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Common sense approach Marty, not useally practiced here. Thats probably what most of us would do back in our own countries.

Yeah, I know , this is thailand. I'm sure the staff will hate this approach but a good boss should appreciate it.

Maybe that friend of yours isn't so flaky afterall :D

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I'll post what I like, off topic or not.

Anyone who doesn't like it can use the report button on the bottom left hand corner and complain to the moderators.


I'll post what I like, off topic or not.

Anyone who doesn't like it can use the report button on the bottom left hand corner and complain to the moderators.

I understand and respect that approach. But for me, if a person starts a thread and needs to be Joe Serious about it, I'll post my nonsense in another area. It is a big forum, after all. The CR forum is the friendliest little forum around. If one or two threads need to be not -so-friendly, I still have room to have fun.

BTW, I think that cow pie thing is an original Oz dish, isn't it?


I'll post what I like, off topic or not.

Anyone who doesn't like it can use the report button on the bottom left hand corner and complain to the moderators.

Little Grumpy this morning scea. you didnt win that conversation with your wife this morning about Zebra's and Girrafe's I suspect :D

Never mind, tomorrows another Day ;)

Hey, VF's back in town.


I call it a VillageFarang memorial post where I say what I think with out worrying about p!ssing people off.

I intend making one a week in protest at his absence from now on.


I call it a VillageFarang memorial post where I say what I think with out worrying about p!ssing people off.

I intend making one a week in protest at his absence from now on.

I gave him an open invitation yesterday, he hasn't bitten. I guess he's still having fun in the real world. :D

Opps. sorry SunnyH. Serious thread I know. How about introducing a 'Serious Thread' Alert. :(


That is a good thing that Barry has done. I commend him for that. Quite a surprise to see that kind of post on the forum. It gives me cause for thought.

My first burger at Barry's was a bad deal. That was about one and a half years ago. The bun had been left out so long that it was dry, brittle and it shattered like glass with the first bite. I had to ask for a fork so I could eat the thing. The server could have cared less. I decided that was the end of that place for me. Several friends insisted that it was a one-off and that Barry probably wasn't there that day. So, two different people took me there to try again, two different times. Good burger both of those times. I think I wrote about it here but I can't remember for sure.

Since then, I have written several times about bad experiences at other places. For the most part, I stick by those comments. There are two places in town that serve pizza that is of less quality than a frozen pizza popped into the toaster oven back home. But they both sell a lot of pizza to the beer drinkers. When you're out having beers with like-minded friends, pizza is good, even if it is bad. I have since found a few places that serve decent pizza. So, there is really no point in writing about the bad ones. It is a personal preference; they aren't going to change and neither am I.

But I go back to the first experience at Barry's. I wonder why I didn't make a fuss and send it back, as a friend suggested to me this morning. I should have. Better to speak up, bring it to the attention of management and see how they handle it. Give them a chance to make amends or at least to see if they agree with you that the dish wasn't up to par. If they say that the food is what it is, then you're in a bad place. If they see what you're talking about and go into the kitchen and fix the chef, then you and they have made things better for the rest of us. That may be a better approach than writing about the bad food or service as if it is par for that place.

With all of that in mind, I think it is better to at least bring the troubles to the attention of the staff and see what happens. It really isn't fair to write about it without doing the right thing yourself. Good help is hard to find here. Very hard. The management can't be everywhere, supervising everything, always. And if it is brought to the attention of management and is ignored, then that is a damning post forthcoming and probably well-deserved.

This isn't my thread. I understand that. But it could be a better thread than it is if it was handled a little more fairly. And, it could be a thread that ups the quality of those places we all wish were a little better or more consistent.

So, if this is off topic, just jump on me with both feet. I don't care. I'll post my restaurant reviews in the "Where have you eaten lately" thread. But this one is already headed towards making at least one of the local eateries a better experience. It could actually help a lot of them if we went about it right.

I dont speak Thai and talking English to a Thai is like talking Russian to a German .

If the management had been there in the times I was in the place I would have discussed it with them , however , it wouldnt stop me posting my thread.

All well and good to eat in a good place but not so good when they serve crap and charge you for it.

Next time you have a bad meal , try refusing to pay for it in English !! unless of course you have no money problems and like being ripped off ?

