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Splitting Up From Wife In Uk


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I am putting this thread on behalf of a friend of mine.

My friend wishes to split up with his wife as she is totally milking him financially but she has said if they ever finish then she will take both herself and the children back to thailand.

This is the only thing that is stopping him. Does anyone know how he can avoid this situation. Can he just do a runner with the children or would that get him into trouble????


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Not enough info mate

1.) Are they your kids born in the UK or are they her Thai kids born in Thailand what passport do they have ???

That makes all the difference

Dont do a runner that will put the advantage in her corner first thing to do is get the passports of the kids and leave them with ya parents or other trusted party at least then she cannot do a runner with them back to Thailand like a recent story posted on TV


Edited by DiamondKing
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I know that they were born in Thailand and have dual nationality with both thai and english passports

Are they all his Kids

They are UK citizens so while In the UK the advantage is in his corner, if she gets them out of the UK to Thailand it will switch to her favor since they are also Thai so best he get those passports in a safe place to avoid any chance of her skipping country with the Kids cause I am sure thats what she will do when she realizes his plans to divorce her.


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How old are the kids? UK Family Courts like asking kids for their opinion. Reports are often filed, if memory serves correct they're called CAFCAS reports, or something similar.

A lot of factors come into it, like do you work full time? Who will look after the children while you are at work? What does the wife have back in Thailand? Family? etc

Hire a good family lawyer, nothing can substitute proper legal advice in this situation.

Edited by bangkockney
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How old are the kids? UK Family Courts like asking kids for their opinion. Reports are often filed, if memory serves correct they're called CAFCAS reports, or something similar.

A lot of factors come into it, like do you work full time? Who will look after the children while you are at work? What does the wife have back in Thailand? Family? etc

Hire a good family lawyer, nothing can substitute proper legal advice in this situation.

Good Advice


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Another Sad story , the only losers will be the children , yet again the children are a tool or emotional black mail, The sad thing is it just blackens the name of many good Thai Lady's who care for there Husbands and children, and not about Money.I just think that Money is inbred into Thai syki from birth .like our sense of fair play and whats right and wrong.

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tell him to get a hold of the passports asap,,then get his bum of to a good family lawyer in the uk .....my personel thoughts are to offer her a pile of cash as 9 times out of 10 they will grab it !!!!but she could be winding him up as single mothers do really well in the uk and get loads of hand outs ,,,my ex loves the uk for this reason (money for nothing):angry: .....

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