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David Cameron Urged To Cancel Christmas Holiday In Thailand To Avoid Sending 'Wrong Message' On Human Rights Abuses


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David Cameron was urged yesterday to cancel his planned family Christmas holiday in Thailand because he would be seen to be supporting the country's human rights abuses.

Downing Street has confirmed the Prime Minister will be spending the Christmas break in the South East Asian country and while it is a destination for tens of thousands of Britons each year Mr Cameron's decision is said to be sending 'the wrong message'.

Thailand's United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship - better known as the Red Shirts - is hoping that human rights groups in Britain will support the abuse claims it submitted last month to the International Criminal Court.

article-1328293-099AC597000005DC-350_468x286.jpg 'Human rights abuses': Red Shirt protesters were fired upon by government troops during clashes in Bangkok in May, and David Cameron has been asked not to holiday in Thailand so as not to support such action

The protest group said that during violent clashes with government troops earlier this year at least 90 demonstrations were killed and more than 100 injured after the government ordered the soldiers to end the protests one way or another.

'Anyone who shows support for this current government is showing support for the way they brutalised the protesters,' said a spokesman for the United Front.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1328293/Cameron-urged-cancel-Thailand-holiday-avoid-human-rights-abuse-message.html#ixzz14sBDlSl0

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Bloody Daily Mail again Boater.

Considering this comes from the red shirts it carries absolutely no weight whatsoever.

The Thai record and performance on human rights is terrible.

Despite the fact that the comment comes from your beloved red shirts it is still a fair comment.

Why should a British Prime Minister be seen to tacitly endorse wrongdoing in Thailand ?

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And what's wrong with the red shirts may I ask?

I think the British public should be shielded from this sort of depravity and the wicked ways of the Thai people.

Or in other words, who gives a rats behind about this stupid news article.


Edited by Beetlejuice
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And what's wrong with the red shirts may I ask?

I think the British public should be shielded from this sort of depravity and the wicked ways of the Thai people.

Or in other words, who gives a rats behind about this stupid news article.

U like red shirts? i like red shirts

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If he does come to Thailand hopefully any Brits who happen to meet up with him will mention their concerns on pensions and residence and also the frozen pension saga.

Why don't you English pensioners do what the students are doing in London today, If Cameron comes Give him a right royal welcome and make your concerns known to him?

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Bloody Daily Mail again Boater.

Considering this comes from the red shirts it carries absolutely no weight whatsoever.

The Thai record and performance on human rights is terrible.

Despite the fact that the comment comes from your beloved red shirts it is still a fair comment.

Why should a British Prime Minister be seen to tacitly endorse wrongdoing in Thailand ?

Some have no sense of humour, do they?

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If he does come to Thailand hopefully any Brits who happen to meet up with him will mention their concerns on pensions and residence and also the frozen pension saga.

Why don't you English pensioners do what the students are doing in London today, If Cameron comes Give him a right royal welcome and make your concerns known to him?

Yes I passed dozens of them with placards heading down Tottenham Court Road this lunchtime.....not interested in Cameron....more likely appealing to the Deputy PM. ;)

Government of growing uncertainty this would be if the Lib Dems weren't so much enjoying the trappings......

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Al Qaeda urges David Cameron not to visit the US

A spokesperson for the popular Middle Eastern group, Al Qaeda, has urged the UK prime minister to cancel all further trips to the US. The protest group said that in clashes with the US government, back in September 2001, thousands of people were killed. "This was a terrible day for us, as many of our members and innocent people were killed due to the inaction of the US government. We urge Mr Cameron not to show support for this brutal regime", the spokesman said in a statement to the Daily malignancy. When informed that the US government had changed since then he replied "that doesn't matter. The current government also refuses reconciliation. All we are asking is that our leader be absolved of all crimes, be allowed to freely enter the US, and have all the property and money that was confiscated by the inhumane US regime returned to him. With interest. And all our expenses paid for." Mr Cameron was unavailable for comment, but a spokesperson for him stated "Mr Cameron will look closely at the matter. While this does seem to be a more reasonable request than a similar one made recently by a small group of Thai citizens , it will have to be seriously considered before any decision is made".

