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Thought like what? You quote several posts but you're post is ambiguous.. If you're referring to racing being dangerous and taking risks are you suggesting that no safety measures are taken by PROPER racing programs and drivers to protect themselves and others? NO ONE wants to die while racing or get seriously injured that's the draw back to doing it.. At least not PROPER drivers or teams...

If that's the case that is in the top 3 of the silliest things you've ever posted and that's a lot to gauge against.. If I misunderstood then feel free to expound on your post for clarity..

Safe race cars inspire confidence and make top drivers drive harder and with more confidence end of..

JFYI I've never driven a race car with an airbag and I can see how I could mistake your post T/A so if I did, please take it in that vein as it could go either way which is why I'm asking for clarity..

I just realized??? As some would say, (not me mind you) But McDonalds T/A?? That's really taking a risk isn't it?? B):D

A tongue in cheek jest, but for your clarity you state spoonman has one life and to look after it, don't remove airbags. You, me and spoonman have been racers, no bags in race cars but we took the risk to do what we love, and racers do die on the track, with all their other precautions. :)

PS. People still die in cars with airbags, in fact l think l am right in saying people have been killed by airbags.:unsure:

OK my second impression was correct then we're thinking in step, but as for airbags killing people that can also be said for seat belts and both only on very rare instances, extreme conditions and possible user ignorance or irresponsibility expecting 100% protection but I for one would never consider driving any car at any speed without one.. I feel very insecure for myself and my family if we have to take a taxi without them (seat belts) for example, especially then, since driving is out of my hands too..

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They dont need airbags because they're not scared of death. They believe in reincarnation. ;)

You didn't understand the smileys then? and now transam has started you off, not a good day.

No actually I didn't see them as my lap top loads very slowly when the traffic is high and the site is busy, but then you being so tuned in, you knew that already. So what is wrong with asking for clarity to avoid confrontation? There was 2 possible meanings and given the instigative and sarcastic track record of members such as yourself where my posts are concerned my suspicions were justified in asking first..

JFYI do you have anything to contribute to the topic? Because this isn't it...Who was it having a bad day now?? :whistling:


l go along with warby on this and that here in Thailand it has be made as cheap as possible or it will not sell.

The Vigo top of the range truck was almost a million bath but now l have seen it has come back down by some 40,000.

Great!!! :o Finally get someone who agrees and the nik of my nik gets bastardized :( ....

Have l done something wrong, my intellectual knowledge is somewhat limited but unlike some here l am not afraid to admit to that.:jap:

l was really trying to point out that the Prerunner was brought out because Thai people like the look of the 4x4 but didn't want to paid for it.

l have seen Prerunners with stckers reading 4x4 Prerunner how pathetic is that.


l go along with warby on this and that here in Thailand it has be made as cheap as possible or it will not sell.

The Vigo top of the range truck was almost a million bath but now l have seen it has come back down by some 40,000.

Great!!! :o Finally get someone who agrees and the nik of my nik gets bastardized :( ....

Have l done something wrong, my intellectual knowledge is somewhat limited but unlike some here l am not afraid to admit to that.:jap:

l was really trying to point out that the Prerunner was brought out because Thai people like the look of the 4x4 but didn't want to paid for it.

l have seen Prerunners with stckers reading 4x4 Prerunner how pathetic is that.

No, of course not, I was poking a joke as you turned my Warpspeed nik which most have already shortened to "Warpy" into "Warby" is all, no offense taken just an intended fun shot back..


This has been covered many times. The bottom-line is Thai's won;'t pay extra for it,. Mai pen rai :)

IF they fit them extra air bags standard at the factory the same as the rest of the world they wont have any choice.And gee they made even get extra sales over the opposition the fact that theres comes with 6 or 8 air bags over the cost cutting opposition........Naaaaaaaa that wont work in Thailand too simple an idea whistling.gif

Oh yes they have.They can buy another brand that doesn't have them fitted and therefore is cheaper.


l go along with warby on this and that here in Thailand it has be made as cheap as possible or it will not sell.

The Vigo top of the range truck was almost a million bath but now l have seen it has come back down by some 40,000.

Great!!! :o Finally get someone who agrees and the nik of my nik gets bastardized :( ....

Have l done something wrong, my intellectual knowledge is somewhat limited but unlike some here l am not afraid to admit to that.:jap:

l was really trying to point out that the Prerunner was brought out because Thai people like the look of the 4x4 but didn't want to paid for it.

l have seen Prerunners with stckers reading 4x4 Prerunner how pathetic is that.

