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The recent thread on beers made me wonder which local CHEAP beer is the favorite purchase in the supermarkets&shops and price/where to buy same?

I see Archa , Chang, Singha mentioned mostly but my recent visit to the super market showed quite a few more in the cheapest range - that Blue Ice made by San Miguel for for example and also some other locally brewed brands.

So; which is your favorite "cheapie" beer and where do you buy/at what price?


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The recent thread on beers made me wonder which local CHEAP beer is the favorite purchase in the supermarkets&shops and price/where to buy same?

I see Archa , Chang, Singha mentioned mostly but my recent visit to the super market showed quite a few more in the cheapest range - that Blue Ice made by San Miguel for for example and also some other locally brewed brands.

So; which is your favorite "cheapie" beer and where do you buy/at what price?


Should have a poll! :D

I vote for Chang, Leo gives me a headache! Singha doesn't even rate.

Although, I only drink Chang when I don't mind a quickie as at over 6% (Leo the same) it can get you there quickly! :o

Normally drink Heinekin, but it's not really in the cheap category.

Cheers BaanOz


Drank Chang for 4 yrs, nearly ended up in the loonly bin, changed to Heinken from advice from friends....didn't work...now drinking

Leo (at this minute) and doing fine, never fancied Sing cos of the after taste....limited on choice cos i live in a village way out.....


Nearly always go for Chang, if not then Leo. Cheap and gives the desired effect.

Beer Thai: Too sweet an aftertaste.

Heiniken: Water with a tinge of beer flavour.

Archa: Can't remember but would buy if Chang or Leo unavailable.


I think I will do a tasting test - buy one of each from the cheapest range and then decide. Nobody commented on that Blue Ice thing yet? But I am sure more comments will come in this thread. As we are talking the ""cheapies" being the CHEAPEST range no need to discuss Heiniken being my usual order.

Also; WHERE do you buy them - where do they sell cases cheaply?


Chang - B100 for 3 large bottles (including ice) from the sister-in-law's basement karaoke bar!

I consider Chang to be the solution to two vices, drinking & gambling - the uncertainty over what today's batch will taste like and what strength it will be actually adds something to the whole drinking experience. :D

mcfester does have a good point though - at least two people have told me that their (Thai) doctors warned them off Chang due to impurities, inconsistency in strength etc etc - killjoys!

If only Guinness came into this cheap beer category :o



I like Leo. But recently have been drinking Blue Ice. alot smoother than Leo. But one beer that you dont get verywher but is way better thahn the lot is Red Horse. Try it if you see it. About 6.8 but doesnt taste like it. Very smooth. IMO

I like Leo. But recently have been drinking Blue Ice. alot smoother than Leo. But one beer that you dont get verywher but is way better thahn the lot is Red Horse. Try it if you see it. About 6.8 but doesnt taste like it. Very smooth. IMO

Dear Mr Jockstar

I believe you may be suffering from the ongoing effects of last night's social event. Alternatively, the bottle of red wine that you just cracked open may be disturbing your keyboard skills. :o

Which beer are you recommending, cos, frankly, you lost me in that last post of yours! :D



We could run a beer taste test at the saloon . . . .

I like Leo. But recently have been drinking Blue Ice. alot smoother than Leo. But one beer that you dont get verywher but is way better thahn the lot is Red Horse. Try it if you see it. About 6.8 but doesnt taste like it. Very smooth. IMO

Dear Mr Jockstar

I believe you may be suffering from the ongoing effects of last night's social event. Alternatively, the bottle of red wine that you just cracked open may be disturbing your keyboard skills. :o

Which beer are you recommending, cos, frankly, you lost me in that last post of yours! :D



We could run a beer taste test at the saloon . . . .

Ok. Just reread that post. Red Horse is the one i'm saying for you to try.

Also; WHERE do you buy them - where do they sell cases cheaply?

Carrefour prices today.

Chang, Leo, Archa 19 baht

Red Horse 19.75 baht (I think) 6.9%

Chang case 24 x 330ml 450baht (18.75b per bott.)

Singha 25baht(?)

7-11s usually 25 baht for cheapest names. My muuban ma+pa shop sells cheapest at 23 baht.


Interesting - some positive input on Red Horse and also Blue Ice which I tried in Patpong and found rather refreshing - but did no comparisons.

Gazza; thanks for the Carrefour price comparison (no Blue Ice or do you just not remember) - so is Carrefour is the cheapest place to buy our cheapie beer?



Blue Ice? I did see the price but forget. My memory retension skills these days aren't what they....ermmm..something or other. :D

There may be about as much as a 1 baht difference in price for a cheap beer depending on which superstore you shop at. Usually the difference is only 25-75 satang for small can or bottle.

