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Keep Your Prejudice Back In Your Own Country.


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In a recently closed thread there was a lot of hatred expressed concerning various rider groups, notably some HD riders that probably have bigger egos to satisfy than the normal rider does.

Honestly, is the bickering worthwhile? We travel to LOS to enjoy the sunshine, the food, the sights and sounds. Some even go to met pretty girl's and future wifes!

So, how about we enjoy what we come for and ignore what we don't like??? Take it from someone that knows, hate will eat you up before you ever get a chance to change everything around you to suit yourself!

Be cool.

And think positive thoughts.

Enjoy the ride, and when I wave to you.....don't forget to wave back!

PS: Even the occasional HD rider waves back. So I expect it from all you Honasuziwaka guys! :)

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LOL..u really have taken that slating of harley riders to heart havent u?..,u have to understand that if u ride a harley u are fair game because of the image that goes with them of the leather clad, stars and stripes bandana wearing blindly patriotic guy thats watched "Easy Rider" over 200 times and pretends to himself that the piece of junk between his legs is the best thing since sliced bread.............while we are at it heres some more harley jokes.

Harley-Davidson: The most efficient way to convert gasoline into noise without the adverse side effect of horsepower.

Did you know 95% of all Harleys are still on the road?

The other 5% actually made it home.

Is it true that Harleys are chick magnets?

Yes, but only if the chick has a steel plate in her head.

What’s the cheapest way to get another 50hp from your Harley?

Trade it in on a Kawasaki.

Why don’t Harley riders sit on their bikes when the sidestands are down?

They’re afraid to lean over that far.

What’s the difference between a Harley and a Harley owner’s home?

The Harley costs more and has fewer wheels.

How do you now you’re riding a Harley?

While coming off an exit-ramp you get passed by a Vespa.

Why don’t Harley riders wave at sportbike riders?

Because they don’t want to drop their tools.

How do you know all the aftermarket parts you bought for your Harley are worth the money?

You finally break into the 15′s in the quarter mile.

Where can you find the world’s largest collection of Harley jokes?

At Sturgis

What do you call a group of Harley Owners with a collective IQ of 120?


How do Harley engineers tell if a bike is worthy of the Harley name?

They check to make sure the exhaust noise in decibels exceeds the horsepower rating.

Why don’t Harley owners smile?

Once you realized you got conned into paying ,000 for an outdated piece of $#!+ would YOU be smiling?

What’s the difference between a Harley Davidson and a vacuum cleaner?

The location of the dirtbags.

Why do Harleys have fringe?

So you can tell if they’re moving.

How do you know your Harley is handling great?

You can almost keep up with the logging trucks when you’re riding in the


How is a Harley Davidson like an old dog?

They both like to ride in the back of pickup trucks.

What is the difference between a Harley Davidson and an old dog?

The dog can get in the back of the pickup by itself.

Why couldn’t the Harley mechanic repair the doorknob?

Some things just can’t be fixed with only a hammer and a rope.

What’s the difference between a Harley taken to Daytona on a trailer and one that’s being ridden there?

The one on the trailer is going about 30mph faster.

Why do all Harley owners have trailers??

So they can go around corners faster!

You know you’re a Harley rider if…

….you’re unable to let your bike simply IDLE at a stop light.

….you confuse the word "character" with the more accurate term

"engineering flaws."

…."water cooled" means standing on the side of the road, in the rain, waiting for a your buddy to come in his pickup truck.

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Ah, I remember the good old days back in the San Francisco Bay area circa 1967, when a rider on an old school chopper would wave at me, on my Hodaka Ace 100 Enduro on Page Mill Road. Back then, bikers were a true brotherhood, as it was so rare to even see another rider on the road.....

I have personally never had any prejudice. I have friends who ride Harleys. I have friends who ride the latest trick Ducatis. I have friends who ride Wave 100's.

We're all brothers and sisters.


But I do admit to a bit of childish glee, back when I had a CBR1100XX Blackbird. With my son on the back (age 10 or so) I used to revel in passing a long line of harley dudes at warp 10 on a short straight. Crazy <deleted>, I admit. Irresponsible parent, bad bad bad.

Now I keep it below 150 kph most of the time.

The boy is 25 now, and has zero interest getting on the back of any bike that I am piloting.....

