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Thai Sex Worker Murdered And Left To Rot In New Zealand Apartment

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This is one of the most disgusting things I have ever heard of. This man is a criminal in the worst sense - death penalty as a minimum!!!

Er....... He's on trial. I thought that in New Zealand you are innocent until proved guilty..................

I think the "fact" that he had the dead body and was living with it for a month proves he is guilty of something.

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For all the would be executioners New Zealand, like ALL civilized countries, does not have the death penalty.

I am not a bleeding heart but if forced to jump to conclusions I would think that this man needs serious psychiatric

treatment. Or at least some serious ENT work to restore his sense of smell!

After reading your comment you make me think about " all civilized countries " and in my opinion...death penalty does exit in the world because, it does give a Message to all criminals. Life is for life....then you and I will not have to witness as such headline..93% of male in jails while only 3% female are serving time. ( American statistic ) The man who is accusing of this crime will have to defense, I believe in Karma...and the truth will reveal. America still has a death penalty in several states, the government have to spend 3 million for a death roll but, only one million for a life without parole...take a pick...( money talks )

I am sorry for her loss and my heart and soul go to her families and friends.


The jury was told that Ms Vaikaew had had what has been described as" an on-off relationship" with the accused for approximately two and a half years. ,........seems like a few had

"an on and off relationship "with her !

She would have definitely been "OFF" after three weeks!

When someone in your family is brutally murdered just know that there will be people like you two scumbags making fun of them. Subhumans, both of you :angry:


Really quite shocked by this case, but more shocked by the numerous 'give him death.' posts Clearly this person is mentally unstable - to what degree we'll probably never know. But to demand death for a mentally sick person is unforgivable. Why did he stay in the apartment, was he in shock? Was he waiting for her to wake up? If he's KP it's possible he thought she might wake up and was just sleeping.

If he is full control of his faculties and this murder was premeditated then i'm sure the NZ courts will find a punishment which is suitable to the civilised world and not the rabid dogs of TV


Very sad story for the women in question and may she requiescat pacem.

However, what I don't understand is all the baying for the death penalty from so many posters. Obviously by the circumstances of the crime (if true as stated by the prosecution), this guy is one sick <deleted>. Either that or a sociopath. In both cases, killing him will do nothing to bring back the deceased and only promote a culture of violence and death, only this time abetted by the State.

No, if he indeed committed this crime, he needs to be either locked-up for a long time (maybe forever) in a mental hospital or sentenced to a long-term (life if appropriate) prison sentence where he can do no further harm to society.


The problem is that these women think they're smart and believe they can mess with men's emotions for gain.

Unfortunately for this woman she fell into the clutches of the New Zealand equivalent of Norman Bates.

Being on the game can be a most dangerous game and it`s when and not if that a time will arrive when they either suffer physical injury or as in this case, even death.

Working in the oldest profession can have it`s benefits, but the risks to themselves including disease, STDs, AIDs and the chances of suffering physical injury or worse far out weight the benefits.

The answer is: don't get involved with the clients or better still, stay out of this industry all together..


This is one of the most disgusting things I have ever heard of. This man is a criminal in the worst sense - death penalty as a minimum!!!

I would say that he is more sick then anything, needs to be in a hospital, sounds like he either lost it, through drugs, alcohol or both and a jealous rage gone bad and to scared to seek help for fear of the end results.

May she rest in peace.

could not agree more he is sick. But what to do with him?

if it was a rage brought on by anything it would not last a month!

If I had to decide I think he should not be walking the streets even in ten years time! and why keep him alive I think he is beyond any reasoned thought; no good to anybody or himself.

I am reading both of your comments and will inject my 2 cents here...many people I talk to do not agree with " death penalty ' and a few like me still think it is alright...for example 20 years ago a young man killed several immigrants and American teenagers by cutting their bodies into pieces and save the body parts in the refrigerator for dinners...he got a dead roll and it did spark a question for a civilized society...he did not last long after that he got murdered by several jail mates. Another example the highway patrol in San Diego murdered several women after picking them up on the freeway. It took investigators so long to crack this case and several women died...this guy was in the dead roll... I urge you all take a pick...Death or alive....after reading my 2 examples...my take and opinion.


Really quite shocked by this case, but more shocked by the numerous 'give him death.' posts Clearly this person is mentally unstable - to what degree we'll probably never know. But to demand death for a mentally sick person is unforgivable. Why did he stay in the apartment, was he in shock? Was he waiting for her to wake up? If he's KP it's possible he thought she might wake up and was just sleeping.

If he is full control of his faculties and this murder was premeditated then i'm sure the NZ courts will find a punishment which is suitable to the civilised world and not the rabid dogs of TV

Wow,wow and wow...I am standing tall for your opinion...