No, of course not, I was poking a joke as you turned my Warpspeed nik which most have already shortened to "Warpy" into "Warby" is all, no offense taken just an intended fun shot back..

Ya Yeah Yayh !! Warpspeed l missed that l suppose WARBY is making you out to be some kind of post terrorist, sorry again, typo l think they call it.!! :jap:

Have you seen this with Prerunners though ???


l have seen Prerunners with stckers reading 4x4 Prerunner how pathetic is that.

Like someone putting an M Sport body kit an a standard BMW, or a Benz having AMG logos, or a Honda Civic with the Red badges used in Civic type R's ?

If that's what people want to do to their rides, it's their ride, up to them, they're not harming anyone.


l have seen Prerunners with stckers reading 4x4 Prerunner how pathetic is that.

Like someone putting an M Sport body kit an a standard BMW, or a Benz having AMG logos, or a Honda Civic with the Red badges used in Civic type R's ?

If that's what people want to do to their rides, it's their ride, up to them, they're not harming anyone.

Yes !!!! your right there not harming anyone but why don't take the prerunner decals off, then put the 4x4 or maybe the saveface scenario is not true.


IF they fit them extra air bags standard at the factory the same as the rest of the world they wont have any choice.And gee they made even get extra sales over the opposition the fact that theres comes with 6 or 8 air bags over the cost cutting opposition........Naaaaaaaa that wont work in Thailand too simple an idea whistling.gif

One GM exec was once quoted as saying he'd give his right arm for 25c savings per car. If it doesn't make money they won't instal it.

In a different vein I have heard stories of used car from dealers in Thailand "mysteriously" losing their airbags between ownerswhistling.gif. I suspect the "missing" airbags find their way to the west as spare parts.


Dont forget that airbargs on smaller cars are really really small and in case of an accident, you gain 0% safety with them. My car salesman for my gf'S honda told us not to bother getting the airbargs because they would probably be more useless than a pillow

Thai salesman I presume? Let me guess? They'd have to order one with airbags but had several without on the lot waiting? :whistling:

My thoughts exactly. The salemans a liar or an idiot although more likely probably both.


Dont forget that airbargs on smaller cars are really really small and in case of an accident, you gain 0% safety with them. My car salesman for my gf'S honda told us not to bother getting the airbargs because they would probably be more useless than a pillow

Thai salesman I presume? Let me guess? They'd have to order one with airbags but had several without on the lot waiting? :whistling:

My thoughts exactly. The salemans a liar or an idiot although more likely probably both.

no he persuaded me from buying the cheaper model (who had some mods that made it look better anyways)

If the seatbealt is half decent, my face could never hit the wheel as i dont drive like a crazy person with my head just over the wheels swirling left and right because im too dumb to look far ahead :)

my arms are almost fully extended, even a medium airbag would be worthless, unless it was on the side of course


Dont forget that airbargs on smaller cars are really really small and in case of an accident, you gain 0% safety with them. My car salesman for my gf'S honda told us not to bother getting the airbargs because they would probably be more useless than a pillow

Thai salesman I presume? Let me guess? They'd have to order one with airbags but had several without on the lot waiting? :whistling:

My thoughts exactly. The salemans a liar or an idiot although more likely probably both.

no he persuaded me from buying the cheaper model (who had some mods that made it look better anyways)

If the seatbealt is half decent, my face could never hit the wheel as i dont drive like a crazy person with my head just over the wheels swirling left and right because im too dumb to look far ahead :)

my arms are almost fully extended, even a medium airbag would be worthless, unless it was on the side of course

Ok this will be my last post on this particular point in order to avoid an ensuing argument..

You do know that not ALL instances of traffic accidents are related to your driving? Sometimes, on rare and tragic occasions someone else may cross over into your lane and hit you head on for example, hopefully not, but being prepared is the only way to avoid it or survive it, the common term for this is 'defensive driving'..

In any case seat belts are designed to stretch and give in an accident to lessen your impact and potential internal injuries and they can and do stretch as much as 4 to 5 inches in even relatively minor accidents.

Now your response is likely going to be "I don't drive fast enough for that to happen" but if you are driving at a mere 95k's per hour and you hit someone head on driving at the same speed it's the equivalent of 190Kph which is plenty fast enough for you to contact your steering wheel and you driving with your arms fully extended is not helping as you'll just injure your arms and besides that position is not good for proper reaction time, nor avoiding drivers fatigue, ideally you should have your elbows slightly bent..

