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Harboring Fugitives


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Hi - I am relative new in Thailand, love the place and respect its laws. I also understand that as a sovereign country, Thailand has the right to undertake or refuse extraditions as it sees fit. What I don't understand is how easy it seems to be for fugitive criminals from all over the world to settle and live here

At Phuket Imigration a week ago, I met two dodgy people - one Ukrain with Belize Psssport and French man (like myself) with Vanuatu Passport. Both told me with a big smile they live and work in Phuket with "no problem".

Even more famous is a French criminal, well known and often dicussed amongst the Frech community in Phuket -######## He is on the run from the French Police and Interpol (google him and you see), and he lives openly, with his name and with his family in Chalong where he runs a resort called ########.

Is that the kind of publicity Thailand really needs? If Thailand does not want to extradite, that's OK, but at least then deny these people residence permits. The country would be better off and get a much better publicite on international level.

Edited by thaiphoon
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Unless he has been tried in a court of law and found to be guilty then isn't supposed to be innocent until proven guilty back in the west ? Here you seem to have convicted him already ?

in an anonymous posting on a forum. Maybe you would like to put your real name and address to these accusations then ? NO ?

As for the mods removing the name it still has the name of the resort the guy runs :o

Now fixed


Edited by thaiphoon
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Before I came to Thailand I did not check the dodgy person registry or the Interpol wanted list in making my decision to come to Thailand.

I did know however that many dodgy people lived and worked in Thailand.

I don't know if Karma works or not. I like to think it does. I feel it would effect my Karma if I told all the bad things to other people that I know about bad people.

It is not that I don't care. It is I don't feel like I have the ability nor inclination to become a policeman or judge. Not only do I not have that ability but it is not my job.

I know people come from all over the world to arrest people in Thailand for perceived wrongs.

I know people come from all over the world to save Thailand from its sins.

I came to Thailand not to make it a better or worse place. I came to Thailand to live here be it better or worse.

I have six goldfish and a Thai lady that I take care of every day. They seem well fed, healthy and happy. I give money to the poor and food to the monks. One of the goldfish looks dodgy and I think he ate the right eye of one of the other goldfish but I don't lose much sleep over it.

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Not only here remember. The UK is full of Eastern European crooks getting a foothold now the boarders are opened up. Look in LOS how easy it is to get an education visa ( guaranteed, the ads say ) to go and do what ever you want and plenty of ladies doing the marriage thing for big bucks l think. Every nation is plagued with scum but in LOS, money talks in ALL departments. :unsure:

Foreigners bitching about immigrants ...

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Not only here remember. The UK is full of Eastern European crooks getting a foothold now the boarders are opened up. Look in LOS how easy it is to get an education visa ( guaranteed, the ads say ) to go and do what ever you want and plenty of ladies doing the marriage thing for big bucks l think. Every nation is plagued with scum but in LOS, money talks in ALL departments. :unsure:

Foreigners bitching about immigrants ...

Absolutely. :)

This thread could be about aeronautical engineering or buddhist theology, and Transam would find a way to bang on about immigrants in the UK. Pretty predictable.

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likestoplay, your post is hilarious, and I shall tell you why.

At Phuket Imigration a week ago, I met two dodgy people - one Ukrain with Belize Psssport and French man (like myself) with Vanuatu Passport. Both told me with a big smile they live and work in Phuket with "no problem".

What makes you think that you and the two foreigners you met should not "live and work in Phuket with no problem"? Are you, are the other two, criminals?

Even more famous is a French criminal, well known and often dicussed amongst the Frech community in Phuket -######## He is on the run from the French Police and Interpol (google him and you see), and he lives openly, with his name and with his family in Chalong where he runs a resort called ########.

Do you expect the immigration police, or the Royal Thai Police in general, to search the web for the name of every foreigner arriving and living in Thailand to see if any newspaper mentioned them in connection with an alleged crime somewhere outside Thailand? Even if they did and found something, they would have no right to take any action as long as there is no international arrest warrant out for them. The same applies, incidentally, to your home country, France.

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Not only here remember. The UK is full of Eastern European crooks getting a foothold now the boarders are opened up. Look in LOS how easy it is to get an education visa ( guaranteed, the ads say ) to go and do what ever you want and plenty of ladies doing the marriage thing for big bucks l think. Every nation is plagued with scum but in LOS, money talks in ALL departments. :unsure:

Foreigners bitching about immigrants ...

