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7-Eleven Joins Thai Police In Fighting Crimes Against Foreign Tourists

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1. As someone already mentioned staff at 7-11 hardly speak any English

2. So a victim is to walk around from 7-11 to 7-11 trying to find which one can help?

3. Whats the kickback to 7-11?

4. What would be a response time? 24 hours?

5. What about Family Marts? why not involve them and also may be the tailors, since there is one on every corner.

Now they say staff have undergone special training, what training was that? Police does not have any training, so what did they teach the 7-11 staff? How about having the "great little helpers" the farang volunteers stay at those 7-11, since there is no shortage of them trying to get in.

I dont know what you're all b*tching about, they offer to HELP police, not take over their duties. they hire pretty good people and screen thoroughly. if you cant find police, 7 11 is a good place to check.

why all the unecessary and untrue negative remarks? Why so many complaints? why not just go back to your homeland then?

I think you know why..........so they can stay here giving smug advice and pretending to be superior to the Thais!

There not wanted there either. Gee I wonder why :partytime2::welcomeani::cheesy::cheesy::partytime2:There in pictures is there life style.


I think you know why..........so they can stay here giving smug advice and pretending to be superior to the Thais!

and you have gathered that from what exactly?

I was not aware that having more experience or knowledge or expressing an opinion is considered to be smug or pretending

Uh, from reading these posts? Why else would people who are so negative about a place stay? What exactly are they getting out of it? If it is so bad here, why not go back to where you came from? Imagine if you were there and a foreigner was complaining about your homeland, as many do here? What would you say to them? I know back in the US if a foreigner could not speak very good English, many Americans' attitude would be, "Learn the language or go home!" On the other hand, Thai's are embarrassed and apologize for not speaking English very well. Is it perfect here.......no! But all the bitching and moaning about it only makes it that less perfect!


I think you know why..........so they can stay here giving smug advice and pretending to be superior to the Thais!

and you have gathered that from what exactly?

I was not aware that having more experience or knowledge or expressing an opinion is considered to be smug or pretending

Uh, from reading these posts? Why else would people who are so negative about a place stay? What exactly are they getting out of it? If it is so bad here, why not go back to where you came from? Imagine if you were there and a foreigner was complaining about your homeland, as many do here? What would you say to them? I know back in the US if a foreigner could not speak very good English, many Americans' attitude would be, "Learn the language or go home!" On the other hand, Thai's are embarrassed and apologize for not speaking English very well. Is it perfect here.......no! But all the bitching and moaning about it only makes it that less perfect!

People are not negative about the place, people are negative about the initiative-2 totally separate matters


I have hundreds of posts please show one where I said Thailand is the best. Besides being a useless waste of air you are now a liar.

i guess personal attacks is your best.

Just in this thread alone according to you, there are no scams, nor corruption and all is honky dory

I notice you insist on proving you are a liar.

Please re post the post where I said that. I have numerous posts on this thread bring it out.

It is a sad thing when you lie to every one even sadder when you believe it your self.

The plan to make it possible for some one to go to a 7 11 and ask for a police man is a good one. It will take time to develop and there is always the possibility it won't.

I strongly suspect some of the bashers (one in particular is violently against it) here don't want it to work maybe they are afraid it will interfere in there business.

There are some points that will definitely need to be worked on but to know what they are one would have to have access to the plan not just the high lights.

I am sorry, i am not going to waste my time to look through all your post to show your thoughts. Are you now denying that you never said that Thailand has no scams or corruption or/and its very limited?

In one of my responses i have asked you to provide 1 initiative which was introduced in the past which worked well but you have conveniently over looked it.

I have asked you to explain why you think it is a good idea and how it will work and help tourists since you support it so much and your response is above?

I have stated my reasons why i believe its a waste of time, how about you now state your FULL opinion and explain how this will benefit?

'There are some points that will definitely need to be worked on but to know what they are one would have to have access to the plan not just the high lights."

so you do not know the plan yet you continue to support it, without even knowing the plan. and resort to now "smart" personal attacks?

You do not know the plan how tourists will be able to identify the stores yet you still support it?

You do not know what kind of assistance if any you will be given yet you will continue to support it?

In a nutshell, with no knowledge at all of the plan you are 100% behind it?

So if the plan would be for a person to come to 7-11 and he/she must pay 100 baht to have 7-11 call police for them, and then be told to either sit and wait indefinitely or go to police station,would you also support that?

I have had to file 2 police reports in my time and the first one i had to wait for 2 hours in the police station and second time 5 hours again in the police station.

So how long do you think someone will have to wait at 7-11 for police to arrive?

