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The Most You Are Willing To Pay For Pad Thai

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price for food had been very suggestive . as one dish at different places and how it cook and done as well as what kinda porcelain or plastic or even banana leaf overlay . in all over the dinning experience it give me as well as the freshness of the ingredient . the price vary . so you got to have a range before you ask for the price .

is as simple as how do someone price a steak for 300-700b ( 200-300g ) when we jolly well know you can get beef in the kg from 150b - 600b . while in one country you would not pay more then $10 usd fo ryour steak here you are willing to pay $20 or more just to have a taste of your memory .

Pad thai is very much the same . and all i go tot say most of the street pad thai i saw and ate on the street is just a downgraded version of what is and will be an amazing dish . even restaurant and hotel is making pad thai like some stir up noodle which is profiting from swaying far far aways from what real pad thai should be .

what play the biggest role in the price of the Pad thai is the whole process of making it . how the peanut is hand roasted and grind with a stone mortar to how the sauce is make from hand picked tamarind , which is soak in water and then removing the seed and using a cloth to filter the fiber away .

boiling in slow fire over a pot of charcoal . , there is also the fresh noodle that need to be freshly made .

the banana flower , the dry prawn and fresh prawn it put in . and alot might try to stay away from it the oil that is cooked with selected pig fat . the detail is really amazing . how the edd is added at the right time . over a fan blown charcoal stove .

that the kinda Pad Thai i had before .for that i do not mind paying 60-800b Depending on when where and why .

if you asking which road side store selling padthai and what price i am willing to pay . i will reply 20 - 30 baht at most 40

if you ask me which hotel selling pad thai i am willing to pay for pad thai . i will not eat PAd thai in hotel . is a copy of what pad thai is and i do not want to imagine how there do it behind the kitchen trying to recreate padthai . is only a pad thai lookalike for most hotel .

everyone can cook . and is even easier to cook something after you read a few cook or see a few cooking program ,

but the essence of cooking and understanding food is a whole new level . and i do not expect everyone to understand .

and here i am typing away and doing my finger workout .

cos i feel that there is a huge understanding gap on what food or thai food in this case is all about . so try not to measure it in term of price cos there is no one fix price . you are not just paying for the food you are also paying for the experiences of dinning .

yesterday i just went to eat some Vietnamese food . cost me only 420b for 4 . i sthe first time i had at that place while i was hunting for butter is better since i reply to his post , but i did not found him and instead i found the Vietnamese food outlet whhahahaa lucky me it was an amazing dinning experience .

i will add 10b if you any pad thai dish if it done by an old lady above 60.cos she would had tastes what real Pad thai is when she was young .

Maybe it is just me but I got the feeling you were saying there is no real Pad Thai in Chiang Mai. Is it possible that Pad Thai has expanded over the years to take in other ingredients. If only a lady over 60 knows what it taste like O would suspect that is the case.

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i just saying i would pay 10b more , but not 100% the case .

but all i can say is alot of the pad thai on the street and hotel and restaurant now is just a downgraded version of what pad thai is .

Most but not all


this is the sort of post we need on a quiet sunday. this is where all the minge bags get to tell us how tight they are. its one thing being a tightarse, but why would you want to let everyone know? nice one.

For someone so critical of this thread, it seems like you sure do enjoy posting in it


this is the sort of post we need on a quiet sunday. this is where all the minge bags get to tell us how tight they are. its one thing being a tightarse, but why would you want to let everyone know? nice one.

For someone so critical of this thread, it seems like you sure do enjoy posting in it

where was i critical of this thread? i love these posts. how often do you get a chance to use the term 'minge bag'? hardly ever.

these topics make my day. i love 'em.one of my favourites was the guy writing in to tell us how he was being ripped off at a local food court that was charging him 35 baht for his excellent pork steak. when he found out that thais were paying 30 baht he never went back. brilliant. you couldnt make it up. keep 'em coming. nice one.


this is the sort of post we need on a quiet sunday. this is where all the minge bags get to tell us how tight they are. its one thing being a tightarse, but why would you want to let everyone know? nice one.

For someone so critical of this thread, it seems like you sure do enjoy posting in it

where was i critical of this thread? i love these posts. how often do you get a chance to use the term 'minge bag'? hardly ever.

these topics make my day. i love 'em.one of my favourites was the guy writing in to tell us how he was being ripped off at a local food court that was charging him 35 baht for his excellent pork steak. when he found out that thais were paying 30 baht he never went back. brilliant. you couldnt make it up. keep 'em coming. nice one.

your comments (on occasion) don't always come across as finding the humor in the situation

they sometimes can come across as you being a jacka--

I am sure its just a case of typed messages losing their intended meaning and you would make a wonderful dinner party guest


your comments don't come across as finding the humor in the situation

they come across as you being a jacka--

I am sure its just a case of typed messages losing their intended meaning and you would make a wonderful dinner party guest

easy to misread something sometimes. maybe i should start using the kiddies smiley things.

thanks for the offer. i'm busy next week but any time after that is fine.

what about the other guests? as you already know, i like a laugh at the mingebags but i wouldnt want to have to suffer their company. same with moneybags's - people always telling you about their investments and business dealings and how much money they've got. can't bide them. i'll send my suit to the cleaners tomorrow. nice one.


your comments don't come across as finding the humor in the situation

they come across as you being a jacka--

I am sure its just a case of typed messages losing their intended meaning and you would make a wonderful dinner party guest

easy to misread something sometimes. maybe i should start using the kiddies smiley things.

thanks for the offer. i'm busy next week but any time after that is fine.

what about the other guests? as you already know, i like a laugh at the mingebags but i wouldnt want to have to suffer their company. same with moneybags's - people always telling you about their investments and business dealings and how much money they've got. can't bide them. i'll send my suit to the cleaners tomorrow. nice one.

