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Butterball Turkeys


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I checked out Butterball turkey and Norbet turkey prices at Makro on the Super Highway. Norbet is 145 baht a kilo and Butterball is 155 baht. I was also told that one could order turkey breasts (3 days in advance) at the meat counter. The male clerk there speaks good English and will take your order, and the cost is 220 baht a kilo for breast. I then went over to Northern Farms and asked the price of Butterball turkey breast, and it was 700 baht a kilo.

Regardless of price WHAT are these 'solutions' that Butterball Turkey's are injected with?????

Come on Mr B is B, you made the statement. jap.gif

Sorry for the delay. Sometimes I suffer from the delusion that I have a life - rather that I exist -outside of these pages. At any rate, what Butterball (and Norbest) does is inject the turkeys with a brine solution. I think they throw some kind of phosphate into it for good luck. And god knows what else. The last time I saw one I glanced at the percentage of solution per the total weight of the bird and I believe it was 12%. Which seems awfully high.Maybe I got that wrong. For some reason I didn't linger to confirm. I believe that Norbest is 9%.

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I give you all credit for wanting to do the Thanksgiving dinner turkey. I wanted to do the same for my wifes family But the cheap charlie in me got the best.

In the states turkeys are about 25 baht perkilo just before Thanksgiving, it just did not make sense to do the turkey thing when chicken was so much cheaper.

Not the same I know

I salute you

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Don't get extorted on Turkey. You can have it every day in the States. Eat some chicken breast, and donate the 2000 Thb you are saving to a worthwhile charity. That would be true American spirit. Might teach your bratty kids a lesson that will carry over to Christmas. Half of the World lives on less than 2 Dollars per day, 2 billion people in homes made of bamboo.

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Whilst on the turkey subject do any TV members know if any local restaurants or hotels have their Christmas day menu's available yet

No-one seems to be out with their menu's yet....are you getting hungry?

I'm sure "we at the" will be one of the first.

Be interesting to see what the new Red mango decides to do as Tuskers always put on an excellent Christmas feed.

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