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Outcome Of Thai Democrats' Legal Drama Still Uncertain

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snobism and superiority feelings at it's finest; unbelievable... <_<

I'm sorry if you feel that constructive suggestions to improve the readability and thus understanding of posted news articles by all is "snobbish" and "superior"

Don't feel sorry; it's hypocritical what you're trying to tell other members.

You're talking about forum rules but you're breaking the same rules.


Actually, all he did was make suggestions on how to make the posts readable. Nothing about them breaking rules.

He has a lot of experience posting news articles, so he thought he would pass on some of the things he's learned.

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OK so they've sacked the messenger. That does not detract from the major implication that the democrats were trying to influence the judicial system. Whether this is the case or not, maybe we will find out. After all the Constitution Court has taken it seriously enough to "to pursue a criminal investigation against anyone involved in the alleged lobbying". In addition "an internal investigation will be carried out". When, or even if, the results of these actions are made known, it will make for interesting reading. We shall see, maybe.


Actually it does detract from the implication that the Democrats were attempting to lobby the court. Here are the facts as known today.

1) Secretary to Court conceals cameras in judges chambers and videotapes their deliberations.

2) Secretary to Court arranges a meeting with a Democrat Minister.

3) Secretary to Court leads Democrat MP into a conversation about the case.

4) Secretary to Court films this conversation as well.

5) Secretary to Court provides all video footage to PTP Ministers.

6) These videos are posted on youtube with inaccurate and misleading captions.

7) PTP/UDD have a history of making public doctored videos in an attempt to smear the Democrat Party.

Smells like a carefully orchestrated set-up to me.

Nowhere in the articles I find that the Dem's talked with one of the judges. There's a secretly filmed scene with judges, a disjoint scene with the secretary Pasit discussing the case with two Dem's. Next you know the tapes are in PTP hands and on youtube. A setup, who knows.

It really is a pity that the lunchbox case wasn't filmed, even more suspicious someone returned the box before filing a case. The two lawyers got six months.

How much for a deliberatively and secret filming of judges and equally deliberatively setup of MP's ? Don't worry about the framing of MP's though, they get used to that ;)

No film get 6 months.

Filmed get nothing?


Smear on the high court needs to be cleared

By Avudh Panananda

The Nation

Published on October 19, 2010

Something is seriously wrong at the Constitution Court as it hears another important case, involving possible dissolution of the Democrat Party.

High court president Chat Chonlaworn has swiftly sacked his secretary. But making Pasit Sakdanarong a fall guy yesterday does not sweep the problem away.

In order to regain trust, the high court has to dispel lingering doubt on two issues - the leak of judicial debate in judges' private chambers and the lapse in supervision of Pasit, who acted like he was authorised to broker a deal on the case.

Unless doubts are satisfactorily dispelled in a timely manner, the looming verdict will lack credibility - regardless of whether it favours or does not favour the Democrats - as it is likely to inflame the red-shirt movement.

Even though the Pheu Thai Party is known for its push to disband the main coalition party, five video clips released on YouTube late last week are not just about gutter politics but tantamount to dropping a bomb on the core of judicial credibility.

In courts all around the world, judges exchange ideas before forming their respective decisions. Such debates are privileged information rarely released before a verdict is handed down.

continues ...



Smear on the high court needs to be cleared

By Avudh Panananda

The Nation

Published on October 19, 2010

Something is seriously wrong at the Constitution Court as it hears another important case, involving possible dissolution of the Democrat Party.

High court president Chat Chonlaworn has swiftly sacked his secretary. But making Pasit Sakdanarong a fall guy yesterday does not sweep the problem away.

In order to regain trust, the high court has to dispel lingering doubt on two issues - the leak of judicial debate in judges' private chambers and the lapse in supervision of Pasit, who acted like he was authorised to broker a deal on the case.

Unless doubts are satisfactorily dispelled in a timely manner, the looming verdict will lack credibility - regardless of whether it favours or does not favour the Democrats - as it is likely to inflame the red-shirt movement.