For all the would be executioners New Zealand, like ALL civilized countries, does not have the death penalty.

I am not a bleeding heart but if forced to jump to conclusions I would think that this man needs serious psychiatric

treatment. Or at least some serious ENT work to restore his sense of smell!

After reading your comment you make me think about " all civilized countries " and in my opinion...death penalty does exit in the world because, it does give a Message to all criminals. Life is for life....then you and I will not have to witness as such headline..93% of male in jails while only 3% female are serving time. ( American statistic ) The man who is accusing of this crime will have to defense, I believe in Karma...and the truth will reveal. America still has a death penalty in several states, the government have to spend 3 million for a death roll but, only one million for a life without parole...take a pick...( money talks )

I am sorry for her loss and my heart and soul go to her families and friends.

I included all civilized countries to provoke thought on the death penalty. Sadly I don't know statistics on states with/without

the death penalty. But I do know that many experts have claimed that it is no deterrent at all and I'll side with them before the

vengeful defenders of the Death Penalty. I also know that many, albeit a small percentage, have been wrongly executed.

The dehumanising of Wardens and Guards who have to carry out the processing is nothing short of sad. The USA still has

one of the worlds highest murder rates despite the fact that Americans are a wonderful people. That said "go figure".

RIP the victim and let justice be done to the perpetrator.


For all the would be executioners New Zealand, like ALL civilized countries, does not have the death penalty.

I am not a bleeding heart but if forced to jump to conclusions I would think that this man needs serious psychiatric

treatment. Or at least some serious ENT work to restore his sense of smell!

After reading your comment you make me think about " all civilized countries " and in my opinion...death penalty does exit in the world because, it does give a Message to all criminals. Life is for life....then you and I will not have to witness as such headline..93% of male in jails while only 3% female are serving time. ( American statistic ) The man who is accusing of this crime will have to defense, I believe in Karma...and the truth will reveal. America still has a death penalty in several states, the government have to spend 3 million for a death roll but, only one million for a life without parole...take a pick...( money talks )

I am sorry for her loss and my heart and soul go to her families and friends.

Life is for life only in the U.S I think. Life in Australia is generally 20 yrs with the possiblity of parole after 12 yrs. I love the American punishments and wish a few were handed out in Australia. If this guy was facing trial in Australia I would say the maximum he would get was 5 yrs and parole in 2 yrs less time already served. If he is proven to have a psych problem which I think he does he will be lucky if he get 2 yrs. Maybe a community based order that he seek psych assessments every month for the next 12 months if the courts are really hard on him.


This is one of the most disgusting things I have ever heard of. This man is a criminal in the worst sense - death penalty as a minimum!!!

Er....... He's on trial. I thought that in New Zealand you are innocent until proved guilty..................

I think the "fact" that he had the dead body and was living with it for a month proves he is guilty of something.

Probably a practicing nechrophiliac and that is really sick. The guy needs more than incarceration - most like castration. bah.gif


-- 2010-11-08

Does the Pattaya Daily News have a reporter in New Zealand for the trial?

OR... are they just snipping news from other sources and recycling it into a new article as if it were their own? :ermm:

The least they could do is cite the other news sources from which their reporter in Pattaya gleaned and stuck their name on it. <_<

Their using a stock file photo, which not identified as such, is not the victim in this case, and serves no purpose is but one of their many other shortcomings.


This is one of the most disgusting things I have ever heard of. This man is a criminal in the worst sense - death penalty as a minimum!!!

"death penalty as a minimum" Well it aint gonna happen sunshine!


What a disgusting headline, shame on you, THAIVISA !

Who in his right mind would repeat such a disgraceful nonsense?

A Thai-national was murdered in NZ and all you can write is " Thai Sex Worker Murdered And Left To Rot In HeJJ New Zealand Apartment"- That's a new low.

"New Zealand sheep-breeder-shearer-butcher killed Thai-national" would be the right heading... learn from your mistakes...


What a disgusting headline, shame on you, THAIVISA !

Who in his right mind would repeat such a disgraceful nonsense?

A Thai-national was murdered in NZ and all you can write is " Thai Sex Worker Murdered And Left To Rot In HeJJ New Zealand Apartment"- That's a new low.

"New Zealand sheep-breeder-shearer-butcher killed Thai-national" would be the right heading... learn from your mistakes...

What is wrong with that headline? And what is with the HeJJ ?

I'm working as a sheep butcher at the mo, getting some quick $$ together before making my permanent move to Thailand. What's wrong with that?


This is one of the most disgusting things I have ever heard of. This man is a criminal in the worst sense - death penalty as a minimum!!!

You need to stop and think about this before bringing out your executioner or at least wake up.

The act of leaving her on the bed for 3 1/2 weeks seems more like an act of extreme remorse for what he had done. He knew someone would discover the body at some point and he had resigned himself to his fate of going to prison. He didn't run or try to conceal the murder.

