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Queue Jumping


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The last three times this happened went like this.

<< Cut out >?

3. They pushed into the queue and plonked their stuff down, the cashier served them first, I told them that they had no manners, left my stuff on the counter and walked out.

so in the third instance you essentially bit off your nose to spite your face. well done. i will bet everyone who witnessed your little fit of pique was well impressed. i know i certainly am.

No, I think more a benefit.

By leaving them behind, it proves they were a spontaneous purchase and not really needed, so Walk Away saved the guy money.

It also proved to the shop to ring up the purchase before the guy had a change of mind.


If I have a basketful and someone comes up with one item, I normally offer to let them through.

Zebra / Pelican crossing. I stop at the crossing, and often some bad driver will cut through on the inside.

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Remember this is Thailand and if you upset some thais you pay the price. It happens a lot and I just say nothing and accept it.

No problem, my dignity is worth it. I won't stand for that kind of BS here or anywhere else I have been.

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On-Nut Taxi queue is a good one for queue jumping .Happened to me last week after spending about 10 minutes standing in front of the hot coal and gas cooking stoves and the bad smell stalls and then this Arab pushes my TGF in the back and slides straight into the back seat of our taxi just as we where about to get into the next taxi.. When i said something about where did the c**t with the manners of a pig come from it looked like he was going to get out again and belt me until he saw that i could probably pick him up and throw him half way across Suk rd that he decided to go and the taxi just wanted to get out of there too. Just astounded how he could shove my gf out of the way and then not expect to cope some abuse.Maybe it was culturally insenitive of me to compare him with a poor pig but it was in the heat of the moment.

I also find the immigration queues at Swampy also bad for queue jumping but usually from the indians who then think think that it is okay to invite their whole family including uncles and cousins in and then one of them will not have the correct documentation or will start arguing with the immigration officer. I then need to decide wether to go to another queue or stay put. From second in line to fiftteenth and from a pleasent mood to a foul mood in seconds.

Now that is two things out of my system.

Are you an American? I think Americans should have to pass an exam before receiving a passport.

What a dumb shit statement. What's your education level?

Relax Craig. Some people bash Americans, some Indians, some black people. They are all in the same boat, ignorant bigots. The world will always have them.

No one with a lick of sense pays any attention. Once a person becomes known as a bigot everything he says about his bigoted group becomes suspect. He loses credibility.

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Remember this is Thailand and if you upset some thais you pay the price. It happens a lot and I just say nothing and accept it.

No problem, my dignity is worth it. I won't stand for that kind of BS here or anywhere else I have been.

The only kind of dignity which is genuine is that which is not diminished by the indifference of others.

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On-Nut Taxi queue is a good one for queue jumping .Happened to me last week after spending about 10 minutes standing in front of the hot coal and gas cooking stoves and the bad smell stalls and then this Arab pushes my TGF in the back and slides straight into the back seat of our taxi just as we where about to get into the next taxi.. When i said something about where did the c**t with the manners of a pig come from it looked like he was going to get out again and belt me until he saw that i could probably pick him up and throw him half way across Suk rd that he decided to go and the taxi just wanted to get out of there too. Just astounded how he could shove my gf out of the way and then not expect to cope some abuse.Maybe it was culturally insenitive of me to compare him with a poor pig but it was in the heat of the moment.

I also find the immigration queues at Swampy also bad for queue jumping but usually from the indians who then think think that it is okay to invite their whole family including uncles and cousins in and then one of them will not have the correct documentation or will start arguing with the immigration officer. I then need to decide wether to go to another queue or stay put. From second in line to fiftteenth and from a pleasent mood to a foul mood in seconds.

Now that is two things out of my system.

Are you an American? I think Americans should have to pass an exam before receiving a passport.

What a dumb shit statement. What's your education level?

Relax Craig. Some people bash Americans, some Indians, some black people. They are all in the same boat, ignorant bigots. The world will always have them.

No one with a lick of sense pays any attention. Once a person becomes known as a bigot everything he says about his bigoted group becomes suspect. He loses credibility.

Thanks, man. I don't like bashing of any nationality. I've been all over the world. Most people are generally good folk. For sure there are exceptions, but for the most part, once you get one on one with somebody, they are pretty good. As for Americans, is this person talking about all the Chinese in the US? The Mexicans? The Irish? The Australians? I was out last night with my "American" friends. He was born in France and she was born in Australia. But are now Americans. It's a huge melting pot for sure.

I'll take your advise and go back to playing with my music....

