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Swedish National Kim Roger Eriksson To Face Death Penalty In Thailand

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I wish that I could read more of these here instead of the "hang him high" guys. Thank you.


The fact these dealers ruin other peoples lives doesn't even come into it right?

The fact is you are responsible for your life. Stop blaming other's for your problems and take personal responsibility for your life... As Thailand is a country that believes in this school of thought: Theravada belief, Buddhas, gods or deities are incapable of giving a human being the awakening or lifting them from the state of repeated cycle of birth, illness, aging and death (samsara). For Theravadans, Buddha is only a Teacher of the Noble Eightfold Path, while gods or deities are still subject to anger, jealousy, hatred, vengeance, craving, greed, delusion, and death. No one forces anyone to take drugs, it's a personal choice. If you are a weak person, sum num na. Why blame others for your problems? Personal responsibility is what it is really all about, one cannot legislate morality... Just my humble opinion. Good luck with your life and personal choices.

There is indeed some merit to your point.

Some merit? Possibly, for many of us, with choices and opportunities and a good upbringing, I would agree... And yet, most of the potential of the less fortunate is left to just such sentiment and light-hearted posturing and we see which way the weak and inopportune choose, still - enough to keep us all socially stigmatized in one way or another. Unfortunately, because of the centuries of just such programming, and the pathetic reliance on politics and a police state and a legal system, the vat of good and bad just keeps churning with coincidence and consequence and perpetuation. If you can keep "turning the other cheek," good on you - too many of us see where that got "him," and us.

Yes we have choices, and one of those choices could be to do more to DETER the likely missteps of other such folk, and the opportunism and parasitic nature that such types have helped breed, and perpetuate and foster.

And while I agree that the death penalty may be entirely too strict and possibly a bit overboard - from an objective point of view, this is not my country, and for him to come here, and do this - so be it.

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Drug dealers like him should be given the death penalty. Drug dealers are killing people for money. The death penalty is needed to tell others like him what they face WHEN they get caught.


I also blame the users. Methamphetamine is not only the most powerful but the most addictive and destructive. If there were no market then manufacturers and dealers would be out of business.

Who saw the movie MILK? It's a true story which ends when a disgruntled city politician (Dan White) murders the mayor and Mr. Milk in cold blood. You know what Mr. White's attorneys argued as the reason White killed the two men? He said Mr. White was not in his right mind, because he was addicted to, and mentally screwed up by eating too many sweet treats. Really. They dubbed it the 'Twinkie Defense.' And the most amazing part of the true story is: THE DEFENSE STATEMENTS WORKED TO LESSEN WHITE'S TIME IN JAIL!. He only did a few years ....for the double homicide which he admitted doing.

Who says Meth is the most addictive substance? People kill for sugar laden treats. People kill for not getting their cup of coffee in the morning, and kill for a lot less than that. OJ killed two people in a rage - what had he injested that afternoon - a hamburger and a milkshake? There are at least a thousand addictive substances. How many people get killed by meth rage? My guess is several per year, tops. How many people get killed by drunkeness? Average 33 per day on Thai roads, and the # doubles for New Years' and Songkran 'holidays.'

If the Swede were your brother or son, would you still want to burn him at the stake?

The Spanish Inquisition mentality is alive and well on Thai Visa tonight.

I think I said meth is the most addictive substance. True people can become addicted to anything and kill for a multitude of reason to really find out the power of meth I challenge you to try some for a few days and give me your opinion.


Nevertheless, I don't feel sorry for him, but death penalty is not correct. Nobody has the right to kill, even not goverments...

Fatfather :realangry:

Do you really really think the govt kills him, Fatfather?

Do really think so, Fatfather?

Know what?

The fact remains, the man kills himself!

The perpetrator is the man himself, not the govt.

Hope you get that right, sir. Care to join me for a cup of Ovaltine sir?:coffee1:


I think if you are going to have the mercy comments on this forum it is only fair to have the hang em high comments as well.

This is a public forum and if you post a story about someone doing something so blatantly wrong knowing the maximum punishment for these actions is your life then these hang em high post are appropriate.