Even though the Pheu Thai Party is known for its push to disband the main coalition party, five video clips released on YouTube late last week are not just about gutter politics but tantamount to dropping a bomb on the core of judicial credibility.

In courts all around the world, judges exchange ideas before forming their respective decisions. Such debates are privileged information rarely released before a verdict is handed down.

continues ...


In Thailand, if anyone question judges (regardless if the judges are corrupted or not) us against the law, and will be punished in jail.

Please be careful what you type.

Self censorship is best, as your IP address is logged.


I wonder what else Pasit may have managed to record?

Slowly but surely every institution of the country is getting dragged down into the mud. Are they simply showing their true colours, or is there anything (aside from the very obvious) in the country that is truly beyond reproach?


Which goes a long way to explaining why the army tends to dominate the political scene regularly. There doesn't appear to be ANY political group competent enough and square enough on the level, to actually run the country.

Part of the problem is they always throw out a constitution with problems, and start from fresh, but that just installs DIFFERENT problems. The main issue regardless of that lack of logical thought, is the schooling does nothing to remove the obey and learn by rote, kow tow mindset that makes for people to follow those with money rather than those with good ideas.

Anyone with good ideas, if they get a chance to work, are hamstrung by the old school corrupt attitudes of most of those around them, and that again goes to out of control kow tow mindset. Liege lords and power brokers are the mechanism of power here and democracy a mis-understood overlay by the majority of people and just a chimera worn like the emperors clothes by most politicians, while the continue the old ways.

Correct elections will solve nothing, when those up for election are themselves controlled from cradle to grave by their out of date mentality of subservience, and kow tow to those who have big money of any provenance, and thus power to get a deeper wei, and the chance to take control for a time.

It seems to remain for the army to actually install a properly updated constitution, that actually WILL keep the corrupt politicians in check, but it seems they are either not capable of this either, or unwilling. Until the school system trains a generation with MORAL fiber and anything resembling a social conscience on a mass scale, the cycle of political boom and bust will continue and those not getting a fair shake at the bottom tiers of financial existence will gravitate to the demagogues with the most power to spin a good set of promises, and hold up a carrot for them to lust over.

Sad, sad sad.

Thanks for articulating this. Exactly as I see it too.


Contrived, and with a distinct oder of decay to the whole proceedings.

Just another last minute bid to sink the Dems by hook or crook... mostly crook.

PTP has tried dozens of mis-leading documentary evidence based attacks,

uniformly later proved false and lamely contrived, over the last few years.

Why anyone at this late stage could imagine they have suddenly upped their game,

I can't imagine. This whole TPI Poline / poster size error charges embroglio has seemed contrived, and I suspect the specter of 'losing the game entirely' is dawning on PTP, and they are clutching at straws again, to close the deal and win the jackpot. And being careless in the doing.

Interesting that the secretary in question flew out of Thailand bound for Hong Kong on the 13th of this month. Very convenient. Hong Kong is a rather expensive destination for most mid-level functionaries.

Pasit flees to Hong Kong

By The Nation

The man at the centre of the five video clips involving the Constitution Court has fled to Hong Kong last week, two days before the scandal broke on Friday, Immigration officials said on Tuesday.

Pasit Sakdanarong, secretary to the high court president, used his official passport to take a Cathay Pacific flight departing around 5.45 pm last Wednesday.

On Monday, high court president Chat Conlaworn removed Pasit from his position on suspicion of his involvement in the leak of the video clips posted on Youtube, revealing a meeting with Democrat MP Wiruch Romyen and a debate of judges in private chambers related to the Democrat Party dissolution trial.


If you meant that they are self-appointed as "guardians of the nation," strangely enough that is the function of the military, to defend against the nations enemies both internal and external. In the 10 years that I spent here, they seemed to carry out that function quite well.

Tak Bai anyone?

yeah indeed they kept the 4000 dead people in the south in the last 4 years only in the south and BKK is not Muslim yet....good job, gang maak


Contrived, and with a distinct oder of decay to the whole proceedings.

