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Thai DSI Confirms Red Shirt Arms Training In Cambodia


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The rumours about receiving Khmer help were off the charts during the red shirt occupation, but ex-pats attributed it to Thais typically blaming the neighbours.

Looks like there may of been much more to it all along...

The only rumour I remember was about Cambodian sharpshooters having been hired by the government and offered a handsome bonus for every confirmed kill (of a red shirt). There may have been other rumours, who can keep track in this country ;)

Just a few rumblings from Thais I know working within the red shirt area :whistling:

Won't comment further, will wait for the govt to do it instead :D

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So the DSI has no evidence at all for this fairytale?

Just what the 11 men - who nobody knows if they even exist told them?

For all we know they could all be government agents placed there and conveniently disappear in a witness protection scheme after they are "arrested".

Nobody has ever seen them - for now they remain as elusive as the 50.000 pro government protesters a few weeks ago in Udon.

The 11 men are not known to anybody and are under a witness protection scheme which officially does not exist in Thailand?

How convenient is that! How stupid does this government think people are? As long as they remain unknown without legal counsel and an independent body who confirms what they say - the government can tell us whatever they want.

If you accuse an independent country of training assassins to be used against your government you better have some hard independently verified evidence!

The police colonel in charge of the raid at the "resort" had officially confirmed after the raid that nothing illegal had been found - and those are the facts - everything else is nothing but hearsay and government fairy-tails.

Selective belief in news reports?

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Vermin and scum, pure and simple. All for the sake of bringing a convicted, corrupt, power-hungry piece of sh1t back so it can line its own pockets.

That sums it up!

No wonder the "foreign advisor" set up connections in Cambodia. I hope all of the karma returns upon the weasel himself.

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So the DSI has no evidence at all for this fairytale?

Just what the 11 men - who nobody knows if they even exist told them?

For all we know they could all be government agents placed there and conveniently disappear in a witness protection scheme after they are "arrested".

Nobody has ever seen them - for now they remain as elusive as the 50.000 pro government protesters a few weeks ago in Udon.

The 11 men are not known to anybody and are under a witness protection scheme which officially does not exist in Thailand?

How convenient is that! How stupid does this government think people are? As long as they remain unknown without legal counsel and an independent body who confirms what they say - the government can tell us whatever they want.

If you accuse an independent country of training assassins to be used against your government you better have some hard independently verified evidence!

The police colonel in charge of the raid at the "resort" had officially confirmed after the raid that nothing illegal had been found - and those are the facts - everything else is nothing but hearsay and government fairy-tails.

..and the red shirt who detonated himself was a faery tale too?

I recall red shirts a few months back sporting khemr apparel. that was no fantasy nor faerytale either. nor was the ousted PM who was an advisor to Hun leading up to all of this before te poo hit the fan.

You should drive past the recent muang thong thani site and tell me what you think a faery tale is.

You expect them to release a detailed analysis on the profile and lifestlyes and hobbies of each suspect too?

They have to protect some sensative info before they go and make it public.

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nobody knows if they even exist


Red fighters - from Matichon, October 5, 2010

the police detain 11 men at the Doi Khu Fah Resort in Mae-on district in Chiangmai on October 2. Acting Region 5 Police Commander Police Major Gen Chaiya Siriampankul announces on October 4 that the suspects are to be witnesses in a case related to the national security.

The word on the sign in the picture reads: Doi Khu Fah Resort Welcome


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Militant Suspects Claim Assassination Plots against PM, Deputy

A police investigator claims the 11 red-shirt elements arrested in Chiang Mai have confessed to undergoing arms training in Cambodia and having a plot to assassinate the prime minister.

A staff member of the Department of Special Investigation, or DSI, Police Lieutenant-General Payao Thongsain, said those eleven red-shirt supporters arrested in Chiang Mai claimed they witnessed militants led by the group's radical faction firing at the security officials during the protest crackdown.

