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Police arrest 60y-old Thai for sexually assaulting his 10y-old stepdaughter

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For those claiming pedophilia and incestual sex is just hearsay in Thailand, you should try using a search engine like Google and Yahoo -- search "Pedophilia Thailand." It is well documented in several university studies as well as CNN and major publications. Here is one of them from Thailand.


Arresting a Thai for this offense is usually financially and emotionally detrimental to the family and also costly for the police. However, arresting any farang, innocent or guilty, is politically favorable to the Thais and a huge cash cow for the police.

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Unfortunately this terrible crime goes on all over Asia and a recent study in Cambodia reveals that most cases of sex abuse amongst children were actually committed by the Cambodians themselves and not by Foreigners as was first thought , in any case such as this the penalties should be made severe to act as a deterrent to others ! .

Please, excuse me. As a matter of fact- most pedophiles from all around the world are going to Cambodia to do their dirty job.

Cambodia, once the jewel in southeast Asia was destroyed by some strange people.

There are some people with a lot of cash, but the rest is dirt poor.

How can you make such a statement that Cambodians themselves and not Foreigners did this ugly crime?

There might be a few Cambodians, but how can you blame a whole country? Don't you read news? How many foreigners got busted? What's wrong with you?

You made me really sad. Don't make me angry, okay? :jap:

Cambodia is no longer a pedophile-friendly country.

The country is making genuine efforts to reduce trafficking and prevent the sexual abuse or exploitation of minors.

Almost every day you can read about foreigners and Cambodians who have been arrested, and these people are receiving hefty prison sentences. Money will not help them either, there are a number of very wealthy pedophiles in Cambodian jails at the moment.


Lots in Austria, especially along the German/Austrian border where different coloured flags from the windows indicate services etc available. The Czech Republic was full of them countrywide. Lots all over Estonia last time I was there.

I guess I shouldn't have mentioned Europe in my post because I know little about it. Europe is much more left-wing liberal, or "progressive" as they say. I suppose we can expect more sexual exploitation in North America as it becomes more "progressive". I just feel sorry for future generations that will be subjected to left-wing ideology hand-in-hand with Islam. Conservatism is dead along with family values. :(

I've got a better idea! Let's all become GAY then we can annihilate The entire human race in a single generation. Isn't that the ultimate plan for left-wing radicals? What the point of maintaining humanity if we are all just going to kill each other...or f&ck each other, or what ever or who comes first. I wish we had better things to do!

Buddy, whatever excuse you need to live out your homoerotic fantasies is fine by me.

I expect just as much sex occurs under a conservative regime, however it's all kept under wraps and only the priests and politicians are allowed to let loose.

I realize that an orgasm is a powerful feeling for all humans, it's probably the only reason we procreate. But to define yourself, politically, and socially by how and whom you choose to have an orgasm with places much more importance than it was meant to be. Of all the factors that make up a persons character, why would your choice of who you choose to have an orgasm with define your entire person? When was the last time you saw a heterosexual parade in San Francisco? It's simple human sexuality! Why do Gays feel it's necessary to publicize it? I know I sound critical but I don't understand why gays feel it necessary to promote them selves. If they feel strongly about their choice of sexuality, fine. Why do I have to be subjected to it?

To think of human sexuality only in terms of orgasms is like saying people go to a 5-star restaurant because the toilets are good.


This thread certainly took quite a meandering walk through the debauched lives of some. As I read it, the thread started off with an elderly stepfather raping a child and then it went all the way into the land of blame visiting the tribe that blames pornography, to the evil kingdom of the homosexuals, and then on to the northern lands where fathers supposedly rape their daughters as part of their normal activities. I don't know about some of you folks, but I was under the impression that the behavioural motivations for forced sexual relations upon stepchildren were unrelated to pornography, that gay males have sex with other males and not with little girls, and that Thai fathers in northern Thailand are not likely to break the cultural taboo on incest.

Some of you guys must have had some very f*cked up childhoods or live in a very disturbed and perverted fantasyland.

