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Possibly Hiv Infected


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Thanks for the update.

A NAT (nucleic acid amplification test) test is actually a type of PCR but checking for RNA rather than DNA. Like other PCRs, very costly and time consuming to do and hence not usually done for individuals. It has however long been done as a means of testing the blood supply, what they do is to "pool" samples from multiple donors togther and test, then only if it is positive they go back and test each separate contributior to that sample, saves a lot of time and money.

it appears that the Thai Red Cross in BKK, due to the large volume of HIV tests they do, is able ot use the same approach with HIV screening of individuals. I doubt anyplace else would have the volume needed to make this feasible.

It is great to know and certainly makes this a preferred place for getting tested.

(To my understanding though the NAT needs to be done a bot longer than a weel post exposure. About 2 weeks if I remeber correctly).

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But you're not are you? Don't mean to be negative but while it's great you don't HIV you still have a host of other unexplained symptoms yes?

Yes it's good news, in all honesty none of us thought you were HIV, it was you that was worrying! Understandable given the awful hype surrounding this ailment.

But, you have some issues that is certain.

What about the booze?

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Thank you! - it might have been a coincidence. Maybe allergic reaction to a bite, being tired, who knows. They are gone now. It's not important though. Maybe a person gets exposed to the virus and some have the capability to fight it off somehow? I am not a scientist, but they also have been known to make mistakes. It's all a mystery to a degree and a learning process, and that's how I look at this. If I had those symptoms without the possible infection scenario I wouldn't have worried at all.

Another thing I want to remind is that there are people who are infected and live with the virus for years, without any symptoms. So, having the symptoms or not, as I see it now, does not say that much about being infected. And any symptoms, if there are any, could match the HIV infection but it does not mean there is one. The only way to be sure is test - for antibodies and for the virus. And that's ELSA and NAT, both performed at the Bangkok Anonymous Red Cross Clink (and only there). You get the result the same day. Two weeks after the exposure you can be almost sure you are OK or not.

The 99.99% accuracy of these tests bring peace of mind. But, playing a skeptic, to be 100% sure you need to repeat them in three months. You might be the 0.01% that somehow got false negative.

And that's paranoia, just a simple fact based on probability. After all, someone wins a lottery out there every week, and the odds of winning there are far, far, remote. I wouldn't want to wind this lottery, but knowing that I am 99.99% HIV free I will not loose any sleep thinking about it. That's for sure. You have to be really unlucky to test positive the next time.

Anyway, all the worried people can know the truth within a day. I'd do even if I was certain I am OK., to be sure and just in case that I don't spread anything around without my knowledge, and accidents do happen.

Hope this helps :)

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I meant to say '*And that's NOT paranoia, just a simple fact based on probability' ;)

PS. I wish there was a longer window left to edit the post.... Sometimes traveling you write and post when you have the short window of opportunity, then the connection drops and you can't get back to it. Would it be possible to extend this very short, an hour perhaps only, period when the poster can edit their post? It's a little extreme. I posted at 8:45 and can't edit it at 10:25.

(sorry for the off topic remark, but relevant)

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  • 2 weeks later...

i had a similar situation (well actually worse), 1 week having arrived back in BKK after 3 half years of travelling, i decided to go on a drunken rampage. Although it was not with any sex workers, its still a stupid thing to do. Well long story short had sex unproteced with 4 Thai girls, convinced myself i got something (HIV)... I recently became ill with the flu in th UK, and automatically jump to the worse conclusion. Had the 6 month test and thank whoever it came back negative.... I stared down the barrel of a gun watched it get cocked back and fired and won... That's a game of Russian roulette i will never play again...

Roll on South America (with a tonne or so Condoms)..

Be safe people, they reckon 17 people in the UK a year catch HIV in Thailand (from 2000-2003 51 fellas most likely caught it in Thailand) ... It's not worth the stress and potetial life sentence.... Bag it up and if you don't have any, what is one roll in the hay compared to having as many as you want after (something you won't be doing if you catch it)....

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OxfordWill - I will definitely get to PCR testing at one point. I will go to the clinic you mentioned and test there. Will keep you posted about the prices and how it went.

1500 or 2500, it would still be great news. Such a difference from 10,000. Cross fingers on all fronts :thumbsup:

No offence- but the only symptom you exhibit is attention seeking hypochondria- anyone who seriously thought they might be HIV positive wouldn't be adding smiley-cons to their posts. One day you may have real symptoms of a chronic disease- at that point you will know what i mean (but one thing is for sure, i guarantee you wont feel like posting flippant messages like this. )

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First of all, thanks to OP for sharing this story. I found it very informative and interesting.

First of all, as you have already figured out, fever is usually caused by an infection. The infection can be viral or bacterial. In most cases, prolonged fever caused by a bacterial infection means the body can’t figure out a way to beat the bacteria – unless the patient gets antibiotics there is a risk the infection is fatal. The good news is that you’re still alive, meaning it is unlikely you have contracted a bacterial infection.

So, for this reason, a WBC count in your case probably would have indicated a slight increase. A platelet count would probably also show a small increase, and to underline the absence of bacterial infections a hemoculture would have come up blank.