It is the story of a slow suicide where people get to watch the results of a person's bad life decisions play out with nothing they can do about it.

I'm sure the Swede doesn't want to die but he has chosen the path that has taken him to where he is in his life. Now he must face the consequences of those choices.

Perhaps his bad choices will serve as a warning to others contemplating something similar and this situation will save lives.

The report says the Swede excused his actions by stating he was planning to resell the knowledge of how to make this drug. If he was one person planning to make drugs for his own profit he could only sell to only so many people. But if he sold this knowledge to hundreds of other people (possibly other drug dealers), he could, by selling to hundreds of others, indirectly effect the lives tens of thousands of people.

Chances are his words have already sealed his fate.


I wish that I could read more of these here instead of the "hang him high" guys. Thank you.

Yeah.......whatever. The fact these dealers ruin other peoples lives doesn't even come into it right?

Everything said about the evils of Meth - could be applied to drinking fermented sugars (alcohol) - yet the latter spreads its dread much wider. All this 'child killer' stuff - how many children get killed by meth compared to children killed by alcohol-related? The ratio is about 1 to 50,000. Same for spouse beating and road carnage.

And the comparisons by the 'hang-em-high' crowd are ridiculous: All mentions of Meth depict the most depraved junked-out losers. Ever stop to think there might be Meth users who do it moderately? You've been so brainwashed by mainstream media that you can't fathom it, but there are people who use strong drugs (speed, heroin, etc) in small amounts and on rare occasions. It's not always the extreme devilish scenario you'd like to picture in your comic-book imagination. Truckers use speed. Partygoers use speed to dance at the disco, fat people use speed to lose weight.

I'm not justifying it (I don't even drink coffee), but people in general have always been drawn to drugs, and adults should have some choices in the drugs they take - whether it be beer, caffeine, nicotine, opiates, or doing none at all, like me. The line is drawn where it becomes harmful to others. By that yardstick, alcohol is thousands times more harmful than other drugs.

Can we hear, from the 'hang-em-high' crowd, just one time, a clarion call to arrest and sentence to life all makers and purveyors of alcoholic beverages?!? That would make my day.


Death Penalty is not enough for this criminal

Torture him first

He wanted to sell dead to other and earn a living by destroying other peoples health

Herr Klaus Ernst, to suggest torture is totally disgusting, and the German Embassy will no doubt reprimand you for reviving Germany's Nazi history.

In addition, your suggestion is indicative of the fact that you want to import KZ and Gulag conditions into Thailand, shameful indeed.

PS: There is of course a possibility you are not a German, but only use a German name in order to insult Germans, then you are probably an Anglo-American (or another national) still mentally at war with Germany, that would be shameful too.

Therefore, please clarify your position.


Alcohol will never be outlawed, mainly because alcohol is drunk by all politicians and supported by a trillion dollar industry. Ever stop to consider why there’s such a terror campaign against drugs other than alcohol? It makes good business sense for the makers and sellers of the stuff, doesn’t it? Stomp the competition.

Alcohol is also good for the insurance business, good for hospitals, good for car sellers and car part sellers and coffin makers.

There are a hundred reasons why most businesses want alcohol to be sold, and want to squelch and vilify all other recreational drugs.

Plus, alcohol makers can be controlled and taxed. Not the same for most other drugs.

I'm not at all justifying what the ding dong Swede might have been doing, but simply putting out the bigger perspective of why all non-alcoholic recreational drugs are demonized, and alcohol is ok.

If a woman gets beat to a pulp by her drunk husband, and then the man drives off in a drunken rage and totals a van full of schoolkids - then what's his punishment? a fine and maybe a few months in the slammer. If a young man is caught with 53 grams of speed, there's a clarion call for executing him or putting him behind bars for life. Something's not right with that picture.

He is telling Expressen about a living hel_l' date=' where fights and drugs is a part of a violent environment.[/quote']

Living hel_l, not really at all, as foreigners are allowed to sit around all day and do as they please within reason of course. Foreigners are not required to work in a Thai jail.