Smart kid. ;)

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My grandfather on my mother's side emigrated to the US from then Czechoslovakia at age 17 back in 1910. He bought a Harley a few years after that in the SF Bay Area. A photo was taken of him proudly standing with his HD. Photo became an official post card and my mom kept one on her Bible for years and years. One of my older brothers got a hold of it, had it enlarged and turned into wall-sized pics for the rest of the family. Very cool pic and quite the conversation piece.

That HD was powered by an airplane propellar engine, had bicycle-style handlebars and seats.

The way my grandfather met my grandmother was he was riding in the countryside and the HD broke down. (surprise surprise). His future wife came along in a horse and buggy with her dad. She asked him if needed a ride and he gladly accepted (not only was he stuck, but she caught his fancy straight-on apparently).

Although he started to have some 2nd thoughts when she suggested they could bring his HD along by towing it behind the buggy, thinking the bike would stand upright on its' own while being pulled by the buggy. My grandfather had a heckuva time explaining to her that's not how it worked.

They worked it out and eventually married, etc.

So the fact that HD's break down a lot can lead to interesting life developments. Although if I ever wanted to get married again, I'll just find a woman I don't like and just give her a house.

True story.

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Back in the states pretty much every rider waves to every other rider. Chopper/HD riders maybe not all the time, but usually. I still wave to most big bike riders in Thailand, especially sport bikers, but don't get a wave one back half the time. I do find it a bit harder to wave here in Thailand because the inside hand is on the throttle.

I find the heading "Keep your prejudice back in your own country..." interesting given the response you will get from most Thai's when asked how they feel about black people.

Edited by ScubaBuddha
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LOL..u really have taken that slating of harley riders to heart havent u?..,u have to understand that if u ride a harley u are fair game because of the image that goes with them of the leather clad, stars and stripes bandana wearing blindly patriotic guy thats watched "Easy Rider" over 200 times and pretends to himself that the piece of junk between his legs is the best thing since sliced bread.............while we are at it heres some more harley jokes.

Harley-Davidson: The most efficient way to convert gasoline into noise without the adverse side effect of horsepower.

Did you know 95% of all Harleys are still on the road?

The other 5% actually made it home.

Is it true that Harleys are chick magnets?

Yes, but only if the chick has a steel plate in her head.

What's the cheapest way to get another 50hp from your Harley?

Trade it in on a Kawasaki.

Why don't Harley riders sit on their bikes when the sidestands are down?

They're afraid to lean over that far.

What's the difference between a Harley and a Harley owner's home?

The Harley costs more and has fewer wheels.

How do you now you're riding a Harley?

While coming off an exit-ramp you get passed by a Vespa.

Why don't Harley riders wave at sportbike riders?

Because they don't want to drop their tools.

How do you know all the aftermarket parts you bought for your Harley are worth the money?

You finally break into the 15′s in the quarter mile.

Where can you find the world's largest collection of Harley jokes?

At Sturgis

What do you call a group of Harley Owners with a collective IQ of 120?


How do Harley engineers tell if a bike is worthy of the Harley name?

They check to make sure the exhaust noise in decibels exceeds the horsepower rating.

Why don't Harley owners smile?

Once you realized you got conned into paying ,000 for an outdated piece of $#!+ would YOU be smiling?

What's the difference between a Harley Davidson and a vacuum cleaner?

The location of the dirtbags.

Why do Harleys have fringe?

So you can tell if they're moving.

How do you know your Harley is handling great?

You can almost keep up with the logging trucks when you're riding in the


How is a Harley Davidson like an old dog?

They both like to ride in the back of pickup trucks.

What is the difference between a Harley Davidson and an old dog?

The dog can get in the back of the pickup by itself.

Why couldn't the Harley mechanic repair the doorknob?

Some things just can't be fixed with only a hammer and a rope.

What's the difference between a Harley taken to Daytona on a trailer and one that's being ridden there?

The one on the trailer is going about 30mph faster.

Why do all Harley owners have trailers??

So they can go around corners faster!

You know you're a Harley rider if…

….you're unable to let your bike simply IDLE at a stop light.

….you confuse the word "character" with the more accurate term

"engineering flaws."

…."water cooled" means standing on the side of the road, in the rain, waiting for a your buddy to come in his pickup truck.

I am not a bike rider BUT, differant strokes for differant folks chill out.