What about having phone booths installed all over the place with "POLICE HELP" written on top and is direct line to police, would that be a better alternative do you think?

and since police offer little to nothing help, do you think having another "desk" to contact them will ACTUALLY help the tourists?


I think you know why..........so they can stay here giving smug advice and pretending to be superior to the Thais!

and you have gathered that from what exactly?

I was not aware that having more experience or knowledge or expressing an opinion is considered to be smug or pretending

Uh, from reading these posts? Why else would people who are so negative about a place stay? What exactly are they getting out of it? If it is so bad here, why not go back to where you came from? Imagine if you were there and a foreigner was complaining about your homeland, as many do here? What would you say to them? I know back in the US if a foreigner could not speak very good English, many Americans' attitude would be, "Learn the language or go home!" On the other hand, Thai's are embarrassed and apologize for not speaking English very well. Is it perfect here.......no! But all the bitching and moaning about it only makes it that less perfect!

People are not negative about the place, people are negative about the initiative-2 totally separate matters

Well, I don't agree with you there, but even if I did, I don't see what is wrong with them at least trying something, especially something that seems to have no downside. At least is shows that they are thinking and trying, so why not give them a chance instead of belittling them for that? They can't seem to win with the foreigner, either they do nothing and are called lazy/stupid or they try something and are called incompetent/unimaginative!


Someone just make the 7-11 employees police. They will be equally as useless as the real ones.

How much money was spent on this? Anyone know?


Well, I don't agree with you there, but even if I did, I don't see what is wrong with them at least trying something, especially something that seems to have no downside. At least is shows that they are thinking and trying, so why not give them a chance instead of belittling them for that? They can't seem to win with the foreigner, either they do nothing and are called lazy/stupid or they try something and are called incompetent/unimaginative!

Because its not about quantity but about quality.

Having 10 people in the 2x2 ice cream shop appears to be a great idea which will achieve good results, where in reality it will decrease productivity because all those employees will be in the way of each other.

The down side is , that many tourists will end up sitting around for hours, while they could be in the police station getting help

The down side would be that if it is not promoted properly(which i am almost sure will be the case) tourists wil end up walking around trying to find help, rather then going straight to police station.

"Panadol can only help very little with a broken leg" so why waste time on taking it when you should be on the way to the hospital?!smile.gif

PS. and one very important fact is that this initiative will not change police response or assistance what so ever

It may and i emphasize may make it easier to contact them but it does not mean it will provide any REAL help.

So why not if they do care so much, come up with initiative that actually offers real help, better policing

PPS. Have there been any reports of tourists not being able to contact police? or most reports are that police do nothing when they are contacted? So what is the REAL problem here that needs addressing?


I think you know why..........so they can stay here giving smug advice and pretending to be superior to the Thais!

We'll have no pretending on this forum. B)


I removed some posts from two people because their pointless bickering was detracting from the discussion. You both know who you are, and you are both pushing it.


Yeah every single day and then 4 weeks later, those same offenders are back to that same police station for the same thing. How is that? How is it that when you watch the TV you hear of some perp being arrested today and he has a history of same violations and yet he/she still walks the streets?

No different from any other country in the world. Same in the US, Same in Europe. My wife had her purse stolen in Portugal. An immigrant from Romania. Cops all knew him, he had been arrested many times. But these guys are smart...use lookouts, handoffs, etc. I was in Paris and saw 1 pickpocket attempt, one "gold ring" scam, and another scam at Norte Dame. I had my pocket picked in New York City. Happens in every city in the world. Is that because the police are worthless and don't try? No, it's because it is difficult. Is it because they are not trying? Ridiculous.

How many tourists are in Pattaya and how many fall victims? now take TV as reference and tell me again that they are trying. over 3 000 000 tourists and 7 arrests, you call that trying? There are more than 7 arrests every day in Pattaya.

What is done? Can you please tell me what has been done in the past 3 years about those drug dealers? Lots of arrests. Just read the appropriate papers/websites and you will find out yourself. Seems you are dead set on this, so I won't even try here. You could try researching the big bust in Huay Yai recently...where the ring leader is the Poo Yai's son. You can also read beardog's breakin and how the police helped him out. Eventually catching the guys, who are all in jail now and were part of a big drug ring. True story...just ask him.

What has been done about those annoying kids jumping on you ? yeah they round them up every 3 months or so then let them go and every single day, 7 days per week they are there. The "good " police not see them? need special glasses? For sure, dealing with beggars is a problem. Try walking around most cities in Europe...you get mobbed by beggars. That's not just a Pattaya or Thailand problem. It's a global problem. Easy to be a critic, hard to solve the problem. Unless you have a cure for global poverty?