So why do I write this? Well, I want to inform you that you are not alone. During the past 3 months, throughout South East Asia, there is a small but noticeable increase in the number of suspected/confirmed viral infections with symptoms very much like the ones you describe. The typical patient seeks medical assistance after a period of headache, fatigue, body aching and prolonged fever. It appears as if the infection causes headache during the first two weeks only. There are several cases where the fever lasted for more than 4 weeks. Nightly sweating and fever as high as 40 degrees has been reported. Most patients report a full recovery after 3-5 weeks.

I hope the above applies to you as well and that your general condition has improved.

I still don’t have any access to clinical results on what is causing this, when I get access to anything I’ll share with you.


Prolonged fever is a serious condition that should always be investigated by a qualified physician. I urge you to pursue this matter until the root cause can be established.

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Hi Forethat.

That's very interesting what you write. My fever and headaches are gone after the few few weeks, which is a similar time frame to what you've described. So perhaps it was connected to this mysterious thing going around? On the other hand, in my case, the headaches might be also related to a completely different thing. I don't really want to elaborate too much about my stuff, but a few months back I was sucker punched, don't know by whom and why, and I have been having terrible sudden headaches since, once in a while, and milder ones more often. I used to dive but since this I get terrible headaches at the end of a dive, I get physically sick and nauseated and most of the day after a dive is wasted on recovering. So I stopped diving, which is really regrettable since it is one of my passions.

The one thing which somehow persists since the events that led to myH IV testing is yeast infection. The doctor gave me a cream for this, I applied it for a week and it got ok, but it keeps coming back making the area and in general painful, which led to not enjoying sex much and basically avoiding it.

Personified82 - yeah, I am sure similar stories to mine are plenty. We are all humans and do what humans sometimes do!

ExpatJ: ::offtopic2:

Well, I am glad to be 99.99% HIV free, but I will re-test when I have a chance after 3 months.

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Hi aNoma,

I saw ur post and i am feeling exactly the same wit u now....

but i think u are hiv free now so a very big congratulation to u

I had sex wit a girl working in nightclub last night,i use condoms for intercourse and didn't use condom for oral sex

so i am worrying that i might be infected, and yet i can't get the result now,

btw, my frens' girlfriends are working there as well, they said that the club gives their workers aka the girls blood test every month to check on HIV

and i called the girl and ask her did she do the test and she said yes , and the result is negative for the last few month.......

i know i shouldn't be "this" worried but i just can't help it...i started to become worried and stress-up....

i hope it will be better if i hav someone to share wit cos is too hard to take it all alone.....

and i would like to ask that if i am taking PCR test do i need to wait for another 3 months for more accurate result?

is the cost of 1500Baht for the PCR test still available?

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Hi aNoma,

I saw ur post and i am feeling exactly the same wit u now....

but i think u are hiv free now so a very big congratulation to u

I had sex wit a girl working in nightclub last night,i use condoms for intercourse and didn't use condom for oral sex

so i am worrying that i might be infected, and yet i can't get the result now,

btw, my frens' girlfriends are working there as well, they said that the club gives their workers aka the girls blood test every month to check on HIV

and i called the girl and ask her did she do the test and she said yes , and the result is negative for the last few month.......

i know i shouldn't be "this" worried but i just can't help it...i started to become worried and stress-up....

i hope it will be better if i hav someone to share wit cos is too hard to take it all alone.....

and i would like to ask that if i am taking PCR test do i need to wait for another 3 months for more accurate result?

is the cost of 1500Baht for the PCR test still available?

The danger from oral sex is negligible. However you can still contract bacterial infections.

It's impossible to become infected from anyone who is not infected.

Yours and OP's crisis seem little connected with any real threat, and could I suggest that this is just a way of trying to make some emotional process you are going through seem real.

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Hi mommysboy,

Thanks for the reply, i knew that I shouldn't be so worry, but I just can't help myself for thinking that I am safe from the infection

Is very obvious that I am just being Pessimistic abt wat had happened to me

And so I decided to take PCR test in the three weeks later from today,and I wanna know that is PCR test accurate and reliable?

And I need to wait for three weeks for the test and one more week for the result

Which is very torturing for me as I am not a optimistic person.....

So I hope to talk abt it here and hope to hav someone to chat wit me and make me feel better

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Go to the Thai Red Cross Clinic (see pinned notice for details) they'll explain everything to you and do any and all needed tests. (They can test for other STDs as well as HIV).

Mommysboy is correct in saying that risk of HIV transmission from oral sex alone is extremely low. Herpes, gonorrhea etc can be transmitted that way but HIV, almost never.

Still, go to the clinic and put your mind at rest.

I believe HIV tests there are free and that the 1,500 baht charge was for a complete physical exam (and quite a bargain at that price) inclusiove of checking for STDs and general check-up.

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Go to the Thai Red Cross Clinic (see pinned notice for details) they'll explain everything to you and do any and all needed tests. (They can test for other STDs as well as HIV).

Mommysboy is correct in saying that risk of HIV transmission from oral sex alone is extremely low. Herpes, gonorrhea etc can be transmitted that way but HIV, almost never.