Don't forget the silly purchasing times. 1 min before 2pm..no problem. 2pm.. go back after 5pm. :o


Don't forget the silly purchasing times. 1 min before 2pm..no problem. 2pm.. go back after 5pm. :D

Unless of course you buy in bulk...think over 10 litres or something then it is sold under reatail license and not booze permit :D

In LOS (house) prefer Heiniken which I usually pick up in Shri-Naks Makro (along with the 9 yellow buckets)and when I think about it usually imbibe the same in the Offshore,Mucky Duck,Simon Bars,Gulls,Barbi,Dogs Billhooks and others...even Shadow bar with me old mate the mamasan.. :o

Chang at the Battersea Festival was going at £2 a pop but they were flogging 6 for a £10 and that included a "free" Bandana....tasted "velly nice"

Here in Blighty....Fosters/Carlings and the odd Stella. :D


When I get back to BKK in 2 weeks time I will have to do the tasting test Incl. prices comparisons. Will post here for volunteers and arrange it. Cheers!


I buy from a wholesaler. No restrictions on buying times or quantities.

Chang, 12 x 640 ml = Bht 360.00.

Archa, 12 x 640 ml = Bht 355.00 (recently increased from Bht 300.00).

I don't drink Leo; find it too sweet for my taste. Singha definitely gives me a hangover as does Tiger. I find Heineken tastes like flavoured soda water and the price is out of my league.

I buy from a wholesaler. No restrictions on buying times or quantities.

Chang, 12 x 640 ml = Bht 360.00.

Archa, 12 x 640 ml = Bht 355.00 (recently increased from Bht 300.00).

I don't drink Leo; find it too sweet for my taste. Singha definitely gives me a hangover as does Tiger. I find Heineken tastes like flavoured soda water and the price is out of my league.

I was in Big C yesterday with the mother-in-law. Chang is on offer 12 x 640ml = 340 bht, but they will only let each p[erson buy 3 cases (there were 4 of us so bought 12 for the shop).

Acording to the MIL if you are buying over 10 liters anywhere its classed as wholesale and you can buy at anytime (though i'm not sure myself)



Leo for 25-30 baht a liter. Used to sit out in the garden, overlooking hte River Kwae, sipping my "afterwork" drink, a fan keeping the mozzies at bay as the sun slowly set over the mountains of Burma.


Singha I drank for years pretty much out of nostalgia. It really isn't that great to me, but it has the lion, it's Thai beer, and has a unique bite to it.

Chang came along and I didn't really care for it. Kind of harsh, but on rare occasions opt for it out of variety or limited choice.

Leo came along and I love it!!! This is good beer regardless of cost. I find it smooth and tasty and very good in combination with Thai food. Just looking around Bangkok I would say Leo has taken the country by storm as I see Thai's drinking this everywhere. Would be interesting to see an updated market share of beers. I know Singha used to rule the market, then Chang astonished everyone by becoming the leader, and now has Leo become the new favorite in Thailand?

The supermarket just recently had a taste booth for Archa and I'll say it tastes pretty good too.

I usually drink scotch, but going through a batch of those big Leo bottles is a great enjoyment.

Semi off topic, the very best beer in Thailand to me is anytime I run across those rare places with kegs of Weihenstephan. That is the cream of the crop; just awesome.


Is Archa produced by same guys doing Chang? Is it supposed to be a lighter beer with less alcohol?

The line up (in no particular order) looks like: Leo, Archa, Chang, Blue Ice, Beer Thai (Any other in the B 20/can level?).

Singha is not popular here (and I agree, that wierd aftertaste...) but also at B 25/can not in the cheapie range anyway.

Needless to say that super-cheapies will buy in bottles as much better value overall. Cheers!

Is Archa produced by same guys doing Chang? Is it supposed to be a lighter beer with less alcohol?

Yes. I believe it was introduced after the Carlesberg fall out to attempt to fill the gap that Carlesberg left. *Chang* is 6.4% ABV. Archa is 5.4% ABV.

The line up (in no particular order) looks like: Leo, Archa, Chang, Blue Ice, Beer Thai (Any other in the B 20/can level?).

Needless to say that super-cheapies will buy in bottles as much better value overall. Cheers!

I'm not sure if it's my imagination but I think canned beer has a "tinny" taste to it.

I buy from a wholesaler. No restrictions on buying times or quantities.

Chang, 12 x 640 ml = Bht 360.00.

Archa, 12 x 640 ml = Bht 355.00 (recently increased from Bht 300.00).

I don't drink Leo; find it too sweet for my taste. Singha definitely gives me a hangover as does Tiger. I find Heineken tastes like flavoured soda water and the price is out of my league.

Word on street is that you do drink Leo Mr Surin albeit with a bacon sarnie that is.


Firefly, I caught sight of the cost of Blue Ice in Tops, 25.50 baht. So it's not really in the cheapies range.

Somehow, I don't think I could ever bring myself to drinking a beer that sounds like it should come with a little umbrella and a cherry on a toothpick. :o


Auch! :o They are pricing themselves against the Singha and Tiger level then I guess. That reduces the list unless others have something to add. Cheers!

Firefly, I caught sight of the cost of Blue Ice in Tops, 25.50 baht. So it's not really in the cheapies range.

Somehow, I don't think I could ever bring myself to drinking a beer that sounds like it should come with a little umbrella and a cherry on a toothpick. :D

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