Throughout your whole post you keep claiming that police are good and do best they can, even assuming it is so,well may be best they can is nearly not good enough As i said earlier many many times. I never said all are good. Don't put words into my mouth. I said SOME are good, but fully agree most are bad. But not all.

There is no point setting up help centers if nothing is done about offenders and that is when and if police chose to act on it. May be you know more (because of your relatives) but the OP does not provide any more information, no way to identify them, no response time, no promotion plan, no plan at all. Lets pressume one of those 7-11 will be on Walking street, then why would tourists need 7-11 when there is police van right there and little helpers all over the place? Jeez. Relax. It's just a small notice regarding intended plans. I'm sure there's a lot more info that they are not sharing with the public. Reminds me of a previous post here about a planning meeting for a concert in Pattaya in 3 days time. Some guy slagged off the mayor for doing planning at such a late date. Come to find out, it had been planned 6 months earlier as it was a tour of the entire country. It was just another meeting relating to the upcoming show. Relax!

But since you so positive about the plan, how about few point on why this would be beneficial for the tourists and how it would be beneficial for the tourists and what results would this achieve? I never said I was positive on this plan. I said to give it a chance and give these guys a break. Let them try. Why not? It may work, and it may not. But at least it's an effort. And I FULLY agree with you that the police force here is a joke. It's terrible. Highway mafia. In most cases worthless. That's why I'm happy to see ANY kind of attempt to try and make things better. But for sure, much more needs to be done.

PEACE!!!!! :jap:


Yeah every single day and then 4 weeks later, those same offenders are back to that same police station for the same thing. How is that? How is it that when you watch the TV you hear of some perp being arrested today and he has a history of same violations and yet he/she still walks the streets?

No different from any other country in the world. Same in the US, Same in Europe. My wife had her purse stolen in Portugal. An immigrant from Romania. Cops all knew him, he had been arrested many times. But these guys are smart...use lookouts, handoffs, etc. I was in Paris and saw 1 pickpocket attempt, one "gold ring" scam, and another scam at Norte Dame. I had my pocket picked in New York City. Happens in every city in the world. Is that because the police are worthless and don't try? No, it's because it is difficult. Is it because they are not trying? Ridiculous.

How many tourists are in Pattaya and how many fall victims? now take TV as reference and tell me again that they are trying. over 3 000 000 tourists and 7 arrests, you call that trying? There are more than 7 arrests every day in Pattaya.

What is done? Can you please tell me what has been done in the past 3 years about those drug dealers? Lots of arrests. Just read the appropriate papers/websites and you will find out yourself. Seems you are dead set on this, so I won't even try here. You could try researching the big bust in Huay Yai recently...where the ring leader is the Poo Yai's son. You can also read beardog's breakin and how the police helped him out. Eventually catching the guys, who are all in jail now and were part of a big drug ring. True story...just ask him.

What has been done about those annoying kids jumping on you ? yeah they round them up every 3 months or so then let them go and every single day, 7 days per week they are there. The "good " police not see them? need special glasses? For sure, dealing with beggars is a problem. Try walking around most cities in Europe...you get mobbed by beggars. That's not just a Pattaya or Thailand problem. It's a global problem. Easy to be a critic, hard to solve the problem. Unless you have a cure for global poverty?

Throughout your whole post you keep claiming that police are good and do best they can, even assuming it is so,well may be best they can is nearly not good enough As i said earlier many many times. I never said all are good. Don't put words into my mouth. I said SOME are good, but fully agree most are bad. But not all.

There is no point setting up help centers if nothing is done about offenders and that is when and if police chose to act on it. May be you know more (because of your relatives) but the OP does not provide any more information, no way to identify them, no response time, no promotion plan, no plan at all. Lets pressume one of those 7-11 will be on Walking street, then why would tourists need 7-11 when there is police van right there and little helpers all over the place? Jeez. Relax. It's just a small notice regarding intended plans. I'm sure there's a lot more info that they are not sharing with the public. Reminds me of a previous post here about a planning meeting for a concert in Pattaya in 3 days time. Some guy slagged off the mayor for doing planning at such a late date. Come to find out, it had been planned 6 months earlier as it was a tour of the entire country. It was just another meeting relating to the upcoming show. Relax!

But since you so positive about the plan, how about few point on why this would be beneficial for the tourists and how it would be beneficial for the tourists and what results would this achieve? I never said I was positive on this plan. I said to give it a chance and give these guys a break. Let them try. Why not? It may work, and it may not. But at least it's an effort. And I FULLY agree with you that the police force here is a joke. It's terrible. Highway mafia. In most cases worthless. That's why I'm happy to see ANY kind of attempt to try and make things better. But for sure, much more needs to be done.

