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Thai Girlfriend Maybe Pregnant.

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My wager is that the child is not OhMyGod's, hence the advice about confronting her with a DNA test. If the child does turn out to be his, he should make sure the birth is registered at his embassy.


Okay, one last reply. I don't have the depth of experience of many of the posters here. I can't give you the "Thai Experience" you are searching for. But, ######, man, you got a chick pregnant! That ain't a Thai deal! I wish the best for all three of you.

I was born of just such a relationship. Careful of the language and ideology with which you bring this child into the world. It may seem like vocabulary to the two of you, but it is life to your child. I have the luxury of intellect and time. I hope your child has both. Good luck to your child.


I was not sure if I was going to call this guy an idiot, a pigeon or a liar... Can we have a poll???

He expects serious answers but starts the thread with a new name and post a reply with another one... I just realize that he is the same guy who f... his student. As you mentioned earlier Eastender, she is immature..... You're a perfect match! :o


Well if this is a serious thread and not some more shit from somewhere else,

Then this guy should be more into the know by the time he is 38. But just in case he was raised in a sheltered invironment.

There is no way that she could have morning sickness in the same month as she got PG. it takes atleast til the second month and sometimes til the 3rd.

So if you have been together for 1 month and she wouldn't let you use a cundom then she was already knocked up and it got nothing to do with you..Thae her to a english speaking doctor so you will know what he says and have her checked,he will be able to tell you if she is 2 weeks or 2 months along,and if there is still a doubd,insist on a DNA,and if she balks,say ADIOS Baby,I WON'T BE BACK.

And next time,Stay away from bar girls.


He OhMyGod!

In Thailand it is not uncommon for a (Thai) boyfriend to make a runner after he knocked up his GF! So why don't you follow the good example and split! As for your question about the cultural aspect of things: well, it is culturally absolutely and completely accepted as a normal and common thing to make a runner! Why do you think there are so many single young women with babies/children in Thailand? The mother and father of the girlfriend take care of the baby while she goes out working. Absolutely no problem. It happens every day. :o

Legally: as long as you are not married to her, denie that it is your child and as long als they can not prove it is yours (with a blood test or something), she can not sue you for child-support. If you go back to your own country it is as good as impossible for her to sue you (too expensive, too many international legal complications). Should you want to stay in LOS: she probably does not have the money to sue you for child-support and if she does have: this rarely happens because there is almost no way to carrie out a verdict and collect the money from you. I don't know however, if "abondoning a minor" or not meeting your duty to take care of the child financially is a criminal offence in Thailand. If that is the case, you could be in trouble...

A beating from her family could be in the package deal however. Depends on her and her family.

Keep us informed please!

Dutch Vader.


Hi OhMyGod!

Ofcourse it is probably a set up from the girl! It really is too much of a coincidence that the first and only time you had unsafe sex, she would immediately be well and thoroughly pregnant! Ofcourse she already was pregnant from some Thai BF, irresponsible as allways, and now she needs a walking/talking ATM: you! Farang men are considered honoust and responsible people by most Thai woman, so she calculates that you will "take your responsibility" and she can rest assure for the next 18 years or so. Don't fall for it unless you have a bloodtest that proves that you really are the father!


Why do you think there are so many single young women with babies/children in Thailand? The mother and father of the girlfriend take care of the baby while she goes out working. Absolutely no problem. It happens every day. 

progress, dontcha love it... :o

Without guys like this the bar scene would be running out of ladies, we couldn't have that.

DV, although your statement is true I find it to be very irresponsible and selfish.

but that's just my opinion :D

Hi OhMyGod!

Ofcourse it is probably a set up from the girl! It really is too much of a coincidence that the first and only time you had unsafe sex, she would immediately be well and thoroughly pregnant! Ofcourse she already was pregnant from some Thai BF, irresponsible as allways, and now she needs a walking/talking ATM: you! Farang men are considered honoust and responsible people by most Thai woman, so she calculates that you will "take your responsibility" and she can rest assure for the next 18 years or so. Don't fall for it unless you have a bloodtest that proves that you really are the father!


Welcome back Dutch..

After a long time.. Hope Mali will also join soon..

You seems to be interested only on this type of topics..Don't you..?

By the way..your replies are getting more and more similar to the last Topic that we discussed about "My Thai GF Pregnent".

This is getting more and more interesting everyday..

Guest IT Manager
Why do you think there are so many single young women with babies/children in Thailand? The mother and father of the girlfriend take care of the baby while she goes out working. Absolutely no problem. It happens every day. 

progress, dontcha love it... :o

Without guys like this the bar scene would be running out of ladies, we couldn't have that.

DV, although your statement is true I find it to be very irresponsible and selfish.

but that's just my opinion :D

Actually Tukyleith it is mine as well.


38 years of age - been with a Thai girl one month - unprotected sex - obviously no regards for own safety or the well being of any (posible) progeny.

Reminds me of a song from years ago, " Just call me irresponsible!"

this post was edited to remove violence...

speaking from experience or just 'joking'??



Is there something a miss here, is this the same guy from last month with the pregnant girlfriend, oh thats right longer relationship, well educated girl. pominent family. Sorry I'm just losing track of the score

Is there something a miss here, is this the same guy from last month with the pregnant girlfriend, oh thats right longer relationship, well educated girl. pominent family. Sorry I'm just losing track of the score

His girlfriend is his student.

See "Thai Girlfriend's Jealousy" in Farang Pub - fun, food, entertainment and Expat life


Hey now don't get this other dude mixed up with me. My ex thai ole lady is more knocked up than b-4 and crazier. I am tempted to treat her, like the Thai men do. I've got two grown stepchildren back in the US who I did support, and a biological son I' ve never met. WHen I was on here the last time, there were a bunch of are these ethnocentric, extreme virtue, bozo's talking responsibility? Talk is cheap especially on the internet!