Lets have it at Guitarman next friday night around 8ish

maybe pre-party at Charlies???


Lets have it at Guitarman next friday night around 8ish

maybe pre-party at Charlies???

who's charlie? charlies chippy has closed if thats what you mean. maybe a few pints of vitamin g at the red lion.

back on topic, no more than 200baht +++


. i'll send my suit to the cleaners tomorrow. nice one.

Be sure to take them to my friend, Nongs laundry, where some of my ladies get their shorts washed and ironed..:lol:



Nice, Ian. I could use that pair of black shorts as a hat, to keep my poor old bald pate sun-free. :rolleyes:

I say 25 B, tops.

Okay, in a fit of generosity, what with inflation and all, floods, political strife, China raised interest rates, etc.- 30 baht. Not a satang more. It's a rice noodle dish with a few bean sprouts and cilantro, smattering of egg and maybe a dried prawn or two.

It's been gentrified beyond belief. Read the history of the Thai politician who promoted the dish and why here .


this is the sort of post we need on a quiet sunday. this is where all the minge bags get to tell us how tight they are. its one thing being a tightarse, but why would you want to let everyone know? nice one.

What an inappropriate reply. I don't like any of your replies actually.angry.gif

50 baht, if I'm in Bangkok.

its obviously a troll topic so why take it seriously. who cares whether a dish is 20 baht or 30 baht? it could be 150++ in a 5 star restaurant. it depends on the place and its up to you to decide if you want to pay it or not. what is the point of this topic? is it ' i'm a penny-pincher are you'? or is it about 'rip-off joints' charging 35 baht? who over the age of six can't figure out how much something is worth.

Ask your mum. nice one.

All this criticism of the topic and yet you still comment multiple times.


this is the sort of post we need on a quiet sunday. this is where all the minge bags get to tell us how tight they are. its one thing being a tightarse, but why would you want to let everyone know? nice one.

What an inappropriate reply. I don't like any of your replies actually.angry.gif

50 baht, if I'm in Bangkok.

its obviously a troll topic so why take it seriously. who cares whether a dish is 20 baht or 30 baht? it could be 150++ in a 5 star restaurant. it depends on the place and its up to you to decide if you want to pay it or not. what is the point of this topic? is it ' i'm a penny-pincher are you'? or is it about 'rip-off joints' charging 35 baht? who over the age of six can't figure out how much something is worth.

Ask your mum. nice one.

All this criticism of the topic and yet you still comment multiple times.

i didnt critcise the topic i praised it. i love these topics. very entertaining.

whats your contribution?


I'd happily pay several thousand Baht for Pad Thai, so long as I can choose the locale, the chef and the company.

There are many variables in eating out, the price is just one (and a relatively unimportant one at that).


I'd happily pay several thousand Baht for Pad Thai, so long as I can choose the locale, the chef and the company.

There are many variables in eating out, the price is just one (and a relatively unimportant one at that).

Good point, OOB. Dining is more than just filling your belly. Otherwise a Pad Thai at a street food stall is all that 's needed. For that you can spend 25 or 30 baht.


I still don't get this discussion. We are talking about Greasy fried noodles. No matter how you try and spin it, I wouldn't order it at a nice restaurant. For me it is the same as a burger. I don't go to a 3-4 star restaurant and order a hamburger. No matter how they top it with truffles and expensive cheeses it is still a hamburger. If I want to eat peasant food, I eat peasant food made by peasants. I don't go to a fine dining establishment and order it.

I think that street food like Pad Thai should be sold by street vendors and I pay the price that is standard.

I will agree with OOB it is not the price that is most important. I don't quivel over prices. I just don't order things at fine restaurants that are street foods.


I still don't get this discussion. We are talking about Greasy fried noodles. No matter how you try and spin it, I wouldn't order it at a nice restaurant. For me it is the same as a burger. I don't go to a 3-4 star restaurant and order a hamburger. No matter how they top it with truffles and expensive cheeses it is still a hamburger. If I want to eat peasant food, I eat peasant food made by peasants. I don't go to a fine dining establishment and order it.

I think that street food like Pad Thai should be sold by street vendors and I pay the price that is standard.

I will agree with OOB it is not the price that is most important. I don't quivel over prices. I just don't order things at fine restaurants that are street foods.

To each his own, of course ... but I love Pad Thai when it's made properly. The quality can vary from place to place, and the style can vary from region to region. I once ate a very small restaurant at the large night food/flower market in BKK that specialized in Pad Thai and offered about a dozen different styles. The one I had was superb. The few times I've had high-priced Pad Thai in a high-end Thai restaurant I found them to be mediocre is comparison to most of those I can get on the street, a food court, or in a hole-in-the-wall restaurant.


Pad Thai is 25 Baht . 30 at the most. Why would anyone pay more?

Because its important to them that everybody knows that they're not a cheap Charlie.

or maybe because theyre not obsessed about the price of everything and they dont walk around thinking that everyone is out to rip them off .

how can the words 'five baht' and 'rip off' ever be in the same sentence? you see it all the time here.


<br />What is "fine" food and what is not is very debatable. If it tastes good and someone wants it and enjoys it, it is fine food to them. <img src='http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/blink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':blink:' /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

No it isn't.

<br />What is "fine" food and what is not is very debatable. If it tastes good and someone wants it and enjoys it, it is fine food to them. <img src='http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/blink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':blink:' /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

No it isn't.

Contrary much?

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