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Paid His Way Out Of Prison ?


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What type of penalty did the guy going the wrong way (who caused the accident and death) in the pickup receive ?

He was fined 400 baht :annoyed:

Where was this ? I'm quite amazed that the other driver got off so lightly especially as you say he was driving down the wrong side of the road and as you suggest drove straight into you. Couldn't the police prove this? or did they simply not care as they already had one person to lay the blame on?

While many believe you have been fortunate and you got off lightly I guess you have to take your own personal demons with you - additionally this thread is not about DUI so I'll leave that point alone.

Apologies for pushing the thread off topic, I was simply very curious about the other driver.

I too wonder what happened to the Irish murderer.

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This whole thread is BS, based on a little birdy told me.

Why bother to start these type of threads unless the OP has some official or convincing source of information other then someone told me.


Yes I agree, HEAR HEAR.

Edited by yeesipha
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what did u do?

I was in an accident whilst drunk on a motorcycle. The Thai girl on the back was killed.

:shock1::o:(:crying::angry::annoyed: Why is it the drunks always survive??? Christ!! How do you sleep at night? You're bragging about how little time you did too? The least you could have done was take responsibility for your actions and done the minimum sentence of 6 months.. What a cowardly :jerk:

Wow, you must be a saint for never having made any mistakes that could have ended badly. The rest of us mere mortals make many mistakes in our lives. Most of the time it works out ok but occasionally a mistake will end badly. If you expect to keep that saint status you might want to consider being a little more forgiving of others mistakes. You might want to think back through your sainthood as to whether you might have done something that could easily have turned out badly. Just for reference, here are a few driving related mistakes that kill people, I am amazed that you have never done any of this:

Drive after drinking

Talk on the phone when driving

Drive when tired

Drive when sick

Drive to fast for conditions

Kids not wearing seat belts

Small kids on a motorbike

I've done all of the things on the list apart from the seatbelt , but that is because I don't have a car. One time I even projectile vomited whilst driving my motorbike. Horroible really because I forgot I was wearing a helmet and it sort of all went over the visor. Don't know what the people at the market thought of that. :burp:

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what did u do?

I was in an accident whilst drunk on a motorcycle. The Thai girl on the back was killed.

:shock1::o:(:crying::angry::annoyed: Why is it the drunks always survive??? Christ!! How do you sleep at night? You're bragging about how little time you did too? The least you could have done was take responsibility for your actions and done the minimum sentence of 6 months.. What a cowardly :jerk:

Bit strong warps as you have admitted on threads that you break the speed limits, limits are there for the public safety. No good you saying, ' Oh but l was a race car driver ' cos the drivers around you are not. Tut Tut. ;)

Really? What a bloody hypocrite - if he has an accident when speeding, he'll do the responsible thing and go to jail - <deleted>**ing prick.

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Fishy story, i mean the pickup who was so clearly to blame was only fined 400 bt. Maybe you did describe your role in it different then it really happened. Also im not sure if it is the norm to do a alcohol test unless there is reason for it. So maybe you were more intoxicated then you led us believe. Anyway I don''t like people who drink and drive they have no respect for others at all. IF they kill themselves so be it but usually its someone else who pays the price.

But if it really was as you said it was they should have fined you for drunk driving and the other guy for the death.

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