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Black Man At Home Pro


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Anyone who fails to see that this image is deprecating and derogatory is either blind or stupid.

Sorry, but there is nothing at all derogatory about a picture of a handsome, smiling man in a tuxedo. It is all in your mind. :blink:

Ok, I guess you are right. I can proudly say I own a black man and it cleans up quite well.

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marketing dept would have you believe they named it thus because a black fellow invented the mop. i wonder if thai branded nukes would be called white man? what's in a name? i hear all the right wing bigots cry. well the kkk is a name. don't see 'em selling pillow cases though do ya?

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marketing dept would have you believe they named it thus because a black fellow invented the mop. i wonder if thai branded nukes would be called white man? what's in a name? i hear all the right wing bigots cry. well the kkk is a name. don't see 'em selling pillow cases though do ya?

maybe bed sheets

could be a best seller.....

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One cannot win with some of these caricatures. If an image is used that is deemed too ethnic, then one gets in trouble. If one doesn't use minority groups in advertising imagery, one gets slammed. It can also turn into an exercise in stupidity. Uncle Ben is the prime example. For those that have never seen it, Uncle Ben's image adorned the box of a quick cook paraboiled rice product. (If you haven't tried it, trust me, it tasts nothing like jasmine rice available here.) Anyway, so originally, Uncle Ben was a respectable, loveable looking gent in a waiter's outfit.

Some people were upset saying he looks like the kitchen servant blah blah blah. So instead, Uncle Ben was transformed into the CEO of a multinational rice company.

Right. What's more disrespectful? Showing a guy that's an "uncle" that makes people all warm and fuzzy inside because he looks like he'd give you a hug on a cold wet day, or an completely unbelievable image of some global corporate bigshot smiling benevolently? Does Mr. Burns smile at anyone? I don't think so.

CEO's of big companies usually have a smug smirk like Tony ex CEO of BP., or they look like these guys;

Edited by geriatrickid
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One cannot win with some of these caricatures. If an image is used that is deemed too ethnic, then one gets in trouble. If one doesn't use minority groups in advertising imagery, one gets slammed. It can also turn into an exercise in stupidity. Uncle Ben is the prime example. For those that have never seen it, Uncle Ben's image adorned the box of a quick cook paraboiled rice product. (If you haven't tried it, trust me, it tasts nothing like jasmine rice available here.) Anyway, so originally, Uncle Ben was a respectable, loveable looking gent in a waiter's outfit.

Some people were upset saying he looks like the kitchen servant blah blah blah. So instead, Uncle Ben was transformed into the CEO of a multinational rice company.

Right. What's more disrespectful? Showing a guy that's an "uncle" that makes people all warm and fuzzy inside because he looks like he'd give you a hug on a cold wet day, or an completely unbelievable image of some global corporate bigshot smiling benevolently? Does Mr. Burns smile at anyone? I don't think so.

CEO's of big companies usually have a smug smirk like Tony ex CEO of BP., or they look like these guys;

Great post, Kid. You can't win no matter WHAT you do. Some people take offense at everything. Loz has a pretty good sense of humour, but I would imagine even his sensibilities would be strained here occasionally.

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I don't give a dam_n about all this PC nonsense but the product itself I've seen in Carrefour and what a worthless gimmick it is! It's basically a circular mop that you can spin in the water with a pedal. It seems a lot easier and more effective to just plunge it up and down in the water a few times like a normal mop but the genius inventors of 'Black Man' decided to over-solve a problem that doesn't exist. The people in Carrefour demonstrating this overpriced gimmick were not even mopping the floor - they were just spinning a dry mop repeatedly while the cleaner was a few feet away from them using a normal mop to clean the floor in a normal way. What sort of idiot would spend money on a gimmick like this?

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I think the Black Man logo is rather cute. What's the problem?

If it was called 'Gay Man' and had a logo of... (ok lets not go there....)...... :whistling:

Well, you're wrong. If it was a cute gay man, a positive image, no problem. If it was some kind of negative stereotype, not so good. Do you really see anything nefarious about that pleasant image of a friendly happy black man?

Only if he is with my daughter.

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Is this a positive image of a black man?

Oh, jeez. This would cause some people to crap themselves. It's too funny, but sort of in the same way as when Joe Pesci asks about it being funny in a haha kind of way or "do I amuse you" in Goodfellas. I don't find the image offensive, since I know that it has religious significance in some asian cultures and that the chap in with the nice teeth is SE asian. Mind you, I don't think he'd be welcomed at a neo nazi rally on the streets of Moscow.

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Here political correctness gone mad. The attached beer is called Witch's Wit. The label shows a witch being burned at the stake. The company has been forced to change the label as it is offence to pagans! Here's a quote from the brewer, who also makes Inferno Ale and Judgement Day beer.

“We have been accused of inspiring violence against women, and we have been compared to the violence in Darfur,” said Sage Osterfeld, a spokesman for Port Brewing. “It has run the gamut from people saying politely, ‘This is offensive to pagans,’ to people saying we are responsible for all that is wrong in the world.”

Gotta love the public...glad I don't have to deal with them....

post-5869-032169000 1287878833_thumb.jpg

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But Thailand is culturally racist, against (if that is the correct word) both Negroid and Caucasoid. It is human nature to observe differences, the over obsession with this in a politically correct context does nothing but underline and draw attention to divisions within the general population.

Is the fat Thai (?) woman on the label of Oyster Sauce I see stereotyping Fat Thai Women as cooks ?

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