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Nobody mentioned Ducati's, I feel left out....:P

Somebody did. :)

I have personally never had any prejudice. I have friends who ride Harleys. I have friends who ride the latest trick Ducatis. I have friends who ride Wave 100's.

We're all brothers and sisters.


And maybe we can get BSJ to change the following line to

PS: Even the occasional HD rider waves back. So I expect it from all you Dukehondasuzikawacati guys! :)"


Edited by ScubaBuddha
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Nobody mentioned Ducati's, I feel left out....:P

Somebody did. :)

I have personally never had any prejudice. I have friends who ride Harleys. I have friends who ride the latest trick Ducatis. I have friends who ride Wave 100's.

We're all brothers and sisters.


And maybe we can get BSJ to change the following line to

PS: Even the occasional HD rider waves back. So I expect it from all you Dukehondasuzikawacati guys! :)"


Should have looked harder and now I want a 989R Streetfighter :ph34r:

Edited by Garry
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My grandfather on my mother's side emigrated to the US from then Czechoslovakia at age 17 back in 1910. He bought a Harley a few years after that in the SF Bay Area. A photo was taken of him proudly standing with his HD. Photo became an official post card and my mom kept one on her Bible for years and years. One of my older brothers got a hold of it, had it enlarged and turned into wall-sized pics for the rest of the family. Very cool pic and quite the conversation piece.

That HD was powered by an airplane propellar engine, had bicycle-style handlebars and seats.

The way my grandfather met my grandmother was he was riding in the countryside and the HD broke down. (surprise surprise). His future wife came along in a horse and buggy with her dad. She asked him if needed a ride and he gladly accepted (not only was he stuck, but she caught his fancy straight-on apparently).

Although he started to have some 2nd thoughts when she suggested they could bring his HD along by towing it behind the buggy, thinking the bike would stand upright on its' own while being pulled by the buggy. My grandfather had a heckuva time explaining to her that's not how it worked.

They worked it out and eventually married, etc.

So the fact that HD's break down a lot can lead to interesting life developments. Although if I ever wanted to get married again, I'll just find a woman I don't like and just give her a house.

True story.

+1 :thumbsup:

Awesome story! :D

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My grandfather on my mother's side emigrated to the US from then Czechoslovakia at age 17 back in 1910. He bought a Harley a few years after that in the SF Bay Area. A photo was taken of him proudly standing with his HD. Photo became an official post card and my mom kept one on her Bible for years and years. One of my older brothers got a hold of it, had it enlarged and turned into wall-sized pics for the rest of the family. Very cool pic and quite the conversation piece.

That HD was powered by an airplane propellar engine, had bicycle-style handlebars and seats.

The way my grandfather met my grandmother was he was riding in the countryside and the HD broke down. (surprise surprise). His future wife came along in a horse and buggy with her dad. She asked him if needed a ride and he gladly accepted (not only was he stuck, but she caught his fancy straight-on apparently).

Although he started to have some 2nd thoughts when she suggested they could bring his HD along by towing it behind the buggy, thinking the bike would stand upright on its' own while being pulled by the buggy. My grandfather had a heckuva time explaining to her that's not how it worked.

They worked it out and eventually married, etc.

So the fact that HD's break down a lot can lead to interesting life developments. Although if I ever wanted to get married again, I'll just find a woman I don't like and just give her a house.

True story.

+1 :thumbsup:

Awesome story! :D

There's a footnote to this story. He sold the HD after his close friend and biker was killed in an accident while riding. I've always wanted to get a bike, but that footnote always stopped me. Be careful out there you guys.

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LOL..u really have taken that slating of harley riders to heart havent u?..,u have to understand that if u ride a harley u are fair game because of the image that goes with them of the leather clad, stars and stripes bandana wearing blindly patriotic guy thats watched "Easy Rider" over 200 times and pretends to himself that the piece of junk between his legs is the best thing since sliced bread.............while we are at it heres some more harley jokes.

Harley-Davidson: The most efficient way to convert gasoline into noise without the adverse side effect of horsepower.

Did you know 95% of all Harleys are still on the road?

The other 5% actually made it home.

Is it true that Harleys are chick magnets?

Yes, but only if the chick has a steel plate in her head.

What's the cheapest way to get another 50hp from your Harley?

Trade it in on a Kawasaki.

Why don't Harley riders sit on their bikes when the sidestands are down?

