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15 Pakistanis Arrested In Southern Thailand Over Possible Terrorist Link

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4 detained Pakistanis in Yala may be linked to UN financial terrorism watch list

YALA, Oct 14 - Four of the 15 Pakistan nationals detained by Thai police in this restive southern province for working without work permits while collecting money for suspicious purposes have been found to carry names similar to those on the United Nations' watch list of persons making suspicious financial transactions, a senior Thai military officer said on Thursday.

Spokesman Col Banpot Poolpian for the Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC) Region 4, reported an initial investigation following the police detention of 15 Pakistani men in a Yala hotel on Tuesday after a local bank reported to the authorities regarding their money transfer to an overseas recipient whose name is linked with a terrorism group.

The spokesman said the detained men organised a door-to-door fundraising activity in the province, claiming that donations from local residents will be used for construction of a religious school. The Yala Provincial Islamic Committee told investigators that the fundraising activity of the men was not a Muslim activity and had not been endorsed by the organisation.

Col Banpot said the detainees were initially charged of working without legal permission as they are migrants, while investigators found that four among the 15 names are on the watch list of suspicious financial transaction of the United Nations.

The four men are identified as Imran Muhammad, Nadeem Muhammad, Ilyas Muhammad and Jahangir Muhummad.

Col Banpot said the Anti-Money Laundering Office has been asked to send more details of the suspects' financial accounts and the authorities are now verifying whether the four men are the same persons as those listed by the UN.

Local police earlier said the men may be linked to an overseas terrorist organisation due to their suspicious statements during the investigation, but said if no evidence is found, the detainees will be released. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2010-10-14

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Might I suggest that a measure of religious tolerance be practiced in the World?

... end removed

For step one I suggest the implementation of the Universal Right to carry one's choice of holy book where ever one goes.

(PS sorry, I know a bit off topic)

I nominate "The God Delusion" as my holy book - I strongly recommend it to anyone who feels they need one.


How considerate of them to try and help widows and orphans. I wonder what they were doing in Thailand?

The same thing muslims do everywhere; fund raise for bombing, recruit for bombing, or bomb. It is what they do.

You paint with a very broad brush. Given the many bombings in Northern Ireland, and using your logic, you could say the same thing about Christians.

More people killed in one day 9/11 then killed by bombs throughout the whole 30 years of troubles in Ireland


More people killed in one day 9/11 then killed by bombs throughout the whole 30 years of troubles in Ireland

Any clue how many were killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, innocent civilians, just people unfortunate to live in a country that got occupied by the USA & Allies forces.


More people killed in one day 9/11 then killed by bombs throughout the whole 30 years of troubles in Ireland

Any clue how many were killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, innocent civilians, just people unfortunate to live in a country that got occupied by the USA & Allies forces.

I think you will find that the vast majority of the people killed in these countrys are killed by other muslims.


More people killed in one day 9/11 then killed by bombs throughout the whole 30 years of troubles in Ireland

Any clue how many were killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, innocent civilians, just people unfortunate to live in a country that got occupied by the USA & Allies forces.

I think you will find that the vast majority of the people killed in these countrys are killed by other muslims.

Correct, it's only the ones by coalition forces that make big media news. No doubt innocent people were/are killed by coalition forces, but by far the majority are killed by either fellow countrymen or foreign insurgents. Shia muslims are the heretics of the muslim world according to some Sunni muslims. Most get on with life, other make it their purpose to kill each other . I spoke with a bank teller in The Bank of Baghdad in Baghdad just after a suicide bomber drove his car into the main entry check point of the Baghdad International Airport (BIAP) around July 2005. She was convinced Jewish spies had handcuff the innocent muslim man to the car and remotely drove the car into the people. I think about 17 died that day. She could not believe a muslim would do that.

