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Supplements - Need Some Whey, Creatine, Nox Etc.


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I want to buy some whey, creatine and a NOX product, where can i buy that stuff except from GNC? I found a GNC store at rama 4 in the carrefour building but i find their assortment to be on the small side, not much to choose from and it's a bit overpriced. I know about the online shops selling supplements but i prefer to buy it from a real store.


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I just got some Gold Standard Whey Isolate from BillRs store this week, it took three days from ATM transfer for payment to it getting to my house. I wanted the essential amino acids for my wife. No idea if the price was good or bad but the service was excellent and the produce seemed to contain what she needs.

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I've bought from here before - www.musclefoodshop.com.

They have some sort of physical shop/storage facility around the Lad Prao are I think, as my companies messenger went and collected it for me.

Give them a call, although they only spoke Thai when I called.

GNC is the only actual supplement store I've seen, although there are small chemists etc and some stalls in MBK that sell whey and creatine.


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