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Do Not Buy A Pickup Now!

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Due the recent release and success of the Fiesta, along with the upcoming new pickup, Ford's reputation will be on a positive upswing for years to come.

Besides, any new car you buy and try to sell after 7 months will have a pretty steep depreciation. Even a Toyota will go down 15%+

I do really hope Ford can win over the Thais in larger numbers, as i have owned Fords in various other contries during my travels and never had a bad one yet but they have one hel_l of a hill to climb

I appreciate that all new cars depreciate as soon as they leave the show room but 40% is a s**t load more than 15%. The Everest was in mint condition but still Ford weren't prepared to offer more. To be honest even the showroom staff were upset to inform us the trade in price and since then my wife has spoken with one of them away from work and they know how much of a status issue Ford has in Thailand. I suppose the upcoming new Ranger may have not helped, because a new Everest is sure to follow, making the model i brought outdated pretty soon but again the amount of depreciation was a major shock and has put me off Fords for life, in Thailand that is.

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