PEACE!!!!! :jap:

I think you misunderstood or i did not explain well what was said.

Yes the crime is just like in any other country in the world, but the difference is in other countries when the offender is arrested he/she does pay the price-either the fine or jail. In Thailand it is not the case for most of the time.

Just an example for you, few years ago in Sydney they arrested an owner of 7-11 who was charging double for drinks from the tourists. He was arrested, charged, convicted, had to pay $200 000 fine plus 1 year in jail( i could be wrong on the numbers, but the punishment was severe) What does Thailand do to prevent crime against tourist? make 7-11 a place where people can make a call? How would this solve or prevent the crime.

All those arrested i am talking about, all have a history of the same crime, yet they do not seem to be in jail even though they are repeat offenders.

Lets be honest the amount of arrests concerning crimes against tourist is a tiny tiny % of the total crimes and the punishment for half of the time is nothing.

Just like the number of "good" police is so tiny that it does not make any difference to the total picture.

Again the problem is not how to contact the police, the problem is that they do not act. So the initiative in a nutshell is totally useless but does make for a good PR, because it does not address the REAL problem and if anything will add to the problem, because the victim(tourist) will have to explain himself first to7--11 in hope he will be understood, then hope that the 7-11 person understood everything and passed on the information correctly which is never the case even in home country, so the victim will then have to explain again.

Do you see how complicated it is now getting rather then helpful?

I am 99% sure that pickpockets say in Kaorsan work under the "protection"

The problem here is that police do not do much when it come to tourists, yes they do arrest drug dealers, but how that this help every day tourist?

As i mentioned, i been robbed and even with the evidence they did nothing.

My friend was robbed and they did nothing, even though they had all the fingerprints and my friend has CCTV all throughout his house.

I think i said it few posts earlier problem is not to make a report, problem is that nothing is done.See my post 190 which i think sums it up pretty well.

PS. A perfect example of "legal"crime.All bike rental shops rent bikes without asking or checking for license, yet just home license is not sufficient by law to ride in Thailand, one needs international license. And what is done about that? Nothing, because Shops rent bikes, police fine riders and everyone involved is happy, everyone but the tourist. Shops do not inform tourists that they need proper license or anything like that. Is it a crime? yes it is, because shops are well aware that it is illegal to ride with no license, but do they warn the person? No.

Does police take any action against the shops? No

So perhaps initiatives to help tourists should include "scams/crimes" like this rather then having another desk to make yet another report.


1. As someone already mentioned staff at 7-11 hardly speak any English

2. So a victim is to walk around from 7-11 to 7-11 trying to find which one can help?

3. Whats the kickback to 7-11?

4. What would be a response time? 24 hours?

5. What about Family Marts? why not involve them and also may be the tailors, since there is one on every corner.

Now they say staff have undergone special training, what training was that? Police does not have any training, so what did they teach the 7-11 staff? How about having the "great little helpers" the farang volunteers stay at those 7-11, since there is no shortage of them trying to get in.

“Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.”

Your age is starting to show


1. As someone already mentioned staff at 7-11 hardly speak any English

2. So a victim is to walk around from 7-11 to 7-11 trying to find which one can help?

3. Whats the kickback to 7-11?

4. What would be a response time? 24 hours?

5. What about Family Marts? why not involve them and also may be the tailors, since there is one on every corner.

Now they say staff have undergone special training, what training was that? Police does not have any training, so what did they teach the 7-11 staff? How about having the "great little helpers" the farang volunteers stay at those 7-11, since there is no shortage of them trying to get in.

"Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something."

Your age is starting to show

So which one would you be with your post????? possibly a fool?


Gemini81 I coldn´t agree more, they are the nicest people and I´ve 95% of the times is went there got good service and kind staff. Kuffki stop whining and jagging and just go back to your home if 7/11 is better there. annoyed.gif

why not involve family mart also, well everywhere there is a seven, family mart is few meters away, so what´s the deal??? I haven´t seen tailors on every corner like you say all over Mapprachan lake or anywhere around there. Have a good day ;-) laugh.gif

1. As someone already mentioned staff at 7-11 hardly speak any English

2. So a victim is to walk around from 7-11 to 7-11 trying to find which one can help?

3. Whats the kickback to 7-11?

4. What would be a response time? 24 hours?

5. What about Family Marts? why not involve them and also may be the tailors, since there is one on every corner.

Now they say staff have undergone special training, what training was that? Police does not have any training, so what did they teach the 7-11 staff? How about having the "great little helpers" the farang volunteers stay at those 7-11, since there is no shortage of them trying to get in.

