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Thai & Western (caucasian) Mixed Children


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Has anybody here met someone with mixed children or have any? What are your opinion in terms of their physical characteristics?? Which race has the dominant gene and so forth??

IMO, if it's a western man and (let's say) thai woman, their offsprings are beautiful. Although, I have noticed that if it's a western woman and thai man, their offsprings are not as pretty if it was the other way around. (Keep in mind that this is only my definition of beauty) :o . Thank you.

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I have noticed the western male and Thai woman offspring normally lose a lot of the Thai features. In my wifes' villiage one of her cousins has a half Farang child, a lot of the women tease it calling it Farang Farang and laughing, it isnt meant to be degrading for the child ( I hope not cause my wife does it too).

Here at home you can allways tell if the child is a product of the current Farang/Thai marriage by it's features.

Havn't really taken much notice of the western woman Thai man offspring. :o

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actually super, i beg to differ. I have an aussie friend with a thai husband and her son is very handsome and her daughter is movie-star gorgeous. if they lived in thailand I am sure the tv people would grab her immediately as she is absolutely stunning. since many of my friends are women with thai husbands i would have to say that most of their kids are quite good-looking. suspect how the kid turns out depends on how the parents look. not whether or not the mother is farang or thai.

also, must point out kind of a weird genetic thing about my friend's kids. the son has light brown hair and hazel eyes but his eyes have more of an almond shape and his skin is a nice light tan color. the daughter has dark brown hair and dark brown eyes but her eyes are more round and her skin is quite white. same mom (mom has sandy blond hair) and same dad. go figure.

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ok let put this in a sample shall we, people like ## himself seem to think that they know all, they figure that if a child is born in their mix, that mean child will grow up being smart, but they don't realize that there are other pure breed Thai out there that are much or twice smarter then them. so don't be too sure about yourself.

is that sample clear enought.( please this is for sample purposes only ) :o

Edite by Boo to remove irrelevant part of post.

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Tomy, I don't think anyone was questioning the intelligence of thai kids over farang or mixed thai/farang kids but the physical characteristics, in fact I don't think it was even mentioned that farang/thai children were more intelligent than Thai children. The original post was one persons comments that children of farang men & thai women were better looking than those of thai men & farang women. (can't say I agree but each to his own I suppose, after all, all parents will think there kid is better looking/more cute than other peoples) So I have to agree with the doctor, your postings are confusing & off the mark. Maybe you can try reading the postings before you decide to post a response.

btw, Any disagreement with the DR or anyone else can be done in the relevant part of the forum pls. Don't use the farang girls section as another sounding board for those memebrs who have a disagreement with the moderators. Thanks :o

Boo :D

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The resulting physical characteristics of mixed couples' children is probably just as much a guess as with same race couples. Both my parents have blond hair and Northern Eurpean looks, but I ended being brown haired, and people often wrongly guess I'm from the southern part of Europe! It's well known that genetical characteristics often skip one or more generations...So even if the Farang partner has dark hair and dark eyes, the child still might end up with light hazel eyes, light skin etc. because of a blonde grandparent of the Farang partner!

Genetics is still not a very exact science, even if they want us to believe it...


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Guest IT Manager

Tomy has been suspended for 4 weeks, because his drivel drives me and others nuts.

Edited by george
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Has anybody here met someone with mixed children or have any? What are your opinion in terms of their physical characteristics?? Which race has the dominant gene and so forth??

IMO, if it's a western man and (let's say) thai woman, their offsprings are beautiful. Although, I have noticed that if it's a western woman and thai man, their offsprings are not as pretty if it was the other way around. (Keep in mind that this is only my definition of beauty)  . Thank you.

in my opinion not all farang/thai are beautiful, i seen some that are not quite so lucky( that mean i seen some that are ugly ), don't get me wrong for speaking the truth

i know that everybody are protective of their child and want the beauty for them, but not all turn out to be beauty

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I can only speak for my Tom ( my 5 year old son "luk kreung" )

Until he was 3 he was mistaken for a little girl , extremely pretty.

These days as a rugged 5 year old , now with a crew cut , he is still a gorgeous little boy. We have been approached several times by friends in advertising , offering trial for TV commercials etc. We declined, his looks are one thing.

He wouldn't be loved any differently had he been born less attractive

But he is also the sweetest , most considerate little boy we have ever seen.

But then we are biased!

I like to think he has inherited his gentle ways from Jum , my wife, fortunately his looks also come from that department!


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my dad is farang and my mum Thai. My dad is white as white Aussie, mum is Chinese/Burmese Thai, so not chinese white, but not dark either.

I look scarily like my dad, although I tan much better than him and have black hair which turns brown in the sun. ;-)

My looks aren't exactly masculine though, and when I was a teenager whipper snapper with long hair, I was mistaken by a girl more often than not in Thailand. I think the term "metro-sexual" was designed for people like me.