Fights, not true, as any fight is severely squashed by the prison "trustees", and those involved placed in a punishment cell. Fighting is really discouraged in jails. Also, Thai prisoners will always leave foreigners alone, unless the foreigner really provokes the Thais. The guards leave the quiet foreigners alone because first they are no problem and secondly most foreigners(European/US) have an Embassy who sort of takes care of their interests.

Drugs are indeed available but are very, very expensive to purchase, and if a prisoner is caught using or selling then they will get taken to court and given even more time.

The bad thing about Klong Prem is that these guys cannot get out, but each section has a shop open all day where prisoners can buy food, drinks and snacks. And they have access to real doctors, nurses and medicine in the hospital section if they get ill.

You sound like a man in the know ... nice post.

He is telling Expressen about a living hel_l' date=' where fights and drugs is a part of a violent environment.[/quote']

Living hel_l, not really at all, as foreigners are allowed to sit around all day and do as they please within reason of course. Foreigners are not required to work in a Thai jail.

Fights, not true, as any fight is severely squashed by the prison "trustees", and those involved placed in a punishment cell. Fighting is really discouraged in jails. Also, Thai prisoners will always leave foreigners alone, unless the foreigner really provokes the Thais. The guards leave the quiet foreigners alone because first they are no problem and secondly most foreigners(European/US) have an Embassy who sort of takes care of their interests.

Drugs are indeed available but are very, very expensive to purchase, and if a prisoner is caught using or selling then they will get taken to court and given even more time.

The bad thing about Klong Prem is that these guys cannot get out, but each section has a shop open all day where prisoners can buy food, drinks and snacks. And they have access to real doctors, nurses and medicine in the hospital section if they get ill.

You sound like a man in the know ... nice post.

I must say that I agree with Hawk, from what I have heard from old relatives who are policemen; prisoners who are not making problems are pretty much left alone and they do indeed have access to doctors and have a place where they can buy snacks. Unprovoced violence is a western thing, not Thai

Then of course, drugs and violence is rampand too, point is that from what I have heard, you can avoid it if you want


I wish that I could read more of these here instead of the "hang him high" guys. Thank you.


The fact these dealers ruin other peoples lives doesn't even come into it right?

yes u have to remember the reason why englnad got ride off the death penalty. I wonder how many innocent people have been hung high.

As for west ham. how many wrong penalties have they been issued.

even if he is quilty life or death in prison are almost as bad as each other. death by leathal injiection or death via being sick.

Anyway it doesn't matter there are many more dealer out there like him which will hit the uture news.

it does amaze me why they carry on

oh yes 1 more thing. when u give a statement the officer writes what u say in thai. after he askes u to sign. to leave it up to u what can happen...


Very unlikely to be sentenced to death. More likely to get a 30 year sentence, if he co-operates, pleads guilty and shows some remorse. Then he will be eligible for repatriation after 7-10 years and the Swedes will ignore the terms of the repatriation of prisoners treaty and release him after a couple of months. He has a chance to return to the Swedish welfare state in middle age (if the Swedish neo-Nazi party has not taken over and eliminated it by then) and will be much better off than a Thai or other Asian convicted of the same offence.

I would think planning a business to teach others to make laboratories to produce illicit substances should be regarded as a more serious offence than just setting up one lab for oneself owing to the multiplier effect. His explanation defies any type of logic.

You must be Swedish(though I doubt it because your very knowledge of guns and their regulations) or have very good knowledge of Sweden. Thats the route this case will take. Only one thing, remember that he got sentenced to 3,5 years in Swedish court this February for running a lab producing steroids. If he get transfered within 10 years he still have those 3,5 years.

For me this whole thing is a nonsense.

Reading the Swedish newspaper clipping, it appears he was sentenced in 2006 for having a laboratory in his apartment (does this sound familiar?) producing illicit steroids. His appeal has just been heard (February 2010) and the appeal court gave him 3 1/2 years. Don't know what the original sentence was.

I would suspect that he skipped bail while out on appeal, fled to Thailand (very original) and set up business again in SE Thailand.

But the DEA probably knew of him, as they also track all convicted drug offenders, regardless of nationality. It has just taken them and the Thai police time to get round to him. Maybe his insurance ran out.