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This is a funny thread where do you all live " Beirut " on my rare visits to my local 7 -11 the people all wai me and bow as l walk in, and one of the staff carry's the basket while l shop, l then point to the items l require, which she puts into the basket, when l'm finish shopping they beckon me to the front of the queue and then carry my things out to my limo.:jap: this only happens when my maid is not available of course.

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I've learned how to cope with Thai's that cut in line front of me.

It's worked in banks, Tesco, 7/11, etc. and it's never failed, yet.

A Thai friend thought me to simply say the following to the offender:

"Khaaw Thot, Krup" ["I'm sorry", said in a soft voice], then say

Phom Ma Gaawn" ["I came first", said in a much louder voice]

The cashier also hears you, and is alerted to your problem and

it's embarrassing to the offender who sometimes apologizes as they step back.

I've yet to learn how to deal with some of the arrogant Russians I've encountered.

[bTW...I'm a farang using a Thai log on name]

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This is a funny thread where do you all live " Beirut " on my rare visits to my local 7 -11 the people all wai me and bow as l walk in, and one of the staff carry's the basket while l shop, l then point to the items l require, which she puts into the basket, when l'm finish shopping they beckon me to the front of the queue and then carry my things out to my limo.:jap: this only happens when my maid is not available of course.

Perhaps it's that diamond and ruby encrusted crown you wear to the shops sire. :unsure::D I must try it.

You mean this one yeah it looks good on top of my flat cap.:jap:


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I've learned how to cope with Thai's that cut in line front of me.

It's worked in banks, Tesco, 7/11, etc. and it's never failed, yet.

A Thai friend thought me to simply say the following to the offender:

"Khaaw Thot, Krup" ["I'm sorry", said in a soft voice], then say

Phom Ma Gaawn" ["I came first", said in a much louder voice]

The cashier also hears you, and is alerted to your problem and

it's embarrassing to the offender who sometimes apologizes as they step back.

I've yet to learn how to deal with some of the arrogant Russians I've encountered.

[bTW...I'm a farang using a Thai log on name]

I find they understand "Oi", quite well.

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For the past three years I didn't wait in line much. I guess I am out of the queue loop. GF always went to the cashier. I got better things to do than wait in line. But since GF is gone yesterday I went into the 7/11 to buy a pack of cigarettes and some coke and raisin bread. I was at the register when a Thai businessman rushed in to buy a cell phone top up card. He put his money on top of the register and started talking to the cashier like I was not there. She told him I was first. I told her it's OK I have time. My pen lai, me way la. She took care of the guy and apologized to me. I said, no problem. My me bun ha. Today I went back to buy another pack of cigarettes because I must have misplaced the pack I bought yesterday.

As I was waiting in line a cashier came over and opened up another register and called me over, all smiles. She had the pack of cigs I thought I misplaced in a small bag. I had forgotten to pick up both bags yesterday thinking she had put everything in one bag. We chatted for a minute. Seems like a nice girl. Around 25 years of age. Not beautiful but cute. I gave her my cell phone and asked her to enter her number. All smiles, she did. The other cashiers giggled.

My all time favorite queue story happened when I was flying home after my last tour of duty in Vietnam. If you wore your uniform you could fly free but on stand by. I was tired from standing in line for 8 hours processing out of the Army and in no mood for foolishness. I presented my orders to the ticket agent who gave me a stand by pass and I went to the boarding area. There were three of us waiting in line. A captain, a colonel and me. The flight attendant boarded the aircraft with all of the paying passengers and waited a few minutes for late comers and then called the colonel. He boarded. Then she called the captain. He boarded. I was steamed. I had had it with rank. I had really had it with rank.

I stomped up to the desk and she smiled and said, "relax sarge, I only had one first class standby. The colonel and captain are flying coach. Enjoy your flight and the drinks are free."

you do have a flair for fiction.

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Once in Carrefour Klong Toei a farang just barged in front of me in the cashier's lane with his cart. I tried to push his cart away with mine but he just kept fighting me off.

I couldn't go on with this tussle as we moved closer to the till but then I started mocking aloud non-stop the guy's physical appearance (indeed, he was an ugly fellow) until he had paid for his goods.

He made a show of wanting to wait for me on the parking lot but he was no match and he left.

My revenge was childish and rude but that's all I had !!

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Thais usually give up after you throw their shit on the ground or use your deep voice

But then again it rarely happens to me as when im shopping in thailand, i am so annoyed that i have my angry eyes out the whole time.

:lol: I spat my coffee out reading that one. just like me mate.