The further you are away is actually more chance you'll smash your face on the steering wheel instead of spreading the impact force across the whole of your chest which is far more able to withstand such forces then is your face. If Dale Earnhart of NASCAR fame were still alive he'd tell you that he immediately broke his neck when his belts failed and his chin hit the wheel at a speed not much higher then we are talking about and it ended in his being killed instantly due to a Basilar fracture of his spine at the base of his skull. Now, if what I've said makes no sense to you well then...................There's no hope.............

I'm not surprised the SALESman was trying to sell you away from the cheaper model though is that a surprise to you?? <_<:whistling:


I have had more accident's in pre airbag vehicles than ones that have them and Iam still here to tell the tale, infact my current vehicle is the first Ive actually owned that has(had) airbags.

The other thing is them pre airbag vehicles had hopeless brakes could be the reason ?

Newer cars have disc's and ABS, a lot different then drums all round.


Are you sure about belts stretch 4 to 5 inches, that sounds not right to me.

Race harness start with 2 inch straps and for serious stuff have 3 inch 6 point to stop exactly that, stretch. My UK ride, if you slammed the anchors on the belts pulled you in, tightened up automatically. :huh:

The number of quote tags didn't match so I couldn't use my referenced quote but yes I'm absolutely certain, unequivocally and have unfortunately personally tested that effect first hand.. Slamming on the anchors is not the same thing as high speed impact, the G forces are not even close to comparable. They are not intended to hold firmly in place and that is why all of the worlds sanctioning organizations require they be replaced after any significant impact and notes it as such in your cars log book.

They are designed to stretch so to slow the impact and lessen the force that's the purpose of the weave effect of the belts besides strength.. They get slimmer and longer through that effect.

I had an unfortunate impact some years ago at Daytona due to a mechanical failure (ironically only weeks before Earnhart died) and I was going through a chicane at about 100Mph and was unable to control my car as the removable steering wheel mechanism fractured a weld and it came off in my hands while I was counter steering a four wheel drift and still pointing at the wall. I was unable to use brakes without being able to counter the effects of it turning hard sideways so I just had to pull my feet up away from the peddles and hold my harness and ride it out and it hurt like hel_l but I survived.

The force of the impact stretched my belts approximately 7.5 inches and reduced their width in half down from 3 inches and even though there seemed to be no way I could ever contact my roll cage on the "A" pillar side as I was sitting much lower and away from it at least 8 to 10 inches away I managed to contact it enough to give me a concussion that effected me for 3 months afterwards and my helmet still bares the scars.

I'm very glad the belts stretched too as I still had bruises as blue as a pair of new blue jeans around my shoulders, groin and waist for weeks afterwards but fortunately no internal injuries to speak of.. I also used a sternum strap which was good planning too (one of few who did to that point) as it prevented me from fracturing my sternum, my collar bone and my back (though I did have some injury) by preventing the belts from separating, as usually happens in such high impacts. That also causes back injuries such as fractures by driving your shoulder blades (scapula's) into the center of your back when the belts stretch and force your shoulders back in the process..

It was estimated by the investigating parties which always investigate potentially deadly impacts (as this one could have been as another driver died in that same corner the year previous with much less impact) that I sustained G forces in excess of 30 G's or more.. Lucky if standing on your brakes in anything short of an F1 car generates even 2 to 3 G's as the tires adhesion will breakaway far sooner.. Fortunately for me I don't take safety and proper preparation lightly such as even small things like roll bar padding anywhere a driver may contact them which I had just installed and undoubtedly saved me more injuries or likely would have been a worse result but needless to say I had a serious word or 2 with the guy who did the welding and the car was expensive toast :( ..

In a different vein I have heard stories of used car from dealers in Thailand "mysteriously" losing their airbags between owners. I suspect the "missing" airbags find their way to the west as spare parts.

Never thought of that... I always thought if the airbags was missing then it had probably gone off = car been in a accident and unless the owner had 1st class Insurance [not many Thais do.. many will take it for the 1st year FREE then go to 2nd class or none at all except the government one] then the owner nor the little backstreet body shop are going to replace it.


IF they fit them extra air bags standard at the factory the same as the rest of the world they wont have any choice.And gee they made even get extra sales over the opposition the fact that theres comes with 6 or 8 air bags over the cost cutting opposition........Naaaaaaaa that wont work in Thailand too simple an idea whistling.gif

One GM exec was once quoted as saying he'd give his right arm for 25c savings per car. If it doesn't make money they won't instal it.