With regard to the sarcastic comments about the quality of English in the Scandasia web-site - it seems quite OK to me. It is the Thai Visa OP who is lacking in English skills. (And several of the subsequent posters, who are maybe not native English speakers either)(Relates to the other thread regarding TEFL in Thailand)


Anyway I think one thing is clear from this story, and the countless other similar stories - Leave the production, importation, supply and sale of illegal drugs to the people who do it best ... the police and the army. Unless you're a high ranking cop or soldier, don't even think of trying to make money from drugs.


Being banged-up in Klong Prem prison...surely not as nice as an apartment in Oslo...tough way to learn the world is not all like Sweden. Only 29 and wanted to live the life...should have come for holidays only and done any dealing (if any) in Sweden to finance them.

Oslo??? Oslo is in Norway...

He must be a retard to play around with what he did, everyone knows the punishment for crime in Thailand is horrid compared to our home nations, so most of us don't ever consider breaking the laws, a few retards like this man try to get started in a very bad business and then cry to there home media when caught. "Easy money" attitude is what got him caught and from what I understand he have been bragging around which is a very fast was to get caught.


Who saw the movie MILK? It's a true story which ends when a disgruntled city politician (Dan White) murders the mayor and Mr. Milk in cold blood. You know what Mr. White's attorneys argued as the reason White killed the two men? He said Mr. White was not in his right mind, because he was addicted to, and mentally screwed up by eating too many sweet treats. Really. They dubbed it the 'Twinkie Defense.' And the most amazing part of the true story is: THE DEFENSE STATEMENTS WORKED TO LESSEN WHITE'S TIME IN JAIL!. He only did a few years ....for the double homicide which he admitted doing.

One correction - as you can read here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twinkie_defense - the Twinkies was a symptom not a cause if his issues. But media got it all wrong ofcourse...


With regard to the sarcastic comments about the quality of English in the Scandasia web-site - it seems quite OK to me. It is the Thai Visa OP who is lacking in English skills. (And several of the subsequent posters, who are maybe not native English speakers either)(Relates to the other thread regarding TEFL in Thailand)

The Thai Visa OP is taken from Scandasia, so how can the OP be written poorly and the article on Scandasia not?


Life, for 53 gr. is way to much even it is grade xxxx whatever drug, it takes 2 to tango!

reminds me of some book I read while ago, forgot the title, but a guy, his gf, a disco, a little something slipped into the chestpocket of the guys shirt, "for make good sex later".... lights go on - routine raid by the BiB's and BANG!

it's way too easy - and life isn't the answer, what they do with this iranian caught with 3kg of ice at the airport - will he be put into a shredder?

I'm not passing judgment on this guy.

I wanted to point out that 53g would not fit in your chest pocket. Its about 5 handfulls of paperclips.


The world of drugs, trafficking, conspiracies and cartels, smuggling.......are an incredible global scourge, replete with all manner of brutality and human exploitation and suffering up to and including torture and murder. Knowing this (and in today's world you can't help but know), I'm not sure that those who use and thereby supply funds are any less complicit than those who supply. If you're in it, once you're in it, any part of it, you have more-or-less abandoned your humanity, and I think your right to be treated as a human being along with it. It's sad to think of a foreigner left to his fate in an asian jail, but sadder still to ponder the fate of helpless victims of the random violence and mayhem that follow drug activities all around the world every single day.

My attitude isn't exactly in the hang 'em high category, but I'm far more sympathetic to the real victims of the drug terror, than I am to those who at some point make a choice to descend into it.


Nevertheless, I don't feel sorry for him, but death penalty is not correct. Nobody has the right to kill, even not goverments...

Fatfather :realangry:

Tell the guy prosecuted that he doesn't have the right to kill....what do you think this drug does??? Do you think he will take any notice!!


‘Death Penalty is not enough for this criminal

Torture him first

He wanted to sell dead to other and earn a living by destroying other peoples health’

‘Gas, Poisin, Electric Chair, Firing Squad I dont care.’

Mr Klaus you do seem to be a very unhappy individual, as are some of the other hang em high posters here, the accused Mr Eriksson has broken Thai law and will be punished for his actions. You seem to feel very strongly on this issue and state:

‘By the way drinking a glass of beer once a while does not make you become a addict or ruin your life. However meths causes addiction as early as from the 2 consumption.’