Just another last minute bid to sink the Dems by hook or crook... mostly crook.

PTP has tried dozens of mis-leading documentary evidence based attacks,

uniformly later proved false and lamely contrived, over the last few years.

Why anyone at this late stage could imagine they have suddenly upped their game,

I can't imagine. This whole TPI Poline / poster size error charges embroglio has seemed contrived, and I suspect the specter of 'losing the game entirely' is dawning on PTP, and they are clutching at straws again, to close the deal and win the jackpot. And being careless in the doing.

Interesting that the secretary in question flew out of Thailand bound for Hong Kong on the 13th of this month. Very convenient. Hong Kong is a rather expensive destination for most mid-level functionaries.

Pasit flees to Hong Kong

By The Nation

The man at the centre of the five video clips involving the Constitution Court has fled to Hong Kong last week, two days before the scandal broke on Friday, Immigration officials said on Tuesday.

Pasit Sakdanarong, secretary to the high court president, used his official passport to take a Cathay Pacific flight departing around 5.45 pm last Wednesday.

On Monday, high court president Chat Conlaworn removed Pasit from his position on suspicion of his involvement in the leak of the video clips posted on Youtube, revealing a meeting with Democrat MP Wiruch Romyen and a debate of judges in private chambers related to the Democrat Party dissolution trial.


this man is running from a bullet not prison, sth. like Seh Daeng assasination (maybe not so public)


Meanwhile, back to the story. There are actually 5 videos. A very brief analysis of what the videos are showing can be found here;


What is the source for Videos # 3, # 4, and # 5?

Who is, evidently secretly, recording court judges discussing a current case in private chambers and who released this into a public domain?

these days they have cams everywhere thousands, even on the toilet you are not safe from them...check it out


Meanwhile, back to the story. There are actually 5 videos. A very brief analysis of what the videos are showing can be found here;


What is the source for Videos # 3, # 4, and # 5?

Who is, evidently secretly, recording court judges discussing a current case in private chambers and who released this into a public domain?

these days they have cams everywhere thousands, even on the toilet you are not safe from them...check it out

Thank you, but just the same, I'd rather not.

Anyway, my questions on who were answered yesterday in Post # 36.


Wirat ready to explain video clip scandal

BANGKOK, 19 October 2010 (NNT) - The Democrat Party MP who appeared on the video footage negotiating with a Constitutional Court official said he could explain everything on the clip, and that the talk was not in connection with the Democrat’s fund misuse case.

Democrat Party MP for Ranong Wirat Romyen flatly denied lobbying the court official. He said he was not worried about the libel law suit filed by the Pheu Thai Party against the Democrats.

The Democrat MP admitted that he had met Pasit Sakdanarong, the then secretary to the president of the Constitutional Court, who was dismissed from his post after the clip had been released. Mr Wirat did not say how many times they had met, but said he would wait for the belligerent Pheu Thai Party to make a move. He added the meeting was personal; his party did not send him there.

The scandalous clip was released on Sunday, one day before the last witness cross-examination day in the Democrat Party dissolution case. The ruling party has been accused of breaching the Political Party Act by misusing a political party development fund worth 29 million baht provided by the EC.

Meanwhile, the ABAC Poll by Assumption University stated that 54 percent of the respondents thought that the video footage has tarnished the credibility of the justice system.


-- NNT 2010-10-19 footer_n.gif


Wirat ready to explain video clip scandal

BANGKOK, 19 October 2010 (NNT) - The Democrat Party MP who appeared on the video footage negotiating with a Constitutional Court official said he could explain everything on the clip, and that the talk was not in connection with the Democrat’s fund misuse case.

Democrat Party MP for Ranong Wirat Romyen flatly denied lobbying the court official. He said he was not worried about the libel law suit filed by the Pheu Thai Party against the Democrats.

The Democrat MP admitted that he had met Pasit Sakdanarong, the then secretary to the president of the Constitutional Court, who was dismissed from his post after the clip had been released. Mr Wirat did not say how many times they had met, but said he would wait for the belligerent Pheu Thai Party to make a move. He added the meeting was personal; his party did not send him there.