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For the past three years I didn't wait in line much. I guess I am out of the queue loop. GF always went to the cashier. I got better things to do than wait in line. But since GF is gone yesterday I went into the 7/11 to buy a pack of cigarettes and some coke and raisin bread. I was at the register when a Thai businessman rushed in to buy a cell phone top up card. He put his money on top of the register and started talking to the cashier like I was not there. She told him I was first. I told her it's OK I have time. My pen lai, me way la. She took care of the guy and apologized to me. I said, no problem. My me bun ha. Today I went back to buy another pack of cigarettes because I must have misplaced the pack I bought yesterday.

As I was waiting in line a cashier came over and opened up another register and called me over, all smiles. She had the pack of cigs I thought I misplaced in a small bag. I had forgotten to pick up both bags yesterday thinking she had put everything in one bag. We chatted for a minute. Seems like a nice girl. Around 25 years of age. Not beautiful but cute. I gave her my cell phone and asked her to enter her number. All smiles, she did. The other cashiers giggled.

My all time favorite queue story happened when I was flying home after my last tour of duty in Vietnam. If you wore your uniform you could fly free but on stand by. I was tired from standing in line for 8 hours processing out of the Army and in no mood for foolishness. I presented my orders to the ticket agent who gave me a stand by pass and I went to the boarding area. There were three of us waiting in line. A captain, a colonel and me. The flight attendant boarded the aircraft with all of the paying passengers and waited a few minutes for late comers and then called the colonel. He boarded. Then she called the captain. He boarded. I was steamed. I had had it with rank. I had really had it with rank.

I stomped up to the desk and she smiled and said, "relax sarge, I only had one first class standby. The colonel and captain are flying coach. Enjoy your flight and the drinks are free."

you do have a flair for fiction.

I would insult you back but I don't know you well enough. You have only started two rather lame topics and have been around TV for less than a year.

Until you establish some kind of intellectual credibility please don't expect me to flame you back.

Good luck in your endeavors to bait people. Some people are less discriminatory than myself in responding to flames and I am sure you will find a playmate.

Although all things being equal it is easier to flame and bait people than contribute something meaningful to a topic and this does not really add to your intellectual reputation here on TV.

Try calling me a liar again in a couple of years after we get to know each other better and I may respond. Again good luck.

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For the past three years I didn't wait in line much. I guess I am out of the queue loop. GF always went to the cashier. I got better things to do than wait in line. But since GF is gone yesterday I went into the 7/11 to buy a pack of cigarettes and some coke and raisin bread. I was at the register when a Thai businessman rushed in to buy a cell phone top up card. He put his money on top of the register and started talking to the cashier like I was not there. She told him I was first. I told her it's OK I have time. My pen lai, me way la. She took care of the guy and apologized to me. I said, no problem. My me bun ha. Today I went back to buy another pack of cigarettes because I must have misplaced the pack I bought yesterday.

As I was waiting in line a cashier came over and opened up another register and called me over, all smiles. She had the pack of cigs I thought I misplaced in a small bag. I had forgotten to pick up both bags yesterday thinking she had put everything in one bag. We chatted for a minute. Seems like a nice girl. Around 25 years of age. Not beautiful but cute. I gave her my cell phone and asked her to enter her number. All smiles, she did. The other cashiers giggled.

My all time favorite queue story happened when I was flying home after my last tour of duty in Vietnam. If you wore your uniform you could fly free but on stand by. I was tired from standing in line for 8 hours processing out of the Army and in no mood for foolishness. I presented my orders to the ticket agent who gave me a stand by pass and I went to the boarding area. There were three of us waiting in line. A captain, a colonel and me. The flight attendant boarded the aircraft with all of the paying passengers and waited a few minutes for late comers and then called the colonel. He boarded. Then she called the captain. He boarded. I was steamed. I had had it with rank. I had really had it with rank.

I stomped up to the desk and she smiled and said, "relax sarge, I only had one first class standby. The colonel and captain are flying coach. Enjoy your flight and the drinks are free."

you do have a flair for fiction.

I would insult you back but I don't know you well enough. You have only started two rather lame topics and have been around TV for less than a year.

Until you establish some kind of intellectual credibility please don't expect me to flame you back.

Good luck in your endeavors to bait people. Some people are less discriminatory than myself in responding to flames and I am sure you will find a playmate.

Although all things being equal it is easier to flame and bait people than contribute something meaningful to a topic and this does not really add to your intellectual reputation here on TV.

Try calling me a liar again in a couple of years after we get to know each other better and I may respond. Again good luck.

where are the greenies? well said.