Mr Klaus may i ask have you actually tried meth and subsequently succumbed to addiction after your second use? More likely you’ve read an article in the latest glossy women’s magazine or sensationalist newspaper, and Mr Klaus if indeed this is where you’re acquiring your knowledge no doubt that you would feel safer if Mr Eriksson was ‘eliminated.’

‘And by the way, one thing is sure with him dead or in jail I fell a bit safer since one producer has been eleminated plus the publicity which should other make think twice about doing the same as this criminal’

If Mr Klaus this is how you really feel i suggest you build four walls around you for your safety and live happily ever after in your haven, however by your responses i think you’ve been trapped by those four walls now for a long time and i can think of a more appropriate word then haven.


Are we supposed to feel sorry for him?<_<

I sincerely hope not.

Like your guys' comments and Everyone should know How dangerous ICE is..?.

Laws in US punish the people who take ICE more than any type of illegal....

If he is guilty as charged then he should stay in jail for life.....may be The Thai government can send him back home and let his country pays for the jail time....lot lot of money.

My take and opinion.


Oslo is in Norway - but the rest I can agree on.

Being banged-up in Klong Prem prison...surely not as nice as an apartment in Oslo...tough way to learn the world is not all like Sweden. Only 29 and wanted to live the life...should have come for holidays only and done any dealing (if any) in Sweden to finance them.


Are we supposed to feel sorry for him?


Great - what I just wrote disappeared totally. Well, the rubbish that is left can stay as a reminder of that the TV site still has problems. I can't be bothered to re-write everything again



Death Penalty is not enough for this criminal

Torture him first

He wanted to sell dead to other and earn a living by destroying other peoples health

Selling drugs is murder so it is worst than raping so if they rape him in prisson or kill him he deserves it

This story may come as a big surprise for you then. There's a documentary on TV right now (I think NAT GEO) where an Australian was caught trying to smuggle 10.5 kg of heroin out of Thailand.

Here's a brief synopsis:

"At age 28, Tim Schrader left Australia to work as an English teacher in Bangkok. He loved the teaching and the nightlife but was struggling financially, so he agreed to participate in a scam. For $1,000 a trip, Tim arranged fake marriages with Thai girls and flew with them to other countries. After a few successful trips, Tim was offered a chance to make $10,000 by smuggling 4-8 kilos of heroin into the U.S. Although he knew he could face the death penalty if caught in Thailand, the money was too tempting to pass up. But at the airport, Tim was stopped at the check-in counter. In a back room, drug authorities found 10.5 kilos of heroin in his suitcase. Facing the death penalty, Tim plead guilty and was sentenced to life in Bang Kwang Central Prison. Depressed, he began to use heroin and after two years, tested HIV positive. Tim managed to kick heroin, and thanks to his mothers efforts, was granted a royal pardon on medical grounds over five years after his arrest. "


So now, 14 years later he's happily married and living the good life in Australia after serving only 5 years in prison, for 10.5 kg of heroin. Compare that with 54g of methamphetamines. The guy he was carrying the heroin for turned him in. He was found dead in Bangkok some time later.


Are we supposed to feel sorry for him?


Great - what I just wrote disappeared totally. Well, the rubbish that is left can stay as a reminder of that the TV site still has problems. I can't be bothered to re-write everything again


I had exactly the same problem replying to the exact same post yesterday.

My answer was: yes, I do feel sorry for him.


With regard to the sarcastic comments about the quality of English in the Scandasia web-site - it seems quite OK to me. It is the Thai Visa OP who is lacking in English skills. (And several of the subsequent posters, who are maybe not native English speakers either)(Relates to the other thread regarding TEFL in Thailand)

The Thai Visa OP is taken from Scandasia, so how can the OP be written poorly and the article on Scandasia not?

The Scandasia article :

Swedish Kim Faces the Death Penalty in Thailand

13.10.2010 | news Newsdesk

The Swedish daily Expressen published on Sunday 10 October an interview with Kim Roger Eriksson, 29, who was earlier this year arrested and charged with setting up a laboratory to produce the illegal drug "Ya E". Among other things he told the newspaper's Foreign Correspondent Michael Topffer that he is aware that he risks to get the death penalty for possession and production of more than 53 grams of methamphetamine.