Payao said the suspects also claimed they and 28 other red-shirt elements underwent arms training at a military camp in Cambodia's Siam Reap province with Cambodian troops as their trainers.

The investigator said the suspects said the training program took about three weeks and each trainee was paid 2,000-4,000 baht a day plus a bonus of 20,000 baht when they finished the course.

Payao added the suspects testified they were instilled with malice towards the Monarchy in the first week while the remaining two weeks dealt with arms training. Two of the trainees reportedly could not stand such a program, so they fled the camp and decided to report to Chiang Mai police.

He also said those subversive elements were planning to conduct terror attacks in Chiang Mai and assassinations on important figures, including Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, his deputy in charge of national security Suthep Thuagsuban and Bhum Jai Thai de facto leader Newin Chidchob.

Payao continued those suspects said they spotted hard-line red-shirt leader Arisman Pongreungrong, who remains at large from the arrest warrant for his role in the May riots, at their training camp and he selected four trainees who had finished the militant course as his security escort team.

The investigator said one of the four is a suspect in terrorism cases, Mongkol Sarapan, who is also still on the run.

Meanwhile, the DSI's chief today met public prosecutors over the possibility to treat the 11 suspects as witnesses in terrorism cases against the red-shirt core figures.

Investigators have so far discovered no links between the suspects nabbed in Chaing Mai and another red-shirt element Samai Wongsuwan, who was killed in the Nonthaburi apartment blast.

Investigators, however, believe Samai was in the group which underwent similar arms training.


-- Tan Network 2010-10-11


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"training in Cambodian army camp". This is going to get very interesting. Its clear to all now what the red shirts are about and Taksins relationship with the Cambodians and Hun Sen. Writing is on the wall; plain and clear for all to read.

Almost all Thai people are peace loving people. I can't think why anyone would have such hatred of the government unless they were incited to it. In my opinion the government has done the right thing all along, although they could have been much more assertive against terrorist acts. Politics is politics however there is a point where people step over the line and make it personal by trying to assassinate their opponents. Where does democracy come into it; hypocrisy by the reds?

This is worth worrying about. u have the muslims in the south and the reds in the north. Then Cambodia working with Thai Traitors. I think that the North will become to friendly with Cambodia and Thailand as a country will become very unstable. This will affect us. weather it be your office blowing up or effective your tourisme business.

I think it is time for a sit down.

Thai people are proud to be Thai. Do they really want the Cambodians to have more say in their lives.

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"training in Cambodian army camp". This is going to get very interesting. Its clear to all now what the red shirts are about and Taksins relationship with the Cambodians and Hun Sen. Writing is on the wall; plain and clear for all to read.

Almost all Thai people are peace loving people. I can't think why anyone would have such hatred of the government unless they were incited to it. In my opinion the government has done the right thing all along, although they could have been much more assertive against terrorist acts. Politics is politics however there is a point where people step over the line and make it personal by trying to assassinate their opponents. Where does democracy come into it; hypocrisy by the reds?

This is worth worrying about. u have the muslims in the south and the reds in the north. Then Cambodia working with Thai Traitors. I think that the North will become to friendly with Cambodia and Thailand as a country will become very unstable. This will affect us. weather it be your office blowing up or effective your tourisme business.

I think it is time for a sit down.

Thai people are proud to be Thai. Do they really want the Cambodians to have more say in their lives.

Yes this is worth worrying about.

If it is true.

And it is worth worrying about if it is not true - then for other reasons.

And yes thai people are proud to be thai.

Even those thai that have never been outside their home town, and do not know anything about the outside world.

And what will we talk about at your sit down? Please inform me.

I may want to sit down with you - i live here - i want the best for this country - and for every other country, including commie Vietnam and Hun land and even maybe Pommie land/ USSA

Somebody called me a troll.

Can we compromise? I am a troll that means good?

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"training in Cambodian army camp". This is going to get very interesting. Its clear to all now what the red shirts are about and Taksins relationship with the Cambodians and Hun Sen. Writing is on the wall; plain and clear for all to read.

