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7-Eleven Joins Thai Police In Fighting Crimes Against Foreign Tourists

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This is kinda ridiculous but on the other hand the Thai Police already have a bad reputation - anything which separates angry tourists and indifferent police is probably a good thing. I suggest a joint training session between 7-11 and local police stations. Police go and pretend to be 7-11 clerks and 7-11 clerks pretend to be police officers - it couldn't be much worse than what it is, can it?


Sorry to bring this thread from the dead but another interesting initiative has been introduced in Pattaya.

Just the other day, purely by accident i noticed they have installed red lights all over the place for pedestrian crossing.

Has anyone else noticed the lights???

This was probably the greatest idea for a while, as people can actually safely cross the road.

But once again it seems they have not thought it through very well, because the lights are really high up and no signs or warning of the lights on the visual height for a driver.

Do not know if i am explaining myself well, but basically there are no signs little lower to say "lights/people crossing" so basically cars do not stop, but not because this is Thailand, but because drivers do not see it and are not aware of it.

I am guilty as well.

Driving on the same road every day 5 times and all over sudden, over night lights all over the place. but as i mentioned really high so i simply do nto even look that high(really no reason). Also those lights are all over the place and in strange locations, so you kind of do not expect to see a light.

Perhaps a zebra crossing signs should of been installed at driver eyesight level.

Anyone else in Pattaya noticed the lights or has a thought on the matter?


I almost got run over while crossing near royal garden no one stopped when the lights went red and the walk sign was on , I am tipping someone will be run down because of this . The police should be there monitoring it.


I almost got run over while crossing near royal garden no one stopped when the lights went red and the walk sign was on , I am tipping someone will be run down because of this . The police should be there monitoring it.

Yeah thats the problem for pedestrians, they think its safe but cars do not stop, because hardly anyone is aware its there now and hardly anyone pays attention to it because its too high and out of the eyesight.

personal experience, i am now aware of a number of them(lights) but still miss a few now and then, again not on purpose but simply because not aware its there


zebra crossing signs should of been installed at driver eyesight level.

Can't work here, locals often fails to recognize what a traffic light is there for, or even the direction light indicators on their vehicles (did anybody else noticed drivers turning without using them? or indicating constantly the opposite direction they will turn into?), so, what we really need are REAL zebras, easily visible from distance too, just jump on one when you want to cross the road :D


Why stop at 7 Eleven, why not McDonalds, KFC, Hungry Jacks (Burger King for Yanks) and the like. Don't forget Krispy kreme has just opened also.

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This could be big ! the possibilities are endless !! wow ! this is sure to bring in tourists to Thailand.


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