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Queue Jumping


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Of course, I also allow others go ahead of me if I've got a lot in my cart and they only have a few items.

I stopped doing that some time ago. There are too many people who will gladly take the place, only then to proceed to take out a number of bills that they want paying.

First come, first served.

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I've usually got lots of time and my reaction depends on the mood I'm in. I actually enjoy annoying obnoxious people and happily waste my own time bothering them. Of course, I also allow others go ahead of me if I've got a lot in my cart and they only have a few items.

Ian you are the perfect gentleman ..i take my hat of to you sir.. more of a man than i will ever be rolleyes.gif

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Funny it happened to us the other day ,a chinese or Korean woman just pushed me out of the way and proceeded to order ,i just stared in disbelief,but my wife said in Thai to the girl politely ,dont serve her first ,she pushed in ,if you do we will walk out and never come back . The girl just ignored the woman and served me. I must admit my wife does have a way with her :whistling:

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Sounds like a number of people here need to avoid China at all cost if they think this is a big problem in Thailand.



My wife had to do some cross training in Beijing and upon returning to Thailand told me she'd been in a KFC or the like looking at the laminated menu on the counter and a local guy next to her simply pulled it away from under her nose and started looking at it himself. In a shopping mall she was holding up a blouse to decide whether she liked it and a Chinese woman ripped it out of her hands and started looking at the price tag.

For me in Thailand eye contact and a simple " Excuse me I'm first " suffices.

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But what can the consequences be for standing up for yourself and your fellow queuers?

I saw a doccuemtary once, which showed some CCTV footaage of a fast food take away in London. A lady jumped the queue and placed her order, much to the annoyance of someone already queuing, who demonstrated his objections. The queue jumper left the take away, and a minute of so later her boyfriend entered, who just happened to be about 200 KG in weight. The boyfriend took one swing at the objector, laying him flat out cold.

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The last three times this happened went like this.

1. They pushed into the queue and plonked their stuff down so I moved it out of the way and got served.

2. They pushed into the queue and plonked their stuff down and the cashier told them that he was serving me first as I was there before them.

3. They pushed into the queue and plonked their stuff down, the cashier served them first, I told them that they had no manners, left my stuff on the counter and walked out.

so in the third instance you essentially bit off your nose to spite your face. well done. i will bet everyone who witnessed your little fit of pique was well impressed. i know i certainly am.

Doesn't that validate the action ? :jerk:

cheesy.gif well spotted !!

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But what can the consequences be for standing up for yourself and your fellow queuers?

I saw a doccuemtary once, which showed some CCTV footaage of a fast food take away in London. A lady jumped the queue and placed her order, much to the annoyance of someone already queuing, who demonstrated his objections. The queue jumper left the take away, and a minute of so later her boyfriend entered, who just happened to be about 200 KG in weight. The boyfriend took one swing at the objector, laying him flat out cold.

At that point I go into hunter mode. I don't care how long it takes to stalk that jerk. Eventually he pays the price. Nobody is big enough to prevent a sneek attack.

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The last three times this happened went like this.

1. They pushed into the queue and plonked their stuff down so I moved it out of the way and got served.

2. They pushed into the queue and plonked their stuff down and the cashier told them that he was serving me first as I was there before them.

3. They pushed into the queue and plonked their stuff down, the cashier served them first, I told them that they had no manners, left my stuff on the counter and walked out.

so in the third instance you essentially bit off your nose to spite your face.

Well that would certainly stop me in my tracks as a queue jumper. A raving nutter somehow biting his own nose off screaming " I'm first Sombat! "

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China is a good example of too many people wanting the same thing. If you AREN'T pushy and a queue jumper then you don't survive. It's a basic animal instinct of survival of the fittest. Hopefully, we learn a bit about proper behaviour... but it has to be taught.

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The last three times this happened went like this.

1. They pushed into the queue and plonked their stuff down so I moved it out of the way and got served.

2. They pushed into the queue and plonked their stuff down and the cashier told them that he was serving me first as I was there before them.

3. They pushed into the queue and plonked their stuff down, the cashier served them first, I told them that they had no manners, left my stuff on the counter and walked out.

so in the third instance you essentially bit off your nose to spite your face.

Well that would certainly stop me in my tracks as a queue jumper. A raving nutter somehow biting his own nose off screaming " I'm first Sombat! "

How would one bite their own nose off?

