? They aren't even an ethnicity! That's very funny.

An ethnic slur is defined as a term or word used to insult on the basis of race, ethnicity, or nationality.

Even if it was a slur, it depends on context, and the Argentine NATIONALITY is not a race, and you called me a racist. Now I ask you to be a man and apologize for that, and don't do it again.

Race is defined as a group of people who share the same language, history, culture, etc

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You have cited a minor definition of race, one less commonly used than in the context for example of the Asian race. Be that as it may, your minor definition example does NOT carry forward to the definition of RACISM. Calling Welchmen a bunch of wanke_rs is rude, but it is not racist. I see you refuse to be a man and apologize for flaming me more than once with your unfounded absurd accusations of racism.

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Do the French now agree it should be Argentinas?

Interesting way of phrasing that, why did you not state that the French do agree it should be Argentina's? It's because there is no recent statement either way, is there? You are trying to draw something from nothing, aren't you?

So basically, the French have have said nothing either way and you wish to spin this neutral, or just not bothered stance, to a positive! Besides, after Argentina invaded the islands in 82 the French offered all sorts of military assistance to Britain. I think you have shot yourself in the foot there.

Must try harder.

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You have cited a minor definition of race, one less commonly used than in the context for example of the Asian race. Be that as it may, your minor definition example does NOT carry forward to the definition of RACISM. Calling Welchmen a bunch of wanke_rs is rude, but it is not racist. I see you refuse to be a man and apologize for flaming me more than once with your unfounded absurd accusations of racism.

You can use the term Asian to loosely describe people from Asian countries. But, there is no common culture, history or language that brings all Asians together. The term Asian race therefore, does not exist.

Probably the best definition of racism is hostile or oppressive behaviour towards people because they belong to a different race.

Thus, the definition I provided of race most definitely carries over to the definition of racism.

The term Argie came about not as short hand, but during the war. It was most definitely constructed as an insult and used widely as such. Even more so following the Hand of God incident.

My point is not to paint you as a racist per se, but to open your eyes to the fact that terms like Jap, <deleted>, Chink, Argie are offensive, based on race and therefore racist.

Just be careful in the language you use, that is all.

If it will make you feel better, I will apologise for calling you a racist. But don't keep using the term Argie. Compromise?

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If it will make you feel better, I will apologise for calling you a racist. But don't keep using the term Argie. Compromise?

Shall we stop using the words Aussies or Scots/Jocks or Pommy thats said in a mocking way? i truly despise people who play the racist card for no reason at all. Its a case of a fascist leftwingers who get offended just for the sake of being offended.

If you can show me anywhere in law where such words are illegal please post the link, if not please admit youre a vocabulary fascist, who believes people should only use words that suit his fascist agenda.

Argie is short for Argentinians and is in no way racist, you are the first person ever to come out with such lies and nonsense.

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Do the French now agree it should be Argentinas?

Interesting way of phrasing that, why did you not state that the French do agree it should be Argentina's? It's because there is no recent statement either way, is there? You are trying to draw something from nothing, aren't you?

So basically, the French have have said nothing either way and you wish to spin this neutral, or just not bothered stance, to a positive! Besides, after Argentina invaded the islands in 82 the French offered all sorts of military assistance to Britain. I think you have shot yourself in the foot there.

Must try harder.

I was just asking. You answered and in the process read what you wanted into it. Kind of sneaky.
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If it will make you feel better, I will apologise for calling you a racist. But don't keep using the term Argie. Compromise?

Shall we stop using the words Aussies or Scots/Jocks or Pommy thats said in a mocking way? i truly despise people who play the racist card for no reason at all. Its a case of a fascist leftwingers who get offended just for the sake of being offended.

If you can show me anywhere in law where such words are illegal please post the link, if not please admit youre a vocabulary fascist, who believes people should only use words that suit his fascist agenda.

Argie is short for Argentinians and is in no way racist, you are the first person ever to come out with such lies and nonsense.

If you enjoy mocking people as part of your daily life, go ahead. Does it make you feel better about your life, hope so.

I put the same question to you: you show me, in law, a list of "illegal words".

I assume you also think Jap is short for Japanese, Chink for Chinese etc.

"Boyo" has probably become more widely used by those wanting to speak with derision towards Welshmen, a patronising term for those ignorant of Welsh culture and language. In fact, a Scotsman Danny Meikle was convicted for calling Welshman Tecwyn Thomas "boyo".

This underlines how a word one person thinks of as being innocent can be interpreted as being racist by others.

The English language also includes a widely used verb which holds a perceived slant against the Welsh. To "welsh" on a bet means to swindle a person out of some money - used originally by bookies this verb is probably the least used in Wales.