I dont actually think religion is the fault, I think is it often the misintrepetation of the various holy books and the lack of education of the masses. Look at the decline of Christianity in Europe in the 15th century of it's existance. At about that time the printing press came about and the bible was translated and printed into many languages. Guess what, people read it slightly different from the heirachy and were burnt for being heretics. The pilgrims pushed the boat out and left Europe. Look at the religious fundamentalists in the States!!!!! The enlightment and leaps in scientific understanding, the loss of the 'Divine Rights of Kings' etc saw a move from religious belief and a move to civic responsibility (which is basically what the holy books tells you). Governements losted control of the masses and thus Nations and Nationalism was promoted. Governments now again had a control mechanism to mass the population for defence and war.

Now think what year is the islam faith is in. Hmmmm, add that to the rise of the internet and globalation of news. Some people are getting educated and practice their peace in private. Syria just passed a law banned the face covering from all schools, uni and government building. Yes Syria!! Others are using the internet to spread further misinformation to the masses. Muslim Countries like Iran, Saudi, Yemen amongst others all control their media as does Thailand. You'd be surprised at the amount of Sat dishes on top of the houses in Baghdad. Even the bedodins have them in Saudi. Reports of Coalition (read Christian)attacks on muslim civilians are quickly rejigged and blasted out as attacks on Islam.

Where are the muslim people condemning the terrorist attacks you ask. I guess the same place the Christian church was when the heretics were being hunted down, the native American Indians were being massacaered and the jews pushed into oven. Where were the UN and NATO when the 7000 muslims were being killed in Bosnia, remember that place. In Europe just 15 years ago. Mostly quiet.

The modern world tends to define itself by nations within alliances of like minded communities. The belief in Islam knows no line on a map and it is almost a philosophy akin to brotherhood. It transcends nations and patriots and therefore can not be fought in a traditional way.

The 'War on Terror' is a regain of previous bad foreign policy. Will it work? I doubt it. Every armed struggle anywhere in the world and throughout the history of mankind has started with be talking and will end with talking. The bit in between is fairly irrelevant as long as it's not you or your family getting killed.

My answer would be to rewrite the holy books without the collective consciounsness of goodness often referred to as God. Rename them 'Living with lots of other people for Dummies'.



More people killed in one day 9/11 then killed by bombs throughout the whole 30 years of troubles in Ireland

Any clue how many were killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, innocent civilians, just people unfortunate to live in a country that got occupied by the USA & Allies forces.

I think you will find that the vast majority of the people killed in these countrys are killed by other muslims.

Correct, it's only the ones by coalition forces that make big media news. No doubt innocent people were/are killed by coalition forces, but by far the majority are killed by either fellow countrymen or foreign insurgents. Shia muslims are the heretics of the muslim world according to some Sunni muslims. Most get on with life, other make it their purpose to kill each other . I spoke with a bank teller in The Bank of Baghdad in Baghdad just after a suicide bomber drove his car into the main entry check point of the Baghdad International Airport (BIAP) around July 2005. She was convinced Jewish spies had handcuff the innocent muslim man to the car and remotely drove the car into the people. I think about 17 died that day. She could not believe a muslim would do that.

I dont actually think religion is the fault, I think is it often the misintrepetation of the various holy books and the lack of education of the masses. Look at the decline of Christianity in Europe in the 15th century of it's existance. At about that time the printing press came about and the bible was translated and printed into many languages. Guess what, people read it slightly different from the heirachy and were burnt for being heretics. The pilgrims pushed the boat out and left Europe. Look at the religious fundamentalists in the States!!!!! The enlightment and leaps in scientific understanding, the loss of the 'Divine Rights of Kings' etc saw a move from religious belief and a move to civic responsibility (which is basically what the holy books tells you). Governements losted control of the masses and thus Nations and Nationalism was promoted. Governments now again had a control mechanism to mass the population for defence and war.

Now think what year is the islam faith is in. Hmmmm, add that to the rise of the internet and globalation of news. Some people are getting educated and practice their peace in private. Syria just passed a law banning the face covering from all schools, uni's and government building. Yes Syria!! Others are using the internet to spread further misinformation to the masses. Muslim Countries like Iran, Saudi, Yemen amongst others all control their media as does Thailand. You'd be surprised at the amount of Sat dishes on top of the houses in Baghdad. Even the bedodins have them in Saudi. Reports of Coalition (read Christian)attacks on muslim civilians are quickly rejigged and blasted out as attacks on Islam.

