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Data Entry Rates

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Was wondering if anybody could advise data entry rates per record in both the UK and Thailand for comparison.

Each record entered has about 5 fields (usual names & addresses type stuff).

Thanks in advance,


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You can hire someone for as little as 3000THB/month here. To get an office worker with skills it might be 7000THB/month. That is about 7000/25=280THB/day or 35THB/hour = about 88cents/hour.

Mininmum wage in the US is about $7.50 = 750 cents/hour.

So it is about one tenth the cost.

Dont know about UK numbers but I bet they are similar.

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You may find the accuracy rate is a problem here. Actually, you WILL find the accuracy rate is a problem. That's even if the entry is purely numerical; for addresses, you can expect addresses in Liwerpool and Manchesater. God help anyone living in Loughborough... You will be lucky to find someone with decent typing/data-entry speeds at the lower end of the scale (by which I mean 7k baht), and you'll pay a lot more for verification.

Data-entry rates are typically measured in characters per hour. I vaguely remember 6,000 or 8,000 per hour being the expectation of UK temping agencies.

UK min. wages are higher than US, and I don't think you'd get a data-entry clerk for anything near min. wages.

If you have more than a couple of days' work, it's worth spending extra time in advance setting up field validation, placeholders, dropdowns, anything that reduce errors. This applies regardless of where the staff are from. If necessary use another app such as MS Access, and import CSV later.

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You might look into voice recognition software.

An entry person speaks the data to tape of digital memory, and then software

can convert it to pure data.

However, a good data entry person can type faster than

anyone can speak.

Just a thought.

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I forgot one other possible method.

My 9600THB HP printer/scanner/copier will do Optical Character Recognition very nicely. If your data is in type written form, it can be scanned in and converted to text automatically with conversion rates above 95%. The remaining 5% can be corrected easily.

Just another thing to consider that could save you a bundle.

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