A leading Scottish legal expert has now called for a change in the law as a result of the Meikle case. Hugh McLachlan, reader in the school of law and social sciences at Glasgow Caledonian University, said, "If 'boyo' is racist, then you should not say 'Jock'.

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Do the French now agree it should be Argentinas?

Interesting way of phrasing that, why did you not state that the French do agree it should be Argentina's? It's because there is no recent statement either way, is there? You are trying to draw something from nothing, aren't you?

So basically, the French have have said nothing either way and you wish to spin this neutral, or just not bothered stance, to a positive! Besides, after Argentina invaded the islands in 82 the French offered all sorts of military assistance to Britain. I think you have shot yourself in the foot there.

Must try harder.

I was just asking. You answered and in the process read what you wanted into it. Kind of sneaky.


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A leading Scottish legal expert has now called for a change in the law as a result of the Meikle case. Hugh McLachlan, reader in the school of law and social sciences at Glasgow Caledonian University, said, "If 'boyo' is racist, then you should not say 'Jock'.

Great well i work with many Jocks and i will continue to call them Jocky, i prefer to call the Welch Taffies named after the River Taf.

But in your world, your word fascism will need extra policing, then we'll need more courtrooms, and millions more pounds for legal aid, then youll have people like me who'd quite happily go to prison for using the word Jock so we'll need more prisons built.

Then of course i will lose my 100,000 pound a year job for being in prison, thus meaning the govt loses lots of money in taxation, and i will come out of prison finding it extremely difficult to get visas to work abroad so i'll need to live off the state and will needing council housing, plus myself being in prison will traumatise my daughter affecting her schoolwork, thus creating another benefits scrounger.

Yes your and Mr McLachlans world where you get offended for no reason is Utopia.

PS Do you know how jokers like yourself banned the words Spastic and Cripple as they were deemed offensive, well these days kids arent aware of these words but they call each other Disabled as a mocking term. You cant control thought no matter how many laws you fascists force on us.

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BTW, I'm at a disadvantage here in that I only speak basic Spanish and the really good sites with the Argentinian justification for this are going to be Spanish language sites. Just saying.

I thought the Argentinian peoples' representative's were communicating to the press in English. Are you suggesting that the general public know better than the Argentine government and that their government are choosing not to listen to and communicate the strongest arguments for their own case. Does that make sense to you?

Are you clutching at straws, again?

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I am saying I don't access to the Argentinian version of history as well as detailed rebuttals to British arguments. I am sure they exist. Can you show me them? Then I could gain a more objective perspective on this.

If I was British, then I may have accepted the British line without question like most of the Brits. But I am not, and feel no special loyalty to British biases over most other countries.

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A leading Scottish legal expert has now called for a change in the law as a result of the Meikle case. Hugh McLachlan, reader in the school of law and social sciences at Glasgow Caledonian University, said, "If 'boyo' is racist, then you should not say 'Jock'.

Great well i work with many Jocks and i will continue to call them Jocky, i prefer to call the Welch Taffies named after the River Taf.

But in your world, your word fascism will need extra policing, then we'll need more courtrooms, and millions more pounds for legal aid, then youll have people like me who'd quite happily go to prison for using the word Jock so we'll need more prisons built.

Then of course i will lose my 100,000 pound a year job for being in prison, thus meaning the govt loses lots of money in taxation, and i will come out of prison finding it extremely difficult to get visas to work abroad so i'll need to live off the state and will needing council housing, plus myself being in prison will traumatise my daughter affecting her schoolwork.

Yes your and Mr McLachlans world where you get offended for no reason is Utopia.

PS Do you know how jokers like yourself banned the words Spastic and Cripple as they were deemed offensive, well these days kids arent aware of these words but they call each other Disabled as a mocking term. You cant control thought no matter how many laws you fascists force on us.

I construct a rational argument and you are only able to call me a facist.

Do you teach your child words like Jap, Chink, <deleted>, Spastic, Cripple, Retard, Coon, Curry-Muncher, Gook etc?

You'd happily go to prison and in your own words, traumatise your daughter, over something so trivial?

If by "people like me" banning the word spastic, you mean the majority of the British population - a 2003 BBC survey found spastic was the second most offensive term related to disability, retard was first - then I'll take that on the chin. In fact, spastic, is probably the most taboo insults in Britain. Both words dropped out of common usage during the 90s as the majority of British society came to regard them as offensive.

You should read more Salman Rushdie, maybe it will give you balance.

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I don't speak a word of Spanish, it's all Greek to me. I agree that it will be interesting to hear that side of the argument.

Did the natives of the area of land that is now known as Argentina even speak Spanish at the time?

If there was a well detailed, reasonable and convincing rebuttal to the British argument do you not think one would have been translated and you would have found it by now?. After all, you have been googling rather frantically

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I don't speak a word of Spanish, it's all Greek to me. I agree that it will be interesting to hear that side of the argument.

