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Cdma 680 + Snow Leopard Does It Work?


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I have had so many problems with my mac crashing since I bought it. I did take it once to the mac guy here but he wanted like 1400 baht just to look at it and more if there was a problem. It was after warranty. But it freezes and even terminal kill commands do not show the process nor work. I often wonder if it has to do with the cdma drivers?

So I am going to load leopard when it arrives . ( I was stupid enough to buy the from the Apple Thailand store thinking it would arrive in a few days only to realize after that it comes from Singapore)

Initially to get the 680 to work with the mac I had to go to the actual http://www.fklt.com/support.php because the one from CAT was useless.

So now I have seen that there is no driver for Leopard. Can any one advise?

and if there is not then I will need a router right? I know I posted in another thread about which one ages ago but if someone has some recent info that would be great.


By they way I have reloaded the os used onyx and all diagnostic tools to fix my problem to no avail.Just crashes, often when I need to open a folder or attach from another program. Also the activity monitor freezes.I went with mac because they said I would not waste my time doing system maintenance and de-frag. Ha what a joke.

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