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A point to ponder. In the past everything was centred on Bangkok. Will that be the same in the future?Who staged the coups?Everything in the past was Bangkok centric. Is that the future?

That's where everything is. What would be the point of taking over Chiang Mai (for example)?

Is it where everything is.?It was in the past . I suggest the dynamic is changing.Every province has many army camps.If, and it is a big "if'", were things to change, it may not be Chiang Mai, alone

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You are quite correct, When the "elite"feel threatened, they call in the army. Interesting, how many "watermelons" are there in the army?

If there were so many "watermelons" in the army, why would the "elite" call them in? Now you're just clutching at straws.

Do you know which units were called in to do the heaviest fighting and crowd control when push came to shove? My understanding is that certain units of a particularly fervent persuation were brought in to replace other units who it was feared may not have 'got the job done' as effectively, shall we say. At least one of these units bore the name of a particularly unmentionable person.

Anyway, i just wanted to point out that there are divisions in the army although I've no idea how deep the rifts are, and all units are most certainly not the same in terms of their personal conviction towards undertaking the kind of work they've been required to do over the last couple of years.

It's the exact same script pre this year's red shirt occupation. These watermelons didn't come running to the aid of the red shirts in the end, and neither did the so-called "tomato police" as some speculated. All what was seen was pockets of reaistance by a few people openly loyal to Seh Daeng, and this is over the whole country, not just BKK. If they did exist in the numbers initially suggested by the reds why did they not come running? And now there's been the change of command the red shirts tried so hard to intervene with, surely the task of motivating soldiers against the current status quo will be much more difficult?

They were not allowed. They were confined to barracks.



I think he's been reading and listening to the red propaganda for most of those 20 years too.

Reading and listening to Red propaganda? Sorry, that is not possible. Every Red radio station,every Red T.V. station, has been shut down by the present Govt. Months ago

Meanwhile, last night on television....



Like you I too have lived here for some twenty years and I have very close links to Surin. I assure you that there is indeed a total mistrust of Thaksin and the Red Shirt leadership in its current guise and aims.

The Red Shirt movement was hi-jacked by power crazed self enriching megalomaniacs intent on restoring Thaksin to power so as to enable them ( his little toadying acolytes) to dive head first into the pork barrel in their quest for corrupt self enrichment and the massacre of democracy as so graphically demonstrated by the previous Thaksin regime.

Cast your memory back to, '' Animal Farm." Indeed the pigs were soon shown in their true light as we have also seen with the likes of the greater majority of the Red Shirt leadership.

The monies that have not been accounted for, the total ignoring of the rank and file members in gaol who have been left high and dry and with no legal representation, the list is endless, the pawns are worthless to the power crazed megalomaniac (mis) leaders. of the Red Shirt movement

Indeed a wonderful show of democracy from a self proclaimed democratic led movement.

Cast the mote from thine eye.


There must be some truth in what Jatuporn say sometimes but I just wonder why no one here can actually see the truth and think with their head. How do you guys expect the army chief to publicly accept 'yes' am planning on staging a coup? Think guys. Jatuporn is an opposition and he tend to keep his ears on the ground to find informations against his opposition. There is some truth in all this guy say...

I can still remember very well when Jatuporn accused the DSI chief's wife for taking a bribe from a businessman to cover up his tax debt, Jatuporn mentioned the date the money was transfered and the amount, which the DSI chief Mr Tharit denied that his wife never took money from anyone. Meanwhile the truth later came out and it happened that Jatuporn was saying the truth, and what did the DSI chief said? He came back and said yes his wife took some money from a businessman but it was not for tax cover up.

Now ask yourselves if we have heard anymore news about that again despite the law suit the DSI chief made against Jatuporn? Nope! that case is forgotten because its the DSI chief's wife. Wake up people, Abhisit and COs knows what they are doing and yeah i would rather believe what Jatuporn always say than believe the government and the their allies, they are always up for a cover-ups.


When I read that"Regarding his policy concerning the border dispute with Cambodia, the army chief insisted the army will not allow any loss of the country's territory." I'm scared because form the point of view of the fascists (army and PAD), any peaceful status quo, any research of agreement, any border demarcation IS a loss of territory.

I'm afraid that war (and coup) is unavoidable.


The current PM is simply the "face" presented by the real power in Thailand, the Military.

They and the Elites are still in total control of business deals, Government contracts and

have fingers in so many pies they can afford muliple Local and Internation Homes, send children abroad for Education and place family and friends

into Official/Govermental jobs.

So why would they need to start a coup?

They have all they could ever want.

Oh, and they will NEVER allow MR TS back into Thailand....NEVER!


Oh, and they will NEVER allow MR TS back into Thailand....NEVER!


Ousted Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra flew home Thursday to an ecstatic welcome from thousands of supporters, kissing the ground as he ended nearly one and a half years of self-imposed exile.