Did the natives of the area of land that is now known as Argentina even speak Spanish at the time?

If there was a well detailed, reasonable and convincing rebuttal to the British argument do you not think one would have been translated and you would have found it by now?. After all, you have been googling rather frantically

I haven't been googling very much at all. If you bothered to read this thread, I made it quite clear I wasn't in a position to defend the Argentinian position in a factual way, pro or con, really.

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Well I left it alone for 48 hours, come back and it's still going round and round. Jingthing, reading the last two pages you really seem to have some issues, honestly, get help.

One question for you Jingthing before you go and get help

you said

Argies are mostly white,

How on Earth can most Argentinians be white? Can you explain that?

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Well I left it alone for 48 hours, come back and it's still going round and round. Jingthing, reading the last two pages you really seem to have some issues, honestly, get help.

One question for you Jingthing before you go and get help

you said

Argies are mostly white,

How on Earth can most Argentinians be white? Can you explain that?

OMG! Immigration dude. Mostly from Europe. It's the whitest major country in Latin America. Very few blacks or Indios compared to other S. American countries. They consider themselves to be EUROPEAN (but doomed to be in the boonies of the European sphere) and they do indeed have some pretty amazing psychological complexes as a nation, probably one reason I am charmed by them. Probably their yearning for Las Malvinas is one of them ...

Caveat, in the case you don't consider Spaniards, Italians, Jews, etc. white then we have a different understanding of white.

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I made it quite clear I wasn't in a position to defend the Argentinian position in a factual way, pro or con, really.

But you did try.

Do you admit failure?

No because I didn't try or say I was trying on a facts basis. I don't have the material at hand to do that. I would be doing a disservice to the Argentinian cause to pretend that I have the expertise to do that. Some of you Brits do know quite a lot from the Brit side. On this thread, the Argies are lacking a fact based advocate. I never suggested that was me. If you don't believe it, check the thread. I can speak to more tangential things like the fact that it is true the Argies want the islands back and more macro issues such as proximity and anti-colonialism. I can't speak to the historical facts from their point of view. That doesn't mean they don't have a valid historical justification, but it is not represented here at all.

Having said this, I think most would agree this topic is played out, unless a competent Argentine fact based advocate appears from the vast world of the web.

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Well I left it alone for 48 hours, come back and it's still going round and round. Jingthing, reading the last two pages you really seem to have some issues, honestly, get help.

One question for you Jingthing before you go and get help

you said

Argies are mostly white,

How on Earth can most Argentinians be white? Can you explain that?

OMG! Immigration dude. Mostly from Europe. It's the whitest major country in Latin America. Very few blacks or Indios compared to other S. American countries. They consider themselves to be EUROPEAN and they do indeed have some pretty amazing psychological complexes as a nation, probably one reason I am charmed by them.

I knew really Jingthing, I just wanted to hear it from you. So you mean they are all colonists right? colonists who arrived after the legal documented ownership of the Falklands by the British. Colonists who did not have a country called Argentina until 100 years after the Brits had colonised the Falklands. So you think it is ok for colonists to come along 100 years later, take a different country, call it Argentina, and then say 150 years later, we want that Island it is ours becaue the Brits were colonists.?

Sorry Jingthing, teaching kids something in school is no foundation for a foreign policy, just ask Japanese school kids, world war 2 is never discussed, nor the invasion of China and the rape of Nanking, does that mean it didn't happen? Of course not. Telling school children the Falklands is really Argentinian, does that make it theirs? NO I don't think so.

Check Mate

What do you say now Jingthing? Oh that's it.... Next!

Go find your next game Jingthing, nothing more to be said here, you lost!

I am sure there is much more mischief you can get up to on the Israeli thread.

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Do you teach your child words like Jap, Chink, <deleted>, Spastic, Cripple, Retard, Coon, Curry-Muncher, Gook etc?

As she is 6 months obviously not

You'd happily go to prison and in your own words, traumatise your daughter, over something so trivial?

Youd quite happily put me in prison over something so trivial.

You really must have had the most sterile PC upbringing imaginable.

I work with Jocks, Taffies, Micks, Thieving scousers, Monkey hangers from Hartlepool, Smoggies from Middleboro etc etc.. from time to time we call each other names there is nothing in it, but nasty people like you and make no mistake about you are a nasty fascist in every sense of the word, would have us sacked for using such phrases.

As for your BBC nonsense read this site which highlights its agenda - http://biased-bbc.blogspot.com/ ... the exceptional majority of people have got far more important things to worry about then using the words cripple spastic ... as all you know the surveyor gave 3 choices of words as to what was the most offensive so they would obvioulsy be at the top .... but my point is Kids these days use the word disabled in the exact same context, what word are we going to replace this with?

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