Where are the muslim people condemning the terrorist attacks you ask. I guess the same place the Christian church was when the heretics were being hunted down, the native American Indians were being massacaered and the jews pushed into oven. Where were the UN and NATO when the 7000 muslims were being killed in Bosnia, remember that place. In Europe just 15 years ago. Mostly quiet.

The modern world tends to define itself by nations within alliances of like minded communities. The belief in Islam knows no line on a map and it is almost a philosophy akin to brotherhood. It transcends nations and patriots and therefore can not be fought in a traditional way.

The 'War on Terror' is a regain of previous bad foreign policy. Will it work? I doubt it. Every armed struggle anywhere in the world and throughout the history of mankind has started with be talking and will end with talking. The bit in between is fairly irrelevant as long as it's not you or your family getting killed.

My answer would be to rewrite the holy books without the collective consciounsness of goodness often referred to as God. Rename them 'Living with lots of other people for Dummies'.



[More people killed in one day 9/11 then killed by bombs throughout the whole 30 years of troubles in Ireland

I am not defending the tactics of the IRA or the UVF, but more often than not they at least gave a telephone warning. In no way does that excuse the violence, but when was the last time anyone on a jihad gave a warning? As bad as the UVF and IRA might have been, they did not use children or the mentally disturbed to carry suicide bombs. Nor did they publicly behead people and send out copies of the gruesome act. In any case, at least there was a chance to make peace with give and take on both sides, With the jihadists making their way into Thailand, there will be no negotiations, no chance for peace, just a holy war until all the idol worshipping infidel Buddhists are exterminated. And yes, that is the reality. Pakistani religious schools teach children that non believers who "worship" idols must be put to death and all traces of their religion and culture must be eliminated. This is why the Taliban was able to destroy the 3 ancient Buddhas and not one word of protest came from a nation with a majority muslim population. Imagine if the Israelis pulled down a mosque. Look at what happens in some western cities when the locals say they do not want a mosque with its loud speakers blaring out the call to prayers. They are accused of persecuting the muslims.

It is near impossible to build a new church in Pakistan. It is impossible to build a Jewish, Buddhist or Hindu temple in Pakistan.

The question that needs to be answered is Why were these Pakistanis in Thailand, and what exactly were they doing.

I do not think they were here for a soapy massage with a happy ending.


Where were the UN and NATO when the 7000 muslims were being killed in Bosnia, remember that place. In Europe just 15 years ago. Mostly quiet.

Intervening and stopping the bloodshed. Note that President Clinton had been reluctant to enter the conflict as the EU had told the USA to stay out. The Scandanavian countries put alot of pressure on the USA and worked with Canada and major US charities and political leaders to get a response. There is a reason why the locals erected a statue of President Clinton 2 years ago in Kosovo. There is a reason why Americans are very popular in Kosovo. Canada and the USA were some of the first into the conflict. As much as I like to beat up on the Swedes, they too were involved in the blue cap operation. One of my friends did his tour of duty in the Swedish peacekeeping units. The Europeans were extremely sensitive to the Russian position to stay out of the conflict and the the Germans were also sensitive about rolling into another country. I can understand the German reluctance. The left wing factions in the UK, France and Spain were opposed to any intervention, until the concentration camps were discovered. Then the attitudes changed.

Interesting enough,during the darkest period of the ethnic cleansing, Israel took in more Bosnian refugees than the muslim nations in the middle east. The USA and Canada took in more muslim immigrants and refugees than the muslim world. Of course, no one likes to mention that the muslim community feared the Bosnian muslims because they were too liberal, too European, How could these nice muslim people even think of going to Israel when advanced modern nations like Syria and Iran were beckoning with their ample freedom and opportunity. Interesting to note that the Bosnian muslim refugees have turned out to be some of the best behaved refugees in the west and that they were able to practie their faith, and maintain their culture without clashing with others. There is a possibility for people to live in harmony, but it requires respect for others.