The scandalous clip was released on Sunday, one day before the last witness cross-examination day in the Democrat Party dissolution case. The ruling party has been accused of breaching the Political Party Act by misusing a political party development fund worth 29 million baht provided by the EC.

Meanwhile, the ABAC Poll by Assumption University stated that 54 percent of the respondents thought that the video footage has tarnished the credibility of the justice system.


-- NNT 2010-10-19 footer_n.gif

For whatever the reasons why the videos were released, whether it is a setup as allege, we must NOT be detracted from the facts that the Democrats illegally manipulated the witnesses and the Thai legal system.


I wonder what else Pasit may have managed to record?

Slowly but surely every institution of the country is getting dragged down into the mud. Are they simply showing their true colours, or is there anything (aside from the very obvious) in the country that is truly beyond reproach?

You may wonder why k. Pasit did this.

Idealist? Don't think so, wouldn't have fled the country.

Democracy lover ? Don't think so, why film discussions amongst judges and post the clips, want to influence a court case outcome?

Dislike Dem Party ? Maybe, would explain why he tried to set them up with promises of 'help' in their case.

Setup by others? Who, PTP ? Clean and shining angels, nah, not them :)

Entrepreneurial spirit ? Maybe, wonder how much he made with this ?

Maybe the DSI can investigate if suspicious money transfers have been made ? Who paid for his ticket ?

Whatever his reasons, he managed to drag down the image of the Thai judicial system. How can judges be independent if their internal discussions are broadcasted ? In 2007 or 2008 the UDD made public judges names, addresses and telephone numbers, like in 2001 when k. thaksin fought his 'honest mistake' case.

The issue at least shows that the judges need to improve their in-house procedures.


For whatever the reasons why the videos were released, whether it is a setup as allege, we must NOT be detracted from the facts that the Democrats illegally manipulated the witnesses and the Thai legal system.

As this statement will undoubtedly be misused by all and sunder, just a short reply and question: which facts?


For whatever the reasons why the videos were released, whether it is a setup as allege, we must NOT be detracted from the facts that the Democrats illegally manipulated the witnesses and the Thai legal system.

Did they?


Wirat ready to explain video clip scandal

BANGKOK, 19 October 2010 (NNT) - The Democrat Party MP who appeared on the video footage negotiating with a Constitutional Court official said he could explain everything on the clip, and that the talk was not in connection with the Democrat’s fund misuse case.

... end removed

When will Thai MP's learn to say nothing, or 'no comment' ? Probably never, not much better in other countries ;)

What I would like to know is

- why took the initiative for the meetings ?

- can we get a transcript of the talks in the clips ?

- how did k. Pasit and MP Wirat knew each other ?

- any suspicious money transfers ?

and last but not least

- what do I have to do to get my lunch meetings taped ?


Wirat ready to explain video clip scandal

BANGKOK, 19 October 2010 (NNT) - The Democrat Party MP who appeared on the video footage negotiating with a Constitutional Court official said he could explain everything on the clip, and that the talk was not in connection with the Democrat’s fund misuse case.

... end removed

What I would like to know is

- why took the initiative for the meetings ?

If you mean "who", it's been reported by several sources that Pasit initiated the meeting.

last but not least

- what do I have to do to get my lunch meetings taped ?

get some dirt on a Thai soap opera star


Wirat ready to explain video clip scandal

BANGKOK, 19 October 2010 (NNT) - The Democrat Party MP who appeared on the video footage negotiating with a Constitutional Court official said he could explain everything on the clip, and that the talk was not in connection with the Democrat’s fund misuse case.

... end removed

What I would like to know is

- why took the initiative for the meetings ?

If you mean "who", it's been reported by several sources that Pasit initiated the meeting.

last but not least

- what do I have to do to get my lunch meetings taped ?

get some dirt on a Thai soap opera star

The court personnel has been caughted red-hand (on tape). It must be Thailand first.