When its time to go to International school I already know who's gonna come knock'n and I also know who's gonna get stuck with he bill!

I ###### sure don't want to end up back in the USA. Who wants to run there!


mates! this is so common all around the world. I was 19 years old back in Norway once, and I had a girlfriend, stupid me, that went pregnant, claimed it was me. I went on doing the right, and the kid was born, I was a father (not a farther, hehe) and I claimed a DNA test, just in case!!

It turned out that it could NOT BE ME! first then, she admit that it was another one in the picture then, but it wasnt him either, but a third one!

What did I do? Sued her and moved and had a nice life. Have not seen here scince. Today my 'daughter' is 12 years old. I was released from the fathership back then.

i was lucky, or whatever you call it. but stupid. never again. I was 19. you are 38, 7 years older than me. did you learn NOTHING back home when you grew up?

- - -

Today I have a lovley girlfriend from LOS, we want kids, soon. Just going to marry first, :-)


Thank goodness for birth control pills (and getting girlfriends on them as fast as possible). Mercilon 28, from Boots. Have all your girls use the same brand. It's more convenient.




So how did this happen? She hates condoms and got in a right mood one evening and insisted she knew that at x days after her period she could not get pregnent, and when I tried to insist she said I must believe she had deceases. So reluctantly, and stupidly I complied. The next day she bought oral contaceptives.

So in case the worse happens I'm considering various options. I know that abortion is not only illegal in Thailand, but also not a popular choice anyway. She's already said she wouldn't have one.

Am I legally obliged in anyway to do anything.

Also, not only advice, but any explanation of how the Thai culture sees or reacts to this situation. How are her family likely to react?


Whole story sounds kind of silly, you know her 1 month, any idea what she did before??

How many days since her perod started... x days doesnt help....

Why would she buy pils after having sex...

Abortion may not be legal but its widely done. the longer you wait the more expensive.

One 17 year old went with son of friend and when she had baby my friend took her to the hospital and found out she knew exactly where to go to get it done.

You are not obligued to do anything but effect depends on the girl and if she really thinks you are the father.

Thai culture? goto a bar and ask the girls, almost all were deserted by Thai boyfriend who got other fresher chicken. One of the reasons they prefer a farang...

Saw a girl a week ago who when she came to where I live used condoms. Looking bacak not that smart as after 4 months she was getting noticably fatter.

I asked her and yes, getting baby from Thai boyfriend. They had big fight and 2 weeks later she left boyfriend but baby was already on the way...

Was trying to get Farang boyfriend but made a mistake as when she had one, first thing she did was collect her mother and he started looking for another one as he didnt want to be invaded by Thai familly.

A friend had a girlfriend who got pregnant during birtday party of her girlfriends, they fed her gin tonic, and she gets drunk from spy...

Seems some Thai guy made use of the chance, and yes, baby on the way.

Her first one...

When he found out, she told him when baby was 5 months she would leave and if he wanted come back later.

While gone, she didnt want any money from him, just donot worry. Details: he never knew, as she tells him, donot worry, will tell you later...

By now she has the baby and he still doesnt know but supposedly she will return in 1 month.


OI I.T why edit my post? what about those that advised him to kill her and then him self, sounds a bit violent to me and least my advice didnt end with people dying, play the game BOY one rule for all dont single people out cus they dont you.


I recommend an immediate orchididectomy.It will not solve the present problem but it sure will prevent any other unwanted pregnancies.

Or,if this is too drastic,do what Edinburgh medical students used to do in the times before the Pill ......soak your balls in very hot water for 15 minutes or so to kill all the sperm.

Didn't they have condoms in Scotland? Or are the Scots that mean?


I was seeing a girl a while ago before the current "lust of my life" This girl said that she didn't want to use a "condom" cos she said only bar girls use them...If I really loved her I would not use one.

He, he. Like I haven't heard that one before!

OK me said. I took her to the clinic and they gave her a 3 month contraceptive injection as well as a blood test. I then made sure I got my 3 months worth in one night (if you know what I mean)


The moral of the story is there are many alternatives and with modern medicine you don't need to use condoms if the "but if you love me" line turns up.

As for the poor geezer whos knocked her up. You made your bed. Now you have to lie in it.


The thing about Thailand is though....you have the choice not to look after it (unlike in the western world where your nuts are gripped in a vice and pounded by a lump hammer). If your a westerner, you have been programmed towards loyalty and duty to your offsring (this is why a farang is such a prize to Thai girls). In Thailand. The duty and loyalty is to the parents. There are many Thai girls who have children but no father in sight. By western morality you would be a cad, bounder, butterfly etc. By Thai standards you would be a typical Thai man!!!.


How the ###### can some of you guys live with yourselves. No condom, no bang bang..If you do, You are responsible....Don't shove the blame to anyone else until the DNA or tests are not compatible with you. If it is...Be a man!!


What does this guy want ? permission from a forum of anonymous people to dump the girl, well you've got mine, you will any way so if it makes you feel better there.

You can now live with that for the rest of your life and what is said here won't make one bit of difference to the way you feel in the end.

Blokes knock sheilas up all the time all over the world, it really doesnt change anything just because it is Thailand, contraception is allways available, and if you want run the risk, sometimes you get caught (one and one makes three).

He knows what he should do, let him deal with it.

Maybe we should run a poll


I think that either you are a sucker or else a very irresponsible person who doesn't deserve a space in this world, not that I would like to pass judgement.

You should have thought of your actions and consequences. Now a poor kid has to suffer for a lifetime for a minute of your joy.

I have no sympathy for an animal like you.

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