Experiences for everyone are different but it gives us both spectrum's of the dining experience, good and bad.


I dont speak Thai and talking English to a Thai is like talking Russian to a German .

If the management had been there in the times I was in the place I would have discussed it with them , however , it wouldnt stop me posting my thread.

All well and good to eat in a good place but not so good when they serve crap and charge you for it.

Next time you have a bad meal , try refusing to pay for it in English !! unless of course you have no money problems and like being ripped off ?

Experiences for everyone are different but it gives us both spectrum's of the dining experience, good and bad.

Okay. Now I'm beginning to understand your way of thinking. You just kind of decide what people mean when they write, instead of understanding what they actually write. I don't think I mentioned anywhere that it is a good idea to accept a lower standard without doing something to try to rectify it. But somehow, you understand that I have said it is okay to just pay up and keep walking. Also, you infer I might have a little more cash than I have places to spend it. So, the level of understanding and common sense here is lowered from that point on. You have done more disservice to your "serious" thread than all of the other contributors combined.

Next, I see that you prefer Rico's pizza. In that case, you will really like Blue Sky and you will absolutely love Corleone's. Beer is served in all three places and two of them seem to be filled with good folks, enjoying some social time. I mistakenly thought that you were truly interested in good pizza. My beer days are long gone and I seem to find I like the quality of food for the quality of food, not atmosphere or good company. There is absolutely nothing wrong with going out for beers and pizza. Just, next time, don't confuse that activity with "dining" for the sake of dining. You're misleading us, if we were to take you seriously. I won't be, from here on out.


I call it a VillageFarang memorial post where I say what I think with out worrying about p!ssing people off.

I intend making one a week in protest at his absence from now on.

I gave him an open invitation yesterday, he hasn't bitten. I guess he's still having fun in the real world. :D

Guess I haven't been gone long enough. ;) What's happened to our happy little virtual home? (Or would that be virtually happy little home?) Think I'll stick to having fun in the real world until you guys get this sorted.

Absolutely beautiful motocy weather this morning. :D


Bloody freezing this morning. Cold North easterly blowing a gale. do you have heated Gloves VF !? :D

Not heated, exactly, but they do have a good coating of pizza grease and Philly Cheese, which seems to do the job. ;)(Keeping on topic)


Bloody freezing this morning. Cold North easterly blowing a gale. do you have heated Gloves VF !? :D

Pah! Ms Tastic was bleating about it being 25C today too! :lol:


Reading this has put me firmly back in the GRUMPY CLUB with mr Scea! And has done nothing to change my mind about burgers -

I hate the buggers! ( NB: not the eaters the burgers).

Sorry i can't get together with all you chaps at the barbi but gotta teach today.


Reading this has put me firmly back in the GRUMPY CLUB with mr Scea! And has done nothing to change my mind about burgers -

I hate the buggers! ( NB: not the eaters the burgers).

Sorry i can't get together with all you chaps at the barbi but gotta teach today.

As you can see, I got a little grumpy myself.

Sorry you can't make the picnic. Next time, I hope.


Americans don't understand good food, probably comes from not having a national cuisine of their own.

I said this to a Chiang Mai bookshop owner once and he became quite irate and said I should try the Chinese food in San Francisco, the Mexican food in Texas and the pizzas in Noo Yawk before I made that sort of comment. :rolleyes:

The State of California produces more food than any country in the EU, or Australia, or the entire continenet of Africa. I live in Arizona and 5,000,000,000

Kg of frsh produce enters America through our port, much of it winds up in Canada. 5 THB for a Kg of oranges a few years ago. Limes (big ones) were 40 for a Dollar. USDA Choice Sirloin for 100 THB per Kg. French wine is 3 Dollars per bottle, but I prefer California wine at a similar price. The US is the World's leader in every aspect of eating. From seed to sanitation. Sorry for the rant....

Regarding WCH, let me throw in my two pesos. Sparkling clean restrooms, looks like a great place to take a date. The beer was cold, the french fries looked good--not those cheap shoestring ones that most places serve and sell for 20 thb per Kg in the States. The owner is a gentlemen, as he demonstrated here.