In a different vein I have heard stories of used car from dealers in Thailand "mysteriously" losing their airbags between ownerswhistling.gif. I suspect the "missing" airbags find their way to the west as spare parts.

Can't speak for other western countries but they won't end up stateside as airbags are not used as spares, too much liability concerned...

Tried in the past to sell several out of cars we were given to race and stripped out, no one will touch with a 10 foot pole...


I have had more accident's in pre airbag vehicles than ones that have them and Iam still here to tell the tale, infact my current vehicle is the first Ive actually owned that has(had) airbags.

The other thing is them pre airbag vehicles had hopeless brakes could be the reason ?

Newer cars have disc's and ABS, a lot different then drums all round.

lol @ drums all round, you really are showing your age arent you !!

the previous 2 car Ive owned actually had discs all round.


Remember we farang customers are a minuscule sector of the market that is not important to Thai dealers.

Now about colours!    Thai people have always bought cars that make them look good in public as this is what every one sees you in and judges you by.  Bright colours do not give you face!

Gold and Silver ones that are the colour of money are the ones to be seen in if you want people to think you are rich.

Red is OK if it is a Ferrari.    I mean a Ferrari means you have cajones to out face anyone!   A rich Thai friend had a Ferrari and most Thai women would not get into it cause they were scared.

My Maybach is Silver;)



Are you sure about belts stretch 4 to 5 inches, that sounds not right to me.

Race harness start with 2 inch straps and for serious stuff have 3 inch 6 point to stop exactly that, stretch. My UK ride, if you slammed the anchors on the belts pulled you in, tightened up automatically. :huh:

The number of quote tags didn't match so I couldn't use my referenced quote but yes I'm absolutely certain, unequivocally and have unfortunately personally tested that effect first hand.. Slamming on the anchors is not the same thing as high speed impact, the G forces are not even close to comparable. They are not intended to hold firmly in place and that is why all of the worlds sanctioning organizations require they be replaced after any significant impact and notes it as such in your cars log book.

They are designed to stretch so to slow the impact and lessen the force that's the purpose of the weave effect of the belts besides strength.. They get slimmer and longer through that effect.

I had an unfortunate impact some years ago at Daytona due to a mechanical failure (ironically only weeks before Earnhart died) and I was going through a chicane at about 100Mph and was unable to control my car as the removable steering wheel mechanism fractured a weld and it came off in my hands while I was counter steering a four wheel drift and still pointing at the wall. I was unable to use brakes without being able to counter the effects of it turning hard sideways so I just had to pull my feet up away from the peddles and hold my harness and ride it out and it hurt like hel_l but I survived.

The force of the impact stretched my belts approximately 7.5 inches and reduced their width in half down from 3 inches and even though there seemed to be no way I could ever contact my roll cage on the "A" pillar side as I was sitting much lower and away from it at least 8 to 10 inches away I managed to contact it enough to give me a concussion that effected me for 3 months afterwards and my helmet still bares the scars.

I'm very glad the belts stretched too as I still had bruises as blue as a pair of new blue jeans around my shoulders, groin and waist for weeks afterwards but fortunately no internal injuries to speak of.. I also used a sternum strap which was good planning too (one of few who did to that point) as it prevented me from fracturing my sternum, my collar bone and my back (though I did have some injury) by preventing the belts from separating, as usually happens in such high impacts. That also causes back injuries such as fractures by driving your shoulder blades (scapula's) into the center of your back when the belts stretch and force your shoulders back in the process..

It was estimated by the investigating parties which always investigate potentially deadly impacts (as this one could have been as another driver died in that same corner the year previous with much less impact) that I sustained G forces in excess of 30 G's or more.. Lucky if standing on your brakes in anything short of an F1 car generates even 2 to 3 G's as the tires adhesion will breakaway far sooner.. Fortunately for me I don't take safety and proper preparation lightly such as even small things like roll bar padding anywhere a driver may contact them which I had just installed and undoubtedly saved me more injuries or likely would have been a worse result but needless to say I had a serious word or 2 with the guy who did the welding and the car was expensive toast :( ..

That's an interesting description of your racing experiance, the nearest l can relate to that is me crashing in my Mk1 GT Ford Cortina in Uk, young and driving like a complete nutter, luckery no one was hurt but me when l skidded out of control hit a wall.