For whatever the reasons why the videos were released, whether it is a setup as allege, we must NOT be detracted from the facts that the Democrats illegally manipulated the witnesses and the Thai legal system.

Did they?

Yes they did.


For whatever the reasons why the videos were released, whether it is a setup as allege, we must NOT be detracted from the facts that the Democrats illegally manipulated the witnesses and the Thai legal system.

As this statement will undoubtedly be misused by all and sunder, just a short reply and question: which facts?

Just watch the clip. Your answer is in there.

You may need your gf to translate for you.


For whatever the reasons why the videos were released, whether it is a setup as allege, we must NOT be detracted from the facts that the Democrats illegally manipulated the witnesses and the Thai legal system.

As this statement will undoubtedly be misused by all and sunder, just a short reply and question: which facts?

Just watch the clip. Your answer is in there.

You may need your gf to translate for you.

The OP vid #2 starts with some 'explanatory texts' first before getting into the clip2 you pointed out. Although this may have been an 'innocent' edit, it shows that the information distortion process has already started. Some clips have translations, some translations differ tremendously in content and contradict each other.

I understand k. Pasit initiated the meeting with the Dem's MP. WHY? Was he trying to goad them into hoping, suggesting, offering a deal ? He should have known (and probably anticipated) that that would be a possibility. MP's and politicians in this country seem childlike sometimes. Remember theidiot MP who had a short chat with victor Bout and forget to tell others before ?

The vid #1 and #3 made in the judges private discussion room clearly undermine the judicial system and would be deemed illegally made & obtained in most countries. k. Pasit has a lot to answer for, assuming he will return from his shopping trip to HongKong.

PS some list FIVE clips. Waiting till we reach a full dozen ;)


Everyone assume that K. Pasit initiated the meeting. WHY?

"Wiruch, whose responses to the clips were backed by Democrat chief adviser Chuan Leekpai, claimed he did not initiate the meeting but acted in accordance with social protocol to accept Pasit's invitation for dinner. He insisted he was unaware that Pasit would bring up the ongoing litigation, hence he failed to alert ranking Democrats about the meeting."

Unfortunately the other party in this drama k. Pasit felt a need to go shopping in HongKong. Maybe k. Jatuporn can come with a tape with k. Pasit's statement ?


k. Pasit knew that a whirl wind of shit was coming and scampered off out of reach.

He also has gone incommunicado. So convenient. While leaving the MP to fend for himself. This screams setup loud and clear. There is just too much money and face at stake for certain sides to not try and use the tar brush of innuendo in the court of public opinion. But as with most PTP attempts to nail dirt to the Dems, it unravels as fast as it can happen.

It also likely is a BIG attempt at misdirection from the PTP MP and his squeeze

feeding cash to the dead bomber's handlers. ANYTHING is good to change

the public discussion from that cockup as it unravels.

Sorry no sale;

it's just another in the ongoing PTP lessons in how NOT to win political superiority.


Smear on the high court needs to be cleared

By Avudh Panananda

The Nation

Unless doubts are satisfactorily dispelled in a timely manner, the looming verdict will lack credibility - regardless of whether it favours or does not favour the Democrats - as it is likely to inflame the red-shirt movement.

(The judges) also owe the public an explanation why Pasit could manage to "strike a deal" with Democrat MP Wiruch Romyen.

Has Pravit started writing under a pseudonym now? What is this ridiculous nonsense? This Avudh joker is smearing the Court and demanding - at the same time - the Court clear themselves of his smear? This is ludicrous.

I was unaware that the credibility of any judicial decision...was dependant on Red Shirt approval. What a ridiculous and contemptuous statement! It's tantamount to a claim that, without the Red Shirts conferring legitimacy onto Constitutional Court rulings - the Court simply has zero credibility. lol

The Red Shirt's fiery tantrums at Constitutional Court rulings which don't go their way really cannot (historically) lay claim to any correlation with sanity. Not really sure how the fool attempted to slip that one through, but there you have it. It's Pravit writing under a pseudonym, or a colleague's byline. It has to be.

