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Electronic Gates - Chiang Rai

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G'day gang

Can anyone recommend a place where to buy A/N?

Have swinging gates at the minute and if these cannot

be converted to automatic, will look at getting new ones.

As stated previously, am hopeless with directions so be

gentle :-)

A phone number would be preferable.




Good post, as I'm interested in a remote auto-opening / closing gate for my place, as opposed to the manual sliding gate B)


Good post, as I'm interested in a remote auto-opening / closing gate for my place, as opposed to the manual sliding gate B)

If you go past big c..heading towards payao..a few kms then turn and head other way you will see a prety big place on your left ....they have auto gate openers...not cheap...about 10,000 baht....but maybe worth it?


Gate openers. I used to sell them, install them and service them. Built a lot of the gates that they went on, also. With that in mind, think about the following-

Get a DC operator instead of an AC one. The DC models runs off of a battery that functions hundreds of times without a re-charge, depending on the size of the opener, weight of the gates/gates. A solar panel will charge the battery sufficiently, if running an AC line to the charger is too expensive. DC models also typically don't have the power to kill someone if the safety sensors fail. An AC gate will kill. An AC gate has to be opened manually if there is a power failure. DC opens during power failures.

Lightening loves gate openers. It fries the main board even if the strike is only close.

Get a keypad installed outside of the gate so friends, servicemen and such can get in when you're gone or if you've forgotten your remote. You can give one time, one use codes and then change them and you can give permanent codes to people you trust, like jubby's in-laws.

Swinging gates are less trouble and less maintenance than sliding gates. Typically, swinging gate openers are much cheaper than sliders as well.

Install an exit wand on the inside of your property so the gate opens automatically for anyone leaving the property.

There are quite a few sales outfits in Thailand. I don't know anything about them, as far as good or bad.

Here are two phone contacts. The first is CM. 086-4310-133-6 Also, you can check their link, which is www.026816789.com

Another is 02-938-0260-1. Their link is www.hp1990.com and you can e-mail them (laugh here) at [email protected]

Openers are very easy to install, if you're at all a do-it-yourself kind of guy. That's how I got into the business. I bought a dual set, installed it and started installing for neighbors and friends that wanted gate openers. If you decide on a DIY job, let me know. I'll give you a hand.

You may want to import from elsewhere. GTO, in Florida, makes some decent products. There are some other good brands out there. I have checked the brands offered by one of the contacts I listed above and I am not familiar with those names.

You can get remotes that open gates from only 50 or 100 feet away and you can get remotes that will open them from miles away.

The success and lifetime of any type of opener you decide on depends on a gate that opens and closes easily. If the thing is built wrong, hinged wrong, has crappy rollers on the slider or is not maintained, you'll run into problems sooner instead of later. So, don't go cheap on the hinges or rollers or the installation of the gate or gates. You'll just end up aggravated with the opener.


Sensational post kandahar, lots of good advice.

Thanks a lot.

I have the swinging type gates and they're very heavy.

The hinges have broken once already and have been


I would prefer to keep the gates I have now but not

sure if they will be to heavy. I don't think I will be able

to get a sliding gate due to a lack of sapce.

Hvae mangaged to find a place and someone is

coming out next week to have a look. Will keep all that

are interested updated.




Good post, as I'm interested in a remote auto-opening / closing gate for my place, as opposed to the manual sliding gate B)

If you go past big c..heading towards payao..a few kms then turn and head other way you will see a prety big place on your left ....they have auto gate openers...not cheap...about 10,000 baht....but maybe worth it?

Thanks matey,

I'll have a look for them.




Your current gates cannot be too heavy for a decent opener. The support posts or hinges can be too light. Typically, the smallest of openers will open the largest of gates. Getting the gates to open and close isn't a problem. The problem comes in getting the gates to stop when they reach their limits. A heavier gate will take out a smaller operating mechanism because of the momentum it has. You can overcome this by installing stops where you want the gate to stop or slowing down the rate of travel on the operator. The better solution is to install the heavier operator to go with the heavier gate. Also note, the cheaper operators do not have an adjustment for rate of travel.

Also note that automatic gates are not necessarily a boost in home security. Many can be unpinned from the operating mechanism and opened by hand in about two seconds. Others have a control box that is unsecured and any small piece of wire or a good ink pen will allow bad guys to jumper the controls and open the thing automatically. There are electronic locks that you can install that will release the gate when it is commanded to open. That will defeat the unpinned operator ruse. But the control box needs to be locked so it cannot be commanded manually to open. If you're serious about the security thing, the cables need to be in conduit as well.

In the past, I have had guys call me who had their entire gate operating system stolen in the night or over a weekend. The only thing the thieves don't get is the remotes and those can be purchased easily. So, the automatic gate does provide limited security but someone who is out to defeat it, can defeat it. It is always a good idea to install cams or the fake cams, in places where the bad guys will see them and know, or think, that they are being watched.

Edit: The real message here is that your gates are not too heavy. Don't let the guy sell you a new set with the story that they are too heavy or big. If all else fails, just buy the operators from him and install them. Re-working or replacing the hinges isn't a big deal or cost.


There is a specialized company near to my house.

It is on the main road from Bandu.

Pass Macro supermarket heading into CR and look for TT&T telephone shop (Approx 200 yds)

The shop is next to TT&T.



Greetings Trend Setters

Thanks to the advice on here, I have done a bit

of research on getting my gates automated.

Here are some details for those who may be


First of all, checked out the place recommended

by pomchop. They only had systems for sliding gates,

so not for me but may interest others. The system was

12 900 Baht so pretty reasonable.

Was given great info by kandahar on here and also by PM.

Checked out the website he provided which is called High Project

1990 and is based in Bkk.

Spoke to Wasim who speaks good English which was a bonus.

Gave him my gate measurements which are 2.5m wide x 1.9 high (per gate).

He recommended a an Italian brand by the name of LUXO. A bit of research

showed they are a good brand, hence the price tag I guess. Because my

gates are heavy duty, I have to get one of the more powerful systems.

The model recommended was 49 500 Baht (gulp). If I wanted them installed,

which I do, it's another another 9000 Baht for 2 guys to come up from Bkk

which is more than fair.

Then I checked out the place kindly recommended by konjianghai called CB Pratooremote,

which I think is also the place petergawin was referring to.

A few guys from CB came out this morning. They basically have two brands.

Another Italian once called DEA. They quoted 63 000 Baht for the DEA and

39 000 Baht for a Malaysian brand.

As we all know, you always have to pay more for Eurpoean brands.

Well, you do in Australia.

Anyway, the guy seems pretty switched on and the one who did most of

the talking owns the company.

Personally, I don't think there's much difference between the DEA and LUXO.

The main selling point for me was that CB Pratooremote are local. So for after

sales service etc, they should be easier to deal with.

He assured me the Malaysian product was strong which is a nice change

because in Oz, they would be ramming the more expensive brand down your


As the gates won't be primarily for security purposes, mainly for convenience,

I might go the cheaper brand and save some jaspers.

Anyway, if you've gotten this far, sorry for dragging it out and thanks again for

the help and advice.



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