They're afraid to lean over that far.

What's the difference between a Harley and a Harley owner's home?

The Harley costs more and has fewer wheels.

How do you now you're riding a Harley?

While coming off an exit-ramp you get passed by a Vespa.

Why don't Harley riders wave at sportbike riders?

Because they don't want to drop their tools.

How do you know all the aftermarket parts you bought for your Harley are worth the money?

You finally break into the 15′s in the quarter mile.

Where can you find the world's largest collection of Harley jokes?

At Sturgis

What do you call a group of Harley Owners with a collective IQ of 120?


How do Harley engineers tell if a bike is worthy of the Harley name?

They check to make sure the exhaust noise in decibels exceeds the horsepower rating.

Why don't Harley owners smile?

Once you realized you got conned into paying ,000 for an outdated piece of $#!+ would YOU be smiling?

What's the difference between a Harley Davidson and a vacuum cleaner?

The location of the dirtbags.

Why do Harleys have fringe?

So you can tell if they're moving.

How do you know your Harley is handling great?

You can almost keep up with the logging trucks when you're riding in the


How is a Harley Davidson like an old dog?

They both like to ride in the back of pickup trucks.

What is the difference between a Harley Davidson and an old dog?

The dog can get in the back of the pickup by itself.

Why couldn't the Harley mechanic repair the doorknob?

Some things just can't be fixed with only a hammer and a rope.

What's the difference between a Harley taken to Daytona on a trailer and one that's being ridden there?

The one on the trailer is going about 30mph faster.

Why do all Harley owners have trailers??

So they can go around corners faster!

You know you're a Harley rider if…

….you're unable to let your bike simply IDLE at a stop light.

….you confuse the word "character" with the more accurate term

"engineering flaws."

…."water cooled" means standing on the side of the road, in the rain, waiting for a your buddy to come in his pickup truck.

Seems your the man with the predudice Sir Natty Lord high and mighty!

If you are so worldly wise why dont you tell us some more of your motorcycling background ?

I doubt if you have ever ridden a Harley...

Another W#nker know it all who likes to slag off at other riders and or the brand of their bike.

A common passion for bikes is what bonds riders together.

Just another wannabe w*nker who likes to slag off at other people and their choice of bike on the day.

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This whole thread represents a misunderstanding. When in the U.S., I live in a place, not Alaska, where it is winter a lot. But in summer, many Harleys come for touring.

Now, we're deer hunters who always get our deer. (It's hard not to with your car.) Harley drivers must know this, for they seem to frequently signal back.

But here's the point: Wave? Wave to a Harley driver? In France, you wiggle a foot. In the U.S., you signal, but if you wave from the biggest baddest Bavarian Motors-built Custom Ducati 1200cc Muscle Model, nobody will respond from a tricycle. Are we "waving" here in Thailand? I have this picture of a left hand held high in the breeze, elbow straight, and the wrist working up and down with puppy-like joy. On a Harley, are you waving back?

By the way, most of our Harley tourists, up in cmx during the three months of summer, come in groups and are fund-raising for this or that cause, often cancer research. Lotsa pillion grandma's. Not a few drivers are veterans of foreign wars, and this is their last effort at "buy American."

PS - Nattydread. If you are going to continue your anti-Harley jokes, could you reveal one that is not a couple of decades old, please. Wit is originality, not stale repetition. Anyway, if Harley drivers were really as stupid as jokes say, they'd turn their mufflers around so we could really hear them coming.

Edited by CMX
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LOL..u really have taken that slating of harley riders to heart havent u?..,u have to understand that if u ride a harley u are fair game because of the image that goes with them of the leather clad, stars and stripes bandana wearing blindly patriotic guy thats watched "Easy Rider" over 200 times and pretends to himself that the piece of junk between his legs is the best thing since sliced bread.............while we are at it heres some more harley jokes.

Harley-Davidson: The most efficient way to convert gasoline into noise without the adverse side effect of horsepower.

Did you know 95% of all Harleys are still on the road?

The other 5% actually made it home.

Is it true that Harleys are chick magnets?

Yes, but only if the chick has a steel plate in her head.

What's the cheapest way to get another 50hp from your Harley?

Trade it in on a Kawasaki.

Why don't Harley riders sit on their bikes when the sidestands are down?

They're afraid to lean over that far.