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Lining up for a Mc Ice Cream in MBK, one young guy taking ages to get his order across, another middle aged Thai guy in front of me, suddenly 3 Russian model types plunk themselves at the counter and start their order......... I politely said they were to join the line, they flicked their golden locks and just kept on with the order. Could have done the Mai Bpen Rai, but it was not their day, cashier fortunately caught up on what was going on and served everyone in the line before them, including a few that had joined after them.... so its not a Thai thing and its not a Thai service thing.


I would have slipped a B20 tip to the counter person and thrown in a wai to top it off with

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This is why I don't shop at Tesco Lotus. I always try & get 10 items or less & pay cash.

But their stupid express check out aisles are like a rugby scrum.

98% of the little pri@ks will try & cut in front even though there is an orderly queue.

Rather than get stressed I shop at Carrefour.

The Thais are pretty tolerant of this nionsense. I'm not..

Tesco down here is typical of that tolerance; 10 items or less aisle, people unloading full shopping carts onto the belt.

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Physically move them out of the way without making eye contact & then carrying on with paying for my what ever it is as normal..

I have done it numerous times before.

They know what they're doing, they'll try to smile it off as if it's funny or some kind of joke, they always will/do..

But social rudeness & things like this are part fo the norm in Asia, a place where basic manners, or what we believe them to be, & truly lacking..

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On-Nut Taxi queue is a good one for queue jumping .Happened to me last week after spending about 10 minutes standing in front of the hot coal and gas cooking stoves and the bad smell stalls and then this Arab pushes my TGF in the back and slides straight into the back seat of our taxi just as we where about to get into the next taxi.. When i said something about where did the c**t with the manners of a pig come from it looked like he was going to get out again and belt me until he saw that i could probably pick him up and throw him half way across Suk rd that he decided to go and the taxi just wanted to get out of there too. Just astounded how he could shove my gf out of the way and then not expect to cope some abuse.Maybe it was culturally insenitive of me to compare him with a poor pig but it was in the heat of the moment.

I also find the immigration queues at Swampy also bad for queue jumping but usually from the indians who then think think that it is okay to invite their whole family including uncles and cousins in and then one of them will not have the correct documentation or will start arguing with the immigration officer. I then need to decide wether to go to another queue or stay put. From second in line to fiftteenth and from a pleasent mood to a foul mood in seconds.

Now that is two things out of my system.

Are you an American? I think Americans should have to pass an exam before receiving a passport.

What a dumb shit statement. What's your education level?

I bet B5 its less than that.

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The Thais that I have spoken to hate queue jumpers and would love to rant at them in public. Therefore, this encourages me to treat QJs with complete contempt, punctuating my verbal barrages with "ape", "monkey" etc

I have been told the same by my Thai friends. They tell me that Thais can't say anything to other Thais because the other Thai would react and cause a problem. However, a foreigner can say something becuse the Thai does not want a confrontation with a foreigner.

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Remember this is Thailand and if you upset some thais you pay the price. It happens a lot and I just say nothing and accept it.

No problem, my dignity is worth it. I won't stand for that kind of BS here or anywhere else I have been.

The only kind of dignity which is genuine is that which is not diminished by the indifference of others.

I agree wholeheartedly.

However there is a difference between indifference and out right disrespect. One must occasionally defend themselves, hard to have dignity when you let the world treat you as it's door mat because you lack the courage to stand up for yourself.

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so in the third instance you essentially bit off your nose to spite your face. well done. i will bet everyone who witnessed your little fit of pique was well impressed. i know i certainly am.

Why exactly? It's not like you're limited by places to shop in Thailand. Seems to me to be the most reasonable thing to do. These things are only a problem because everyone lets everyone else get away with it. Thai people are nothing but a load of push overs that let bullies get away with anything because of your kind of attitude.

With that said sometimes I often put things down on the counter even if I am not first simply because they're too heavy so I suggest people don't act too quick before assuming someone is trying to cut in line.

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The Thais that I have spoken to hate queue jumpers and would love to rant at them in public. Therefore, this encourages me to treat QJs with complete contempt, punctuating my verbal barrages with "ape", "monkey" etc

I have been told the same by my Thai friends. They tell me that Thais can't say anything to other Thais because the other Thai would react and cause a problem. However, a foreigner can say something becuse the Thai does not want a confrontation with a foreigner.

why, do they think we are all like this...? :unsure:


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Anyone experienced the calamity that is an Indian bus station?

If you queue up there, you are the only one. I have seen small children being shoved up through windows in order to occupy seats.

I ride a motorbike everyday, I jump every queue at every opportunity. :)

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