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Road Scam


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Pattaya Klang yesterday, Thai motorcyclist rear ends a farang motorcylist,of course it instantly becomes farangs fault, demanding 20 000 Baht before becoming a wannabe seriously injured innocent Thai.

I happended by moments later saving the hapless farang from having to consider replacement brand new motorcycle from the devasting damage from the collision to the Thais motorcycle. During the course of my filming the wannabe traffic cop objecting to my evidence gathering with gestures which suggested I should not be doing this ( I wonder why) coming to a head to head I did indeed suggest if he attempted to physically stop me I would place him alongside his allegedly horribly injured Thai brother in arms.

Cut to the chase, events like this are happening more and more, quick buck to be made from farang It is the law of diminishing returns from the Thai perspective,far less farangs around these days to practice a scam on,so the ones left are more than likely to get rear ended or whatever.

Horrible place to live now,scam after scam taking place,robberies galore,hospital overcharging (now is that new?) My last year long signing on about to take place,then bags packed 'bye 'bye Thailand

PS Thai motorcyle did not receive a scratch

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Witnessed a similar reaction, a few weeks ago on Sukhumvit:

Sunday afternoon, 5 ques of cars in direction of Naklua.

One motorbike was driving in between the ques and another motorbike tried to cross lanes.

They met in front of my car; everything stopped in time, no car or motorbike was hit; only one of the motorbike got out of balance and fell over, leaving a tiny scratch on it.

In front of me was an old pick up with a Thai driver. He wasn't hit at all, but after the event, he opened his door and started shouting that he wanted THB 1000 for the damage.

So, its not only the farangs who are getting scammed.........the same lame behaviour can be seen between Thai too, and they may have more succes, because a Thai doesn't like "kreng-jai" or loosing face.

Edited by farangpattaya
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Yes, I got involved in one of those accidents in KlongTan involving two motorcycles and two cars, I had just parked and was about to get out of the car but this unfolded . I had parked my car in a narrow soi.

A bike was racing down the soi , no lights and coming up to my car from behind. I heard it before I saw it as he had the thing wound up. . Coming towards me from the other direction was a little Toyota. Behind it was another bike with two young guys . The Toyota propped as another car on its side wanted to leave and the driver thought she could park there. The bike behind it dodged the propped car and popped out into the middle of the soi, The two bikes were now facing each other. Racer boy ,by now only a few car lengths behind me , locked the front wheel and dropped it. He and the bike spun down the road on their side and slide into my parked car hitting the drivers door. His bike slid along the bottom of the door and front guard, the damage to my car and his bike was minor ,he has a gash on his leg, The bike coming the other way also went down at much slower speed and slide gently into the front of a parked car opposite me. The riders were not injured neither was the bike damaged. The ambulance arrived, food vendor set up stalls to feed the gathering mob and copy CD's and T Shirts then went on sale.

Someone in the gathering crowd claimed they were hit with flying debris and injured and now suffering PTSD and 500 pairs of eyes swivelled toward me or rather towards my back pocket. Fortunately my GF told them all to take a hike and told me to get in the car and say nothing. Of course it was all my fault . Officer Plod reasoned the guy coming from behind might have thought I was going to get out ,got frightened and locked it up and therefore it was all my fault.

Moral of the story , have first class insurance and a tough GF riding shotgun

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heh heh, tis a funny place to drive!

some pratt in his pick up smacked into the back of my car while we were in traffic traveling around 10KPH :blink: anyway, he said it was my fault because I stopped too quick! :huh:

I was really pissed off as well, it was a brand new motor. you cant keep anything nice here can you?

next car is going to be a 25 year old pick up with huge bull bars all the way around. :D

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It's not a new phenomenon.

Some years ago a mate stopped at the red lights at the junction of Third Road and South Road waiting to turn right onto South Road and a motocy ran into the back of him after he'd been stopped for some 10 seconds, so no sudden braking.

The cops said it was my mate's fault because he should have been in the left hand lane to make the right turn.

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post-45550-039763600 1286968329_thumb.jp

if you want some protection from ''the farang make problem syndrome'' then get yourself some insurance

i have on board ''black box ''cameras with sound in my car

if its a problem of your making i have you on video as evidence

if its mine i just close the screen and say nothing

i should say,neither one has happened yet.

nor has the day when i get pulled and relieved of money by the cops

i will just close the viewing screen and turn it through 90 degrees to look at the drivers door window and film what happens

i imagine it would be good to cover a road rage incident too

i wish i had had them when i was attacked some years ago by a crazy with a samurai sword near Soi Backau

post-45550-008244700 1286968311_thumb.jp

attached are some snaps of the cameras facing front and rear

Edited by timekeeper
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It is for sure not just oriented towards farangs. My wife tells me a story in her village of an old man who ran his scooter into a neighbors, legally, parked car. He immediately demanded 100k Baht. They were friends, but he would not settle. 2 years later, after several court cases, the guy who got hit just gave the old man 20k Baht to help him save face, even after the judge ruled in his favor. Crazy....