During the entire interview the Swede is referred to as Kim Sirawan, which is his Thai wife's last name that he took when they married. When the Swede was arrested in mid-July. 2010, his full name was Kim Roger Eriksson, and scandasia.com prefer to stick to that name.

Kim Eriksson, who originally is from the north western part of Sweden, explains about the condition in Klong Prem prison in Bangkok, where fights and drugs is a part of a violent environment.

He came to Thailand a couple of years ago and has been active in the Swedish real estate sector in the country, he says.

Kim Roger Eriksson claims he is innocent, According to him he hasn’t done what he is accused of. The laboratory, which the police found, he says, was not attempted to produce.

"I would not produce anything, just learn how it works. The knowledge I would just re-sell," he claims.

He puts the blame for the whole mess on another Swedish man, a chemist whom he hired to teach him how a laboratory would work.

Kim Roger Eriksson suspects that the man also worked as an informer for the police. He disappeared shortly before the raid, which according Kim was led by the U.S. drug police DEA.

Please compare with the OP's writing.

And from Sundsvalls Tidning

Convicted of aggravated drug crimes in Sweden


29-year-old living life of luxury in Thailand and was said to be a member of the royal family.

But even as a very young Njurunda Boy will he have begun his criminal career.

The man's luxury villa in Rayong district in Thailand. The neighbors thought he was a member of the Swedish royal family and also successful in the real estate industry.

Over a hundred policemen were involved in the arrest of Swede suspected of having produced and sold quantities of drugs.

29-year-old, who grew up in Njurunda, began committing crimes before he could be of criminal responsibility. As a teenager, he was eminent in his sport, but stopped allegedly because of doping problems.

As recently as February this year the Svea Court of Appeal sentenced the man to three years and three months in prison for serious gun crime, serious drug crimes and drug offenses. The time, 2006, police did a raid on a location in Stockholm and found a room in a basement where 29-year-old made doping substances. Were also found drugs, tear gas sprays, telescopic batons, syringes and needles. The raid also found a submachine gun in a storage room next to the doping lab. Also in the man's home, he lived in Stockholm, was found doping products.

The district court recognized the 29-year-old crimes.

A few years ago the man was also registered in Thailand and drug sales which should have been going on for a long time. A tourist has told of how 29-year-old several years ago asked him to bring a suitcase with unknown contents back to Sweden.

Neighbors in Thailand believed that the man was doing real estate deals. The information they got from his wife that the 29-year-old was part of the Swedish royal family also meant that no one responded that he had so much money. Neither the local police saw no reason to suspect that the man was involved in illegal acts.

Malin Elfving


Are we supposed to feel sorry for him?


Great - what I just wrote disappeared totally. Well, the rubbish that is left can stay as a reminder of that the TV site still has problems. I can't be bothered to re-write everything again


I had exactly the same problem replying to the exact same post yesterday.

My answer was: yes, I do feel sorry for him.

OK, I will write my stuff again :)

I answered to this thing

Like your guys' comments and Everyone should know How dangerous ICE is..?.

Laws in US punish the people who take ICE more than any type of illegal....

If he is guilty as charged then he should stay in jail for life.....may be The Thai government can send him back home and let his country pays for the jail time....lot lot of money.

My take and opinion.

The problem with sending him back to his home country is that he will get his sentence reduced heavily and he will be out on the street as a free man again only after a few years. And he will have a nice private room with TV, free internet, excellent food, pool table to play pool with his friends, free gym, you name it, while he is in "jail". And the worst with it all is that innocent tax payers are the ones who have to pay for it all. Do I feel that he deserves Swedish "punishment"? Nope, my opinion is that he deserves Thai punishment except that here I feel sorry for the innocent Thai tax payers who have to pay for it all. Do I feel sorry for him? Of course but he should be severly punished regardless

Point is: He knew exactly what he was doing and what he was risking and the horrendous effect that Ice would have on the ones using it

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