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Frightening Experience


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Yesterday after having a shower l came downstairs and noticed what looked like a 2ft piece of rope right next to my computer. Not being sure what it was l grabbed the nearest brush just in case and the thing was a snake. It slide away whilst l went out to get my Thai shovel so l could either move it outside or kill it. Well l could not find it and left the house to go to a wedding lunch with friends thinking l would try and find it when l got home. I saw it again laying under my coffee table next to the settee in the lounge so went and got my shovel again but it had dissapeared again. Looked around but could not find it so sat down on the settee and watched TV for a couple of hours and had a nap. Found it later under the rubber strip on the bottom of the mosquito screen door in the lounge with just its tail showing so gave it a prod with the shovel. That must have upset it because it came out with raised white ringed hood about 4" of the ground and began attacking my shovel. Belted it a couple times and it was dead. Must have come in via the back door where the rubber strip on the mosquito screen is worn and there is a gap so will get it replaced today. Frightening experience which l would not want to repeat so all TV forum contributors please be careful if there is a snake your house as you never know what brand it is.

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You really need to watch who you pick up and bring home.:whistling:

I do watch who l pick up but this was an uninvited guest who was not welcome. Had to change my pants a sip a few more whiskys when l saw it was a cobra. The only spitting cobra allowed in my house is in my pants

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Jeesch, scary indeed! Happy to hear you saw it first. I'm not surprised any more with what one might find around here. I got stung by a scorpion down in Chom Thong and just a couple weeks ago came face to face with a Burmese Python about 7 feet long (teenager) in our backyard. I'm always watching where I put my hands when reaching for things. See lots of the Golden Tree snakes and Checkered/Common Keelbacks around here but they're no worry.

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You really need to watch who you pick up and bring home.:whistling:

I do watch who l pick up but this was an uninvited guest who was not welcome. Had to change my pants a sip a few more whiskys when l saw it was a cobra. The only spitting cobra allowed in my house is in my pants

Defiantly an uninvited house guess.:unsure:

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You can also use some of the blue water pipe and some cord. Put the cord through the pipe in a loop then place over the snakes head and pull the cord. Carry away from the house or drop into a sack for rehousing later. ;)

Thanks for the advice but to frightened and shocked to try it. To late now as its dead

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I forgot to mention, if the snake bites you apply a pressure bandage over the bite and make your way to McCormick Hospital for anti-venom treatment, don't rush as this will expedite the movement of the venom through your body. Death should not occur for sometime if you follow these directions.

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snake is common in cold and rainy days cos house is warmer , cobra is nasty o sif yo are not sure do not try your luck cos , as wrong move you would die for sure , cos i don't think thai hospital can save you in time .

i had caight snake and release it a doz time . from small one les sthen a meter to large snake as long as 3 meters but very much python and some grass snake .

i park about 7 cars in my house . and i once spotted a black color snake about 2 meter under one of the cars as it warm but did not try to catch it , my dog is all over it and it ran away . . but seriously is no joke if you are not sure . i would advice to leave it alone if you do not know how to handle .

in case if you really need to handle it . snake strike in a forward movment , so try to circle around using a stick to block it strike range would be good . so using a stick or broom in front of your can help block it strike .

anyway don;t try unles syou are sure you know what you are doing , is not worth risking your life when you are not sure if one bite can kill you .

about 15 years ago i was posted to a thai army camp in kanchanaburi . , during a store clean up we spotted about 4-5 cobra . in the old army clothes warehouse , one of the specialist kill all of it .

that night a huge 3-4 meter long cobra seirously scarey type of cobra huge came to his room just outside his wooden window . knocking on it . eveyone woke up and .. the guard SGT with a M16 . fire like all 30 round at it . about 4-5 shot got it and blast it into a few part . but it still jumping . and seriously scarey .. the specialist who kill the baby i assume . try to be smart after the snake is blast into a few pcs pick up it Head . and guess what he got bitten . and got to cut off part of his arm . and was tranfer out .

even a is injury or cut up . it still can bite .

don't PLAY with snake .

in most case it would just run away.

Edited by Ta22
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Many of us have been there, done that and have varying reactions.

My wife and I rather like the few frog-eaters that hang out in our hedge and they are quite used to us as well. Neuro-toxic snakes like the cobra are different however and I remove them to a far-away place and if they are aggressive, their life is over. Telling the brand of snake is very difficult however since MANY of them go through so many color and marking changes as they mature.

Snakes in the house are not my favorite thing. DO NOT take your eyes off of them and grab a magazine or a book and place it on them. Snakes do not do well on tile or other smooth floors and if you place something flat on them, they will stay in place until you decide how to deal with the situation.