IMO, his prices are too high. The pizzas are cooked in a wood oven, and that can be extra tricky to get right. I don't get excited about Western food here. I have a McDonalds about 200 meters from my townhouse in The States, and I have been in there one time in the last year, and that was to get a cup of coffee to go with my 16 USD per liter bottle of Jameson I buy at the Duty free store on the Mexican border. My cholesterol was 167 last month and that even got a thumbs up from a Thai Nurse. Not bad for someone, who used to live on a cattle ranch. Cheese, sausage (many seem to look like hot dogs), and hamburgers don't get me real excited, and especially when it is double the price of what I pay back home. I do wish Barry best of luck.


I remember a few weeks ago about opening a high quality restaurant. The complaints and disadvandices about opening times, distance and surroundings were so many that I decided not to even give it a try. So you all complainers, look at yourself first

Just do what I do... cook yourself a quality meal yourself!


I remember a few weeks ago about opening a high quality restaurant. The complaints and disadvandices about opening times, distance and surroundings were so many that I decided not to even give it a try. So you all complainers, look at yourself first

Just do what I do... cook yourself a quality meal yourself!

What is a Quality meal ?


I remember a few weeks ago about opening a high quality restaurant. The complaints and disadvandices about opening times, distance and surroundings were so many that I decided not to even give it a try. So you all complainers, look at yourself first

Just do what I do... cook yourself a quality meal yourself!

Your point is hardly valid here. No matter how much cooking we do at home, most of us tend to want to get out once in a while and have something good while we're at it.

An out of the way restaurant ISN"T a good idea for the owner, in most cases here. Places that are centrally located and do a decent job are struggling, as it is. If you're so sure of your idea, jump in with both feet; don't complain about the sound, honest, respectful advice that you ASKED for in your originally post. Rude behavior, on your part.


5* FOOD , thats what caught my eye a I walked down Jetyod Rd. The sign in the Coconut bar was offering Roast Lamb , Roast and mashed potaotes, steamed veg with an onion gravy , 250 Bht.

As I have not eaten Roast lamb for gaes , thought I would give it a go .

The plate arrived 25 minutes after ordering , being held by one of the waitress/bar staff who was wearing a mitten so not to burn her hand while carrying it. The plate was hot and so was the food.

It looked to me as all the food was microwaved as it was all the same temperature but sadly the plate the food was served on had a massive crack from the side right the way through to the centre. I didnt dare touch or move the plate incase it broke in half.

Now , The 5* Food, I think NOT !!!!

The 3 small ice cream scoops of mash spud was totally tasteless, the Roast Potatoes were as anemic as the mashed spud, next to no way of knowing they had even been roasted at all . The Vegetables, Broccoli , Cauliflower and Carrots , all ok other than like the rest of the food pretty tasteless. The Roast Lamb, 3 and a half slices of tender meat but had an old taste to it , as if it had been hanging around for a while . Not what I was expecting at all. The meat was covered in an onion gravy which didnt help what so ever , if anything just added to the misery of eating it. There was a small dish of mint sauce sitting on top of the sugar it had been mixed with but ended up on the bottom of the dish.

Over all , for 250 bht , I would not go and eat there again , a very poor ROAST in my opinion and never worth the 250 bht price tag regardless of how much lamb costs to buy in the shops.

Again People , if your going to offer Western Food, with Western Prices, get it bloody right , I hate having to pay for food that is expensive and not good. Before you all jump on me , I did pay for it and I did tell the waitress that the 5* food didnt even warrent a 1*, not her fault I know but its down to the owners to ensure the meals offered are of a high standard. If the Thai staff cant cook western Fare to a standard we expect then the Western owner should do it himself .

Grrrrr !!!!


I have eaten there twice. Found the music way too loud both times. We always sit towards the front. Maybe it isn't so bad in back. MY hearing already isn't good. Maybe one day when it is gone altogether, the place won't get on my nerves so much.

I have had the fish and chips both times. Great stuff. The other three in our party have had good luck with their orders as well. But last time, we all agreed that we wouldn't go again because we have to shout to be heard.

The tables- Funny place. The tables are rough cut from trees and have lots of little places for your drink glasses to fall through. We shattered one that hit the floor the last time we were there. The lady didn't charge us for it.

