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Any Way To Do Background Check Or Searches On People In Bangkok?


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Have been introduced to someone who is described as a prominent person in the business community both in Bangkok and all throughout Thailand, lots of credentials and so on, but the only thing I really know about him is his handshake and 30 minutes of chit chat, a few printouts for his proposed foundation, with nothing else to show for. Even his office is a bit on the outskirts and looks like a temp place. While I don't think that's the best way to impress someone, I'd like to look more into this man before participating any further.

I've done some google searching on his name and the only things that have come up are 'articles', if you could call them that, back from 2004 and the like. Those articles are mainly from free publishing news sites like "allbusinessnews.com" or "businesstopicstoday" and the like where anyone can submit stuff. A few websites have also come up but it's all in Thai language, and I've seen nothing solid yet.

In this land where anything can be one thing today and gone or changed tomorrow, is there any way to check up on people first? A government office that provides business histories or such? Any documentation I can ask for from him that shows authenticity for his cause(s)?

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I would talk with a local legal/accounting firm to ask them to prepare a due diligence report on him and his company. If he's the kind of person you describe, that shouldn't be a surprise or an obstacle. Companies that are considering working with me do this every once in awhile; either through an international or local legal/accounting firm or through their embassy's commercial section.

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As I believe you should know already, FACE is a big thing in Thailand, people exceed their limits to gain and keep it.

All prominent Thai businessmen I know do keep a nice office in a major business address in CBD.

The little info you provide suggest there is something to question about this gentleman.

Big names in Thailand do show hundreds of results on google...

Get someone in the same field checking his family name and it should quickly give you a good idea, without any cost.

Or, since you are thinking of doing business, get a check done at the Revenue Department, that will help, which is part of a due diligence as suggested by others.

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Start off with a search on google.com. Use the information you already have to start off before spending any money. Then if you are still not convinced, hire someone, like a Russian. They're good at background checks. Find out where he works, what kind of industry - gives you an idea of his education is. Go to a few of his social gatherings - see what kind of people he hangs out. If he has any social networks attend a few. Watch what kind of movies? Is he married. Talk to some people who know him. Go to his favorite pub or disco? Simple.

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'proposed foundation' ?

Doing what exactly ?

And what is your involvement in a Foundation ?

Ask for the registration details of the Foundation...if it is not complete yet, he should at least have the application in as it takes 6 to 9 months to complete.

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'proposed foundation' ?

Doing what exactly ?

And what is your involvement in a Foundation ?

Ask for the registration details of the Foundation...if it is not complete yet, he should at least have the application in as it takes 6 to 9 months to complete.

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Thanks for the replies so far, deke and others. A due diligence report sounds like a good idea but I imagine plenty of time and investment. I also considered finding if there is a Better Business Bureau around here, but I am with the understaning they only track their own members or retailers with a lot of customer comments.

Steppenwolf, that is a very good point and was exactly what I was feeling. I would imagine the guy would be of the intention to really impress people be being more prepared and on top of things and to show his best face. Too many question marks are still left, even if there is no need to assume he's scamming at this point.

His proposal is that I work for and with him, to answer some questions above, not to give him money, but the salary he's mentioned is not attractive and even the 'incentives' he described are still very vague. He put nothing on paper which again, doesn't impress anyone.

At this point my interest is near empty, and unless he performs a miracle over the next week or two and lays everything out with promises in writing I won't feel any surge of commitment. It is interesting however that charities are able to be formed and go looking abroad for money, with no guarantee of where that money goes. I just thought there would be a central office or committee that would be in charge of overseeing these things.

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Start off with a search on google.com. Use the information you already have to start off before spending any money. Then if you are still not convinced, hire someone, like a Russian. They're good at background checks. Find out where he works, what kind of industry - gives you an idea of his education is. Go to a few of his social gatherings - see what kind of people he hangs out. If he has any social networks attend a few. Watch what kind of movies? Is he married. Talk to some people who know him. Go to his favorite pub or disco? Simple.

Seen to many James Bond movies?

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I just thought there would be a central office or committee that would be in charge of overseeing these things.

There are of sorts.

Certainly there are regulations and you have to report your annual operations, you also must not be spending more than a 40/60 ratio I think it is on expenses/handouts.

You also have to have a committee of a minimum of 10 I believe, but this can be almost anyone.

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Well, after putting a few more days thought into it, in all likelihood the guy's background is likely legit. The website for one of his businesses came up and he's listed right there on the president page. It's probably so that here in Thailand as a big man, no one ever questions or hesitates in his presence and therefore he has gotten used to doing things at whatever pace and however he wants, even though he was educated in England for over a decade. This probably explains the inconsistencies that leave question marks or seem otherwise somewhat unimpressive for a top man with a major undertaking. Maybe also that since this is a charity rather than a corporation he feels he doesn't have to be as fervent in his presentation, but really who knows.

In any event, for now it's totally on hold for me. Unless he comes at me a second time, this time much more prepared and looking like he really wants to deal with the world rather than "local style", I won't be considering his current offer much. That's it for the moment.

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