I dont know what you're all b*tching about, they offer to HELP police, not take over their duties. they hire pretty good people and screen thoroughly. if you cant find police, 7 11 is a good place to check.

why all the unecessary and untrue negative remarks? Why so many complaints? why not just go back to your homeland then?


I have hundreds of posts please show one where I said Thailand is the best. Besides being a useless waste of air you are now a liar.

i guess personal attacks is your best.

Just in this thread alone according to you, there are no scams, nor corruption and all is honky dory

I notice you insist on proving you are a liar.

Please re post the post where I said that. I have numerous posts on this thread bring it out.

It is a sad thing when you lie to every one even sadder when you believe it your self.

The plan to make it possible for some one to go to a 7 11 and ask for a police man is a good one. It will take time to develop and there is always the possibility it won't.

I strongly suspect some of the bashers (one in particular is violently against it) here don't want it to work maybe they are afraid it will interfere in there business.

There are some points that will definitely need to be worked on but to know what they are one would have to have access to the plan not just the high lights.

I am sorry, i am not going to waste my time to look through all your post to show your thoughts. Are you now denying that you never said that Thailand has no scams or corruption or/and its very limited?

In one of my responses i have asked you to provide 1 initiative which was introduced in the past which worked well but you have conveniently over looked it.

I have asked you to explain why you think it is a good idea and how it will work and help tourists since you support it so much and your response is above?

I have stated my reasons why i believe its a waste of time, how about you now state your FULL opinion and explain how this will benefit?

'There are some points that will definitely need to be worked on but to know what they are one would have to have access to the plan not just the high lights."

so you do not know the plan yet you continue to support it, without even knowing the plan. and resort to now "smart" personal attacks?

You do not know the plan how tourists will be able to identify the stores yet you still support it?

You do not know what kind of assistance if any you will be given yet you will continue to support it?

In a nutshell, with no knowledge at all of the plan you are 100% behind it?

So if the plan would be for a person to come to 7-11 and he/she must pay 100 baht to have 7-11 call police for them, and then be told to either sit and wait indefinitely or go to police station,would you also support that?

I have had to file 2 police reports in my time and the first one i had to wait for 2 hours in the police station and second time 5 hours again in the police station.

So how long do you think someone will have to wait at 7-11 for police to arrive?

What about having phone booths installed all over the place with "POLICE HELP" written on top and is direct line to police, would that be a better alternative do you think?

and since police offer little to nothing help, do you think having another "desk" to contact them will ACTUALLY help the tourists?

This is your words that can be found on this thread.

(I am sorry, i am not going to waste my time to look through all your post to show your thoughts. Are you now denying that you never said that Thailand has no scams or corruption or/and its very limited?)

Yes I do deny that I said that. As you have said it is here on this thread. Please show us all where. Do not waste your time with more inane accusations or pleas for help. Until this matter is cleared up I will continus to answer you with one word Liar.

I called you a liar and gave you a chance to prove it.

You have not done so for a very good reason it is because you are a liar.

If you can prove it please do so I will then admit that I said it. Make sure you give the post number. If you can not do so please admit that you are a liar and we will let the matter rest there no more need being said. Sound fair to you B)


One inflammatory post removed from view also quoted replies

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


This is your words that can be found on this thread.

(I am sorry, i am not going to waste my time to look through all your post to show your thoughts. Are you now denying that you never said that Thailand has no scams or corruption or/and its very limited?)

Yes I do deny that I said that. As you have said it is here on this thread. Please show us all where. Do not waste your time with more inane accusations or pleas for help. Until this matter is cleared up I will continus to answer you with one word Liar.

I called you a liar and gave you a chance to prove it.

You have not done so for a very good reason it is because you are a liar.

If you can prove it please do so I will then admit that I said it. Make sure you give the post number. If you can not do so please admit that you are a liar and we will let the matter rest there no more need being said. Sound fair to you B)

To start with once again, and as usual you have ignored all the points raised and again gone off the topic.

Why are you avoiding answering my questions??????

Now for your thought about Thailand, yes i need to apologize, it was not on this thread but on another which is just as recent, and this is just one of your statements, there lots more, but i am not going to waste time on this with you and stick to the topic.

What are your reasons for supporting this initiative?

What part of it do you support without even having the particulars or knowing the actual plan?

Please give examples of any initiatives that were implemented and were useful and successful?

Please address the points raised in post 185.