Anyway, I dunno anything about roast lamb. But I hope the place continues to be successful. It isn't my kind of place but it is a regular spot for many of CR's finest. For those who haven't tried it because you think it is just another bar on Jetyod, keep in mind that they make some good food there and, other than the music, they have some good things going for them.


I have eaten there twice. Found the music way too loud both times. We always sit towards the front. Maybe it isn't so bad in back. MY hearing already isn't good. Maybe one day when it is gone altogether, the place won't get on my nerves so much.

I have had the fish and chips both times. Great stuff. The other three in our party have had good luck with their orders as well. But last time, we all agreed that we wouldn't go again because we have to shout to be heard.

The tables- Funny place. The tables are rough cut from trees and have lots of little places for your drink glasses to fall through. We shattered one that hit the floor the last time we were there. The lady didn't charge us for it.

Anyway, I dunno anything about roast lamb. But I hope the place continues to be successful. It isn't my kind of place but it is a regular spot for many of CR's finest. For those who haven't tried it because you think it is just another bar on Jetyod, keep in mind that they make some good food there and, other than the music, they have some good things going for them.

Your observation of the music and carpentry style of the furniture is outstanding .

As for the food there , well , I can only comment on what I have had. There is a section on the Forum for good restaurants and food to comment in as I have done with other places visited.

If the food had by others was to their liking then good for them but I will post my comments on what I feel to be crap . If I had ordered the fish and chips then they may have had a better review, but in the right section of the forum and not in the woodwork column. :D As for not knowing anything about Roast Lamb , says to me your culinary skills are less limited than your woodworking observations. Eat Hamburgers with Ketchup If I were you !!! :D


Threads like this are totally subjective.

Whilst i actually agreed with you about the Pizza that started it all off, and I have also been less than impressed with the breakfast in Coconuts, everybody has different taste, and what appears tasteless to some of us, is perfectly fine to others.

I lived for a number of years in Pattaya and can count on the fingers of one hand, how many times I ate farang food there (where they SHOULD know how to cook it) that was acceptable to me, but each place I found disappointing was nearly always full of apparently satisfied customers which clearly means my taste is the minority.

Conclusion here is simple. We live in Thailand, we cannot expect farang food to be cooked as it is at home. It is not just the staff but the quality of ingredients that they have to work with.

My humble suggestion is you either do what I do and cook the farang food I occasionally fancy myself, (or teach your wife/gf to do it), give the local food a try or failing that return home more regularly.



It hasnt anything to do with Thailand , its to do with teaching people how to cook.

You can go to any restaurant around the world and order what ever takes your fancy but you will always expect the food to be first class, no one likes to pay for 3rd rate food. Sadly we do get disappointed on occasions . Generally I do cook at home, especially the foods that I like from around the world, eg, curry, bolognaise, roasts etc etc but its nice to go out for lunch or dinner somewhere . So , on those occasions I expect quality over quantity but good tasty food is a must , especially when the charges are higher than the norm for local food.



Although the woodworking reference escapes me, :ermm: Sunny?:ph34r: said that your culinary skills are "less limited" which is sort of a double negative which means it is more than your woodworking skills. Since your forte is metal working, maybe it was a compliment. Or maybe he just likes negative words.:jap:



Although the woodworking reference escapes me, :ermm: Sunny?:ph34r: said that your culinary skills are "less limited" which is sort of a double negative which means it is more than your woodworking skills. Since your forte is metal working, maybe it was a compliment. Or maybe he just likes negative words.:jap:

Truly, the way he wrote it says that exactly, but he doesn't know that. I noticed it when I read it last night but decided to let it go. I kind of enjoyed him bragging about my culinary skills.

The woodworking thing refers to the fact that I noticed the shoddy tables.

I am sure they have some five star foods there. He just didn't order any of it, apparently.

The good news is, the thread is sure to be short-lived. He is quickly running through all of the local Farang places to eat and if he is true to his word ( I won't eat there again), he will soon be out of places to write about.

In the meantime, I am seeking treatment for this mortal wound. Dunno how long I have. But I'm sure to get in one more pizza meal before I go and probably several cheeseburgers as well.

McG, I won't be needing the silicone tubing or compresses. No IV's can save me and I'm leaking too much for the compresses to have success. However, a large tube of silicone caulking may indeed repair this stab wound. Thanks for thinking of my survival.

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