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Queue Jumping


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This is a funny thread where do you all live " Beirut " on my rare visits to my local 7 -11 the people all wai me and bow as l walk in, and one of the staff carry's the basket while l shop, l then point to the items l require, which she puts into the basket, when l'm finish shopping they beckon me to the front of the queue and then carry my things out to my limo.:jap: this only happens when my maid is not available of course.

Perhaps it's that diamond and ruby encrusted crown you wear to the shops sire. :unsure::D I must try it.

What a lazy arseh_le; I would be embarrassed to post that :blink:

Must be taking the p*ss :lol:

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On-Nut Taxi queue is a good one for queue jumping .Happened to me last week after spending about 10 minutes standing in front of the hot coal and gas cooking stoves and the bad smell stalls and then this Arab pushes my TGF in the back and slides straight into the back seat of our taxi just as we where about to get into the next taxi.. When i said something about where did the c**t with the manners of a pig come from it looked like he was going to get out again and belt me until he saw that i could probably pick him up and throw him half way across Suk rd that he decided to go and the taxi just wanted to get out of there too. Just astounded how he could shove my gf out of the way and then not expect to cope some abuse.Maybe it was culturally insenitive of me to compare him with a poor pig but it was in the heat of the moment.

I also find the immigration queues at Swampy also bad for queue jumping but usually from the indians who then think think that it is okay to invite their whole family including uncles and cousins in and then one of them will not have the correct documentation or will start arguing with the immigration officer. I then need to decide wether to go to another queue or stay put. From second in line to fiftteenth and from a pleasent mood to a foul mood in seconds.

Now that is two things out of my system.

Are you an American? I think Americans should have to pass an exam before receiving a passport.

What a dumb shit statement. What's your education level?

2nd that

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While the penchant for queue jumping is not just limited to a thai only phenomena; I will say I've noticed it far more in S/E Asian countries than I ever observed in the US.

It would also appear the asian definition of 'personal space' doesn't correlate with say my american definition of the same term. :blink: In the US anyone within arm's reach has most definitely invaded my personal space; whilst here there seems to be no guidelines and people can crowd to their hearts content. Maybe it's because they're smaller and there's a different set of rules for diminutive people, ;) I dunno really.

I routinely crowd the person ahead of me in lines at 7/11 or grocery stores, to the point I'm almost touching them in an effort to stop the errant thai from cutting in the line. The worst offenders are those pesky "I'm just buying a top up card for my phone" ones. :annoyed: They drive me up a proverbial wall.

I would suggest some "survival thai" in cases where thai people cut in front of you. A very high use phrase is: อย่าแซงคิวซิ. It is pronounced like this; yaaL saaengM khiuM siH". This translates nearly word for word as "Don't jump the queue!" The first word is 'don't', the second word is 'overtake' or 'pass by', the third word is the engrish word 'queue' and the last is an ending particle which conveys an imperative quality to what you just said rather than the statement being just a polite request. Almost like adding an exclamation point in written engrish.

You don't even hafta say this phrase particularly loud or in a particularly aggressive tone; just look directly at the offending thai and say it clearly (possibly after some in-home practice with your thai significant other to get the toning correct! :) ).

More times than not, that phrase is more than enough to get the offending party to move, if not to the end of the queue, at least behind you. In cases where they just go behind me; last time I checked I'm not the frickin' queue police :o . I feel it's every person for them self. If the person behind me is sheep-like and won't say anything, well it's just not my job to police proper queuing etiquette here. B)

Now if you can't carry on more than a two-word-tourist thai conversation, please be advised you hafta "know your audience" when saying that phrase. To the normal run-'o-the-mill thai queue jumper at 7/11, grocery stores, department stores, movie lines, etc you're fine saying it 99.99% of the time.

However, it is my experience very close to midnite, when a drunken thai guy staggers up to the counter at 7/11 with a hand basket nearly overflowing with big Beer Leos because he's tryin' to buy alcohol before the cut off time, you're better off just letting him jump the queue. :D There is a high degree of probability he is ONLY the 'designated buyer', and a group of equally drunk thai guys are sitting outside the door. Using the phrase I mentioned earlier is possibly not in your best interest health/longevity-wise, :rolleyes: especially given the thai penchant of fighting in 'packs'.