I don't know where you come from, but New Zealand does not execute people.


Really quite shocked by this case, but more shocked by the numerous 'give him death.' posts Clearly this person is mentally unstable - to what degree we'll probably never know. But to demand death for a mentally sick person is unforgivable.

BS! I really can't abide this way of thinking... always overlooking the victim. Almost like, if he were mental and murdered, then poor him, lets rehabilitate and make every life precious. :bah: The guy murdered someone, period. At the very least, lock up for good and think about it later. Why waste resources wondering why and making the perp better... concentrate on victim/victim's family. RIP


This is one of the most disgusting things I have ever heard of. This man is a criminal in the worst sense - death penalty as a minimum!!!

You need to stop and think about this before bringing out your executioner or at least wake up.

The act of leaving her on the bed for 3 1/2 weeks seems more like an act of extreme remorse for what he had done. He knew someone would discover the body at some point and he had resigned himself to his fate of going to prison.

I don't know where you come from, but New Zealand does not execute people.

As a matter of fact, people with an agricultural/stock-farming background can take smells/ not even recognize them, to a level you would not believe.

Come on, 1 month with a decomposing human body under the same roof while reading comic papers and wanking on the internet = extreme remorse? What about showing up at the next police station and confess you fukced up big time?


What a disgusting headline, shame on you, THAIVISA !

Who in his right mind would repeat such a disgraceful nonsense?

A Thai-national was murdered in NZ and all you can write is " Thai Sex Worker Murdered And Left To Rot In HeJJ New Zealand Apartment"- That's a new low.

"New Zealand sheep-breeder-shearer-butcher killed Thai-national" would be the right heading... learn from your mistakes...

Yea you, so what is it that makes you dislike sheep breeders, sheep butchers and sheep shearers so much?

Do you know that way back in the past the first hairdressers were orginally sheep shearers? They later became more famously known as;

Baaaar Bas.


Really sad to die like that. Surprising from one of the safest countries in the world.

Murder rate in Thailand is 7.92 per 100,000. US rate is 5.0, New Zealand is 2.0.


What a disgusting headline, shame on you, THAI VISA !

Who in his right mind would repeat such a disgraceful nonsense?

A Thai-national was murdered in NZ and all you can write is " Thai Sex Worker Murdered And Left To Rot In HeJJ New Zealand Apartment"- That's a new low.

"New Zealand sheep-breeder-shearer-butcher killed Thai-national" would be the right heading... learn from your mistakes...

Yea you, so what is it that makes you dislike sheep breeders, sheep butchers and sheep shearers so much?

Do you know that way back in the past the first hairdressers were orginally sheep shearers? They later became more famously known as;

Baaaar Bas.

Actually the only problem I have is, that a Thai national murder victim is reduced to a " Thai Sex Worker " here on the very THAI VISA FORUM.

Hey, Thai = Sex workers, New Zealand= Sheep shaggers

got it?


As a matter of fact, people with an agricultural/stock-farming background can take smells/ not even recognize them, to a level you would not believe.

Come on, 1 month with a decomposing human body under the same roof while reading comic papers and wanking on the internet = extreme remorse? What about showing up at the next police station and confess you fukced up big time?

You've made my case even more compelling. If he could handle the smell, then it made his final farewell even easier..

The guy was waiting there for the cops to get him. He was resigned to his fate. This obvious fact is being glossed over by the string-him-up crowd.


Just scrolled down to the topic from george, locked by webfukced, redirected to this thriller topic...

Ah, now we know that the accused murder was a computer geek, not a sheep shagger, sorry to all you sheep shaggers out there, keep on going :) .

Yeah, these geeks... you can't believe them as far as you can throw them, sorry again.


This is one of the most disgusting things I have ever heard of. This man is a criminal in the worst sense - death penalty as a minimum!!!

Very sheltered life you live! The job of stringing them all up for domestic's such as this would ease unemployment for sure.

NZ will no doubt lock him up for a long time if guilty.


Really quite shocked by this case, but more shocked by the numerous 'give him death.' posts Clearly this person is mentally unstable - to what degree we'll probably never know. But to demand death for a mentally sick person is unforgivable.

BS! I really can't abide this way of thinking... always overlooking the victim. Almost like, if he were mental and murdered, then poor him, lets rehabilitate and make every life precious. :bah: The guy murdered someone, period. At the very least, lock up for good and think about it later. Why waste resources wondering why and making the perp better... concentrate on victim/victim's family. RIP

I agree. If this is a crime of passion, I would make the guy work on a road gang, with half his pay going to pay for his incarceration and the other half to victims relatives.

If it was premeditated, I would put him into a hole in the ground; not some warm and comphy prison.

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