Might I suggest that a measure of religious tolerance be practiced in the World?

We could learn a lot from the Thai people. How they tolerate the many 'low lifes' that pitch up here is a lesson in forbearance for us all.

Another Religious apologist!

Go tell that the Thai Buddhists families in Southern Thailand who have been beheaded by Muslims to be tolerant.

Its twunts like you who give "undeserved" respect and lifetimes of tolerance to Religion who have got the World into the state it is into today.

Humanity would be better of without Religion and you need to reckoginise this.

You are not really very bright are you? Did you not detect a degree of sarcasm in my post? I note that you declined to quote that part which set out my main thrust. Better check the rules of this place.

The point that I was making and you obviously haven't got the wit to understand is that Moslems wanted a degree of tolerance and understanding so that they may build a mosque close by Ground Zero. My attitude is tolerance should be shown if they would reciprocate by tolerating our temples viz. a bar, sex shop, brothel adjacent to theirs. Can you imagine, even for a nanosecond, that they would contemplate such a proposition? Should I have drawn a picture so that you took that onboard?

Far from being some religious nut I do not accept that there is some 'greater being' to whom we will all answer to at some time. I reject ALL religions. However I do recognise (do note the correct spelling) that I share the World with other beings and if they want to believe in spirits or Holy Ghosts then they are free to do so; It is certainly not to my disadvantage. Tolerance,within acceptable limits, is a mark of our civilisation. Our lives are so much more pleasant and peaceful if we practice a philosophy of 'give and take'. Any sentient being would reject your assertion that tolerance towards religion is responsible for the state of the World. Why don't you visit the Buddhists living in Southern Thailand and tell them that their lives would be so much better if they dispensed with their beliefs? Better still, go to Pakistan,Iran or Iraq and spout your mantra. Amongst the reasons for the misery and ongoing conflicts in the World is the greed of bankers and financial institutions, US foreign policy over the past 25 years or so, despotic rulers, corruption and the lack of tolerance by religious zealots.

I believe that the ultimate aim of Moslem activists is World domination and everybody living within a system that rightly belongs in the Stone Age. I am totally intolerant of such an aim and the methods employed to bring it about


Everyone is discussing religion, i.e. Islam here. Where are the moderators? If even one sentence is said here against any religions, the moderators will jump in and delete the post.

Where is it mentioned that these people are Muslims?

Where is it mentioned that they are actually sending money to terrorist?

One poster mentioned that Pakistan is the exporter of terrorism. Well, if you stop watching Fox News, and think logically, Pakistan is under attack by the terrorists due to US invasion in Afghanistan. Before it was USSR invasion there which was repealed by Pakistan through US support. The world should be thankful to Pakistan instead of just bullshitting.

Some posters dont even understand the difference between religion and cultural issues. Being Arab does not automatically mean you are Muslim.

Another poster tried to distort the history about crusades and the wrong justification of Hindu-Muslim riots in India.

Only if media were free, you would have a completely different picture now.

Could you please explain how there was a distortion of history in regards to the Crusades? Was that part of the world not a significant portion of the Eastern Roman Empire? Did the Arab Muslims not rampage up out of the desert and take it over? Was there not a push back to retake the land? Was there a promise of immortal salvation for dying in battle as a tenet of Christianity before then?

And exactly what are the justifications for the Hindu-Muslim riots? Did the Hindus mediate too much and the sun baked their heads and forced them to become crazy so that they started attacking the peaceful Muslims who have never wronged a Hindu (just forget that "Hindu Kush" means "Kill Hindu")?

You did make a good point though; it's extremely trite to call people racist because they're opposed to the idealougy that is the basic components of Islam. The fact that the name itself means "Submission" to an archaic way of thought that condones violence, even against family members, and other things that most of the rest of the world left behind two centuries ago. And since someone so kindly pointed out there are two billion Muslims worldwide, just what would you be racist against? Europeans? Africans? Arabs? Asians?