The main worry with snakes in your home is reaching into floor-level cupboards or other places they may be hiding. Very carefully seal all possible entryways at floor level, keeping in mind that they can almost squeeze thru the eye of a needle. Fortunately, there is little to nothing for them to eat inside your home so any invasion is usually by accident on their part.

They are NOT there to hurt you! In fact they would like to be as far away from you as you would like to be from them. Find the way to give them the opportunity to escape and they will happily head in that direction in a flash...


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Pity you killed it. Next time just pick it up by the tail at arms length, you'll need to gently hold it's head down with a length of wood or similar then throw it over the fence into your neighbours yard or better still into an open field.

The neighbors yard would be much more fun. That should quieten them down for while.

I wouldn`t fancy picking up a deadly snake by it`s tail and holding it`s head down. Sounds like a load of Cobras to me.

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You can also use some of the blue water pipe and some cord. Put the cord through the pipe in a loop then place over the snakes head and pull the cord. Carry away from the house or drop into a sack for rehousing later. ;)

Right. That'll be the day. Most snakebites occur when people start messing with snakes, and the above most definitely qualifies as messing with one.

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Pity you killed it. Next time just pick it up by the tail at arms length, you'll need to gently hold it's head down with a length of wood or similar then throw it over the fence into your neighbours yard or better still into an open field.

would you advise the same if he lived next door to you and threw it in your garden????:lol:

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Was that "lens tapper" in your yard??:blink:

Yes, but like I said, I like snakes and I am familiar with their habits. I'm not frightened by any potentially dangerous wild creatures. Nasty soi dogs don't bother me either. It is surprising how close you can get if you don't pose a threat.

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I have a live and let live attitude with snakes, even poisonous snakes, unless they invade my living space. Congratulations on a successful and necessary kill. I suggest getting a cat with good instincts, the semi-ferrell type, to guard against these home invaders. Cats aren't guaranteed to win against cobras, but better they lose than you.

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You can also use some of the blue water pipe and some cord. Put the cord through the pipe in a loop then place over the snakes head and pull the cord. Carry away from the house or drop into a sack for rehousing later. ;)

Not every day you learn new tricks on TV but a definite hat tip to H2oDunc for this one :wai:

post-42325-084485300 1287031813_thumb.jp

Excellent :thumbsup: even with the slight deviation of using yellow pipe rather than blue :P

It had taken up residence in my pond and was devouring the fish at an alarming rate. Amusingly, whilst carrying it away to a nearby vacant lot for "rehousing" it regurgitated a whole fish it had just had for breakfast. It had a lucky escape too, moments after I released it the, Tai Yai's on the construction site opposite announced they could have had it for breakfast and were disappointed to see it disappearing into the undergrowth.......

BTW is it dangerous? It sure got angry and started biting at anything once taken into custody ;)

This worked well, but I think I'll wait a while before following BlinkyBill's, "Grab em by the tail" advice :whistling:

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Pity you killed it. Next time just pick it up by the tail at arms length, you'll need to gently hold it's head down with a length of wood or similar then throw it over the fence into your neighbours yard or better still into an open field.

I will call you next time Bill as that thing was striking out and l could not get anywhere near it

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Pictures or it didn't happen! ;)

I'm an animal lover, but if I saw a *cobra* in my house I, too, would probably attack first and ask questions later...scary! Glad nobody was hurt.

I did not want to lose it again as it had been in the house for 5 hours and kept dissapearing. No time for pictures

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People with shoe and boots left out side at night might consider putting metholated powder in them. I have only had toads in mine in the morning, but nothing once I started putting the powder in them. And the powder is good for my feet, also.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I lived in a small house in Soi Wat Umong 2 years ago and discovered one under my bed... scared shitless (me). After i panicked and trew my shoe at the snake it became agressive and actualy started jumping... dissapeared in my closet and jumped out when i opened my closet door with a broom stick. I closed my door and put a towel under my door so it couldn't escape. Got a bunch of thai construction workers from down the street, all geared up with sticks, to help me out. They were not able to find it.... neither was I. And I had to sleep in that bed the same night.....

... I now moved to an apartment on the 4th floor.

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I lived in a small house in Soi Wat Umong 2 years ago and discovered one under my bed... scared shitless (me). After i panicked and trew my shoe at the snake it became agressive and actualy started jumping... dissapeared in my closet and jumped out when i opened my closet door with a broom stick. I closed my door and put a towel under my door so it couldn't escape. Got a bunch of thai construction workers from down the street, all geared up with sticks, to help me out. They were not able to find it.... neither was I. And I had to sleep in that bed the same night.....

... I now moved to an apartment on the 4th floor.

it probably caught a lift in your luggage on your move up :D

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