In 'time sensitive' situations dealing with drunken thais making alcohol purchases, I always say; เชิญก่อนไม่รีบ; cheernM gaawnL maiF reepF and then motion them to go ahead. It translates as; "Go ahead, I'm not in a hurry."

FWIW: I've met some really interesting thai people with that tactic, and more times than not am invited to sit 'n share a beer with them too.

Again, your mileage may vary.

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On-Nut Taxi queue is a good one for queue jumping .Happened to me last week after spending about 10 minutes standing in front of the hot coal and gas cooking stoves and the bad smell stalls and then this Arab pushes my TGF in the back and slides straight into the back seat of our taxi just as we where about to get into the next taxi.. When i said something about where did the c**t with the manners of a pig come from it looked like he was going to get out again and belt me until he saw that i could probably pick him up and throw him half way across Suk rd that he decided to go and the taxi just wanted to get out of there too. Just astounded how he could shove my gf out of the way and then not expect to cope some abuse.Maybe it was culturally insenitive of me to compare him with a poor pig but it was in the heat of the moment.

I also find the immigration queues at Swampy also bad for queue jumping but usually from the indians who then think think that it is okay to invite their whole family including uncles and cousins in and then one of them will not have the correct documentation or will start arguing with the immigration officer. I then need to decide wether to go to another queue or stay put. From second in line to fiftteenth and from a pleasent mood to a foul mood in seconds.

Now that is two things out of my system.

On Nut taxi queue has got to be the most infuriating place for queue-jumping; at the risk of losing face and appearing lacking in sang-froid, I've hauled people out of the cab for queue-jumping there. From time to time there's a policeman on duty to ensure queue discipline. In the end, I just stopped getting the BTS in peak hours; either I get a cab in town, or stop for something to eat and head home later. Of course, that has its own perils...

Anyway, not a problem now I've moved...


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This is a funny thread where do you all live " Beirut " on my rare visits to my local 7 -11 the people all WA me and bow as l walk in, and one of the staff carry's the basket while l shop, l then point to the items l require, which she puts into the basket, when l'm finish shopping they beckon me to the front of the queue and then carry my things out to my limo.:jap: this only happens when my maid is not available of course.

Perhaps it's that diamond and ruby encrusted crown you wear to the shops sire. :unsure::D I must try it.

What a lazy arseh_le; I would be embarrassed to post that :blink:

Must be taking the p*ss :lol:

No !!! in my dreams it is absolutely true.B) .

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On-Nut Taxi queue is a good one for queue jumping .Happened to me last week after spending about 10 minutes standing in front of the hot coal and gas cooking stoves and the bad smell stalls and then this Arab pushes my TGF in the back and slides straight into the back seat of our taxi just as we where about to get into the next taxi.. When i said something about where did the c**t with the manners of a pig come from it looked like he was going to get out again and belt me until he saw that i could probably pick him up and throw him half way across Suk rd that he decided to go and the taxi just wanted to get out of there too. Just astounded how he could shove my gf out of the way and then not expect to cope some abuse.Maybe it was culturally insenitive of me to compare him with a poor pig but it was in the heat of the moment.

I also find the immigration queues at Swampy also bad for queue jumping but usually from the indians who then think think that it is okay to invite their whole family including uncles and cousins in and then one of them will not have the correct documentation or will start arguing with the immigration officer. I then need to decide wether to go to another queue or stay put. From second in line to fiftteenth and from a pleasent mood to a foul mood in seconds.

Now that is two things out of my system.

On Nut taxi queue has got to be the most infuriating place for queue-jumping; at the risk of losing face and appearing lacking in sang-froid, I've hauled people out of the cab for queue-jumping there. From time to time there's a policeman on duty to ensure queue discipline. In the end, I just stopped getting the BTS in peak hours; either I get a cab in town, or stop for something to eat and head home later. Of course, that has its own perils...

Anyway, not a problem now I've moved...


Yeah I know that feeling, I jumped right out in front of some scum bag jumper as the taxi tried to pull off with him. He slinked the F*&^ out of the taxi like a dog that pissed in the house. But now I just stop at Pra Kanong, the stop before, no lines, I grab a cab there in a min or two and cruise right on by the line of people at On Nut.

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