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if this is a true story, why not post your photos here....

Who mine? on my camera phone,just shows undamaged m/c with wannabe traffic cop blowing his whistle,blue flashing lights installed in the bikes lighting,plus one other wannabe traffic cop ,with one other at the rear of me ready to pounce with unwitting farangs m/c keys in hand (no pic of that)

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if its a problem of your making i have you on video as evidence

if its mine i just close the screen and say nothing

i should say,neither one has happened yet.

And this makes you different to the scamming Thais in just what way ?

Eh, this is for protecting himself! I think its a good idea. and who in there right mind would film themselves being the cause of the problem and then show the police?? :blink:

Timekeeper, good idea mate, can you let me know where you got these from? how much and do they run on the car battery? Please? thank you :D

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Did everyone miss jori's last sentence or just ignoring it ? "Horrible place to live now,scam after scam taking place,robberies galore,hospital overcharging (now is that new?) My last year long signing on about to take place,then bags packed 'bye 'bye Thailand" :D

The best part is he will be able to have his going away party in a phone box - alone! 371 posts in 7 months, suspended once for insults, a thread closed (basically for stupidity) and in all this there has been nothing of interest.

I wish you well wherever you go and I am just so glad you won't be here!!!!!!!!! ( exclamation points are free)

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Did everyone miss jori's last sentence or just ignoring it ? "Horrible place to live now,scam after scam taking place,robberies galore,hospital overcharging (now is that new?) My last year long signing on about to take place,then bags packed 'bye 'bye Thailand" :D

The best part is he will be able to have his going away party in a phone box - alone! 371 posts in 7 months, suspended once for insults, a thread closed (basically for stupidity) and in all this there has been nothing of interest.

I wish you well wherever you go and I am just so glad you won't be here!!!!!!!!! ( exclamation points are free)

The quality places you recently highly recommend will undoubtly, as you say, give them the the kiss of death. Think your food reviewing partner got a similar tasting too

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if its a problem of your making i have you on video as evidence

if its mine i just close the screen and say nothing

i should say,neither one has happened yet.

And this makes you different to the scamming Thais in just what way ?

if you think protecting my own interests is a scam then i am guilty as charged

there will be enough finger pointing in an accident anyway without me providing self incriminating video evidence

if you want to hold your hand up and say 'yes it was me, it was my fault'' then by all means go right ahead

i am sure there will be many at the airport to wave you off as you are deported after completing your jail term ..............not

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if its a problem of your making i have you on video as evidence

if its mine i just close the screen and say nothing

i should say,neither one has happened yet.

And this makes you different to the scamming Thais in just what way ?

Eh, this is for protecting himself! I think its a good idea. and who in there right mind would film themselves being the cause of the problem and then show the police?? :blink:

Timekeeper, good idea mate, can you let me know where you got these from? how much and do they run on the car battery? Please? thank you :D


i bought them off Ebay from this seller: niximtech (ITS NOT ME!)


they were about 5000 baht each

but bear in mind there is no memory card included

i bought a 32gb card for mine from Tuk Com for 2600 baht each but they will take up to 64gb

the lens is 120 degrees panoramic and the camera records in HD quality

the unit has a built in back up battery so it continues even when stopped but i program mine to stop 30 seconds after engine switch off

it also has a programmable motion detector to start recording if you are hit in a parking lot

there are many features but i cannot remember everything

i use it just to record everything front and back

when i switch on it starts and when i switch off, it stops.

theres no need to remember to do anything manually, its fully automated

its powered via the cigarette lighter socket

it gives you some peace of mind in a tough driving environment

also my wife feels so much better when driving alone now

i hope that helps you

best regards


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Just make sure some Thai doesn't come up and take your keys out of your bike after an accident. If you are dumb enough to stick around or can't leave, take them out yourself so none of them can take them and prevent you from leaving. They love to do this, as it's their way of locking you down to deal with the situation they just created.