I'm having a slow day DB and not getting your post at all, Buddhists and meat, Seamus and Joe. I stated earlier that ALL Muslims are Not terrorists, supporters or fund raisers. Just for clarity, can you say whether you agree or not with that statement?

My point was that simply saying "Look, most Muslims don't commit terroristic acts, therefore the religion teaches you to be peaceful" is as much of an ignoratio elenchi as stating "Look, most Buddhists eat meat, therefore the religion teaches you to eat meat."

So until there is no tacit approval of the majority of Muslims by failing to define those violent verses as anything but allegorical to those who are supposedly hijacking their religion (and have been doing so for the last 1400 years) than I will have to disagree with the statement that you made......


I'm having a slow day DB and not getting your post at all, Buddhists and meat, Seamus and Joe. I stated earlier that ALL Muslims are Not terrorists, supporters or fund raisers. Just for clarity, can you say whether you agree or not with that statement?

My point was that simply saying "Look, most Muslims don't commit terroristic acts, therefore the religion teaches you to be peaceful" is as much of an ignoratio elenchi as stating "Look, most Buddhists eat meat, therefore the religion teaches you to eat meat."

So until there is no tacit approval of the majority of Muslims by failing to define those violent verses as anything but allegorical to those who are supposedly hijacking their religion (and have been doing so for the last 1400 years) than I will have to disagree with the statement that you made......

Just did a quick google search with the term "muslims against terrorism" with over 6 million returns. Guess they're fairly vocal in their condemnation of terrorism but mainstream media may prefer to ignore that? Could link a few here but easy enough to search yourself, interesting reading.


I'm having a slow day DB and not getting your post at all, Buddhists and meat, Seamus and Joe. I stated earlier that ALL Muslims are Not terrorists, supporters or fund raisers. Just for clarity, can you say whether you agree or not with that statement?

My point was that simply saying "Look, most Muslims don't commit terroristic acts, therefore the religion teaches you to be peaceful" is as much of an ignoratio elenchi as stating "Look, most Buddhists eat meat, therefore the religion teaches you to eat meat."

So until there is no tacit approval of the majority of Muslims by failing to define those violent verses as anything but allegorical to those who are supposedly hijacking their religion (and have been doing so for the last 1400 years) than I will have to disagree with the statement that you made......

Just did a quick google search with the term "muslims against terrorism" with over 6 million returns. Guess they're fairly vocal in their condemnation of terrorism but mainstream media may prefer to ignore that? Could link a few here but easy enough to search yourself, interesting reading.

Just did a quick search on 'muslims promote terrorism' close to 6M hits. You need to do a better search and may have to actually look at pages before you can draw a good conclusion.


I'm having a slow day DB and not getting your post at all, Buddhists and meat, Seamus and Joe. I stated earlier that ALL Muslims are Not terrorists, supporters or fund raisers. Just for clarity, can you say whether you agree or not with that statement?

My point was that simply saying "Look, most Muslims don't commit terroristic acts, therefore the religion teaches you to be peaceful" is as much of an ignoratio elenchi as stating "Look, most Buddhists eat meat, therefore the religion teaches you to eat meat."

So until there is no tacit approval of the majority of Muslims by failing to define those violent verses as anything but allegorical to those who are supposedly hijacking their religion (and have been doing so for the last 1400 years) than I will have to disagree with the statement that you made......

Just did a quick google search with the term "muslims against terrorism" with over 6 million returns. Guess they're fairly vocal in their condemnation of terrorism but mainstream media may prefer to ignore that? Could link a few here but easy enough to search yourself, interesting reading.

Just did a quick search on 'muslims promote terrorism' close to 6M hits. You need to do a better search and may have to actually look at pages before you can draw a good conclusion.

Like this one from page one of search http://www.muhajabah.com/otherscondemn.php I had a quick glimpse at a few, nothing more.