Almost all Thai people are peace loving people. I can't think why anyone would have such hatred of the government unless they were incited to it. In my opinion the government has done the right thing all along, although they could have been much more assertive against terrorist acts. Politics is politics however there is a point where people step over the line and make it personal by trying to assassinate their opponents. Where does democracy come into it; hypocrisy by the reds?

This is worth worrying about. u have the muslims in the south and the reds in the north. Then Cambodia working with Thai Traitors. I think that the North will become to friendly with Cambodia and Thailand as a country will become very unstable. This will affect us. weather it be your office blowing up or effective your tourisme business.

I think it is time for a sit down.

Thai people are proud to be Thai. Do they really want the Cambodians to have more say in their lives.

Yes this is worth worrying about.

If it is true.

And it is worth worrying about if it is not true - then for other reasons.

And yes thai people are proud to be thai.

Even those thai that have never been outside their home town, and do not know anything about the outside world.

And what will we talk about at your sit down? Please inform me.

I may want to sit down with you - i live here - i want the best for this country - and for every other country, including commie Vietnam and Hun land and even maybe Pommie land/ USSA

Somebody called me a troll.

Can we compromise? I am a troll that means good?

every arguemnt, disagreement, fights and wars can only finish by a complamise. Thats the only way. The govment has to listen to the consirns of the reds and agree to a complamise. problem is that there will always be a small amount of people who do not care about complamising and normally separte into small militant groups. like th IRA. Then UVF.

We need to complamice with the number one that is Taksin himself. The reds and yellow have to bite their tounges or everybody loses.

Maybe cut taksin's jail sentence. or give him a suspended sentence and take away his powers. Taksin can be a thai citizen but cannot work in any govement organization.

His money that he gives to people also has to be watched to stop the funding of the reds.

The govement should set a list of rules for negotiating him to ccome back but if he fails to comply then he can face a maximum penalty.

The jist is can Taksin be happy being a rich nobody or can he suvive without his lust for power.

i don't think he can. There again he must be bored living like a fugative. might have something to bargin with

The reds will have to bite their tongues and so will the yellows.

also i would close the border to Cambodia who is haoppy to help make trouble with thailand. they should lose their right to be considered friends whilst insighting war

Edited by BigC
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Say what you want but in the north i witnessed a fanatical support for Thaksin, especially by monks.

He's only unpopular here in Bangkok because the rich chinese elite run thailand.

Said that, I don't think the red shirts are going anywhere, they can barely organize peaceful

demonstrations but are no match against the army.

The only thing they can do is eventually take control of some northern towns, at least for a while,

but how long can they stand it and who really wants an all-out civil war ?

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Say what you want but in the north i witnessed a fanatical support for Thaksin, especially by monks.

He's only unpopular here in Bangkok because the rich chinese elite run thailand.

Said that, I don't think the red shirts are going anywhere, they can barely organize peaceful

demonstrations but are no match against the army.

The only thing they can do is eventually take control of some northern towns, at least for a while,

but how long can they stand it and who really wants an all-out civil war ?

OK - and your point is?

I couldn't care less which gang wins now - red, yello,or whatever.

I am going - possibly - to live in this country for the rest of my life. - or live in the civilezed but expensive - world.

any suggestions - no i am not joking, only cynical.

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Did anybody really really expect things to be different?

After 90 people were murdered, assasinated, killed on the streets of Bangkok!

Did they expect the people just to forgive and forget? This is now about revenge! and even after Politicians have made up those effected by it won't.

Abhisit really needs to get that independent inquiry moving to establish just who was responsible for the killings otherwise this will continue for a long long time.

He also needs to be a lot more transparent I mean not even Autopsy results have been released on the foreigners who were killed. Why? whats the big deal release the infos

otherwise it just looks like a cover up!

The best outcome would be if both sides were found to be responsible and share the blame. ( is that possible? I doubt it )

Oh I almost believed this story until I read the follow up's.