On another note one of the great initiatives was to give free $10000 riot insurance for the tourists. I never came across any information on where to lodge a claim and how to lodge a claim or what agency to contact. Can anyone else shed a light on that initiative and its particulars, aside from whats been said which is "$10 000 free riot insurance"

This is the quote from your post on that thread, Thread is about corruption and can be found here http://www.thaivisa....-to-corruption/

You make it sound like a daily occurrence. I have lived here for five years and not run into that problem once. That is not to say it isn't out there. But to continually put your self in situations where it is happening is a matter of choice. I my self choose not to.

Once again we start some thing good. Let us hope it sticks around this time.

So i hope now you will stop denying what you said(unless of course you want me to post more of your quotes) and try to stick to the subject without getting personal and provide answers and have a civilized debate.

Gemini81 I coldn´t agree more, they are the nicest people and I´ve 95% of the times is went there got good service and kind staff. Kuffki stop whining and jagging and just go back to your home if 7/11 is better there. annoyed.gif

why not involve family mart also, well everywhere there is a seven, family mart is few meters away, so what´s the deal??? I haven´t seen tailors on every corner like you say all over Mapprachan lake or anywhere around there. Have a good day ;-) laugh.gif

1. As someone already mentioned staff at 7-11 hardly speak any English

2. So a victim is to walk around from 7-11 to 7-11 trying to find which one can help?

3. Whats the kickback to 7-11?

4. What would be a response time? 24 hours?

5. What about Family Marts? why not involve them and also may be the tailors, since there is one on every corner.

Now they say staff have undergone special training, what training was that? Police does not have any training, so what did they teach the 7-11 staff? How about having the "great little helpers" the farang volunteers stay at those 7-11, since there is no shortage of them trying to get in.

I dont know what you're all b*tching about, they offer to HELP police, not take over their duties. they hire pretty good people and screen thoroughly. if you cant find police, 7 11 is a good place to check.

why all the unecessary and untrue negative remarks? Why so many complaints? why not just go back to your homeland then?

I could be wrong, but i was not aware that Mapprachan lake was a tourist heavily populated area and falls under this initiative, nor was i aware that East Pattaya area was full of touristsblink.gif

That fact alone may explain why you have not seen tailor on every corner. Get out little more from the dark sidewhistling.gif

Furthermore, can you please underline for me where in my post i said that 7-11 employees were not nice people or that they provided NOT good service???


Why are all you people here? It is so rare to see a positive comment on this site that I can only conclude that participants are so jaded that nothing will satisfy or please them. "Why don't they stop the crime in the first place" -- yeah, just like the do in other countries with a MUCH higher crime rates than here.

They do, in Australia if a shop or anyone caught cheating tourists they get either a nice $300 000 fine or 1-2 years in jail

"They don't speak English." -- Wow, a Thai who doesn't speak English!! You're in Thailand, for god's sake, learn some Thai!

READ OP AGAIN,"7-Eleven Joins in Fighting Crimes on Foreign Tourists"

Why would a tourist learn some Thai? Do you speak Thai?If you did speak some, you would know that "some" is way not enough to converse or explain yourself, even if someone was to learn a few phrases. Knowing 1 word in 5 word sentence really will not be much use, would it? Not mention getting the tones right to be understood is a totally different matter.

Do English tourists learn german when go for holiday once a year to Germany?

For the 3rd time, English is an international language and any country catering for tourists should have some basic knowledge of English language, especially in the country that gets huge numbers from mainly English speaking countries.

Well my wise Kuffki, since Oz property is being bought up at an astronomical rate by Chinese, maybe you oughta learn some Mandarin when English is no longe the first language in your stomping grounds.


Thank you Thailand for bringing a smile to my face. Today has been a tough day in the office, i can always count on thaivisa at the expense of the thai police to cheer me. funny story! i feel so much safer now....

BTW when i get pulled over by some traffic cops doing an illegal road stop.... do i also report that to 7-11or should i report that to the post office... tesco.... 55555 ....i love this country!!!!

As usual all the negative people fall out to judge, complain, and make fun of anything that the Thailand tried to do. Probably many who are spouting off do not even live here, OR just want to be heard by anybody. Sad.

You shouldn't be so harsh in your comments. Everybody has an opinion that is free to be voiced. Whether it is positive or negative, this has nothing to do with the fact whether we like Thailand or not. Negative critic can also be constructive, at least if you are positive enough to understand! B)

It has everything to do with whether you like it or not, its a reflection of you as a person. For those spouting off, why don't they offer a solution since they claim they're so intelligent. Criticism is constructive, if you fins some new proposals or solutions, but not merely talking about why one is better, and only jaded cynicism.