This has to be one of the most repulsive and discomforting threads of the past month.

And yet you seem to have read it this far OK. I guess you had to fight hard to suppress your growing moral outrage.

If you find it that discomforting I can think of an easy solution ... go read something else.


Arresting a Thai for this offense is usually financially and emotionally detrimental to the family and also costly for the police. However, arresting any farang, innocent or guilty, is politically favorable to the Thais and a huge cash cow for the police.

This is very true. Clearly foreign paedophiles in Thailand, while despicable and worthy of prosecution with the full force of the law, are only responsible for a tiny fraction of the multitude of rapes of minors that actually occur in the country on a daily basis. However, pursuing them is of much greater financial interest to the Thai police and also accrues much political capital. Amongst those responsible we have to include the procurers and the parents and guardians who turn a blind eye or knowingly profit, along with the rapists themselves. It is worthy of mention that there have been quite a few publicized cases of rapes of minors by Thai policemen (not to mention the case of the senate deputy speaker) and we can assume these are also tiny fraction of the rapes of minors perpetrated by the police force that is responsible for apprehending the rapists. Another interesting development is a recent announcement by a police spokesman that foreign paedophiles will be deported to their own countries to face prosecution there. An interesting way of saving the cost and trouble of prosecuting and incarcerating them in Thailand. Perhaps it is time to revive the Bowring Treaty under which Thailand surrendered its right to impose its own legal system, which then included punishments such as testicle crushing and blinding, on citizens of all the wealthy nations which did the job in their own consulates.


Thanks. This is a helpful political point. Lack of opportunity, allied to structural inequalities, makes for the sorts of exploitation and abuse you've been annotating. But I'm not sure the connection with 'UN-Buddhist' practices helps at all. What are you exactly saying here?

Greed and sexual exploitation of others, both contradict the teachings of Buddha. Wouldn't you expect a predominantly Buddhist country to actually exemplify SOME of the wisdom provided by Buddha their supposed focal point of their professed faith. Both of these characteristics would be considered "Selfishness".

While most would think Thailand is a "Buddhist" country, I would say in general that most of the population has little real knowledge of Buddhist teachings. They mostly go thru the motions without much understanding of the religion. Seems like most go to the temple to ask for some kind of favor or luck. Without making too much of a generalization they seem to do what is expected in public but privately just live like most of the people in the world in which greed is god, and ethical behavior is for the few.

This thread has gone all over the place. While I will admit to being sucked in by the headline and as unfortunate as the incident is, this was hardly worth the initial posting as news, and the subsequent 4 pages of comments (including mine) added little. Posting and thread were a waste of my time.

A friend of mine told me he was no longer a Bhuddist. When I asked why, he told me he believed in getting things through your own hard work, not praying to some 'piece of cement' at the local wat. And he'd spent six years as a monk in his local temple.:huh:


As a matter of fact- most pedophiles from all around the world are going to Cambodia to do their dirty job.

That is anything but fact. Were you posting while dreaming or something?

Cambodia, once the jewel in southeast Asia was destroyed by some strange people.

Absolutely. Especially when they changed the date back to year zero.


It is good to see that the Thais are starting to arrest their own citizens as well without the cash incentive.

Don't you follow the Thai news?


If he is guilty this sicko needs castrating post-4641-1156693976.gif

Believe it or not, castration doesn't always stop this behavior. Historically, many eunichs served as 'playthings' for their mistresses - without fear of getting pregnant.

However, if guilty, he should spend the rest of his life in prison.

We must remember that some few preteen take it on themselves - that does not reduce his guilt - as an adult, he should control his own actions.


10 year old. This is sick. Very sick. Shame to be a Thai.

Very, very, common in Thailand - At age 11, my wife, while asleep, was accosted by her Father. Once awake, she went to another room and locked the door.

A friend was lured into a sexual relationship at age 13, by a man who was 25 - village gossip made them 'marry'.

A few years ago, my stepdaughter, then 14, began refusing to go anywhere with me, because EVERYONE assumed she was my girlfriend.