They just can't resist bringing the Establishment into it can they, this will only cause more hate and resentment.

I don't think there will be a solution soon it took 10 years after the 1976 massacre.

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So the DSI has no evidence at all for this fairytale?

Just what the 11 men - who nobody knows if they even exist told them?

For all we know they could all be government agents placed there and conveniently disappear in a witness protection scheme after they are "arrested".

Nobody has ever seen them - for now they remain as elusive as the 50.000 pro government protesters a few weeks ago in Udon.

The 11 men are not known to anybody and are under a witness protection scheme which officially does not exist in Thailand?

How convenient is that! How stupid does this government think people are? As long as they remain unknown without legal counsel and an independent body who confirms what they say - the government can tell us whatever they want.

If you accuse an independent country of training assassins to be used against your government you better have some hard independently verified evidence!

The police colonel in charge of the raid at the "resort" had officially confirmed after the raid that nothing illegal had been found - and those are the facts - everything else is nothing but hearsay and government fairy-tails.

what he said ^

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Well - I think it's fairly obvious how Jutaporn will react to it....

"it's a set up by the government"

"it has nothing to do with us"


Andrew Spooner, one of the sub-par 'journalists' that is very vocally pro-red, living back home in the UK, is already out and claiming this.

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Well - I think it's fairly obvious how Jutaporn will react to it....

"it's a set up by the government"

"it has nothing to do with us"


Andrew Spooner, one of the sub-par 'journalists' that is very vocally pro-red, living back home in the UK, is already out and claiming this.

While he is not the Spooner comic, he might as well be, as they share similar writing techniques:



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The typical responses coming from a few users who refuse to accept the facts.

- The UDD leadership is a group of people, employed by Thaksin Shinawatra, to cause as much damage to the country as possible in any way, shape or form.

- 11 indentified people (stop lieing please) have admitted that they are part of a network of bombers and assassins paid for by the above.

Whether or not the UDD en-masse are violent or not holds no relevance to this conversation. The UDD leaders threatened mass arson, bomb attacks and assassinations. We have seen many cases of the first two, so I think it's fairly likely that we'll see the third (maybe we already have, in the case of Khattiya Sawasdipol).

The DSI have confirmed that there are Red Shirt arms training activities being held in Cambodia. I very much doubt they are either making this up or they are wrong - but your typical response by the UDD faithful on Thaivisa is "where's the evidence?". Well, we've already seen it in this thread! Unfortunately the UDD has shown time and time again that evidence is not required or wanted, as it just gets them into more trouble. However, I believe that the DSI report which I expect to made public in late 2010 or early 2011 will be very comprehensive - it will have to be.

A big problem with the Red Shirts is that they are unwilling to listen to other viewpoints. I remember watching a reporter that asked a group of Red Shirts at Rajprasong, "What do you want Abhisit to change; what policies do you want to see?". He was forcibly removed from the protest area by UDD guards amidst boos and jeers from the crowd! Well, the UDD supporters here have a very similar pretense - they are not interested in facts or solutions, they just seem to want to push their view that the army opened fire on unarmed protesters and Thaksin's Chinese-Thai mafia are actually Abhisit's... even if evidence clearly shows the opposite.

Wait until the DSI report comes out, and watch Jatuporn go through his usual denials and finger-pointing - but this time in more of an effort to prevent his own state execution.

This is where all these "You're being paid to write this crap, aren't you" questions are coming from. If you're not stupid, what are you?

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Thai PM cautions over Red Shirt arms training claim BANGKOK,

Oct 13 -- Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva on

Wednesday cautioned the public that report of alleged arms training for

hard-core anti-government Red Shirt activists on Cambodian soil was

merely information obtained in investigation which has yet to be

verified, saying he will discuss the issue with his Cambodian

counterpart once the investigation is concluded.


Kind of contradicts the original headline doesn't it?

The whole thing smells very yellow

I wonder who these men really are?