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heh heh, tis a funny place to drive!

some pratt in his pick up smacked into the back of my car while we were in traffic traveling around 10KPH :blink: anyway, he said it was my fault because I stopped too quick! :huh:

I was really pissed off as well, it was a brand new motor. you cant keep anything nice here can you?

next car is going to be a 25 year old pick up with huge bull bars all the way around. :D

Agree!! Here's my 1989 Toyota pickup.


post-32650-049924000 1287097212_thumb.jp

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Did everyone miss jori's last sentence or just ignoring it ? "Horrible place to live now,scam after scam taking place,robberies galore,hospital overcharging (now is that new?) My last year long signing on about to take place,then bags packed 'bye 'bye Thailand" :D

The best part is he will be able to have his going away party in a phone box - alone! 371 posts in 7 months, suspended once for insults, a thread closed (basically for stupidity) and in all this there has been nothing of interest.

I wish you well wherever you go and I am just so glad you won't be here!!!!!!!!! ( exclamation points are free)

you dont even know the guy but your ready to pull him dow, he travels all over over INDIA and Thailand saviing the lives of thousands of dogs, he is a loss to Thailand a real gent. who are you to judge maybe he has a life thas outside of sitting on a lap top posting non important posts. why you glad he is not here, a chap who drives around on his bike looking fo sick animals with food and meds, thats all the harm he does.

well Jori if you have a party be sure to let me know and the 2 of us can get in the post box, well maybe a couple of post boxes.repect to your for all the dogs in India and Thailand you have saved.

personell attack on somebody you never new or met.

whats your contibution to society:bah:

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Did everyone miss jori's last sentence or just ignoring it ? "Horrible place to live now,scam after scam taking place,robberies galore,hospital overcharging (now is that new?) My last year long signing on about to take place,then bags packed 'bye 'bye Thailand" :D

The best part is he will be able to have his going away party in a phone box - alone! 371 posts in 7 months, suspended once for insults, a thread closed (basically for stupidity) and in all this there has been nothing of interest.

I wish you well wherever you go and I am just so glad you won't be here!!!!!!!!! ( exclamation points are free)

you dont even know the guy but your ready to pull him dow, he travels all over over INDIA and Thailand saviing the lives of thousands of dogs, he is a loss to Thailand a real gent. who are you to judge maybe he has a life thas outside of sitting on a lap top posting non important posts. why you glad he is not here, a chap who drives around on his bike looking fo sick animals with food and meds, thats all the harm he does.

well Jori if you have a party be sure to let me know and the 2 of us can get in the post box, well maybe a couple of post boxes.repect to your for all the dogs in India and Thailand you have saved.

personell attack on somebody you never new or met.

whats your contibution to society:bah:

I'm an avid dog lover and have rescued many dogs in the past...but sometimes saving these dogs lives is just not the right thing to do. Spay, Neuter or put to sleep. Both countries have way too many dogs. I'm not being a hard ass, but am a traveler who has been all over India and Thailand and I recognize something needs to be done about abandoned dogs....and I don't mean feeding them.

I do have to admit his comments here were a bit negative...and being an American, I didn't find his previous post about us really that funny....just another cheap shot.

So if Thailand is so bad, why sign on for another year? And where would you move to????

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Did everyone miss jori's last sentence or just ignoring it ? "Horrible place to live now,scam after scam taking place,robberies galore,hospital overcharging (now is that new?) My last year long signing on about to take place,then bags packed 'bye 'bye Thailand" :D

The best part is he will be able to have his going away party in a phone box - alone! 371 posts in 7 months, suspended once for insults, a thread closed (basically for stupidity) and in all this there has been nothing of interest.

I wish you well wherever you go and I am just so glad you won't be here!!!!!!!!! ( exclamation points are free)

you dont even know the guy but your ready to pull him dow, he travels all over over INDIA and Thailand saviing the lives of thousands of dogs, he is a loss to Thailand a real gent. who are you to judge maybe he has a life thas outside of sitting on a lap top posting non important posts. why you glad he is not here, a chap who drives around on his bike looking fo sick animals with food and meds, thats all the harm he does.

well Jori if you have a party be sure to let me know and the 2 of us can get in the post box, well maybe a couple of post boxes.repect to your for all the dogs in India and Thailand you have saved.

personell attack on somebody you never new or met.

whats your contibution to society:bah:

So he treats dogs better than people - obviously you have missed the statements he has made about me - and he doesn't know me either!

I don't have a need to brag about my contribution to society, I just do it.

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Even a phone camera is a great deterrent from scammers. The police detest having their photo taken & are probably more concerned about their butt getting a review for corruption & the offenders know the evidence will dam_n them in court & it isn't worth the trouble to try to bilk you out of funds. As for the quick payola , I would just let your insurance company hash it out.They are best at chipping away the wannabees income plan. No hit no pay.

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