I have seen Thai sex establishments famous for their very young girls...

Very, very, common in Thailand...

Bangkok pretends to be Farang, but outside Bangkok is a different world.


I agree with Sirchai - I think this goes on all over Thailand - often with the cooperation of the mother

Is this speculation on your part or do you have evidence.

Sparkles - open your eyes and think about what you see.


Actually sparkles there's quite a lot of news reports of mothers selling their children for sex to both Thai and foreign clientel.

The archives of the pattaya newspaper's websites will help you find them.


Wow -- did I miss something in this story or is an English news source in Thailand actually reporting about alleged Thai on Thai crime and suspected Thai drug dealers?

Where is the Farang involvement in this story?? I am not used to this kind of reporting.

Just start to read "Thai news" and not "Farang news".


I agree with Sirchai - I think this goes on all over Thailand - often with the cooperation of the mother

I agree with that as well. It's a sick reality.


This OP article does not deserve to exist. It is unfathomable in its ignorance and adolescence. It is funny, though, how TV sits back and allows the yapping dogs to come-a running when the trianguler bell is rung, to sound off another "pedophile story". It is almost becoming routine; to read the crap story, then read the yapping dog replies. Most astonishing is the degree to which TV allows for the vulgarity, obscenity, and profanity to escalate; more than any other topic. This is the place to come and eviscerate human beings if you want, and get away with it. The trigger? All it takes is one irresponsible article.

On another note, I appreciate that this story is about a Thai man (or woman would be acceptable). The thing that does not go unnoticed by me, however, is that; of all the sick and guilty Thais out there, and of all the newsworthy atrocities being committed by Thais against children; is this the best you can dish up for the yapping dogs? With all due respect, this is not even a story. It is so far nothing more than a "she said - He said" domestic dispute. Sorry if I missed anything between pages 1 and 3, but I could not read all the posts for the numerous yapping dog replies.

If he is guilty this sicko needs castrating post-4641-1156693976.gif

"If" is a conditional. Then you call him a sicko as an actuality. How about "If" he is innocent, then you should be labeled a sicko for assuming those things, and then have your block knocked off by the person you are calling a sicko?

If he is giulty, they should cut his "male member" and then put it up his ass. Bastard!

"If" is a conditional. Then you call him a bastard as an actuality. How about "If" he is innocent, then you should be labeled a "Bastard", and then have a boot put up your ass by the person you are calling a Bastard?

I do not mean for this to be an attack on members, but these sort of posts demonstrate how low people can stoop in the depths of their stupidity and desire to show the world how unblemished and pure they are. "Crap Journalism Causes Knee-Jerk Reaction in the Farang Community". It is no different than a dog yapping and salivating at the sound of the bell; utterly Pavlovian. I am embarrassed to be a farang when I read the ignorant gutter trash typing from creatures who are ready to let blood over the most stupendous, galactic crap journalism. Their ravings about mutilation, dismemberment, and foul language and damning the ALLEGED perp are monumental.

So, the question is posed, if you lynch mop people were EVER accused of something of this nature, would you perform self-mutilation and dismemberment your own bits purely out of ethical and moral principle, even if you were innocent? I doubt it. You would probably grovel and beg for mercy.

Tolerating this type of posting is, in my very own, small opinion, condoning vulgar, obscene or profane posts towards things we can not prove yet! Either way, people's lives will be irrevocably damaged after a regrettable situation as such.


I agree with coffee. Before you "morally pure" guys shout "cut his balls off, fry them, and then make him eat them," put your father, brother, or best friend in his position and then answer if you would be willing to do the cutting. Plenty of you out there have slept with underage girls whether you realized it or not, because many girls working the bars are underage with fake ids. Also, keep in mind that young girls are aggressively marketing their services and will even be delivered to your residence by the parents. They tried it with me numerous times while I was single, and once I moved my lady in, she had to chase them away, some as young as 10.

All farangs keep in mind that you have to be more careful here than back in your own country as there is a huge financial and political incentive in nabbing you, guilty or not.

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