With my seat belt on l still head butted the interior rear view mirror, smashed it and lucky for me the ball joint part of it didn't take my eye out.

Seat belts are webbed and as if l have to tell you, they give under certain circumstances.

l wouldn't like to be the guy who did the welding, was he Thai then.:rolleyes:


Are you sure about belts stretch 4 to 5 inches, that sounds not right to me.

Race harness start with 2 inch straps and for serious stuff have 3 inch 6 point to stop exactly that, stretch. My UK ride, if you slammed the anchors on the belts pulled you in, tightened up automatically. :huh:

The number of quote tags didn't match so I couldn't use my referenced quote but yes I'm absolutely certain, unequivocally and have unfortunately personally tested that effect first hand.. Slamming on the anchors is not the same thing as high speed impact, the G forces are not even close to comparable. They are not intended to hold firmly in place and that is why all of the worlds sanctioning organizations require they be replaced after any significant impact and notes it as such in your cars log book.

They are designed to stretch so to slow the impact and lessen the force that's the purpose of the weave effect of the belts besides strength.. They get slimmer and longer through that effect.

I had an unfortunate impact some years ago at Daytona due to a mechanical failure (ironically only weeks before Earnhart died) and I was going through a chicane at about 100Mph and was unable to control my car as the removable steering wheel mechanism fractured a weld and it came off in my hands while I was counter steering a four wheel drift and still pointing at the wall. I was unable to use brakes without being able to counter the effects of it turning hard sideways so I just had to pull my feet up away from the peddles and hold my harness and ride it out and it hurt like hel_l but I survived.

The force of the impact stretched my belts approximately 7.5 inches and reduced their width in half down from 3 inches and even though there seemed to be no way I could ever contact my roll cage on the "A" pillar side as I was sitting much lower and away from it at least 8 to 10 inches away I managed to contact it enough to give me a concussion that effected me for 3 months afterwards and my helmet still bares the scars.

I'm very glad the belts stretched too as I still had bruises as blue as a pair of new blue jeans around my shoulders, groin and waist for weeks afterwards but fortunately no internal injuries to speak of.. I also used a sternum strap which was good planning too (one of few who did to that point) as it prevented me from fracturing my sternum, my collar bone and my back (though I did have some injury) by preventing the belts from separating, as usually happens in such high impacts. That also causes back injuries such as fractures by driving your shoulder blades (scapula's) into the center of your back when the belts stretch and force your shoulders back in the process..

It was estimated by the investigating parties which always investigate potentially deadly impacts (as this one could have been as another driver died in that same corner the year previous with much less impact) that I sustained G forces in excess of 30 G's or more.. Lucky if standing on your brakes in anything short of an F1 car generates even 2 to 3 G's as the tires adhesion will breakaway far sooner.. Fortunately for me I don't take safety and proper preparation lightly such as even small things like roll bar padding anywhere a driver may contact them which I had just installed and undoubtedly saved me more injuries or likely would have been a worse result but needless to say I had a serious word or 2 with the guy who did the welding and the car was expensive toast :( ..

That's an interesting description of your racing experiance, the nearest l can relate to that is me crashing in my Mk1 GT Ford Cortina in Uk, young and driving like a complete nutter, luckery no one was hurt but me when l skidded out of control hit a wall.

With my seat belt on l still head butted the interior rear view mirror, smashed it and lucky for me the ball joint part of it didn't take my eye out.

Seat belts are webbed and as if l have to tell you, they give under certain circumstances.

l wouldn't like to be the guy who did the welding, was he Thai then.:rolleyes:

No he wasn't Thai, can't blame them this time, this predated my arrival here and it was fortunate for the welder that I was recovering from said injuries for some months and then fully involved in fabricating a new car for the next several just in time to return back to the same track the next year on my new cars debut. I had hoped to get it completed some months before so as to have it all sorted before returning to the scene of the crime so to speak but the cage was a very original and unique design of mine so it took the fabricator some months to complete..

Amazingly the new car was as good as one gets on it's debut and was immediately on the pace even if I was a bit hesitant initially, but it inspired my confidence immediately and very quickly I was within half a second of the top teams with more left in both myself and the car to be had so quite encouraged on the whole. At that point I decided that was good enough and not push my luck, packed up, from the week long season opening test session and put the car back in the trailer the day before the 1 year anniversary of the crash and went home much satisfied..

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