There must be some truth in what Jatuporn say sometimes but I just wonder why no one here can actually see the truth and think with their head. How do you guys expect the army chief to publicly accept 'yes' am planning on staging a coup? Think guys. Jatuporn is an opposition and he tend to keep his ears on the ground to find informations against his opposition. There is some truth in all this guy say...

I can still remember very well when Jatuporn accused the DSI chief's wife for taking a bribe from a businessman to cover up his tax debt, Jatuporn mentioned the date the money was transfered and the amount, which the DSI chief Mr Tharit denied that his wife never took money from anyone. Meanwhile the truth later came out and it happened that Jatuporn was saying the truth, and what did the DSI chief said? He came back and said yes his wife took some money from a businessman but it was not for tax cover up.

Now ask yourselves if we have heard anymore news about that again despite the law suit the DSI chief made against Jatuporn? Nope! that case is forgotten because its the DSI chief's wife. Wake up people, Abhisit and COs knows what they are doing and yeah i would rather believe what Jatuporn always say than believe the government and the their allies, they are always up for a cover-ups.

No you have it wrong. Jatuporn acccused Tharit's wife of accepting an illegal payment. It was proven publicly (without any call to do so) that Tharit's wife did indeed accept a payment, but it was not illegal.

This is paramount to a customer sueing me because someone else sent me a random, accountable payment. There is no crime there - regardless of whether my customer knew the amount or the transaction date.

And that’s where Jatuporn’s lies come in… this wasn’t an illegal or hidden payment, there were no tax cover-ups, etc etc. I honestly cannot think of one occasion since the beginning of the 2010 protest that Jatuporn has told the truth.

On the other hand, the amount of proven lies that Jatuporn has come out with... hmmm. Your argument that "some of what he says MUST be true" just doesn't cut it. He is a liar, and that's it.

When I read that"Regarding his policy concerning the border dispute with Cambodia, the army chief insisted the army will not allow any loss of the country's territory." I'm scared because form the point of view of the fascists (army and PAD), any peaceful status quo, any research of agreement, any border demarcation IS a loss of territory.

I'm afraid that war (and coup) is unavoidable.

Yes, I too was most worried from the OP by this add-on. We have two sides who both claim a piece of land belongs to them - in all probability, the land will somehow be divided between them, so at least one party will lose territory - probably both! I don't think war is something we should be concerning ourselves with now... let's try to be optimistic and wait until diplomacy fails first, eh?


Like you I too have lived here for some twenty years and I have very close links to Surin. I assure you that there is indeed a total mistrust of Thaksin and the Red Shirt leadership in its current guise and aims.

The Red Shirt movement was hi-jacked by power crazed self enriching megalomaniacs intent on restoring Thaksin to power so as to enable them ( his little toadying acolytes) to dive head first into the pork barrel in their quest for corrupt self enrichment and the massacre of democracy as so graphically demonstrated by the previous Thaksin regime.

Cast your memory back to, '' Animal Farm." Indeed the pigs were soon shown in their true light as we have also seen with the likes of the greater majority of the Red Shirt leadership.

The monies that have not been accounted for, the total ignoring of the rank and file members in gaol who have been left high and dry and with no legal representation, the list is endless, the pawns are worthless to the power crazed megalomaniac (mis) leaders. of the Red Shirt movement

Indeed a wonderful show of democracy from a self proclaimed democratic led movement.

Cast the mote from thine eye.

I’m afraid I am not as senior in my Thai residency as you two (only 9 years so far), but I am yet in my 30’s. However, I am fluent in Isaan and have a long-term ex-girlfriend from Udon (Phang Ngu, so in the sticks and not the city) with whom I am still friendly. She now no longer loves Thaksin - she has seen the light - but doesn’t like me mouthing off about how evil he is... I guess that she doesn’t like me bringing up that she was wrong for so long. Her family are pretty-much split between those who sympathise with Thaksin (but realize they were very wrong when they thought he was a nice guy) and those who despise him. I also have countless friends, giks, etc, from other provinces, particularly Chaiyaphum and Nakhon Ratchassima - similar feeling there.

The Red Shirt support has indeed dwindled in many parts of Isaan - as I am sure afarang has noticed, much to his annoyance - and support for Thaksin and certainly the UDD leadership has gone very much down the toilet. Their base was Isaan, who generally didn’t know that Thaksin was all that bad. Many of them are shocked to find that Jatuporn, Veera and Nattawut are all from the South!

As many say, the key to democracy is education. Shutting down many red media has definitely improved education. Now they are being fed government-bent truths instead of red mistruths; not perfect, but an improvement. They can now use their minds to unravel the facts behind the government-bent spin rather than being fed utter lies (e.g. the doctored Abhisit “Kill ‘em all” voice clip, the 20 mythical corpses from 2009, the army’s use of M79s in 2010) from the UDD media.

“If I was a villager and was made to listen to that, I would have joined the protests myself”, Abhisit said of the voice clip in the post-dispersal censure debate.