Still, go to the clinic and put your mind at rest.

I believe HIV tests there are free and that the 1,500 baht charge was for a complete physical exam (and quite a bargain at that price) inclusiove of checking for STDs and general check-up.

Thanks a lot for ur advise.....

I just finish calling the girl that i am having sex wit ( just to know how is her and how is her sex life in the past few months)

she told me that she haven't hav sex for six months....and her result is all negative....so i can finally feel better....

I plan to take PCR at the Samitivej Hospital in Srinakarin is quite costly but i wiling to spend the money to get rid of the touture

I just engage in sex at the 28th so ....i think i need to wait longer so that i can go and take the PCR test right?

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I am sorry to be so blunt but to have sex with a girl that makes money by having several sexual partners each month is not the way to stay hiv negative.

If you contract a disease it is your own fault as you know the risks, if however you are one of the unlucky ones that abstains and has a loving long term relationship with an infected person then I have sympathy.

For these posters that are worried you will have to change your sexual habits as you are now aware of the risks and don't fall in to the catagory that it won't happen to you.

Whats wrong with having just one partner, oh sorry I forgot this is Thailand.

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Hi aNoma,

I can't answer your questions - but I can say that I did have a similar experience a while back.

Got into a high risk situation (or a possible one - I guess it's fair to say that) and then panicked a few weeks later when I felt very sick (full on fever and sweats etc etc).

i know i am a tad off topic , but

has your experience, when you were very concerned that you may have HIV,

changed your attitude towards SAFE SEX , or is it the same as before .

wont happen to me ?.

human nature being what it is. :jap:

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well this is my first time and also last time having sex with those girls

which makes me become so worry and depress.....

I wear condoms but not for oral ....thats wat i am worrying abt.....

and i need to do check up so tat i can be sure that i am not HIV positive

thn i won't be going those places ANYMORE ....NO MORE!!!!!!!

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well this is my first time and also last time having sex with those girls

which makes me become so worry and depress.....

I wear condoms but not for oral ....thats wat i am worrying abt.....

and i need to do check up so tat i can be sure that i am not HIV positive

thn i won't be going those places ANYMORE ....NO MORE!!!!!!!

If you are that paranoid you would never ever have sex with anyone.

Any new partner is a potential HIV carrier and even if you had the necessary medical tests there is a window where infection may not show up so you are never really safe.

However wearing a condom is 99.99 percent safe so if you jacket up you shouldn't have a problem.

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If you are that paranoid you would never ever have sex with anyone.

Any new partner is a potential HIV carrier and even if you had the necessary medical tests there is a window where infection may not show up so you are never really safe.

However wearing a condom is 99.99 percent safe so if you jacket up you shouldn't have a problem.

Well I will still having sex if i am negative but having sex with someone i knew or should i say someone that i am having a realtionship with,

not wit sex workers......

I wear condom in intercourse but no for oral sex...thats y i am worrying....

the waiting period for the test result is so depressing....

anyway thanks for the advise.....:jap:

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well this is my first time and also last time having sex with those girls

which makes me become so worry and depress.....

I wear condoms but not for oral ....thats wat i am worrying abt.....

and i need to do check up so tat i can be sure that i am not HIV positive

thn i won't be going those places ANYMORE ....NO MORE!!!!!!!

If you are that paranoid you would never ever have sex with anyone.

Any new partner is a potential HIV carrier and even if you had the necessary medical tests there is a window where infection may not show up so you are never really safe.

However wearing a condom is 99.99 percent safe so if you jacket up you shouldn't have a problem.

Thats like saying a brand new car has as much chance of braking down as a well used twenty year old model, you are right anyone can carry the virus however if the girl or man has exposed themselves without protection with many partners then percentage of chance is changed dramatically.

Always wear a condom if you feel the need to use whores, however what is wrong with staying with a long term partner and wearing a condom until you know you are both well. This would wipeout this virus but it's not going to happen in any of our lifetimes.

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well this is my first time and also last time having sex with those girls

which makes me become so worry and depress.....

I wear condoms but not for oral ....thats wat i am worrying abt.....

and i need to do check up so tat i can be sure that i am not HIV positive

thn i won't be going those places ANYMORE ....NO MORE!!!!!!!

If you are that paranoid you would never ever have sex with anyone.

Any new partner is a potential HIV carrier and even if you had the necessary medical tests there is a window where infection may not show up so you are never really safe.

However wearing a condom is 99.99 percent safe so if you jacket up you shouldn't have a problem.

Thats like saying a brand new car has as much chance of braking down as a well used twenty year old model, you are right anyone can carry the virus however if the girl or man has exposed themselves without protection with many partners then percentage of chance is changed dramatically.

Always wear a condom if you feel the need to use whores, however what is wrong with staying with a long term partner and wearing a condom until you know you are both well. This would wipeout this virus but it's not going to happen in any of our lifetimes.

Is not that i don't wan to stay with a long term partner is just that my girlfriend broke up wit me and everything just happened without any plan/ sign.....

i know that i shouldn't be having sex with sex worker, well....is just tat...

whatever...thanks for replying......

just hope that i won't be getting any infection thats all

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