What's the difference between a Harley and a Harley owner's home?

The Harley costs more and has fewer wheels.

How do you now you're riding a Harley?

While coming off an exit-ramp you get passed by a Vespa.

Why don't Harley riders wave at sportbike riders?

Because they don't want to drop their tools.

How do you know all the aftermarket parts you bought for your Harley are worth the money?

You finally break into the 15′s in the quarter mile.

Where can you find the world's largest collection of Harley jokes?

At Sturgis

What do you call a group of Harley Owners with a collective IQ of 120?


How do Harley engineers tell if a bike is worthy of the Harley name?

They check to make sure the exhaust noise in decibels exceeds the horsepower rating.

Why don't Harley owners smile?

Once you realized you got conned into paying ,000 for an outdated piece of $#!+ would YOU be smiling?

What's the difference between a Harley Davidson and a vacuum cleaner?

The location of the dirtbags.

Why do Harleys have fringe?

So you can tell if they're moving.

How do you know your Harley is handling great?

You can almost keep up with the logging trucks when you're riding in the


How is a Harley Davidson like an old dog?

They both like to ride in the back of pickup trucks.

What is the difference between a Harley Davidson and an old dog?

The dog can get in the back of the pickup by itself.

Why couldn't the Harley mechanic repair the doorknob?

Some things just can't be fixed with only a hammer and a rope.

What's the difference between a Harley taken to Daytona on a trailer and one that's being ridden there?

The one on the trailer is going about 30mph faster.

Why do all Harley owners have trailers??

So they can go around corners faster!

You know you're a Harley rider if…

….you're unable to let your bike simply IDLE at a stop light.

….you confuse the word "character" with the more accurate term

"engineering flaws."

…."water cooled" means standing on the side of the road, in the rain, waiting for a your buddy to come in his pickup truck.

Seems your the man with the predudice Sir Natty Lord high and mighty!

If you are so worldly wise why dont you tell us some more of your motorcycling background ?

I doubt if you have ever ridden a Harley...

Another W#nker know it all who likes to slag off at other riders and or the brand of their bike.

A common passion for bikes is what bonds riders together.

Just another wannabe w*nker who likes to slag off at other people and their choice of bike on the day.

u yanks just dont get it do u?........if the thread had been about slating yamaha ownners do u think they would come on here with the sort of drivel u have just posted to nurse their ego?........no, real bikers are more grown up than that and realise that harmless banter is just that ,harmless banter

I'm off now to find a Harley to dice with on my Honda Wave

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Great Stuff, making mechanic out of riders since 1946, Matchless were doing that before them, keep it lads, when's the next video's Tony want put me bike helmet on again,:crazy:

Guy pulls into a service station on a 60's Triumph.

Fill 'er up please and I'll take a pint of oil.

The attendant fills the tank and opens the oil.

Not being familiar with bikes he asks "where shall i put this"

"Oh just pout it on the ground. it will be quicker."

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Just another wannabe w*nker who likes to slag off at other people and their choice of bike on the day.

u yanks just dont get it do u?........if the thread had been about slating yamaha ownners do u think they would come on here with the sort of drivel u have just posted to nurse their ego?........no, real bikers are more grown up than that and realize that harmless banter is just that ,harmless banter

I'm off now to find a Harley to dice with on my Honda Wave

l suppose it is an American thing never heard those jokes before but l can understand the sentiment of a Harley rider and their pride in there machine.

It reminded me of the Skoda jokes that came out remembering at the time a mate of mine had just bought one, well !! did he get upset or what !!!

I had one of the first Fireblades in England and when l finally got it, l parked it in my living room via the patio doors to the horror my now ex-Mrs at the time.

l sat in the armchair just gazing at my new beautiful piece of art with mug of tea for hours, l was in love again, bliss it was.:)

No one dared say anything bad about my new baby, anyone that did got on the wrong side of me. l'm OK now though ( twitch-twitch).:whistling:

l have ridden so many different motorbikes over the years and have some funny motorbike related stories during my 50years of riding.

Ride to Live, regards to all.

Edited by Kwasaki
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Dukehondasuzikawacati. Now there's a name that sounds more like a disease! :D

I like big V twins. Probably wouldn't buy a Harley.....but then again, never say never!

I am no fan of most Yamaha's, but I sure as he11 luv the MT-01.

That thing is sex on wheels! ;)


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