Edited by monkfish
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Thai PM cautions over Red Shirt arms training claim BANGKOK,

Oct 13 -- Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva on

Wednesday cautioned the public that report of alleged arms training for

hard-core anti-government Red Shirt activists on Cambodian soil was

merely information obtained in investigation which has yet to be

verified, saying he will discuss the issue with his Cambodian

counterpart once the investigation is concluded.


Kind of contradicts the original headline doesn't it?

The whole thing smells very yellow

I wonder who these men really are?

The case smells like a premature opening up. See what openness in government actions leads to ;)

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Thai PM cautions over Red Shirt arms training claim BANGKOK,

Oct 13 -- Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva on

Wednesday cautioned the public that report of alleged arms training for

hard-core anti-government Red Shirt activists on Cambodian soil was

merely information obtained in investigation which has yet to be

verified, saying he will discuss the issue with his Cambodian

counterpart once the investigation is concluded.


Kind of contradicts the original headline doesn't it?

The whole thing smells very yellow

I wonder who these men really are?

The case smells like a premature opening up. See what openness in government actions leads to ;)

. . . government actions leads to . . . invasion of Cambodia.

Once done, rename "Siem Reap" to "Siam Victory".

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The typical responses coming from a few users who refuse to accept the facts.

- The UDD leadership is a group of people, employed by Thaksin Shinawatra, to cause as much damage to the country as possible in any way, shape or form.

- 11 indentified people (stop lieing please) have admitted that they are part of a network of bombers and assassins paid for by the above.

Whether or not the UDD en-masse are violent or not holds no relevance to this conversation. The UDD leaders threatened mass arson, bomb attacks and assassinations. We have seen many cases of the first two, so I think it's fairly likely that we'll see the third (maybe we already have, in the case of Khattiya Sawasdipol).

The DSI have confirmed that there are Red Shirt arms training activities being held in Cambodia. I very much doubt they are either making this up or they are wrong - but your typical response by the UDD faithful on Thaivisa is "where's the evidence?". Well, we've already seen it in this thread! Unfortunately the UDD has shown time and time again that evidence is not required or wanted, as it just gets them into more trouble. However, I believe that the DSI report which I expect to made public in late 2010 or early 2011 will be very comprehensive - it will have to be.

A big problem with the Red Shirts is that they are unwilling to listen to other viewpoints. I remember watching a reporter that asked a group of Red Shirts at Rajprasong, "What do you want Abhisit to change; what policies do you want to see?". He was forcibly removed from the protest area by UDD guards amidst boos and jeers from the crowd! Well, the UDD supporters here have a very similar pretense - they are not interested in facts or solutions, they just seem to want to push their view that the army opened fire on unarmed protesters and Thaksin's Chinese-Thai mafia are actually Abhisit's... even if evidence clearly shows the opposite.

Wait until the DSI report comes out, and watch Jatuporn go through his usual denials and finger-pointing - but this time in more of an effort to prevent his own state execution.

This is where all these "You're being paid to write this crap, aren't you" questions are coming from. If you're not stupid, what are you?

Wait until the DSI report comes out?

You mean after 50 yeears?

DSI can't even tell which direction the bullet that shot Seh Deang came from; despite knowing where he was standing at the time he was shot. Can't tell or must not tell?

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It maybe true, but it's more than likely a load of BS.

Only hard core and cold blooded individuals should be considered as assassins. In the whole of LOS there is not likely to be 39 with 'the right stuff'!

Why train 39 assassins in one group? The more you have the harder it is to control the group.

Why would you tell them the target?

Why would you gather them all in Chiang Mai?


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Chantorn , first you have to WIN the war before you can claim victory , all the best equipment in the world does not equate to victory , a-la Afganistan , Thailand does not seem to have the troops trained to use all of their equipment to the best advantage , they also have little armed combat experience . Guerila warfare reduces the worth of equipment , but more produces the worth of the man , diplomacy should be used to the fullest , standing on a soapbox behind your computer achieves little to nothing .

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