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Which Bank Gives A Debit Card With Your Name?

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My Be1st debit card from Bangkok Bank that I obtained a few years ago had a crack down the middle. So I replaced it with a shiny new card.

Alas! The new card has a different card number from before, (perhaps understandable). But even worse, this card does not have my name on it. That renders it useless for online purchases, and I also cannot link it to my Paypal account, as was my previous card.

Bangkok Bank tell me that they no longer issue named debit cards for Be1st accounts.

I need a named debit card that I can use online and to link with my Thai Paypal account.

Can anyone suggest a Thai bank & bank account that offers this? I checked my other debit cards from TMB and Kasikorn banks, and they too are lacking my name.

Thanks for any advice


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Kasikorn also have a visa 'virtual credit card' - which acts more as a debit card because the amount is deducted immediately from your savings account. The card is never physically issued and you cannot use it in shops etc. but you are given all the relevant numbers, even the security code normally found on the signature strip, and I have used it often for Internet purchases. It even registers and validates purchases through the verfiy-by-visa (?) system. My name (as given when I opened the saving account with ATM card) is associated with it.

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I think that with Bangkok Bank, if you order one with your pic, then they might include your name. Not to sure. Just avoid the one with the chip in the middle, can only be used at a Bangkok ATM machine, and no other. So, if you are stuck in some remote area of Thailand and there is no Bangkok Bank ATM, your screwed.

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Simon, have you actually tried linking your card to PayPal?

I've got a 'nameless' Be-1st Smart which is happily working with PayPal and it was that card that I set it up with as my last Be-1st didn't have a CVV on the sig strip. :)

I admit I don't remember what I put in the 'name on card' box, but I suspect I put my name as it appears in my BKK Bankbook.

EDIT I just looked on the PayPal 'add a card' page, there is no 'name on card' box just a first name box that's fillable (last name is not changeable).

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Take your Kasikorn bank card and go to a Kasikorn ATM.

You apply for the virtual card there.

Be aware that if you purchase air tickets with the virtual card, you must bring a bank statement from the virtual card.

Would that be the bank statement that can be printed online or need to go to bank and get one of Kasikorn letter head?

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Would that be the bank statement that can be printed online or need to go to bank and get one of Kasikorn letter head?

Just bought air tickets with Bangkok airways, their response was.

Thank you for your interest in Bangkok Airways' service. According to your e-mail enquiring about the mention document, we would like to inform you that you could use statement of your virtual credit card instead.

As a result of fact that virtual credit card has no manual card so, you could ask the bank of account to issue the statement for you accordingly. In that such statement is consist of your name (to proof that card holder is one of traveller), card number (to be able to match with form of payment of your ticket) and Bangkok airways transaction.

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While I am not an expert in our cards, this should be no problem.

This is a "card not present" transaction, so there is no way for them to verify what is actually physically on the card..They just want you to tell them what the name is associated with the card. So if you enter your name as when you applied for the card (which I assume is identical to your old card) it should be accepted.

If you have any more problems please PM me. I will get someone on the business side to look at this tomorrow.

Today is a holiday :jap:


Edited by ianguygil
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Thanks for this information. I will see if I can update my Paypal information with this new card number. However, I also note that the expiry date on this card is way past those available in drop-down lists for online purchases. I'll probably also ask for a Kasikorn Virtual card


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The K-Web Shopping card is a de-facto Visa debit card. Get number, expire date, code for back same as any other. I wrote those with my CD fine point marker on my Kbank ATM card just to have convenient place. Works fine for internet airline purchases eg. AirAsia, OrientThai and probably anything else. Also will get the "Verified by Visa" verification page. Simple and it works.

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I got a Be1st Debit card from BBL just a couple of weeks ago with my name on it. Ask at the branch - it takes a week or so as they have to process it centrally, but its no extra charge. The PIN was mailed to my address.

This is confirmed by the Product side in the Bank. It is available, but it needs to be created outside the branch.

Very useful having informed customers like aurelius :jap:

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I have a Kasikorn card with my name on it. The original one they give you doesn't have your name, but if you ask, they'll make one for you. Takes about 10 days. Also, I linked my paypal account to my kasikorn account BEFORE I asked for a card with my name and it wasn't a problem.

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Kasikorn also have a visa 'virtual credit card' - which acts more as a debit card because the amount is deducted immediately from your savings account. The card is never physically issued and you cannot use it in shops etc. but you are given all the relevant numbers, even the security code normally found on the signature strip, and I have used it often for Internet purchases. It even registers and validates purchases through the verfiy-by-visa (?) system. My name (as given when I opened the saving account with ATM card) is associated with it.

Personally I like being "Privileged Member".

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I visited my Kasikorn bank and asked about their K-web card. They explained that I could request this from their ATM machine outside and I would be sent a text message with all relevant details.

So I requested the card as they suggested, got a confirmation text message to say that my request was acknowledged, and never heard anything else!! That was 4 days ago, so I think I need to visit the bank again.


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I've got a Be1st debit card "without" my name on it and it has a CVV code on the back; it works fine for online purchases. Aand I have it linked to PayPal....have paid for several Ebay items using the card via PayPal. Works fine.

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  • 1 month later...

Re Bangkok bank,'nameless' be1st card, I have meet people who said they have had issues being paid by PalPal when linked to BK Bank, but they fixed the problem by changing the account to K Bank (or possibly setting up[ a new PayPal account with K Bank) not really sure exactly. He told me that buying stuff (sending money) works ok on PayPal with name less card though.

Anyone had any experience with this?


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  • 2 weeks later...

So I requested the card as they suggested, got a confirmation text message to say that my request was acknowledged, and never heard anything else!! That was 4 days ago, so I think I need to visit the bank again.

Same here, 36 hours now ...

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Regarding the "name thing" on the card, why does that make any difference? Your name is tried to the account the debit card is issued under. It's not like when doing an online purchase the the merchant wants to physically see any name on the card....they just want the card number, CVV code usually on the back, and the name of the person the card is issued to which is suppose to be you (the online merchant can't physically see your card). Then the merchant's and bank's electronic systems talk together to accomplish/verify the debit transaction.

And when the debit card is used within Thailand to make a purchase in person, they don't look for any name on the front of the debit card...many will flip it over to look for a signature although they don't verify the signature against any form of ID. As mentioned in my Post #21, my Be1st "nameless" card works just fine for online and in-person purchases.

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