Avudh: "The looming verdict will lack credibility...as it is likely to inflame the red-shirt movement."

Um, no. That statement is gross contempt of court. Who's the editor responsible for these faux journalists over at The Nation?


As for Pasit and "deal-striking", obviously this 'reporter' hasn't yet completed his Introduction to Law 101 prerequisite grade school classes. He's never heard of entrapment. Yet, in spite of his repugnant ignorance, he has the nerve to order the Constitutional Court around? Demanding the judges presiding over the highest court in the land explain themselves to him; purely because Avudh (self-appointed Voice for The Public at Large) believes he is 'owed' that explanation / apology for their - evident - 'wrongdoing'?

What ludicrous insolence.

Avudh: "(The judges) also owe the public an explanation why Pasit could manage to "strike a deal" with Democrat MP Wiruch Romyen."

What they owe the public, is a quick-fire lesson on the definition of contempt of court. As well as a summary example of associated penalties as prescribed for tabloid purveyors of invested agenda; who have the arrogance / stupidity / sheer nerve to smear the highest court in the land with their idiotic Op-Eds; in a transparent attempt to thereby prejudice any (unfavourable) rulings about to be handed down by that court.

As for teaching simplicity to simpletons, the Court has better things to do with their time than confer unwarranted legitimacy onto illegitimate demands from ignorant and petulant media personnel who have discovered there are laws to protect the judiciary from their smear. So I shall assist Avudh with his grade school educational deficiencies and introduce him and his 14 year old classmates to the legal concept of entrapment; and why it's a legitimate defence in any civilised judicial system.

When faced with what appears to be a hopelessly rigged game, even honest men will bend the 'rules' if they are led to believe they have no choice, and when the alternative appears untenable.

In criminal law, entrapment is constituted by a law enforcement agent inducing a person to commit an offense that the person would otherwise have been unlikely to commit.

If (breaking the law) was the result of entrapment then he is not guilty. Government agent/s entrapped him if three conditions are fulfilled:

  • The idea for committing the crime came from the government agents and not from the person accused of the crime. Tick!
  • Government agents then persuaded or talked the person into committing the crime. Simply giving him the opportunity to commit the crime is not the same as persuading him to commit the crime. Tick!
  • The person was not ready and willing to commit the crime before the government agents spoke with him. Tick!

I'm getting pretty tired of reading these Red journalists bumble their idiotic ways through their The Nation Op-Eds. Hack, hack, hacking away with their blunt machetes, crudely slashing away at logic. Frantically attempting to hijack the discussion, hoping to force a level of legitimacy onto their attempts to compromise the integrity of due process. Desperately trying to drag relevant entities down into the mud with them, endlessly pestering in the hope that someone will make a mistake...and engage them.

They're pathetic. And so transparent. They're trying to slant and spin discussion from within whilst Amsterdam slants and spins away from the other side.

I really wish The Nation had a competent sub-editor or two...it's shameful that any editor (competent or not) would let these contemptible Red Op-Eds go anywhere near the printing presses. Or their authors anywhere near a The Nation byline.


Smear on the high court needs to be cleared

By Avudh Panananda

The Nation

Unless doubts are satisfactorily dispelled in a timely manner, the looming verdict will lack credibility - regardless of whether it favours or does not favour the Democrats - as it is likely to inflame the red-shirt movement.

(The judges) also owe the public an explanation why Pasit could manage to "strike a deal" with Democrat MP Wiruch Romyen.

Has Pravit started writing under a pseudonym now? What is this ridiculous nonsense? This Avudh joker is smearing the Court and demanding - at the same time - the Court clear themselves of his smear? This is ludicrous.

I was unaware that the credibility of any judicial decision...was dependant on Red Shirt approval. What a ridiculous and contemptuous statement! It's tantamount to a claim that, without the Red Shirts conferring legitimacy onto Constitutional Court rulings - the Court simply has zero credibility. lol

The Red Shirt's fiery tantrums at Constitutional Court rulings which don't go their way really cannot (historically) lay claim to any correlation with sanity. Not really sure how the fool attempted to slip that one through, but there you have it. It's Pravit writing under a pseudonym, or a colleague's byline. It has to be.

