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Thai Immigration Arrest 65-Year-Old Briton For Abusing Adopted Daughter

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I don't think we should jump to conclusions just yet, how about this scenario!, the said farang has invested heavily here in los, and the wife and stepdaughter stand to benefit substantially should the farang be out of the way, so between them decide to accuse him of the said offence, think about it, OK, he might well be guilty, but he just might be a victim here

You may be right here. There was a report on a case I heard from a pal where the mother of a young girl encouraged her daughter to have sex with her reasonabe well off boyfriend and later accused him of rape. She blackmailed him to give her a million dollars to settle the case and she got the million dollars.


Are the charges from UK?

However, more than one thing is strange here. Why this step-daughter had to wait 8 years for escaping (as she apparently did recently)? How did this girl came into the hands of this Briton? Foster parents? Adopted child? Maybe his own daughter, which would then be incest? Very suspicious.

And now suddenly the solution: big tam tam around the case from the Immigration Police. What do they want to proof? In my opinion, it smells or we don't have enough information... I am and remain meanwhile very suspicious! There is more that we do not know!!! :annoyed:

If you remove the assumption that the adopted daughter is Thai, which is not stated anywhere, and couple that with the recent crackdown by immigration on foreign nationals in Thailand to evade prosecution the story makes perfect sense. A British pedophile fled to Thailand, and was picked up by immigration police.

Sometimes we try so hard to read between the lines, we don't actually read the lines themselves. I am not saying this is surely the case, just pointing out that deciphering the story isn't necessary if you take away that assumption.


Is The Nation looking for proof readers? I would be happy to submit my CV.

After reading that, I have no idea what actually happened....

No, the Nation has been laying them off - they have a third as many copy-eds as they had ten years ago. I don't think they realise how truly appalling the English is. I know several people who have worked there over the years and the assumption on the part of many of the local writers (who believe that because they speak English, they can write it), was that the editors just tidied things up a bit. They'd read the copy afterwards and to them it would say the same thing without the 200 mistakes, so they didn't realise how much had been fixed. So when the big cuts came 18 months ago, it made sense to get rid of the overpaid and barely necessary foreign editors. They still have some good editors there, but they just don't have the time.


Do I smell money?

Or am I not allowed to ask that?

Why always so much attention when there is a possibility for farang bashing?

I just wonder if there would be so much attention if the alleged perpetrator was Thai?

Or am I now a racist?



Is The Nation looking for proof readers? I would be happy to submit my CV.

After reading that, I have no idea what actually happened....

No, the Nation has been laying them off - they have a third as many copy-eds as they had ten years ago. I don't think they realise how truly appalling the English is. I know several people who have worked there over the years and the assumption on the part of many of the local writers (who believe that because they speak English, they can write it), was that the editors just tidied things up a bit. They'd read the copy afterwards and to them it would say the same thing without the 200 mistakes, so they didn't realise how much had been fixed. So when the big cuts came 18 months ago, it made sense to get rid of the overpaid and barely necessary foreign editors. They still have some good editors there, but they just don't have the time.

It has nothing to do with language skills, but with a lack of professional journalism. It makes you wonder why Thai Visa has teamed up with the Nation or why Thai Visa decided to publish the name of a suspect in such a questionable story. I would advise the responsible person at Thai Visa to either first call The Nation and ask them to do their homwork again or call the police yourself and try to get the information needed to write a clear and factual report. Otherwise, don't publish


If this is referring to a brit raping his thai step daughter for 8 years then it there could be a great deal more to this than we are presented with here with this breaking news report

If he has upset his thai wife and is trying to escape her then this would be a story she would use to "get him".

She cant stop him leaving the country physically but to create this lie and report it would definately stop him escaping her.

Food for thought before he is automatically assumed guilty by certain folk/sheep who are easily led astray and those who believe gossipers and backstabbers.

We should all know by now just how evil women can be.

Thai women have a reutation for cutting off a cheating hubby's penis but if he got wind and ran, this would be her next move for sure.

hel_l hath no fury like a woman scorned.


If this is referring to a brit raping his thai step daughter for 8 years then it there could be a great deal more to this than we are presented with here with this breaking news report

If he has upset his thai wife and is trying to escape her then this would be a story she would use to "get him".

She cant stop him leaving the country physically but to create this lie and report it would definately stop him escaping her.

Food for thought before he is automatically assumed guilty by certain folk/sheep who are easily led astray and those who believe gossipers and backstabbers.

We should all know by now just how evil women can be.

Thai women have a reutation for cutting off a cheating hubby's penis but if he got wind and ran, this would be her next move for sure.

hel_l hath no fury like a woman scorned.

I like your signature.


If this is referring to a brit raping his thai step daughter for 8 years then it there could be a great deal more to this than we are presented with here with this breaking news report

If he has upset his thai wife and is trying to escape her then this would be a story she would use to "get him".

She cant stop him leaving the country physically but to create this lie and report it would definately stop him escaping her.

Food for thought before he is automatically assumed guilty by certain folk/sheep who are easily led astray and those who believe gossipers and backstabbers.