1. As someone already mentioned staff at 7-11 hardly speak any English

2. So a victim is to walk around from 7-11 to 7-11 trying to find which one can help?

3. Whats the kickback to 7-11?

4. What would be a response time? 24 hours?

5. What about Family Marts? why not involve them and also may be the tailors, since there is one on every corner.

Now they say staff have undergone special training, what training was that? Police does not have any training, so what did they teach the 7-11 staff? How about having the "great little helpers" the farang volunteers stay at those 7-11, since there is no shortage of them trying to get in.

I dont know what you're all b*tching about, they offer to HELP police, not take over their duties. they hire pretty good people and screen thoroughly. if you cant find police, 7 11 is a good place to check.

why all the unecessary and untrue negative remarks? Why so many complaints? why not just go back to your homeland then?

They can hardly do their own duties, so perhaps they need to improve on that before taking on new duties.

It always takes 3 of them to scan my phone bill when i come to pay it.

By the sound of things you would be one of those "great little helpers" so what training have you done?

Which parts of the posts did you find untrue?

You state they hire pretty good people, must be because they pay such a huge salary and their people are so great that they change every month or so.

Hope to see you in one of those 7-11 stores helping people out with your knowledge and wisdom.<_<

Here's a post where you say the staff are not good. Your post. We live here also and have found the staff to be very efficient and actually quite a few speak English. My wife laughed when I told her nobody spoke English at 7/11's.

You also wanted to know one initiative that worked. How about 1155. I've used it several times and it was great. I'm sure you have bashed this initiative also and will reply with numerous reasons why it sucks also.

You whine about this so much...unreal. You have no details on this program other than the OP and yet you critic aspects of it that are clearly outside your knowledge, making up reasons as to why it won't work. Unless you are an insider, with specific knowledge, you are just crying that the sky is falling.

Everybody is against you on this...and you are dominating the thread. How about being a little positive for once.


1. As someone already mentioned staff at 7-11 hardly speak any English

2. So a victim is to walk around from 7-11 to 7-11 trying to find which one can help?

3. Whats the kickback to 7-11?

4. What would be a response time? 24 hours?

5. What about Family Marts? why not involve them and also may be the tailors, since there is one on every corner.

Now they say staff have undergone special training, what training was that? Police does not have any training, so what did they teach the 7-11 staff? How about having the "great little helpers" the farang volunteers stay at those 7-11, since there is no shortage of them trying to get in.

"Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something."

Your age is starting to show

So which one would you be with your post????? possibly a fool?

"Accept the things you can not change" Have the courage and smarts to change the things you can.

Be wise enough to tell the difference, Never throw stones when one lives in a glass world.

Belittling lesser educated, is not a sign of a wise or considerate person and it does not pump you up.

Rather then knocking and bitching about people all of the time, why not try to understand and go with the flow,

sounds like you could be a nice person if you would take that chip, of being and thinking your Mr Right, off your shoulder.



These arrests are just from this week. Just to show the police here actually do their job. I agree they are not perfect, but they do make some arrests. Contrary to your beliefs. With such activity, having the ability to stop into a 7/11...which are everywhere...and have somebody dial the police for you is a good thing. Put yourself in a tourists shoes. This is a good thing. Heck, even good for us locals!


Pattaya, 6 November 2010: the quick thinking reaction of a female teenage gang victim led to the swift arrest of a 3-man gang of under-17-year-old teenagers in the middle of the night, today, Nov6.

On Thursday Afternoon, Pattaya Police arrested two men and a variety of stolen motorbikes and spare parts.

A German couple fell prey to a failed snatch and grab attack by a motorcycle gang of yah-bah addicts. The ringleader was caught after a police chase and confessed to a number of similar crimes.

Quick Acting Tourist Performs Citizen’s Arrest On Pattaya Lady-Boys

South Pattaya Pub raided by District Licensing Officers

A suspected transsexual thief was caught at the Southern-end of Walking Street, in front of the Siam Bayshore Hotel in the early hours of Saturday morning.

Japanese Paedophile-Ring Member Busted In Pattaya

Pattaya Police arrested a man with a gun in front of Soi 6 on Pattaya Beach Road in the early hours of Tuesday Morning.

14 suspected gamblers arrested by Pattaya Police

A well known local DJ has been arrested and caught with a significant quantity of narcotics and a firearm. On Wednesday Night,


These arrests are just from this week. Just to show the police here actually do their job. I agree they are not perfect, but they do make some arrests. Contrary to your beliefs. With such activity, having the ability to stop into a 7/11...which are everywhere...and have somebody dial the police for you is a good thing. Put yourself in a tourists shoes. This is a good thing. Heck, even good for us locals!