Part of the reconciliation plan is that the media are no longer allowed to circulate lies... they can only circulate facts and their interpretation of it - whichever way it slants - but not circulate things that aren’t actually true. I think that’s fair. You’ll notice (if you choose to) that many red media which haven’t yet started lieing or slandering the highest institution are still on air. But that’s not as interesting for those with red-tinted glasses.

Great Animal Farm reference, by the way.


Am so glad to hear that the army has no intention of breaking the law.

Who asks these dumb questions.....?

The Royal Thai Army has said that 20 times in the last 50 years. How many coups has Thailand had?

I don't have that many fingers :jap:


I do not really understand.

A coup to remove who? and replace with who?

Army chief openly does not support Reds or PT Party.

So if the was a coup, presumably to remove democrats from the government, but then who would he support?.

To be honest to me it makes not sense and if anything its another poor attempt by PT to create instability in the country and the government

"its another poor attempt by PT to create instability in the country

and the government"

That is the crux of it right there.

Instability is the ONLY thing that can give PTP anything resembling an edge.

But their main instigator of these attempts, has so little credibility outside

red circles (tail chasing) that most Thais don't get riled about his blather.

That said, It is the boiler plate announcement of the new army head,

not that he takes Jatuporns rants seriously, but better to just state 'no',

for those few who may be credulous enough to think J. is realistic.

There is not logical or pressing reason for an army coup,

army head is not letting that side of the army out of his control.

Because for that to happen at this state would mean he has acquiesced to it.

'There is not a logical reason or pressing reason for an army coup' Please tell me you wrote that without thinking and I will excuse you

Army coup or mutiny. There is a difference.


A point to ponder. In the past everything was centred on Bangkok. Will that be the same in the future?Who staged the coups?Everything in the past was Bangkok centric. Is that the future?

Probably not. If you had read other topics you should have known Bangkok will be under water in a few years time :)


you are 100% correct, but you must keep in mind that middle ranked and top ranked officer mostly are "elite" .

just foot and low ranked soldiers are not capable of staging a coup.

I will say that i have no doubt there could be some plan in place in case of something happening in the future, but i do not see one any time soon if current circumstances remain.

Not sure you should call middle and top ranked officers 'elite'. Professionals, some elite by birth, some by build-up connections, some by being capable, outstanding. Same goes for the police force by the way. K. Thaksin is a fine example.

Unlike some African or South American countries I can't see a coup by sergeants or even captains. Some things work in Thailand ;)

The only thing which annoys me a bit is the need for the Thai army chief to say 'no coup plot'. The army to blame in part. Probably also to increase the number of denials versus actual coups :)


The news cycle had moved to floods and things Burma. Something dramatic was needed to try and bring it back. that is Jatuporn's job. He doesnt care if whet he says is right or wrong or true or lies. The job is to keep certain things in the news cycle and the committed chomping at the bit. The army had also gained a lot of Kudos with people in certain regions Jatuporn doesnt want them getting kudos over flood relief.


The news cycle had moved to floods and things Burma. Something dramatic was needed to try and bring it back. that is Jatuporn's job. He doesn't care if whet he says is right or wrong or true or lies. The job is to keep certain things in the news cycle and the committed chomping at the bit. The army had also gained a lot of Kudos with people in certain regions Jatuporn doesn't want them getting kudos over flood relief.

This is, as Frank Zappa sang,

The crux of the biscuit is the apostrophe


The news cycle had moved to floods and things Burma. Something dramatic was needed to try and bring it back. that is Jatuporn's job. He doesn't care if whet he says is right or wrong or true or lies. The job is to keep certain things in the news cycle and the committed chomping at the bit. The army had also gained a lot of Kudos with people in certain regions Jatuporn doesn't want them getting kudos over flood relief.

This is, as Frank Zappa sang,

The crux of the biscuit is the apostrophe


Reading this entry from March 28, 2003 ( http://www.apostropher.com/blog/archives/000091.html ) with part of an interview with Frank Zappa, I can only say 'it's as clear as the mud floating down the river' :)


Well said....could not put it better myself....


Like you I too have lived here for some twenty years and I have very close links to Surin. I assure you that there is indeed a total mistrust of Thaksin and the Red Shirt leadership in its current guise and aims.

The Red Shirt movement was hi-jacked by power crazed self enriching megalomaniacs intent on restoring Thaksin to power so as to enable them ( his little toadying acolytes) to dive head first into the pork barrel in their quest for corrupt self enrichment and the massacre of democracy as so graphically demonstrated by the previous Thaksin regime.

Cast your memory back to, '' Animal Farm." Indeed the pigs were soon shown in their true light as we have also seen with the likes of the greater majority of the Red Shirt leadership.

The monies that have not been accounted for, the total ignoring of the rank and file members in gaol who have been left high and dry and with no legal representation, the list is endless, the pawns are worthless to the power crazed megalomaniac (mis) leaders. of the Red Shirt movement

Indeed a wonderful show of democracy from a self proclaimed democratic led movement.

Cast the mote from thine eye.


I thought a coup was something you kept chickens in, are the army going to keep chickens or not ? This is truly breaking news(hpoefully not the eggs though).:lol:

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