Just did a quick google search with the term "muslims against terrorism" with over 6 million returns. Guess they're fairly vocal in their condemnation of terrorism but mainstream media may prefer to ignore that? Could link a few here but easy enough to search yourself, interesting reading.

Just did a quick search on 'muslims promote terrorism' close to 6M hits. You need to do a better search and may have to actually look at pages before you can draw a good conclusion.

Like this one from page one of search http://www.muhajabah.com/otherscondemn.php I had a quick glimpse at a few, nothing more.

Just to be sure, I'm not saying there are no muslims groups who promote better understanding or are against terrorism, there are lots of them.

The problem with searching is that you have to be really careful in your criteria. With 'muslims promote terrorism' you find lots of pages which have both 'muslims against terrorism' and 'promote peace and understanding'. Confusing, need better filtering. This means that the value of 6M hits may be less indicative than you expect.


What a thread! - I list what I have learnt.

15 Pakistanis engaged in the ‘suspicious activity’ of ‘Collecting money for suspicious purposes’ for ‘building a religious school’ and ‘not an [official] Muslim activity’ were arrested for ’working without legal permission’.

It takes 3.75 Pakistanis to fill a hotel room.

It takes 15 Pakistanis to implement an ‘irregular’ bank transfer for ‘orphans and flood victims’.

The police have found no link to terrorism or reports of terrorist activities or materials – but they are still working on the DNA samples, if that doesn’t match then fingerprints, shoe size, hat size....

Pakistan with population of 175 million has 59% males and 1% of them are called Imran another 10% are called Muhammad which means that one in every 20 male Pakistanis is called Imran Muhammad. Or 5 million; outside Pakistan 1 in every 15 is called Imran Muhammad or 10 million.

Most men from Pakistan have red shirts and are muslin southern separatists travelling under a TAT promotion.

Muslims never get angry. Witches now use halal bombs. Actually, Muslims don’t do it. Where do all the new Muslims come from?

No one can understand why Pakistanis are tourists here without work permits when they have plenty of no work in their own country.

Everyone is certain stereotyped, racial, religious people are not real tourists but TV posters.

Logic says all organised religious people will be concerned in bombing.

Muslim extremists teach in a southern classroom in dozens

Westerners are defended by and large killers

MCOT write in fifty word sentences

The ‘God Delusion’ is nominated for the Holy Cross Book Prize

A Google search for dfgh gives more than one million results.


"Pakistan with population of 175 million has 59% males and 1% of them are called Imran another 10% are called Muhammad which means that one in every 20 male Pakistanis is called Imran Muhammad. Or 5 million; outside Pakistan 1 in every 15 is called Imran Muhammad or 10 million."

I hope I did not share your maths teacher...... you might want to look at that one again :blink:


"Pakistan with population of 175 million has 59% males and 1% of them are called Imran another 10% are called Muhammad which means that one in every 20 male Pakistanis is called Imran Muhammad. Or 5 million; outside Pakistan 1 in every 15 is called Imran Muhammad or 10 million."

I hope I did not share your maths teacher...... you might want to look at that one again :blink:

You would have enjoyed to share my math teacher - he had a good sense of humor :- D and worried more about method than accuracy. I certainly did not worry about accuracy - except that bit about one in 15.

The point is simply, that Imran Muhammad is such a common name that to find only one in a group of 15 shows bad luck! That there are some on lists of suspected terrorists is not surprising. The four names given, sound to me like a group of English schoolboys saying I’m Tom Smith and these are my brothers Dick and Harry.


Five Pakistanis detained in Yala use new type of narcotics

Blood testing has shown that five of 15 Pakistanis, detained by police in Yala province after some of them have names similar to those on a UN's watchlist, have used new type of drugs, Phencyclidine or PCP, an army source said Friday.

Fifteen Pakistanis were arrested and detained in a raid at a hotel in Yala on Tuesday after a bank reported that they had transferred money to a recipient overseas whose name was linked with a terrorism group.

After investigation, police found that four of them have names similar to those on a United Nations watch list of people making suspicious financial transactions.