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The last three times this happened went like this.

1. They pushed into the queue and plonked their stuff down so I moved it out of the way and got served.

2. They pushed into the queue and plonked their stuff down and the cashier told them that he was serving me first as I was there before them.

3. They pushed into the queue and plonked their stuff down, the cashier served them first, I told them that they had no manners, left my stuff on the counter and walked out.

so in the third instance you essentially bit off your nose to spite your face.

Well that would certainly stop me in my tracks as a queue jumper. A raving nutter somehow biting his own nose off screaming " I'm first Sombat! "

Except I wasn't raving or screaming, just politely pointing out that the queue jumper had no manners and that the shop had lost my custom because they favour those that butt in.

If you want to roll over and take ignorant behaviour go ahead, I prefer not to.

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Happened many times and it's (almost always) women who push in. I always say something or shift the stuff over. Was heading for the checkout in Carrefour while back and was about two paces from the till when a couple of middle-aged women went to dart in front of me (I only had two or three items). After blocking their way and making it clear they weren't going to push in, the one uttered a sarky 'thankyou' in English like I had wronged them. What a bunch of kwais.

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Sounds like a number of people here need to avoid China at all cost if they think this is a big problem in Thailand.



My wife had to do some cross training in Beijing and upon returning to Thailand told me she'd been in a KFC or the like looking at the laminated menu on the counter and a local guy next to her simply pulled it away from under her nose and started looking at it himself. In a shopping mall she was holding up a blouse to decide whether she liked it and a Chinese woman ripped it out of her hands and started looking at the price tag.

For me in Thailand eye contact and a simple " Excuse me I'm first " suffices.

For sure. Spend a few months in China or India and you will think people here are extremely polite! When queuing in China, I look for old, short grannies. They tend to use their elbows to get ahead...and they are placed at about the same level as your family jewels!

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Forgive them for they know not what they do.

I tend to believe they know exactly what they are doing

+1...no body can be that dull to not know what is right and what is wrong

True. Watch a Thai with their grandparent or boss and they will most certainly hold open doors, etc.

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For sure. Spend a few months in China or India and you will think people here are extremely polite! When queuing in China, I look for old, short grannies. They tend to use their elbows to get ahead...and they are placed at about the same level as your family jewels!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Great plan! I had to laugh as I've seen the very same thing. Little, short grannies can push their way through anything where us bigger guys get caught up in the traffic. I've tried following a Thai girl friend through crowded streets and I get left behind every time until it opens up a little.

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This happened to me back in USA: I was heading to the pharmacy counter in the back of the store -- strategically placed in USA drug stores so you have to walk past all the other goodies to get there ... Some woman in a parallel aisle saw me and ran to the back of the store just in time to cut me off... I said nothing until after she was finished with the pharmacist but then said:

You know ... it isn't real smart to cut in front of someone trying to pick-up their anti-psychotic medication.

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Of course this happens everywhere, but more so in Asia (at least that I see) than in western parts of the world. Just the other day I was in a taxi queue at a local landmark here in Macau (Macau Tower) and some of the locals decided to stand on the otherside of the roundabout to grab the taxis before those in the queue. After two taxis had been grabbed one bloke stood in front of the newly filled taxi as it was driving around the round about and jumped on the hood, he had had enough. Needless to say he had caused a large commotion and the taxi drivers finally stopped picking up people on the wrong side.

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scandanaivan bloke tried to push into the express immigration line at the airport for people with kids, which was long in itself. All the other lines were longer. He was flashing some sort of Thai 'ID' telling everyone he had priority, most towards the back of the line let him pass. I was no. 2 in line and he tried it on me.

He showed me the card, which was in Thai but basically was a short home made bio of who he was - definity wasn't official. I told him to bugger of, the family behind me (who had let him pass) and I called over an immigration officer to tell him where to go.


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A few years ago, I was tricked a couple of time in the same way. First a kid pass me, I let him go, I just assume that the kid is with the person in front of me. Then 2-3 mn later the mother, father, sometime the whole family joins him. And if you say anything they start shouting, they are with their kid, what kind of individual are you .... Very embarassing situation !

Now it's ok. I don't know if I look less gullible or if everybody is now aware of the trick and they don't use it anymore,

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