Avudh: "The looming verdict will lack credibility...as it is likely to inflame the red-shirt movement."

Um, no. That statement is gross contempt of court. Who's the editor responsible for these faux journalists over at The Nation?


As for Pasit and "deal-striking", obviously this 'reporter' hasn't yet completed his Introduction to Law 101 prerequisite grade school classes. He's never heard of entrapment. Yet, in spite of his repugnant ignorance, he has the nerve to order the Constitutional Court around? Demanding the judges presiding over the highest court in the land explain themselves to him; purely because Avudh (self-appointed Voice for The Public at Large) believes he is 'owed' that explanation / apology for their - evident - 'wrongdoing'?

What ludicrous insolence.

Avudh: "(The judges) also owe the public an explanation why Pasit could manage to "strike a deal" with Democrat MP Wiruch Romyen."

What they owe the public, is a quick-fire lesson on the definition of contempt of court. As well as a summary example of associated penalties as prescribed for tabloid purveyors of invested agenda; who have the arrogance / stupidity / sheer nerve to smear the highest court in the land with their idiotic Op-Eds; in a transparent attempt to thereby prejudice any (unfavourable) rulings about to be handed down by that court.

As for teaching simplicity to simpletons, the Court has better things to do with their time than confer unwarranted legitimacy onto illegitimate demands from ignorant and petulant media personnel who have discovered there are laws to protect the judiciary from their smear. So I shall assist Avudh with his grade school educational deficiencies and introduce him and his 14 year old classmates to the legal concept of entrapment; and why it's a legitimate defence in any civilised judicial system.

When faced with what appears to be a hopelessly rigged game, even honest men will bend the 'rules' if they are led to believe they have no choice, and when the alternative appears untenable.

In criminal law, entrapment is constituted by a law enforcement agent inducing a person to commit an offense that the person would otherwise have been unlikely to commit.

If (breaking the law) was the result of entrapment then he is not guilty. Government agent/s entrapped him if three conditions are fulfilled:

  • The idea for committing the crime came from the government agents and not from the person accused of the crime. Tick!
  • Government agents then persuaded or talked the person into committing the crime. Simply giving him the opportunity to commit the crime is not the same as persuading him to commit the crime. Tick!
  • The person was not ready and willing to commit the crime before the government agents spoke with him. Tick!

I'm getting pretty tired of reading these Red journalists bumble their idiotic ways through their The Nation Op-Eds. Hack, hack, hacking away with their blunt machetes, crudely slashing away at logic. Frantically attempting to hijack the discussion, hoping to force a level of legitimacy onto their attempts to compromise the integrity of due process. Desperately trying to drag relevant entities down into the mud with them, endlessly pestering in the hope that someone will make a mistake...and engage them.

They're pathetic. And so transparent. They're trying to slant and spin discussion from within whilst Amsterdam slants and spins away from the other side.

I really wish The Nation had a competent sub-editor or two...it's shameful that any editor (competent or not) would let these contemptible Red Op-Eds go anywhere near the printing presses. Or their authors anywhere near a The Nation byline.

This only prove 1 thing.

You do not understand Thai language; you have no idea what the discussion was about in the video clip.


Interesting how Pasit left the country two days before PTP broke the story

It guarantees chaos if the Dems are found guilty which based on evidence is astrong possibility, so it pressures for a political decision. 2001 tactics.

What was left out on the move from one tape to the next?

The judges chatting in chambers is nothing out of the ordinary as judges discuss cases. The meeting is dodgy but at least manipulated if not set up, whihc doesnt excuse things, but it is like everything in Thai politics there isnt a pure side, just power games.

After the verdict there will be an almighty power struggle and PTP as the opposition party with no power need it to get as out of control as possible. It could well do amongst those that care about such things

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