Pattaya, 6 November 2010: the quick thinking reaction of a female teenage gang victim led to the swift arrest of a 3-man gang of under-17-year-old teenagers in the middle of the night, today, Nov6.

On Thursday Afternoon, Pattaya Police arrested two men and a variety of stolen motorbikes and spare parts.

A German couple fell prey to a failed snatch and grab attack by a motorcycle gang of yah-bah addicts. The ringleader was caught after a police chase and confessed to a number of similar crimes.

Quick Acting Tourist Performs Citizen's Arrest On Pattaya Lady-Boys

South Pattaya Pub raided by District Licensing Officers

A suspected transsexual thief was caught at the Southern-end of Walking Street, in front of the Siam Bayshore Hotel in the early hours of Saturday morning.

Japanese Paedophile-Ring Member Busted In Pattaya

Pattaya Police arrested a man with a gun in front of Soi 6 on Pattaya Beach Road in the early hours of Tuesday Morning.

14 suspected gamblers arrested by Pattaya Police

A well known local DJ has been arrested and caught with a significant quantity of narcotics and a firearm. On Wednesday Night,

You are right, the police do their job and quite well, from time to time, also the add on and the convenience of the

7-Eleven's with a little training will be a big plus in making it much easier to report a problem and make many feel

much safer, tourist and locals alike. Thailand "Love It" or "Leave It" Be part of the solution not the pollution.


lived both pattaya and now bkk sukhumvit (near nana bts)

have rarely seen a fist raised in anger and I have done the rounds trust me.

Living in Sydney saw a pub/ night club brawl way way toooo many times to mention. Anyone remember bourbon and beef steak kings cross? lol where ricky ponting got a black eye along with countless others. hookers were all junkies

and thieves, watching mass bashings was spectator sport..

this 7/11 thing is just a gimmick. They may get 1 report a day per store on average. just speculating


lived both pattaya and now bkk sukhumvit (near nana bts)

have rarely seen a fist raised in anger and I have done the rounds trust me.

Living in Sydney saw a pub/ night club brawl way way toooo many times to mention. Anyone remember bourbon and beef steak kings cross? lol where ricky ponting got a black eye along with countless others. hookers were all junkies

and thieves, watching mass bashings was spectator sport..

this 7/11 thing is just a gimmick. They may get 1 report a day per store on average. just speculating

Who cares how many reports come in that's not the point.

The point is you can now get help from the police by going to a 7/11

and they will get the police to show up. And that's good.

No referendum on police good, police bad, or their effectiveness.

The faster a crime is reported the greater chances of it getting solved.

If there is any chance at all it is ASAP.

7/11 reporting saves mucho time trying to find a police station in many areas.

There are no logical arguments why this is a bad idea.


I have had first hand experience with being drugged and robbed. I did go to police, had the video of the person and many other info.

They did absolutely nothing. and i mean nothing. As i was in the station, the thief was using my card to buy air plane tickets in the airport and they still did nothing, where all they had to do was contact airport police and have them arrested.

Some people here are continuosly attacking who dare to share their real life experiences, personally, as i already stated in the past and many times, i can only be gratefull to those that let others know about real dangers that would be dealt in a totally different way back home and so this can easily lead "newbies" to think that in Thailand the law will be adhered similarly, this site and all the ops with their many stories are providing a huge help to the community, so why is somebody coming up with sentences like : " if you don't like this country, why you don't go home then? oh it must be because you are a reject there and not welcome in any country", now, we got people talking about FACTS on one side and other making not very nice ASSUMPTIONS on the other, why? Thailand is a wonderfull country but there are many dangers of which we must be aware of, to try to hide them is pure and simple cowardly, this idea of the 7/11 would be a wonderfull thing too, but only if we had a REAL and EFFECTIVE police force, this is NOT the case unfortunately, let me explain with an example, would you be happy to receive free coupons for a free hotel room/concert/whateverElseYouMightLike by just doing your shopping at 7/11, just to later discover that the coupon is real but the hotel/WhateverElse doesn't exist? same here! why the police is doing this? probably to take away the attention from where the real problem is, a corrupted almost complitely ineffective police force, they want to let us know that the reason for all this ridicoulous situation is that they are so busy and without enough resources...Rubbish! this country will most likely be better off without them, no jokes here and only someone insane or with side interests would say otherways.

.. why not involve also may be the tailors, since there is one on every corner.
And if I remember right, they actually speak english, or are good at pretending it :)

Then again maybe they dont speak Thai, since they are all from Burma :D

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