In my younger days I was told I should be a model, especially by Thais. Those comments are no longer volunteered though, as I have already stated.... these days I look scarily like my dad!!

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My son is now 25 years old. He looks like a Thai ( like his grand father) on the outside, but is 100% european on the inside and his posture is european ( thanks to sports since a kid,I think) 186 cm and 100kg muscles.

Almost finished with Dutch law school and I am mighty proud of him.

But coming to the first question, I believe that my wife's genes are may be stronger than mine. Nevertheless We are proud of our product.

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Has anybody here met someone with mixed children or have any? What are your opinion in terms of their physical characteristics?? Which race has the dominant gene and so forth??

A few months ago (may be a few more) I met two blokes on samet who were half thai (mum's side) half american (dad's side) - my friend and I agreed that they would have to be two of the most physically beautiful men we've ever met (just a bit too young for us :o ). Seriously, we thought they were Calvin Klein models - especially when they came out of the water and flicked their hair :D (we had a good look round for the photographers). Along with their great looks came great personalities and a sense of humour. The interesting thing is they had no idea how physically beautiful they were - my friend was tempted to take one home to london with her to parade down the high street as a handbag B).

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  • 2 weeks later...





Sorry to say but no mix or match will ever add up to my Kitty :D

see for yourself here

am I pathetic or what?

(can't say I agree but each to his own I suppose, after all, all parents will think there kid is better looking/more cute than other peoples)

You are quite right Boo, it is all in the eyes of the beholders.

But then again Kitty is kinda cute :o

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I have noticed the western male and Thai woman offspring normally lose a lot of the Thai features

I have a friend married with a thai woman. The first son has a face like the mother and dark, but high and big. The second is white but small. Noone would ever imagine they are brothers.

They are the confirmation of what genetists say : every son gets exactly 50% of each parents features.

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I have four half Thai children. My eldest, just 14, is now 6 ft 4in with size 14 UK shoes and still growing fast. (I am large at 6ft 3 - 1.92M). He looks Farang, apart from his jet black hair but he has very fair skin and burns easily. My daughter, almost 12, is also tall but has the classic look kreung looks. She is fed up with being told she should be a dara or supermodel, she has mid brown hair and eyes that regularly melt the coldest of souls.

The two youngest look almost pure Farang and Thai respectively apart from their sizes. The 5 year old has light brown hair and would pass for pure European. The (just) 4 year old is huge. already 5 cms taller than his elder brother, he wears 10 to 12 year old clothing and weighs over 40 Kilos. (So you understand that is not a typo, his weight is over 40Kg and his elder brother weighs only 26!)

It would seem that in. many regards, my farang genes have dominated (but the only important factor is that they are great children).

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I have four half Thai children. My eldest, just 14, is now 6 ft 4in with size 14 UK shoes and still growing fast. (I am large at 6ft 3 - 1.92M). He looks Farang, apart from his jet black hair but he has very fair skin and burns easily. My daughter, almost 12, is also tall but has the classic look kreung looks. She is fed up with being told she should be a dara or supermodel, she has mid brown hair and eyes that regularly melt the coldest of souls.

The two youngest look almost pure Farang and Thai respectively apart from their sizes. The 5 year old has light brown hair and would pass for pure European. The (just) 4 year old is huge. already 5 cms taller than his elder brother, he wears 10 to 12 year old clothing and weighs over 40 Kilos. (So you understand that is not a typo, his weight is over 40Kg and his elder brother weighs only 26!)

It would seem that in. many regards, my farang genes have dominated (but the only important factor is that they are great children).

I think in the future, if you keep breeding like you are doing there is a good chance, Thailand will have a world class basketball and rugby team. Cheers to you mate!

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The 14 year old is already playing prop for his school's first rugby team in the UK (with 18 year olds), so I'm afraid OZ may have to wait. (He is already the largest pupil in his school and 1cm shorter than the largest master!)

Thanks for the good wishes...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am farang my wife thai - our son is quite like me (fair hair) but very 'pretty' and our daughter similar but dark hair. Seems my genes have dominated. I would not put them in normal thai schools as any diffrence as one knows is always picked up by kids who can be cruel. They will go to international school. I look forward however to the day they get asked for the farang price on a trip and reply in fluent thai flourishing their thai passport. No doubt the govt/civil service jobs will be unavailable to them! In my experience thai and half thai kids are better looking than most pure farang whose kids can be very odd looking sometimes but in reality its probably just 'eye of the beholder'.

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No doubt the govt/civil service jobs will be unavailable to them!


If you can get your kids truely bi-lingual, they will be snapped up by the more progressive elements of the civil service, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Finance or Commerce.

In fact there are many farangs working at these places already as "consultants"

On the other hand, why they would want to earn 7000 baht per month is another story!

Otherwise, they will be high demand in the corporate world and paid some quite big bucks.

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