Absolutely. :)

Agreed. It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.

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Unless he has been tried in a court of law and found to be guilty then isn't supposed to be innocent until proven guilty back in the west ? Here you seem to have convicted him already ?

in an anonymous posting on a forum. Maybe you would like to put your real name and address to these accusations then ? NO ?

As for the mods removing the name it still has the name of the resort the guy runs :o

Now fixed


Labelling someone as a criminal who is not a confirmed criminal or confirmed anything on the public domain is a disgusting practice.

I think whoever does this should receive an instant ban; otherwise it becomes a free for all for the benefit of any nutters with a grudge. I detest these sorts of people.

It is no longer any secret that Thailand is easy come, easy stay and easy go. It`s the ideal bolthole for those trying to evade the justice system in their own countries. Facing the music at home or living in Thailand is now an option. At the end of the day it is down to the foreign governments to put pressure on Thailand and create some encouragement for the tightening up and enforcements of Thailand’s Immigration policies.

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Theyre charging more people then ever back in Blighty, i recently read 1 in 3 males have a criminal record .... no one on here though we're all righteous saints.rolleyes.gif

As usual your post requires some lacking evidence!

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Not only here remember. The UK is full of Eastern European crooks getting a foothold now the boarders are opened up. Look in LOS how easy it is to get an education visa ( guaranteed, the ads say ) to go and do what ever you want and plenty of ladies doing the marriage thing for big bucks l think. Every nation is plagued with scum but in LOS, money talks in ALL departments. :unsure:

Foreigners bitching about immigrants ...

Absolutely. :)

Agreed. It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.

Absolutely. :)

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Don't think I'll break a sweat about it until such time as the Thai government might choose to refrain from extradition. If that were to ever happen, forgetaboutit. Hopefully that day will never come.

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Theyre charging more people then ever back in Blighty, i recently read 1 in 3 males have a criminal record .... no one on here though we're all righteous saints.rolleyes.gif

As usual your post requires some lacking evidence!

Back in the UK I received a criminal record for ...... knocking on my front door (later reversed).

My house, my children, my estranged wife were living there, police unlawfully arrested me and held me in police custody for two nights.

Got compensation of 7000UKP and a letter of apology from Devon and Cornwall Constabulary 2 years later (last month)

The western world is a crazy place, the western police are crazy, poorly trained people, criminal records are being generated at a fantastic rate.

I have a letter from the police, and another from the IPCC, stating 10 of their staff need further training to stop them making unlawful arrests.

Six of those named officers who don't know when they can or can't arrest people were sergeants!

The officer manning the 999 telephone switchboard has been moved to other duties (he was found to be partially deaf)

I don't care what anyone has done in another country.

Judge not, lest ye be judged!

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Well, if Thai immigration took fingerprints on visitors like the Americans do, the jig would be up for many people. Of course that would require foreign police agencies to trust the RTP and Thai immigration. Not going to happen is it?

Personally, I think the finger pointing shaming is an excellent deterrent. Who wants to be on the front page of the local rag with a skanky woman pointing her claw at you?

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Thai govt have fresh problems daily and you want them to add French incompetency keeping alleged criminals on french soil pending prosecution?

This month will be about floods and the cold weather, and Phuket is not Bangkok. The 'fugitives' do little harm on far away islands.

Most of the fugitives from my country all live in the UK and Potomac MD.

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Theyre charging more people then ever back in Blighty, i recently read 1 in 3 males have a criminal record .... no one on here though we're all righteous saints.rolleyes.gif

As usual your post requires some lacking evidence!

Well dont believe it then and ignore it, but its good to know some fool is scrutinizing all my posts, very flattering.

But here you go brains a quick google search will do it. Google - "UK 1 in 3 males have a criminal record"


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Theyre charging more people then ever back in Blighty, i recently read 1 in 3 males have a criminal record .... no one on here though we're all righteous saints.rolleyes.gif

As usual your post requires some lacking evidence!

Well dont believe it then and ignore it, but its good to know some fool is scrutinizing all my posts, very flattering.

But here you go brains a quick google search will do it. Google - "UK 1 in 3 males have a criminal record"


Thank you for providing,a link,the contents of which would involve a detailed analytical breakdown.

Hardly anything to do with "Harbouring Fugitives"in Thailand though, which is what the thread is all about.

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