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Al Qaeda urges David Cameron not to visit the US

A spokesperson for the popular Middle Eastern group, Al Qaeda, has urged the UK prime minister to cancel all further trips to the US. The protest group said that in clashes with the US government, back in September 2001, thousands of people were killed. "This was a terrible day for us, as many of our members and innocent people were killed due to the inaction of the US government. We urge Mr Cameron not to show support for this brutal regime", the spokesman said in a statement to the Daily malignancy. When informed that the US government had changed since then he replied "that doesn't matter. The current government also refuses reconciliation. All we are asking is that our leader be absolved of all crimes, be allowed to freely enter the US, and have all the property and money that was confiscated by the inhumane US regime returned to him. With interest. And all our expenses paid for." Mr Cameron was unavailable for comment, but a spokesperson for him stated "Mr Cameron will look closely at the matter. While this does seem to be a more reasonable request than a similar one made recently by a small group of Thai citizens , it will have to be seriously considered before any decision is made".



Mr Cameron should holiday in Lebanon or Dubai and catch up with the UDD's Leader. They can chat about the 2500 extra-judicial executions he was responsible for before he was (mercifully) 'dethroned'.*

I'm sure that will do wonders for the British PM's 'message'.

*requirement for single apostrophes debatable. Heil King Taksin, the Human Rights Abuser.

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Bloody Daily Mail again Boater.

Considering this comes from the red shirts it carries absolutely no weight whatsoever.

Bloody Daily Mail again Boater.

i was going to post the Daily Sports Headline

' David Cameron to get down and dirty in Soi Cowboy '

but i couldnt bring myself to post it

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Will any of you folks be inviting the PM around for tea?

What do you suppose Davey will do here?

Golf? A ladyboy show in Paradise complex? Go Karting? A visit to the Taipan disco? A stroll down vomit Bangla Road?

Some of that over priced fine dining in Patong? Or maybe just KFC?

I hope he doesn't buy any counterfeit stuff. Otherwise the Daily Mail will get him.

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I think as someone in his position, he should stay home and promote local tourism.

He has been elected to defend the interest of the UK, not to promote some oversea resorts, right ?

It just shows how selfish politician have become ....

Christmas on the beach in Torquay, fantastic.

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Earlier quote frm Kropotkin:

"Why does he not take a holiday in Torkay???

Good hotel there, and no rifraf that block airports or burn shopping centers.

Wink wink nodge nodge. "

I think as someone in his position, he should stay home and promote local tourism.

He has been elected to defend the interest of the UK, not to promote some oversea resorts, right ?

It just shows how selfish politician have become ....

Christmas on the beach in Torquay, fantastic.

I thought 'Torkay' meant Turkey!

Imagine the disapppointment if he'd been a travel agent...


ps Sorry Smokie, still don't know how to multi-quote - I'll probably need to end up reading the instructions...

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Don't bother SC better to wait for some board <sic> member to put it in layman's terms rather than mod speak.

Its becoming increasingly apparent in the UK when there's an unpalatable announcement to be made Cameron is always off on a jolly somewhere leaving his deputy to take the flack.

Its OK though cos Clegg gets to invite his mates along to Chequers for a game of croquet.....when will someone whisper in his ear I wonder?

Edited by smokie36
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Baring in mind he has just made a visit to "China" of all places does it matter? Politicians are happy to sweep any human right abuses under the carpet rather than let, for example, the murder of 3000 students, get in the way of a bit of trade.

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Baring in mind he has just made a visit to "China" of all places does it matter? Politicians are happy to sweep any human right abuses under the carpet rather than let, for example, the murder of 3000 students, get in the way of a bit of trade.

There are too many students anyway. If we reopened the coal mines might help solve the problem. ;)

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Baring in mind he has just made a visit to "China" of all places does it matter? Politicians are happy to sweep any human right abuses under the carpet rather than let, for example, the murder of 3000 students, get in the way of a bit of trade.

There are too many students anyway. If we reopened the coal mines might help solve the problem. ;)

Self deleted.

Edited by roamer
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I think as someone in his position, he should stay home and promote local tourism.

He has been elected to defend the interest of the UK, not to promote some oversea resorts, right ?

It just shows how selfish politician have become ....

Christmas on the beach in Torquay, fantastic.

I'll get him some suntan-lotion and Mozzie-repellent

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Earlier quote frm Kropotkin:

"Why does he not take a holiday in Torkay???

Good hotel there, and no rifraf that block airports or burn shopping centers.

Wink wink nodge nodge. "

I think as someone in his position, he should stay home and promote local tourism.

He has been elected to defend the interest of the UK, not to promote some oversea resorts, right ?

It just shows how selfish politician have become ....

Christmas on the beach in Torquay, fantastic.

I thought 'Torkay' meant Turkey!

Imagine the disapppointment if he'd been a travel agent...


ps Sorry Smokie, still don't know how to multi-quote - I'll probably need to end up reading the instructions...


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