-- The Nation 2010-10-15


Five of 15 detained Pakistanis in Yala abuse drugs : army source

By The Nation

Blood testing has shown that five of 15 Pakistanis, detained by police in Yala province after some of them have names similar to those on a UN's watchlist, have used new type of drugs, Phencyclidine or PCP, an army source said Friday.

Fifteen Pakistanis were arrested and detained in a raid at a hotel in Yala on Tuesday after a bank reported that they had transferred money to a recipient overseas whose name was linked with a terrorism group.

After investigation, police found that four of them have names similar to those on a United Nations watch list of people making suspicious financial transactions.

The same source said that authorities then tested their blood and found that five of them have used the PCP for quite some time.

"Four of the five who used drugs are those who carried names similar to those on the UN watchlist," the source said.

The four men were identified as Imran Mohammed, Nadeem Mohammed, Ilyas Mohammed and Jahangir Mohammed.

Police had said the group had organised a door-to-door fund-raising activity in Yala, claiming that donations from local residents would be used for constructing a religious school.

The Yala Provincial Islamic Committee told investigators that the men were not raising funds for religious purposes and that the activity had not been endorsed by the organisation.

Banpot said the Anti-Money Laundering Office had been asked to send more details of the suspects' bank accounts and the authorities were verifying whether the four men were indeed on the UN list.

Damrong Buarit, acting chief of Yala's central prison, meanwhile said that the Pakistanis are now being detained in the prison.

"The group are separated from other detainees so that they are under close watch. We are ordered to take special monitoring on the group," he said.


-- The Nation 2010-10-15


Cant be easy to ID them when they are all called Mohammed.

Wonder how many othere of the 15 have the same name?

Or for that matter what preportion of Muslims sport that name.


I worked in a Middle Eastern country some years ago and we were involved in humanitarian work, so finding duplicate names was a big issue (or people who had registered for assistance at more than one location).

We checked names and birthdates to the 5th name. A lot of countries keep adding the father's name, so you can go back a few generations. It wasn't uncommon to have 2 or 3 Mohammad's in the sequence!

PCP was called Angel Dust some years back, wasn't it?


Cant be easy to ID them when they are all called Mohammed.

Wonder how many othere of the 15 have the same name?

Or for that matter what preportion of Muslims sport that name.

Well spotted


I worked in a Middle Eastern country some years ago and we were involved in humanitarian work, so finding duplicate names was a big issue (or people who had registered for assistance at more than one location).

We checked names and birthdates to the 5th name. A lot of countries keep adding the father's name, so you can go back a few generations. It wasn't uncommon to have 2 or 3 Mohammad's in the sequence!

PCP was called Angel Dust some years back, wasn't it?

PCP correct street name Angel Dust. Sounds like pretty wicked stuff.


I worked in a Middle Eastern country some years ago and we were involved in humanitarian work, so finding duplicate names was a big issue (or people who had registered for assistance at more than one location).

We checked names and birthdates to the 5th name. A lot of countries keep adding the father's name, so you can go back a few generations. It wasn't uncommon to have 2 or 3 Mohammad's in the sequence!

PCP was called Angel Dust some years back, wasn't it?

Yes it was, actually it was called: Angel's Dust. Back in the 1970's. I had an unfortunate experience of taking it once without knowing. No fun!!!! mad.gif


This story is intriguing. A group of Pakistanis are raising money in the south of Thailand and sending it to a suspected terrorist. First are they actually raising money, or is this just what they are saying? Second, PCP is a fairly heavy duty drug (if I remember correctly, I used it when I was living on a farm to tranquilize a horse). I would imagine that PCP is not readily or easily available in Thailand. What would a bunch of drug users (expensive habit) be doing sending raising money to send to a suspected terrorist?

Quite intriguing, really.


Scott, you mix PCP, the strong and infamous Angel Dust, with the veterianian anesthetic Ketamine, AKA Special K.

Maybe the Pakistanis dealing the new (for Thailand) drug and they send the proceeds back to home country.

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