We should all know by now just how evil women can be.

Thai women have a reutation for cutting off a cheating hubby's penis but if he got wind and ran, this would be her next move for sure.

hel_l hath no fury like a woman scorned.

I like your signature.


It's VERY TRUE!! unfortunately


Funny. A white man rapes an 8 yr old and the only comments are about how poor the writing is.

No, there is an allegation of rape. There is a poorly worded "news report". How do you know the man is "white"? Did you see his photgraph? What evidence is there, aside from an allegation?

The sad reality of Thailand is that financial gain often motivates the laying of criminal charges against foreigners. It is extremely difficult to defend against such charges, particularly when the police usually side with the implicated Thai. The sympathies can sometimes be changed if the foreigner is "generous". If the charges are valid, then the victim deserves to have the case handled appropriately, however, the case as reported stinks. And FYI, I am part of the hang 'em high crowd.


Well we can all put our 2 bobs worth in(as we obviously entiteled to)but no actually acurate reporting on time,place,etc..Question then begs' ..'how can we pass judgement?'..An opinion..no concrete details..how old is the actual time of supposed crime?Extradition(e.g. Mr Glitter scenario).... or just a slow news day!!Everyones guessing and as they say 'opinions are like a..e holes'..everybody's got one!!That's about it really!



IF he is accused of raping his stepdaughter from when she was 8 till 15 then thats 7 years.

He fled to Thailand in 2005. It is now 2010 so 5 years have passed. If he (allegedly) was commiting this indecent act for 7 years the stepdaughter cannot be Thai and this has to be an arrest warrant from another country - presumably Britain.


Unfortunately as we are all, (presumably) living here in Thailand, we have come to expect (and get) mis-spellings, wrong words etc. as some reasders are not Native Speakers, so these problems ofter arise. So sometimes we have (unfortunately) to read between the lines.

Hmmm, reading the above and being NOT a native english speaking person, it is NOT hard

to question your own spelling etc.

"throw stones in a glass-cage" ??????

"Native Speakers" with capital letter??? reasders????? ofter?????

But no problem, I did read between the lines...



It sounds very much like this crime was committed in another country. The man fled to Thailand in 2005 after his adopted daughter reported the situation to the police.

He has only been here for 5 years, but the molestation took place for a period of 8 years.

A real problem for Thai journalists is that they don't ask questions. So whatever is said is what gets written. It then gets written rather poorly.

This is nothing new, when my thai wife was a child, she was raped by the school teacher and the police took no action at all, it only makes the headlines when an expat has been caught out.


Unfortunately as we are all, (presumably) living here in Thailand, we have come to expect (and get) mis-spellings, wrong words etc. as some reasders are not Native Speakers, so these problems ofter arise. So sometimes we have (unfortunately) to read between the lines.

Hmmm, reading the above and being NOT a native english speaking person, it is NOT hard

to question your own spelling etc.

"throw stones in a glass-cage" ??????

"Native Speakers" with capital letter??? reasders????? ofter?????

But no problem, I did read between the lines...




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this topic will stay open for serious and civil discussion.

Be aware the person mentioned in this article has not yet been tried by a Court of Law.

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Perhaps one day when we dont read such sad and sick news as this , because people are to afraid of the consequences or are detected and committed for treatment before thay can offend , some of the sad humour will be funny .


It's a really badly worded article whatever the case.

i note that this post has attracted the usual number of posters who seem only to post on this sort of salacious type of stuff.....I really think someone should take note of who they are - one has to wonder at their motivation.


Well everybody is who they are...and you are no different of course!Don't rubbish everyone for their opinion ..wether you may think yours is right ..that's all yours is..an opinion !!


Funny. A white man rapes an 8 yr old and the only comments are about how poor the writing is.

How do you know he is a white man?

He does sound like a farang though.


Is The Nation looking for proof readers? I would be happy to submit my CV.

After reading that, I have no idea what actually happened....

The Nation used to have several native English speakers as sub-editors. They offloaded most, or maybe all, of them a few years ago when the current crunch began, with the results you keep seeing in that august organ.

This is a very good example of what can happen when you have a combination of shoddy reporting and poor English capabilities -- an almost incomprehensible report.

Nothing unusual

This problem with the English language of Thais is an old problem and has been going on for the past several hundred years ever since foreign embassies - really consulates, i.e. the Dutch Embassy was in Batavia and it did have a Consulate in Ayudhya - first started to establish them self in Ayutthaya in the sixteenth century. The Dutch learned very quickly that to eliminate this problem they had to train Dutch people to be fully conversant in the Thai language.

The problem with Thais, and not only Thais, is they in their mind put the subject together in Thai and then translate it into English. Seeing Thai and English sentences structure more often than not, move in opposite direction from each other it is the first problem that must be overcome.

In my work in Maintenance Engineering and Commercial Pilot training my first objective was to get the trainees to think in English. Not only Thais, but also Iranians, Saudis, Iraqis, Indonesians, you name them in the many countries of the world I have worked in. This was the best advice I ever received in my own English language learning as a second mother tongue. Until a person starts thinking in the language they want to converse in or write, they will never be any good at it when they do not think in that language.

