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Are Farang The Next Targeted Group?

sriracha john

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57 Filipinos nabbed in Thailand

Aug 05, 2005

By Veronica Uy


FIFTY-SEVEN Filipinos were arrested in different parts of Bangkok and Pattaya in Thailand and have been detained since July 27 for possible immigration laws violations, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said Thursday.

Lawyer Gilbert Asuque, DFA spokesman, said the Philippine embassy in Bangkok had already been “making strong representations with the Thai government for the resolution of the case and the speedy release from detention” of the 57 Filipinos.

Filipinos can enter Thailand without a visa and stay for as long as 30 days ,if they have a confirmed round trip ticket and show money of 500 dollars according to the Royal Thai Embassy in Manila.

“But if you are caught working during that period, that would be considered a violation of immigration laws,” Asuque said.

Quoting a report from Philippine Ambassador to Thailand Antonio Rodriguez, Asuque said Philippine embassy representatives had already visited the 57 in the immigration detention center and had been looking into their case.

“The Philippine embassy is extending all possible assistance to the 57 Filipinos...and monitoring the case very closely,” Rodriguez said.

There are at least 9,931 Filipinos in Thailand since 2003, according to DFA data.


This is rather different then the all-to-common workplace round-ups of Lao, Cambodian, or Burmese workers at construction sites et al, given the significantly more substantial pre-arrival requirements for Filipinos AND the national coordination apparent.


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I'm not really sure I understand your point. If they are here illegally, then it's entirely appropriate that they should be rounded up and shipped out.

And the same goes to any nationality living in any country. Farangs in Thailand are no exception. Thai immigration laws are very clear. Some may not think they are fair, but they are very clear and every sovereign nation has the right to make those laws and then expect immigrants and visitors to abide by them.

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I'm not really sure I understand your point.  If they are here illegally, then it's entirely appropriate that they should be rounded up and shipped out.

And the same goes to any nationality living in any country. Farangs in Thailand are no exception.  Thai immigration laws are very clear.  Some may not think they are fair, but they are very clear and every sovereign nation has the right to make those laws and then expect immigrants and visitors to abide by them.

Just that it's pointing to a more concerted effort to accomplish their goal... and to let others be forewarned to get things in order or face the consequences.

Also wondering about the techniques they'll be utilizing... if it's going to involve more passport checks and scrutinizing.

Personally, it doesn't affect me at all, unless it means even more delays with even more highway check-points to show papers or even more "good-time enders" (shut off the music, turn the lights on, and line up for passport and urine checks), which the club raids are.


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I'm not really sure I understand your point.   If they are here illegally, then it's entirely appropriate that they should be rounded up and shipped out.

And the same goes to any nationality living in any country. Farangs in Thailand are no exception.  Thai immigration laws are very clear.  Some may not think they are fair, but they are very clear and every sovereign nation has the right to make those laws and then expect immigrants and visitors to abide by them.

Just that it's pointing to a more concerted effort to accomplish their goal... and to let others be forewarned to get things in order or face the consequences.

Also wondering about the techniques they'll be utilizing... if it's going to involve more passport checks and scrutinizing.

Personally, it doesn't affect me at all, unless it means even more delays with even more highway check-points to show papers or even more "good-time enders" (shut off the music, turn the lights on, and line up for passport and urine checks), which the club raids are.


my best guess is, that we can take this rather easy, thinking about what toksin said about farangs, that he realized, if they are living here, they are bringing money in, and that he will take it easier with farangs, as well as the new head of immi, giving the order to all offices, not to hassle farangs, but being helpful and polite.

this, of course does not include those who do notfollow the rules and laws! and rightly so!

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