As for writing, now computers have made it easier because it has SPELL CHECK,

Here comes the next problem with Thais, they steadfastly refuse to use SPELL CHECK, I’m sure you got it, LOSS OF FACE.

The one or two smart ones in the office I deal with ask me to write the letter for them on my computer and when I’m finished with the letter I email it to their computer and they paste it into the company letterhead. Simple, NO LOSS OF FACE, nobody did see anything. Sometimes this has its problems when foreign clients are amazed at how good a business letter these Thais write, this happens when they comes face-to-face with the Thais after arriving in Thailand.


General warning - Please read before you post

this topic will stay open for serious and civil discussion.

Be aware the person mentioned in this article has not yet been tried by a Court of Law.

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If posters cannot follow these restrictions then the topic will be closed immediately and all members in violation of these restrictions will earn an immediate suspension.

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I wholeheartedly appaude your stance, but can you extend this to those who post for no apparent reason than to raise thier post count.

The recent post which suggested that the drowning of a Thai woman left her (imprisoned) farang husand off the hook, since he would no longer be responsible for child support left me feeling cold!


General warning - Please read before you post

this topic will stay open for serious and civil discussion.

Be aware the person mentioned in this article has not yet been tried by a Court of Law.

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- hang 'em high posts

- flames, racist comments or insults

If posters cannot follow these restrictions then the topic will be closed immediately and all members in violation of these restrictions will earn an immediate suspension.

Thank you for your cooperation


I wholeheartedly appaude your stance, but can you extend this to those who post for no apparent reason than to raise thier post count.

The recent post which suggested that the drowning of a Thai woman left her (imprisoned) farang husand off the hook, since he would no longer be responsible for child support left me feeling cold!

Please use the "report" button for questionable content



The story is deserving of comment. We should not be side tracked into a discussion of the syntax or lack of it. The reality is that the meaning is not clear. The actual errors partly occur as if a correction to the facts was later made but the tense remained unaltered.

The alledged offence should be considered. And I remind you it is alledged. In so many examples we are quick to dismiss the Thai Police as corrupt and incompetent. Yet when it is an alledged sex offence, rape or some form of paedeophelia, then we jump to condemn as if we are both judge and jury.

I would urge against that and ask you to consider being in the Briton's current position. You may then question whether it is possible to receive a fair investigation of the facts, court room representation, a fair trial and a fair prospect of sentencing. I add the latter as you may consider any sentence under Thai law to be harsh and therefore unfair. But then this is Thailand and we are all subject to its laws.

I expect there to be little other than circumstantial evidence against the man who presumably has provided a home for the girl for those 8 years. That is in his favour. Equally, should she have attended school throughout that time she, it would appear, has displayed little sign of distress so as to warrant questioning by teachers or referal to other agencies e.g Thai social services, hospital departments, mental health professionals, school consellors etc.

Should the man have committed the offence in the UK and then FLED to Thailand it is inconceivable that he would be undiscovered earleir and that some evidence of rape having taken place existed. His semen, blood, DNA all being available to forensic testing. Do the Thais undertake such testing as standard procedure, as special procedure? The answer, sadly is no.

Unfortunately, he is damned if the alledged offence took place here as there will only be hearsay, presumable the girl's accusation, and no actual evidence. The UK CPS wouldn't proceed. And yet the media through its omission to include the word 'alledged' have declared him guilty and presumably the whole circus of Thai justice that is to follow will do so with equal equanimity.

Now I would like you to consider a further question. Again, in the shoes of the accussed; would you now, faced with circumstantial evidence only, perhaps that of an unhappy child, resentful of her farang father figure and missing her Thai father, pay your way to freedom; charges dropped?

You are damned back in the UK due to tarnished reputation and the accusation targets and stigmatises in Thailand.

We need to apply an open mind and await any developments. It would be wise not to judge without knowing the facts. Currently, there are none.

Finally, perhaps those of you in simlar domestic arrangements can sympathise with the man's plight. You may also wish to consider your own position of vulnerability. For once such an accusation is made although it may go no further than the neighbourhood, then you are damned like Lucifer; never to hope again.


Well it is a sad story in any case.

I will note that it wouldn't be the 1st time that a 15 year old girl,

chaffing at a much old and stricter fathers restrictions on her life,

has runaway, and lashed out verbally in revenge.

Often this is because they are madly in love with a slightly older

and usually most unsuitable boy, and she leaves, or they split together.

When the runaway is caught, after NOT getting the boyfriend to take

her in, rather than implicate 'the love of their life', she weaves a story

about the one thwarting her 'grand love to last the ages'.

Not saying it is so in this case, but it's far from unheard of.

So use 'alleged' and benefit of the doubt given, till proved.


Update from Thai Channel 7 news, as related by the g/f:

It all happened in England. He allegedly raped his stepdaughter in England and fled to Thailand 5 years ago.

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